The font BENS ALIENS, masterfully created by SpideRaY, stands as a striking testament to the fascinating world of typography that straddles the realms of fantasy and functionality. This typeface draws its inspiration from the rich visual aesthetic of science fiction, particularly echoing themes and elements found in narratives about extraterrestrial encounters and intergalactic adventures. The design is a bold reflection of the imaginative stories that fuel a wide array of media, from comic books to animated series that delve into the exciting unknown.
BENS ALIENS is characterized by its distinctive style, which incorporates futuristic lines and shapes, giving it a dynamic and somewhat otherworldly appearance. The letters are designed with a keen eye for detail, ensuring that each character not only stands out on its own but also contributes to the overall cohesion of the font. This precise balance between singularity and unity in design speaks volumes of SpideRaY's skillful approach to font creation. The typeface exhibits a playful yet slightly edgy demeanor, making it perfectly suited for projects that aim to evoke a sense of wonder and adventure.
Applying BENS ALIENS to a project instantly imbues it with a sense of excitement and creativity, making it an excellent choice for designers looking to capture the essence of sci-fi or fantasy themes. Whether it's used in the titles of comic books, the interface of a video game, or promotional materials for a science fiction movie, this font has the capability to transport viewers to a realm of extraordinary possibilities. The careful craftsmanship behind BENS ALIENS by SpideRaY not only showcases a high level of artistic proficiency but also an understanding of the power of typography to shape narratives and build worlds within the viewer's imagination.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ R [ \ ] ^ _ ` a c d f g j k m r s u w x { | } ~ ¢ £ © ® ¼ ½ ¾ ˜ – — ‘ ’ “ ” • … € ™
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Personal use only
64 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2011 by SpideRaY. All rights reserved.. SpideRaY: BENS ALIENS: 2011. BENS ALIENS. Version 1.006. BENSALIENS. BENS ALIENS is a trademark of SpideRaY.. SpideRaY. Copyright (c) 2010 by SpideRaY. All rights reserved.. This font is classed as Donationware all proceeds will go directly to the NSPCC Registered Charity No. 216401, please give whatever you can to also check the charity commision website
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