Tighten Caps is a compressed-style sans serif typeface family with multiple options (Advanced Open Type Features), making it an essential tool for any designer seeking the balance between elegance, functionality and efficiency; Tighten Capitals not only saves space, but elevates the aesthetic quality of any project where graphic differentiation is essential.
Tighten Caps is available in four weights: Light, Regular, Medium and Bold, each designed to suit a wide range of creative projects, is exceptionally versatile and is recommended for a variety of applications, from editorial typesetting, brochure design, product packaging, to logo creation or signage.
Tighten Capitals offers a new dimension of possibilities with the inclusion of three sets of uppercase letters: Caps, Small Caps and Petite Caps, plus two complete alternative sets, as well as several sets of numbers (numerators, denominators, scientific numbers, ordinals, etc.) accessible from the Open Type functions.
DOWNLOAD FULL VERSIONS & LICENSES: https://defharo.com/fonts/tighten-caps/
Character map
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Tighten Caps Light

Personal use only
232 glyphs
Copyright (c) deFharo, 2024. All rights reserved.. Version 1.235;DFHA;TightenCaps-Light;2024;FL840. Tighten Caps Light. Version 1.235. TightenCaps-Light. Tighten Caps is a trademark of Fernando Haro. deFharo. Fernando Haro. Tighten Caps is a compressed-style sans serif typeface family with multiple options (Advanced Open Type Features), making it an essential tool for any designer seeking the balance between elegance, functionality and efficiency; Tighten Capitals not only saves space, but elevates the aesthetic quality of any project where graphic differentiation is essential. Tighten Capitals is available in four weights: Light, Regular, Medium and Bold, each designed to suit a wide range of creative projects.. https://defharo.com/fonts/tighten-caps/. https://defharo.com/. Personal use only (FFP)! Leer / Read: https://defharo.com/product-usage-agreement-ffp/ Commercial license. READ: https://defharo.com/terms-and-conditions-commercial-fonts/ Please visit www.defharo.com to buy a commercial license.. Tighten Caps. Light
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