244 search results (0.043 seconds)
  1. Tipo Movin CDMX by Ixipcalli, $-
    La versión propuesta por la SEMOVI (Secretaria de Movilidad) es un estilo más angosto y ortográfico, creadó con la finalidad de aligerar las aplicaciones tipográficas del sistema. Se emplea oficialmente en todas las aplicaciones del sistema de Movilidad Integrada de la Ciudad de México. El creador de la tipografía es Lance Wyman. En esta edición, los tipos minúsculas son una adaptación “no oficial” para el Tipo Movin CDMX, enriqueciendo la tipografía a un estilo visual de altas y bajas, por lo que se prescinde del diseño base como trabajo propio para enfatizar los tipos minúsculas exclusivamente, además de que se han añadido algunos caracteres de acentuación extendiendo su uso a otros lenguajes. Los tipos son una nueva propuesta por Ixipcalli en el presente año 2023. The version proposed by SEMOVI (Secretary of Mobility) is a narrower and more orthographic style, created with the purpose of lightening the typographic applications of the system. It is officially used in all the applications of the Integrated Mobility system of Mexico City. The creator of the typeface is Lance Wyman. In this edition, the lowercase types are an “unofficial” adaptation for the Tipo Movin CDMX, enriching the typography to a visual style of highs and lows, so the base design is dispensed with as my own work to emphasize the lowercase types exclusively, In addition, some accentuation characters have been added, extending their use to other languages. The types are a new proposal by Ixipcalli in the current year 2023.
  2. Home Education by Hanoded, $15.00
    Just before the end of 2020 all schools in Holland closed for the second time, because of an increase in the number of COVID 19 cases. This means that my wife and I have to educate our three kids at home. The kids are great and take their tasks seriously, but it is difficult, as all three of them require different educational levels. I am sure you parents understand. Trying to get some work done is virtually impossible, so my wife and I made a schedule and we live by ‘on duty’ and ‘off duty’ days. I was thinking of this when I created this font (obviously on an ‘off duty’ day). Home Education is a handwritten scribble font. It was made with a Sharpie pen (possibly used by one of my kids, because I noticed tiny ink stains on my wooden dining table…). It comes with all the diacritics you can hope for and lovely double letter ligatures for you to play with.
  3. Advertisers Gothic by HiH, $12.00
    Advertisers Gothic is bold and brash, like the city it comes from, Chicago. It was designed by the accomplished German-American matrix engraver, Robert Wiebking, for the Western Type Foundry in 1917. As its name suggests, it was designed for commercial headliner work, much as Publicity Gothic by Sidney Gaunt for BB&S the year before. See our Publicity Headline. Alternate letters ‘A’ & ‘S’ are provided. The most popular ad words “Free!”, “New!” and “Sale” (with both esses) are provided at an angle for dramatic tension. Advertisers Gothic became quite popular because it was effective. It can work equally well for a flyer advertising a non-profit event as for a magazine product ad. This font refuses to be a wimp. Use it boldly. Advertisers Gothic ML represents a major extension of the original release, with the following changes: 1. A total of 335 glyphs (compare) with added glyphs for the 1250 Central Europe, the 1252 Turkish and the 1257 Baltic Code Pages. 2. Added OpenType GSUB layout features: pnum, ornm, liga, hist & salt ˜ with total 13 lookups. 3. Added 209 kerning pairs. 4. Revised vertical metrics for improved cross-platform line spacing. 5. The most popular ad words “Free!”, “New!” and “Sale” (with both esses) are provided at an angle for dramatic tension The zip package includes two versions of the font at no extra charge. There is an OTF version which is in Open PS (Post Script Type 1) format and a TTF version which is in Open TT (True Type)format. Use whichever works best for your applications.
  4. Tipo Metro CDMX by Ixipcalli, $-
    La tipografía “Tipo Metro CDMX” fue desarrollada por Lance Wyman como parte del proyecto “Metro” desde los años setenta, y es uno de los elementos clave de la cultura visual del transporte del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro (STC Metro). Este estilo se ha convertido en el icónico fundamental del trasporte público para los residentes de la Ciudad de México. En esta edición, los tipos minúsculas son una adaptación “no oficial” para el Tipo Metro CDMX, enriqueciendo la tipografía a un estilo visual de altas y bajas, por lo que se prescinde del diseño base como trabajo propio para enfatizar los tipos minúsculas exclusivamente, además de que se han añadido algunos caracteres de acentuación extendiendo su uso a otros lenguajes. Los tipos son una nueva propuesta por Ixipcalli en el presente año 2023. The “Tipo Metro CDMX” typeface was developed by Lance Wyman as part of the “Metro” project since the 1970s, and is one of the key elements of the visual culture of transportation of the Metro Collective Transportation System (STC Metro). This style has become the iconic fundamental of public transportation for the residents of Mexico City. In this edition, the lowercase types are an “unofficial” adaptation for the Tipo Metro CDMX, enriching the typography with a visual style of highs and lows, so the base design is dispensed with as my own work to emphasize the lowercase types exclusively, In addition, some accentuation characters have been added, extending their use to other languages. The types are a new proposal by Ixipcalli in the current year 2023.
  5. Factum by Fontop, $14.00
    Factum is a classical style serif typeface that sets the mood and evokes emoti­­­­­­ons before you read the text. Interchanging thick and thin lines, especially in Medium and Bold styles, creates an elegant silhouette and a rhythm in title sheet, cover art or poster. Yet Light and Regular styles look great in large type as well as headlines. Another speciality of the font family is Stencil styles that help you play around your typography and logotypes. Rich heritage and cultural experience behind the classical design make Factum font perfect for texts and messages connected to glamour, fashion, arts, literature, architecture, science, education, travelling, fine dining, cosmetics, beauty and etc. Timeless pattern and variety of weights and styles will make you use the font family again and again in different projects: creating logo, articles in magazines, branding, wedding invitations, quotes, posters, advertisements, monograms and many more. Character set of each font includes all European Latin-based glyphs, numbers, punctuation and OpenType features like standard ligatures, discretionary ligatures and fractions.
  6. Oh, "Heartfont," the name alone conjures images of love letters penned in the wee hours, secret admirers typing away on their vintage typewriters, and the digital equivalent of a heart-shaped box of ...
  7. Hamburger Heaven NF Pro by CheapProFonts, $10.00
    A stylish retro script where I have completely redone the spacing to make the text look more even. All of the diacritics have been redone, too - and the character set expanded in our usual fashion. So now this little gem from Nick Curtis is ready for the big time! Nick Curtis says: “This font is basically a design exercise, influenced by a number of contemporary fonts, but unique in its own way. The gentle, fluid motion reminded me of diner lettering from the 30s and 40s, hence the name.” ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support: They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. They also contain all glyphs in the Latin Extended-A Unicode block (which among others cover the Central European and Baltic areas) supporting: Afrikaans, Belarusian (Lacinka), Bosnian, Catalan, Chichewa, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Maori, Polish, Saami (Inari), Saami (North), Serbian (latin), Slovak(ian), Slovene, Sorbian (Lower), Sorbian (Upper), Turkish and Turkmen. And they of course contain all the usual “western” glyphs supporting: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galican, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami (Lule), Sami (South), Scots (Gaelic), Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Walloon and Yapese.
  8. Featured Item, brought to life by the creative minds at Font Diner, carries an unmistakable charm that harkens back to the golden era of mid-20th century American advertising. Picture a lively diner ...
  9. Ah, the Drive-Thru font by Nick Curtis, what a treat! Picture yourself cruising down a neon-lit avenue in the heart of the 1950s, rock 'n' roll blaring on the radio, and a sense of carefree adventure...
  10. Leifa by Identity Letters, $39.00
    A flare-serif socialite. Elegant and affable at once. Leifa is a flare-serif typeface that strikes a balance between elegant and affable. It’s pleasant to read in text sizes yet takes center stage in headlines and display applications. With its higher-than-usual contrast, Leifa might evoke Didone typefaces at first. However, it differs from strictly Didone designs in the details: flattened serifs and deeply incised, tapered spurs provide an organic effect. These humanist elements are restrained and almost inconspicuous in body copy. It’s in display sizes that they realize their full potential. Set your message in Leifa, set it large, and it will get noticed. A true socialite, Leifa is a most welcome guest on any party. With its dual character and a range of weights that allow for fine-tuning the desired visual voice, it’s a brilliant choice for branding and editorial design. Its good-natured yet sophisticated character makes Leifa the perfect typeface for fashion, sports, lifestyle, social media, food and cooking, health, beauty, architecture, interior design, art, literature, theater, and travel. (And any other topic that you’d love to talk about at a dinner in good company.) The entire font family consists of eight weights. Each comes with an italic counterpart, totaling 16 styles. Leifa’s italics are oblique, optically corrected versions of the upright styles. Each style comprises a character set of 883 glyphs that includes small caps, a set of ligatures, tabular and old-style figures, case-sensitive forms, fractions, symbols, and many other features. Four stylistic sets allow you to adjust the appearance of the Leifa fonts: a single-story a (SS01), a simple f (SS02), a triple-story g (SS03), and thin punctuation marks (SS04) are at your disposal. If you’re looking for a typeface with some debonair spirit, look no further than Leifa.
  11. Speech Bubbles by Harald Geisler, $68.00
    The font Speech Bubbles offers a convenient way to integrate text and image. While the font can be used to design comics, it also gives the typographer a tool to make text speak – to give words conversational dynamics and to emphasize visually the sound of the message. The font includes a total of seventy outlines and seventy bubble backgrounds selected from a survey of historic forms. What follows is a discussion of my process researching and developing the font, as well as a few user suggestions. My work on the Speech Bubbles font began with historic research. My first resource was a close friend who is a successful German comic artist. I had previously worked with him to transform his lettering art into an OpenType font. This allowed his publishing house to easily translate cartoons from German to other languages without the need to use another font, like Helvetica rounded. My friend showed me the most exciting, outstanding and graphically appealing speech bubbles from his library. I looked at early strips from Schulz (Peanuts), Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobes), Hergé (TinTin), Franquin, as well as Walt Disney. The most inspiring was the early Krazy Kat and Ignatz (around 1915) from George Herriman. I also studied 1980’s classics Dave Gibbon’s Watchmen, Frank Miller’s Ronin and Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s V for Vandetta. Contemporary work was also a part of my research—like Liniers from Macanudo and work of Ralf König. With this overview in mind I began to work from scratch. I tried to distill the typical essence of each author’s or era’s speech bubbles style into my font. In the end I limited my work down to the seventy strongest images. An important aspect of the design process was examining each artist’s speech bubble outlines. In some cases they are carefully inked, as in most of the 80’s work. In others, such as with Herriman, they are fast drawn with a rough impetus. The form can be dynamic and round (Schultz) with a variable stroke width, or straight inked with no form contrast (Hergé). Since most outlines also carry the character of the tool that they are made with, I chose to separate the outline from the speech bubble fill-in or background. 
This technical decision offers interesting creative possibilities. For example, the font user can apply a slight offset from fill-in to outline, as it is typical to early comic strips, in which there are often print misalignments. Also, rather than work in the classic white background with black outline, one can work with colors. Many tonal outcomes are possible by contrasting the fill-in and outline color. The Speech Bubbles font offers a dynamic and quick way to flavor information while conveying a message. How is something said? Loudly? With a tint of shyness? Does a rather small message take up a lot of space? The font’s extensive survey of historic comic designs in an assembly that is useful for both pure comic purposes or more complex typographic projects. Use Speech Bubbles to give your message the right impact in your poster, ad or composition.
  12. Fab by Canada Type, $24.95
    It's 1984 and everything has sideburns. Shoulder-padded "dress for success" is in, with power suits for women, black and white layers for men, neon brights for the youngsters. Maggie's "enemy within" and "no society" speeches preface the arrival of shopping malls and corporate status symbols. The economy is a philosophy and accountants carry ambiguous but very sophisticated-sounding titles. Thousands of words and expressions are reduced to initials or monosyllabic sounds. Synthesizers are very refined and the music is very catchy. The Macintosh and MTV are making waves. Brands are lifestyles. "Yuppy," Yummy," "Bobo," "Dinky" and "Woopie" are standard consumer categories in advertising lingo. The Volkswagen identity, only 5 years old now, is all the rage in design. VAG Rundschrift, by all appearances a rounded and slightly condensed Futura, is everywhere. Tube design is king. Fast forward two dozen years. Replay, but bigger and much louder. Fab. Let's dance. Fab is Canada Type's tribute to the Eighties. It's a five-font unicase family that brings tube design into the 21st century. The main font is an all-in-one treatment of the shiny roundness that the 1980s were. Fab White is a tightly packed thick outline font that conveys luscious contentedness like nothing else. The Fab Trio package is very useful for layered and colorful design, with the Black style serving as a backdrop, the Bold style as the front forms, and the Fill style for inlining. Fab comes in all popular formats and contains support for Western, Central and Eastern European languages, as well as Baltic, Esperanto, Maltese, Turkish and Celtic/Welsh languages.
  13. Cori by HiH, $8.00
    You wrote on your school notebooks, didn't you. Of course, just about everyone did. And those that didn't are probably in therapy trying to overcome the repression and guilt. Balloon letters are fun, easy to draw and have a light-hearted presence. With little autonomy, what young person can resist the opportunity to make a public, personal statement on their notebook. Guess what! Adults do it too - with our cars, our houses, our toys, our accessories and so on. And how "grown-up" are we really? Anyway, my niece, Cori, made this nice, colorful, hand-drawn birthday card. It was so vibrant and fun - in warm circus colors - that I could not resist making it into a font. Use it for positive, fun stuff, stuff with a light touch - an invitation for an informal party perhaps, but probably not a formal dinner at the White House. This font is not comfortable in a bowtie. But don't be fooled. Casual as Cori is, you can set at least twelve major European languages with it, in addition to English: Albanian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Cori Valentine adds a decorative Valentine border to the upper case of Cori. By leaving out the bow in the upper center of the border we were able to fit the border around the accented caps. Similarly, we omitted the butterfly for the Ccedilla glyph. Blank versions of the regular border & the bowless border are provided at positions 135 & 137 in case you want to put a border around your signature or something like that. Just for reference, the letterforms for Cori Valentine are 75% the size as the regular Cori font. We would like to assure you that it is permissible to use Cori Valentine to create a romantic card, flyer or note during any month with less the 32 days.
  14. American Authors by Celebrity Fontz, $29.99
    American Authors is a unique collection of signatures of 75 famous American authors, poets, writers, and novelists. A must-have for autograph collectors, desktop publishers, history buffs, fans, or anyone who has ever dreamed of sending a letter, card, or e-mail "signed" as if by one of these famous literary figures. This font includes signatures from the following literary figures: Joel Barlow, Charles Brockden Brown, J. Fenimore Cooper, Stephen Crane, Richard H. Dana Jr., Theodore Dreiser, W.C. Bryan, Timothy Dwight, T.S. Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Faulkner, Eugene Field, Philip Freneau, Robert Frost, Hamlin Garland, Alexander Hamilton, Bret Harte, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lafcadio Hearn, Ernest Hemingway, W.D. Howells, Henry James, John P. Kennedy, Washington Irving, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Julia Ward Howe, Francis Scott Key, Sidney Lanier, James Russell Lowell, Edgar Lee Masters, Cotton Mather, Herman Melville, George John Nathan, Henry W. Longfellow, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Eugene O'Neill, Thomas Paine, Edgar Allan Poe, J.K. Paulding, Sydney Porter (aka O. Henry), Carl Sandburg, Samuel Sewall, John Howard Payne, W.H. Prescott, W. Gilmore Simms, Captain John Smith, Gertrude Stein, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Trumbull, Daniel Webster, Noah Webster, Samuel L. Clemens (aka Mark Twain), John G. Whittier, Thomas Wolfe, Henry D. Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Jacqueline Susann, Louisa May Alcott, Wystan Hugh Auden, Pearl Buck, Edgar Rice Burroughs, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Erle Stanley Gardner, Horace Greeley, Zane Grey, Sinclair Lewis, Jack London, Norman Mailer, Ogden Nash, Beatrix Potter, Ezra Pound, John Steinbeck, Leon Uris, Thornton Wilder. This font behaves exactly like any other font. Each signature is mapped to a regular character on your keyboard. Open any Windows application, select the installed font, and type a letter, and the signature will appear at that point on the page. Painstaking craftsmanship and an incredible collection of hard-to-find signatures go into this one-of-a-kind font. Comes with a character map. Article abstract: American Authors is a unique collection of signatures of 75 famous American authors, poets, writers, and novelists in a high-quality font.
  15. Ah, FellFel, the font! If fonts were characters at a grand dinner party, FellFel would be that intriguing guest who captures attention the moment they step through the door. You might not find FellFe...
  16. Cue the sultry saxophone soundtrack and dim the lights, because the world of typography just flirted with the extraordinary—please welcome to the stage, SexyRexy. If fonts were people, SexyRexy would...
  17. Ah, Harrington, the font that dresses for dinner! Imagine if the 19th century decided to take up typography, and right before it put on its top hat, it scribbled down the essence of its spirit. That,...
  18. Ah, the Grandesign Neue Roman – if fonts were dinner parties, this one would arrive in a tuxedo, waltzing in with the grace of a bygone era, yet with a sparkle in its serif that whispers, "I've got a...
  19. KR Wiccan Symbols by Kat Rakos is like the mystic cousin in the font family who turned the attic into a spell-casting room. Imagine if your keyboard was imbued with magic, and each keypress invoked a...
  20. Ah, Cube by 2 The Left Typefaces. Imagine if a group of minimalist architects, a Tetris champion, and a playful kitten collaborated to design a font. Cube would be their masterpiece—a unique blend of...
  21. Fried Chicken by FontMesa, $25.00
    The name of this font brings back memories of an old fried chicken restaurant in Willow Springs Illinois circa 1960’s and 1970’s, my family would all get in the car and take a long drive down to an old country road Illionis Rt 171 through a forest preserve where we’d come upon the old Willowbrook motel with a bar and restaurant next door. The restaurant was called Kegal’s, when you entered the building you had to walk through the smoky bar first to get to the restaurant, I can still see the hard wood floors with all the finish worn off from decades of foot traffic. Up until the mid 1960’s Kegal’s used to raise their own chickens behind the restaurant, back then fried chicken in the Midwest was either coated in flour or bread crumbs, Kegal’s was covered in a beautiful layer of golden bread crumbs. Before your meal arrived they’d bring a basket of dinner rolls along with crackers, bread sticks and country butter, on the side they’d serve coleslaw with a vinegar sauce, which is very common in the Midwest, the first time you try it your face puckers up like you just sucked on a lemon but you get used it over time. After waiting for what seemed like forever to a child the waitress comes out of the kitchen with a huge tray of that golden deliciousness and your mouth begins to water, in her other hand was another tray filled to overflowing with crinkle cut french fries all made by hand, I’d eat a hole handful of those french fries first then take a bite of that tender juicy farm raised chicken. Today a fine Italian restaurant occupies the old Kegal’s building and the motel is long gone, only my fond memories remain. Fast forward to 2020 and FontMesa has just made some Fried Chicken as an eight weight type font family with alternates. With the Fried Chicken slab serif font family we’ve broken some rules by removing a few of the slabs on certain letters for a unique homemade look. Fried Chicken is perfect for your next product label, t-shirt design, logo, headline or cookbook cover. Treat yourself to some good ol’ Fried Chicken today.
  22. Ah, the distinguished PaddingtonSC, a font that carries an air of mystery, sophistication, and a touch of whimsy, much like a well-dressed gentleman who knows how to tell a captivating story. If font...
  23. Ah, Lein Bold, the typeface that struts into the typographic scene with the confidence of a peacock at a bird show. Picture this: if fonts were people, Lein Bold would be that one friend who's always...
  24. Once upon a paragraph, in the mythical realm of typography, there emerged a legend from the creative foundry of deFharo – The Black Box. Picture this: if fonts were a grand dinner party, The Black Bo...
  25. Rocket Script is a captivating font that hails from the treasure trove of Font Diner, a foundry renowned for its eclectic and highly thematic typefaces. In essence, Rocket Script embodies the spirit ...
  26. Ah, Rusty Sign by GemFonts, the brainchild of Graham Meade, is a font that walks the fine line between elegantly aged and outright rebellion against the sleek, clean fonts that populate our digital s...
  27. Xtreme Chrome, crafted by the talented Vic Fieger, is a distinctive font that captures the essence of chrome aesthetics effortlessly, blending nostalgia with modern design trends. This font harks bac...
  28. Imagine a font that struts in with a leather jacket flung over its shoulder, slides a comb through its slick-back hair, and orders a milkshake with an extra cherry on top. That's the 50's Headline DS...
  29. Ah, EnglishTowne-Normal, the font that transports you back to a time when feather quills were the peak of writing technology, candlelight was the latest trend in ambient lighting, and sending a messa...
  30. Gather round, fellow digital travelers, for the tale of Verdana, the oft-overlooked hero of our screens. Born in the digital renaissance of the 1990s, Verdana was a child prodigy among fonts, designe...
  31. As of my last update in April 2023, there's no widely recognized or standard font specifically named "Signboard" that's known across major font repositories or among typographic tools; however, the i...
  32. Imagine, if you will, sneaking into a bustling cityscape deep in the heart of a neon-lit night. Everywhere you look, shimmering lights dance against the dark, outlining shapes and letters with a glow...
  33. The Hotel Coral Essex font, designed by Jason Ramirez, stands as a unique testament to creativity and innovation in the realm of typography. This font draws its inspiration from the quirky and eccent...
  34. Ah, the font "Carrois" by 04 | Yuji Oshimoto, you mean? Before we dive into the sea of glyphs and curves, let's get our facts aligned like a perfectly justified paragraph: it seems like a little mix-...
  35. Fruitygreen by Linotype, $29.99
    Fruitygreen is Indonesian designer Andi AW. Masry's second typeface following Coomeec™. Idiosyncratic but appealing forms are the signature feature of Fruitygreen™ and provide this new typeface with its truly distinctive character that you can utilize for your projects - and not just in headlines. The unique forms of fruits are not only individually fascinating, but are just as captivating when they are brought together, for example as decoration on a dining table. For Masry, these can be compared with an alphabet whose letters spell out in combination different words and with this as his inspiration, he based his designs for Fruitygreen on the versatile forms of fruits. However, it was not the whole fruits as such but rather small sections of their curves and ends that he decided to use. It is not only because of the characteristic line terminals that the rounded characters of Fruitygreen seem at first glance reminiscent of a brush-written calligraphic typeface; these are traces of the creation process, in which Masry used a digital brush. At the same time, Fruitygreen is by no means simply a brush font. Its dynamic characters reference biological forms and there is definitely something amoeba-like about them, particularly in the bolder variants, and they exude the same serenity and harmony that is inherent to organic structures. The many unconventionally shaped characters also provide for optical contrast. There is, for example, the very scaled down g", the open "q" and the lowercase "r", which has the form of the capital letter. Other letters, such as the sinuous "k" and the rounded uppercase "F" impart an exotic touch to Fruitygreen. Similarly remarkable is the "@", that has only a semi-circle. Available to the designer are other characters that can be used to accentuate a design, such as swash capitals and numerous ligatures. And, last but not least, there are also various numeral sets with oldstyle and lining figures for setting proportional text and table columns together with a selection of symbols, such as arrows and, appropriately, fruits. "
  36. Scripps College Old Style by Monotype, $49.00
    The story of Scripps College Old Style is a heart-warming and inspiring chronicle about a young librarian, a handful of students, a wealthy grandmother, a dedicated educator -- and two eminent American type designers. The story begins in 1938, when Dorothy Drake, the newly hired librarian at Scripps College, a small women's college in southern California, became an impromptu dinner companion of the American type designer Fred Goudy. By the 1990s, the original fonts that Goudy had created for Scripps College in the 1940s had become prized -- but they were seldom-used antiques. Scripps needed digital versions of the metal fonts. This goal posed two immediate challenges: finding a designer familiar with letterpress printing who was skilled at creating digital fonts, and locating the money to commission the designer's services. The first challenge was the easiest to conquer. Sumner Stone was my first and only choice," recalls Kitty Maryatt, the current curator of the Scripps College Press. "I knew he had letterpress experience, was an accomplished calligrapher, and that his typeface designs were simply exquisite. The choice was easy."The second challenge was more difficult. It took the dedication, hard work and tenacity of Maryatt to bring the beautiful Goudy designs into the twenty-first century. While Stone was eager to begin work on the project, the college had no more money for new typeface designs in the 1990s than it did in the1930s. Years of lobbying, cajoling and letter writing were necessary to obtain the college's approval for the design project. Once she had the necessary funding, the design brief posed yet a third challenge. Goudy had provided two sizes of type to the Press: 14 point and 16 point. Which would serve as the foundation for Stone's work? In addition, the Goudy fonts were quite worn. Should Stone use printed samples as his design master, or base his work on the original Goudy renderings? The 14-point master drawings were the ultimate choice, with the stipulation that the finished fonts would provide both a seamless transition from the worn metal versions and a faithful representation of the original Goudy designs. Once the budget and design brief were established, the process of converting the original Goudy drawings into digital fonts took just a little over two months. Stone delivered finished products to Scripps in the fall of 1997. The first official use of the fonts was to set an announcement for a lecture by Stone at Scripps in February of 1998. But the story is not quite finished. Maryatt was so pleased with the new digital fonts, she wanted to share them with the graphic design community. At Stone's suggestion, she contacted Monotype Imaging with the hope that the company would add the new designs to its library. An easy decision! Now Monotype Imaging is part of the story. We are proud to announce the release of Scripps College Old Style as a Monotype Classic font. The once exclusive font of metal type is now available in digital form for designers around the world. "
  37. Hermanz Titling by California Type Foundry, $47.00
    Hermanz™ Titling is inspired by the most majestic caps that Hermann Zapf ever drew. They are inscriptional caps, square caps, or “capitalis monumentalis”. These caps are some of the most beautiful letters made by one of the greatest talents of our time; so beautiful they deserve to be seen and appreciated by everyone. If you do any work for churches, wedding, funeral, anniversary, or other ceremonies, for the fine arts, exclusive clubs, or higher education—you will love how these letters make your brochures, pamphlets and announcements look. Hermanz Titling works for anything labeled "fine": fine dining, fine music, fine art (pamphlets, books, posters, cookbooks). It also fits well for religious topics: posters, events, websites, hymnals, for biblical; and ceremonies, religious or otherwise. Emotions It Can Communicate: • Importance • Timelessness • Special Event • Tradition • Reverence • Artistry • Beauty Released June 2021 on the Memorial of Hermann Zapf, as part of the California Type Foundry Memorial Series: Honoring the life and work of the great font designers. FONT STORY The Majestic Caps When I was on one of my visits to rare books rooms I found some large caps of Hermann Zapf, and I knew that I had to make a font inspired by these. I was surprised that no one had ever made them into a font. They were some of the most beautiful caps I had ever seen. These caps were surprisingly difficult to make. I thought it would take me a week or two; to get the detail and spirit right took significantly longer– but it was well worth the effort! When you print Hermanz Titling on a page, you will see what I mean. Even when printed digitally, it’s the closest thing to letterpress. You might even have some people thing it was printed by a traditional method with ink! (Note: Unless printed at very large sizes, this font is not recommended for actual letterpress, because the serifs are too thin.) If you do any work for churches, wedding, funeral, anniversary, or other ceremonies, for the fine arts, exclusive clubs, or higher education—you will love how these letters make your brochures, pamphlets and announcements look. Enjoy this breathtaking font, and may it help inspire people with your messages! –Dave Lawrence & the California Type Foundry
  38. Top Speed - Unknown license
  39. Top Speed Outline - Unknown license
  40. Top Speed Heavy - Unknown license
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