Ah, "Silky Smoke" by DM Letter Studio; envision a font that dances on the page like a graceful wisp of smoke from an aristocrat's cigar in a swanky, dimly-lit lounge. It's not just a font; it's a performance, a smooth glide of letters that pirouette and leap with an elegance so refined, even the Queen's English takes notes.
Crafted by the mystical hands at DM Letter Studio, "Silky Smoke" is the typographical embodiment of that haze at dawn, just as the world awakes, gentle yet captivating. It's as if the letters themselves were dipped in a potion of allure and charm, each curve, and stroke designed to seduce the eyes and ensnare the mind in a velvet dream.
This font is suited for those occasions when one wishes to whisper sweet nothings into the reader's ear through the medium of print. "Silky Smoke" is for the love letters never sent, the poems composed under the moon's watchful eye, and the branding for artisanal chocolate that's too decadent for the uninitiated.
In the world of fonts, if "Times New Roman" is the reliable but somewhat dull date you bring home to meet your parents, "Silky Smoke" is the mysterious figure you dream of running away with for a weekend in Paris. It's a font of passion, of style, and of whispers in the night, leaving a trail of mystique like smoke fading into the ether.
Character map
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Silky Smoke

Personal use only
194 glyphs
Silky Smoke © Dm Letter Studio . 2020 . All Rights Reserved. Silky Smoke:Version 1.00. Silky Smoke. Version 1.00;December 8, 2020;FontCreator 64-bit. SilkySmoke. Dm Letter Studio Bandung - Indonesia. Dimas Prasetyo. This font was created By DM Letter Studio ( Dimas & Yuniar ) From Bandung - Indonesia .. dmletterstudio.com. Personal Use Only
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