Character map
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Tip Me Cheapy

Unknown license
94 glyphs
copyright (c) 1997 RudynFluffy. All rights reserved.. Tip Me Cheapy. Version 1.00. TipMeCheapy. TipMeCheapy is a trademark of RudynFluffy Entertainment.. RudynFluffy Entertainment. RudynFluffy. This is a font made by tipping over another of my fonts. It is dedicated to the cheap people who don't pay for art. So next time you see an artist, tip them with your chump change.. You have the right to use this software as is. You can not open it in a program and make another font from it. You can not use this font in any program on any computer that 'records' the design of the letters and makes a new file, whether temporary or permanent. Copyright (c) 1998 RudynFluffy Entertainment. All rights reserved.
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Tipme.ttf42.6 kB
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