The "Little Miss" font, a creation by SpideRaY, carries a distinctive charm that sets it apart in the vast sea of typography. This font is inspired by the whimsical world of children's literature and is imbued with a playful, light-hearted aura that makes it irresistibly appealing. At first glance, "Little Miss" presents itself with rounded edges and soft curves, reminiscent of the carefree doodles of a child's imagination. Its design is purposefully simplistic yet full of warmth, making it an excellent choice for projects aimed at a younger audience or for any work that wishes to convey innocence, joy, and wonder.
The character set of "Little Miss" includes letters that appear slightly irregular, which adds to its handmade, bespoke feel. This irregularity is not overwhelming; rather, it adds a human touch that digital fonts often lack, bridging the gap between the precision of digital design and the organic imperfection found in natural handwriting. The font manages to balance readability with its unique personality, ensuring that it remains functional for various applications while still providing that special spark.
"Little Miss" is not just a font but a storyteller, inviting designers and viewers alike into a narrative that is both comforting and exciting. It is particularly suited for children's book covers, playful branding, party invitations, or any creative project that seeks to touch the heart with a sense of nostalgia and happiness. The charm of "Little Miss" by SpideRaY lies not only in its appearance but in its ability to evoke memories of childhood curiosity and the joy of discovering the world through eyes filled with wonder.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ¢ £ © ® ¼ ½ ¾ ˜ – — ‘ ’ “ ” • … € ™

This font is classed as Donationware all proceeds will go directly to the CLIC SARGENT Cancer Care for Children Registered Charity No. 1107328 , please give whatever you can to also check the charity commission website

Latest version 1.5 now includes the 34 main book characters, 4 special, 3 other and the 9 French Little Miss Characters (16 more glyphs)

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Little Miss

Personal use only
102 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2011 by SpideRaY. All rights reserved.. SpideRaY: Little Miss Medium: 2011. Little Miss Medium. Version 1.006. LittleMiss-Medium. Little Miss Medium is a trademark of SpideRaY.. SpideRaY. Copyright (c) 2010 by SpideRaY. All rights reserved.. This font is classed as Donationware all proceeds will go directly to the CLIC SARGENT Cancer Care for Children Registered Charity No. 1107328 , please give whatever you can to also check the charity commission website
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