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Play Day - Personal Use

Personal use only
154 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2020 by Typhoon Type - Suthi Srisopha. All rights reserved.. TyphoonType-SuthiSrisopha: Play Day - Personal Use: 2020. PlayDay-PersonalUse. Version 1.000. Play Day - Personal Use is a trademark of Typhoon Type - Suthi Srisopha.. Typhoon Type - Suthi Srisopha. Type ( before word to get beginning swash and Type ) after word to get the ending swash. Example : (Play Day) ———————————————————————————— Hello, please contact me before any commercial use.  My fonts for free use allowed only in personal project , non-profit and charity use.  If you make money from using my fonts, Please purchase a commercial license here : Typhoon Type - Suthi Srisopha  —————————————— Play Day - Personal Use
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