Mordred is a font that stands out with its distinctive character and bold presence. It's not just any typeface; it's a statement, a manifestation of creativity and strong personality crafted by the talented Paul Reid. Mordred is named evocatively, suggesting a blend of history, mythology, and a touch of mystery, much like the legendary figure it draws its name from. This connection imbues the font with a narrative depth that goes beyond mere typography.
At first glance, Mordred captivates with its robust and dynamic forms. The letters possess a certain medieval flair, harmonizing perfectly with modern design principles to produce a font that is both timeless and contemporary. Each character is meticulously designed, featuring unique elements that set Mordred apart from the sea of generic typefaces. The serifs are pronounced, lending an authoritative voice to the text, while the curves blend seamlessly with sharp edges to create a visually engaging experience.
Mordred is versatile, suited for a wide range of applications. Whether it's for branding, editorial design, or creative projects, Mordred adds a layer of depth and sophistication. It's particularly effective in contexts that call for a font with character and strength, such as book covers, posters, or any project that demands attention. The font's distinctive look also means it pairs well with simpler, more understated typefaces, allowing for creative typographic hierarchies and compositions.
In conclusion, Paul Reid's Mordred is a font that speaks volumes. It's not just a tool for conveying messages but a medium for storytelling, design, and expression. The artistic craftsmanship behind Mordred ensures that it stands out as a font with heart, history, and a bold personality that can elevate any design project to new heights.
Character map
! " & ' ( ) , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z • … fi fl
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Unknown license
76 glyphs
Mordred v2.1.2 © 1995-97, Paul Reid.. FontMonger:Mordred Demi Bold. Mordred Demi Bold. 001.000. MordredDemiBold
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Zip contains 2 files
mord_db.ttf31.7 kB
readme.doc2.98 kB
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