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Garota Serif

Personal use only
232 glyphs
Copyright (c) deFharo, 2024. All rights reserved.. Version 1.235;DFHA;GarotaSerif-Italic;2024;FL840. Garota Serif Italic. Version 1.235. GarotaSerif-Italic. Garota Serif is a trademark of Fernando Haro. deFharo. Fernando Haro. Garota Serif is a new typeface family that captures the essence of youth and freshness with an elegant style. Inspired by organic shapes, this typeface with sharp slab serifs combines soft curves and a slightly narrow proportion to create a friendly and exceptionally readable design, achieving a perfect balance between sophistication and accessibility. The typeface family consists of 12 fonts distributed across four weights (Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold) and 03 styles (Roman, Italic and Small Caps). This versatility allows for its use in a wide range of applications, from editorial and advertising projects to posters, magazines, or videos.. Personal use only (FFP)! Leer / Read: Commercial license. READ: Please visit to buy a commercial license.
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