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KG Primary Penmanship Lined

Personal use only
385 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2013 by Kimberly Geswein. All rights reserved.. KimberlyGeswein: KG Primary Penmanship Lined: 2013. KG Primary Penmanship Lined. Version 1.000 2013 initial release. KGPrimaryPenmanshipLined. Kimberly Geswein.
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Zip contains 94 files
KGPrimaryPenmanshipLined.ttf57 kB
.DS_Store6.15 kB
._.DS_Store82 B
._Addis Ababa-TOU.txt167 B
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._Airplanes in the Night Sky-TOU.txt167 B
._Airplanes in the Night Sky.ttf82 B
._Annie Use Your Telescope.ttf82 B
._Blocked Off-TOU.txt167 B
._Blocked Off.ttf82 B
._Cedarville PnkFun 1 Cursive.ttf82 B
._Cedarville Pnkfun 1 Cursive-TOU.txt167 B
._Cedarville Pnkfun 1 Print-TOU.txt167 B
._Cedarville Pnkfun 1 Print.ttf82 B
._Change Tomorrow Today-TOU.txt167 B
._Change Tomorrow Today.ttf82 B
._ContraryMary.ttf82 B
._Follow You Into the World-TOU.txt167 B
._Follow You Into the World.ttf82 B
._Frangipani Rose-TOU.txt167 B
._Frangipani Rose.ttf82 B
._Give You Glory.ttf82 B
._GiveYouGlory-TOU.txt167 B
._GloriaHallelujah-TOU.txt167 B
._Haven't Slept in Two Days Bold.ttf82 B
._Haven't Slept in Two Days-TOU.txt167 B
._Haven't Slept in Two Days.ttf82 B
._He Formed My Heart-TOU.txt167 B
._He Formed My Heart.ttf82 B
._Indie Flower.ttf82 B
._JustMeAgainDownHere.ttf82 B
._La Belle Aurore-TOU.txt167 B
._La Belle Aurore.ttf82 B
._Love Ya Like A Sister.ttf82 B
._Loved by the King.ttf82 B
._More Than Enough.ttf82 B
._NKOTB Fever-TOU.txt167 B
._NKOTB Fever.ttf82 B
._NeverLetGo.ttf82 B
._NothingYouCouldSay.ttf82 B
._OvertheRainbow-TOU.txt167 B
._OvertheRainbow.ttf82 B
._Promised Freedom.ttf82 B
._Sekona-TOU.txt167 B
._Sekona.ttf82 B
._Shelter Me.ttf82 B
._Soggy Kitten-TOU.txt167 B
._Soggy Kitten.ttf82 B
._Sue Ellen Francisco.ttf82 B
._Sunshine in my Soul.ttf82 B
._Swanky and Moo Moo-TOU.txt167 B
._Swanky and Moo Moo.ttf82 B
._Ten Million Fireflies-TOU.txt167 B
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._Throw My Hands Up in the Air-TOU.txt167 B
._Throw My Hands Up in the Air.ttf82 B
._Truthofathousandlies-TOU.txt82 B
._Waiting for the Sunrise-TOU.txt167 B
._Waiting for the Sunrise.ttf82 B
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._You Won't Bring Me Down.ttf82 B
._Zeyada-TOU.txt167 B
._Zeyada.ttf82 B
._annie-TOU.txt167 B
._contrarymary-TOU.txt167 B
._elizajane-TOU.txt167 B
._elizajane.ttf82 B
._gloriahallelujah.ttf82 B
._happy hanneke.ttf82 B
._happy`hanneke.ttf82 B
._happyhanneke-TOU.txt167 B
._indieflower-TOU.txt167 B
._justmeagaindownhere-TOU.txt82 B
._lovedbytheking-TOU.txt82 B
._loveyalikeasister-TOU.txt82 B
._morethanenough-TOU.txt82 B
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._nothingyoucoulddo-TOU.txt167 B
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._shelterme-TOU.txt167 B
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._shininglikestars.ttf82 B
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._sunshineinmysoul-TOU.txt167 B
._sunshineinmysoul.ttf82 B
._thegirlnextdoor-TOU.txt167 B
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._whoneedsconsistency-TOU.txt167 B
._whoneedsconsistency.ttf82 B
._writtenonhishands-TOU.txt167 B
._writtenonhishands.ttf82 B
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