Ah, the Drive-Thru font by Nick Curtis, what a treat! Picture yourself cruising down a neon-lit avenue in the heart of the 1950s, rock 'n' roll blaring on the radio, and a sense of carefree adventure in the air. That's the vibe Drive-Thru serves up on a silver platter. This font is like a love letter to the golden age of American diners, complete with chrome-lined counters and waitresses on roller skates. It's all about bold curves, friendly round edges, and a sense of rapid motion, as if the letters themselves are ready to zoom off the page.
Nick Curtis has a knack for creating fonts that are not just typesets but time machines, and Drive-Thru is no exception. With its retro flair, it harkens back to an era where design was about optimism and forward-thinking. It's a font that doesn't take itself too seriously, with letters that seem to dance slightly off the baseline, as if caught in a playful jitterbug. The characters are chubby, inviting, and full of personality, reminiscent of vintage car badges and signages of roadside establishments that promised adventure and new experiences.
Drive-Thru is perfect for any project where you want to infuse a touch of nostalgia, warmth, and character. It's fantastic for headers, logos, and any place you need a font with a strong presence that can still maintain an air of whimsy and fun. Whether you're designing a menu for a diner-style restaurant, a poster for a classic car show, or just about anything that calls for a dash of retro Americana, Drive-Thru by Nick Curtis is your go-to typeface. It's a friendly nod to the past, while being versatile enough for modern design needs.
Character map
" & ( ) , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ¨ ´ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Š Ÿ ˆ ˇ ˚ ˜
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100% free
77 glyphs, 256 kerning pairs
(c) 2000 Nick Curtis. All Rights Reserved. Generated by Fontographer 3.52 . ALLTYPE:Drive-Thru Regular:ATECH. Drive-Thru. Converted from e:\nickfo~1\pcttf\DRT_____.TF1 by ALLTYPE
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