LetterOMatic!, crafted by the renowned font foundry Blambot Fonts, is an epitome of creativity and functionality meshed into one captivating typeface. Blambot Fonts, known for its extensive collection of comic lettering fonts, brings forth LetterOMatic! as a homage to the classic, bold letterings often found in comic book covers and interior texts, imparting a vibrant and dynamic flair to any text it adorns. This font encapsulates the spirit of adventure and expression, making it a go-to choice for comic creators, graphic designers, and enthusiasts seeking to inject a touch of whimsy and boldness into their projects.
Characterized by its clean lines and robust form, LetterOMatic! possesses a uniquely stylized appearance that is both nostalgic and forward-looking. Its letters boast a precision and clarity that make them highly legible, even at smaller sizes, which is crucial for the compact panels and detailed art of comic books. Furthermore, the font includes a variety of weights and styles, allowing for versatile applications across titles, speech bubbles, and narrative blocks within the comic creation process.
The font's charm does not end at its appearance; it is designed with a keen understanding of the needs of comic book artists and writers. LetterOMatic!'s inclusion of an extensive character set, covering not only standard letters and numerals but also a wide array of punctuation marks, special symbols, and accented characters, ensures that it can support a diverse range of languages and storytelling needs. This makes LetterOMatic! not just a font, but a robust tool for those in the comic industry and beyond, looking to convey stories with emotion, emphasis, and a touch of retro flair. Whether for professional use in published comic books, amateur web comics, or playful design projects, LetterOMatic! by Blambot Fonts stands out as a versatile, engaging, and indispensable asset in the world of typography.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { } © ® Ô Õ ‘ ’ “ ” … ™
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Personal use only
99 glyphs
(C)2000 Nate Piekos. www.piekosarts.com/blambotfonts. Letter-O-Matic. LetterOMatic! Italic. Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 9/22/00. LetterOMaticItalic
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