TSF et Compagnie Tryout by Match Software is a vivid exploration of typeface design that echoes the intricate balance between tradition and innovation. This font weaves together a captivating aesthetic narrative, finding its roots deeply embedded in the essence of classic typography, yet branching out with a refreshing modern twist. The essence of TSF et Compagnie Tryout is in its ability to merge the delicate craftsmanship of yesteryears with the dynamic flexibility required by today’s diverse and fast-paced design needs.
Upon first glance, one can notice the font's distinctive character shapes and proportions, which offer a nod to traditional serif fonts, yet are executed with a degree of liberty and flair that breathes new life into the typographic composition. The serifs themselves are crafted with precision, embodying an elegance that is both subtle and pronounced. This finesse ensures that the font retains a formality that is suitable for a wide array of applications, from corporate branding to editorial design.
The versatility of TSF et Compagnie Tryout is further accentuated by its thoughtful construction, which allows it to perform beautifully in both digital and print mediums. Its readability, even in smaller sizes, makes it a strong contender for body text, while its unique character details shine in headline and display uses. Moreover, Match Software’s decision to release a Tryout version signifies an invitation to designers to explore the font’s capabilities and envision its potential within their own projects. This approach not only showcases the font's adaptability but also underscores a commitment to fostering creativity and experimentation within the design community.
Character map
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 
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TSF et Compagnie Tryout

Unknown license
75 glyphs
Get the full version @ http://www.fontmenu.com (310) 388‐5216 (c) M.Bujardet ‐ Match Software, 8205 Santa Monica Blvd #1‐205, West Hollywood, CA 90046‐5912. Match Software Font TSF et Compagnie Tryout. TSF et Compagnie Tryout. Match Software Font 8/10/01. TSFetCompagnieTryout
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