Fairy Strange, crafted by the creative minds at Imagex, is a font that encapsulates the whimsical and enchanting essence often found in fairy tales and mystical stories. At first glance, Fairy Strange exudes an unmistakable charm, characterized by its unusual yet captivating letterforms that seem to dance and swirl with an almost magical buoyancy. This font dares to step away from the conventional, inviting both designers and viewers into a world that balances on the fine line between fantasy and reality.
Each character in Fairy Strange boasts a unique design, with exaggerated curves, unexpected angles, and playful embellishments that capture the imagination. The letters are imbued with a sense of movement, as if they're about to leap off the page and embark on an adventure. This dynamic quality makes Fairy Strange an excellent choice for projects that aim to evoke wonder, curiosity, and a dash of mystery. It's particularly well-suited for book titles, posters for fantasy films or events, whimsical product branding, or any endeavor that benefits from a touch of otherworldliness.
However, Fairy Strange is not just about its aesthetic appearance. The thoughtfulness in its design also ensures versatility and readability. Despite the fantastical elements, the font maintains a coherent structure, making it usable for longer texts in specific contexts, such as whimsical quotes or short passages in children's books. The balance Imagex has struck with Fairy Strange—between the fantastical and the practical—makes it a noteworthy font for designers looking to inject a sense of enchantment and uniqueness into their projects, all while maintaining a friendly and approachable tone.
Character map
! " ' ( ) , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ‘ ’ “ ” …
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Fairy Strange

Personal use only
78 glyphs
Copyright © Imagex 2013. 3.1.138;S1274029621;HL;7446009;Fairy Strange:Version 1.00. Fairy Strange. Version 1.00 March 5, 2013, initial release. FairyStrange. Imagex. This font was created using Scanahand from High-Logic.com. imagex-fonts.com. Free for personal use ONLY
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