Character map
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Copyright (c) 2012, Pablo Impallari (|, Copyright (c) 2012, Brenda Gallo (, Copyright (c) 2012, Rodrigo Fuenzalida (|, with Reserved Font Name NewRocker.. PabloImpallari,BrendaGallo,RodrigoFuenzalida: NewRocker: 2012. NewRocker-Regular. Version 1.000. NewRocker is a trademark of Pablo Impallari.. Pablo Impallari, Brenda Gallo, Rodrigo Fuenzalida. NewRocker is a loud, harsh, screaming font. With Blackletter, Tattoo and Heavy Metal logos as inspiration.. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:
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Zip contains 365 files
NewRocker-Regular.otf66.8 kB
.DS_Store6.15 kB
._ Collegiate (MacTT)105 kB
._.DS_Store82 B
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._ANNA82 B
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._Alex84 kB
._Alex (MacTT)67.5 kB
._Alex.suit6.31 kB
._Anna95.4 kB
._Anna (MacTT)78 kB
._Anna.suit8.43 kB
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._COLLEGIA.ttf82 B
._Colle101 kB
._Collegiate.suit8.59 kB
._DALEK___.otf82 B
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._Datura roman.otf82 B
._DesigBlo88 kB
._Designer Block.suit5.74 kB
._DesignerBlock (MacTT)69.9 kB
._Digit91 kB
._DigitBon127 kB
._Digitalis (MacTT)72.9 kB
._Digitalis Boneface7.88 kB
._Digitalis Boneface(MacTT)123 kB
._Digitalis.suit5.18 kB
._Drebiek Expanded Italic.otf82 B
._Drebiek Expanded Outline Italic.otf82 B
._Drebiek Expanded Outline.otf82 B
._Drebiek Expanded Regular.otf82 B
._Drebiek Expanded Stripes Italic.otf82 B
._Drebiek Expanded Stripes.otf82 B
._Drebiek_Satzmuster.pdf82 B
._Everson Mono.ttf70 B
._FABRICA-info.txt167 B
._FLATPACK.otf82 B
._FUTUI___.TTF1.29 kB
._FUTUI___.otf82 B
._Fabrica233 B
._Fabrica.otf233 B
._Five Minutes.otf82 B
._FlatPac215 kB
._FlatPack (MacTT).suit246 kB
._FlatPack.bmap4.28 kB
._FuturImp164 kB
._Future Imperfect.bmap5.06 kB
._FutureImperfect (MacTT).suit287 kB
._GOMMOGRA.otf82 B
._GREEB___.otf82 B
._GREEB___.ttf82 B
._GREETING.otf82 B
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._Gommo469 kB
._Gommogravure (MacTT).suit427 kB
._Gommogravure.bmap15.5 kB
._Greet92.6 kB
._GreetBol92.3 kB
._Greetings (MacTT)169 kB
._Greetings.suit19.9 kB
._INSECURI.otf82 B
._INSECURI.ttf82 B
._Icon30.9 kB
._Insec487 kB
._Insecurity (MacTT)370 kB
._Insecurity.suit8.91 kB
._KATO82 B
._KATO____.otf82 B
._KATO____.ttf82 B
._KLEECS__.otf82 B
._KLEECS__.ttf82 B
._Kato94 kB
._Kato (MacTT)79.7 kB
._Kato.suit9.68 kB
._Klee CapScript7.84 kB
._Klee CapScript (MacTT)87.3 kB
._KleeCapScr127 kB
._LEXIA___.otf82 B
._LEXIA___.ttf82 B
._LEXIB___.otf82 B
._LEXIB___.ttf82 B
._Lexia105 kB
._Lexia+Bold (MacTT)166 kB
._Lexia.suit18.2 kB
._LexiaBol106 kB
._License.rtf82 B
._Ltt_Masapunk.otf82 B
._MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR (+OutlineShadow)82 B
._MAGIMTOS.otf82 B
._MAGIMTOS.ttf82 B
._MAGIMT__.otf82 B
._MAGIMT__.ttf82 B
._MAILG___.TTF1.09 kB
._MAILG___.otf82 B
._MAILR___.TTF6.13 kB
._MAILR___.otf82 B
._MANDATOR.otf82 B
._MANDATOR.ttf82 B
._MAX (+Bold)82 B
._MAXBOLD_.otf82 B
._MAXBOLD_.ttf82 B
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._MagicMysTou103 kB
._MagicMysTouOutSha174 kB
._Magical Mystery Tour9.46 kB
._Magical Mystery Tour (MacTT)77.9 kB
._Magical Mystery Tour OS11.4 kB
._Magical Mystery Tour OS (MacTT)181 kB
._Maila412 kB
._MailaGra610 kB
._MailaRub210 kB
._Mailart (MacTT)386 kB
._Mailart Graphics (MacTT)571 kB
._Mailart Graphics.bmap87.1 kB
._Mailart Rubberstamp.bmap58.2 kB
._Mailart.suit8.19 kB
._MailartRubberstamp(MacTT).suit221 kB
._Manda79.4 kB
._Mandatory (MacTT)52 kB
._Mandatory.suit8.41 kB
._Masapunk.pdf82 B
._Max41.6 kB
._Max Bold.bmap3.47 kB
._Max+Bold(MacTT)136 kB
._Max.bmap3.47 kB
._MaxBol41.4 kB
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._Midiet_Sans_Light.ttf82 B
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._Midiet_Serif_Light.ttf82 B
._Midiet_Serif_Medium.ttf82 B
._Ming86.1 kB
._Ming (MacTT)75.2 kB
._Ming.suit9.42 kB
._NORTON__.TTF2.55 kB
._NORTON__.otf82 B
._Norto63.6 kB
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._PixL.suit4.67 kB
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._ROADWAY_.otf82 B
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._Roadw81.9 kB
._Roadway (MacTT)60.2 kB
._Roadway.suit8.04 kB
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._SANSC___.otf82 B
._SNIPPLET.otf82 B
._SUSANNA_.otf82 B
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._SansCul334 kB
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._Susanna.bmap4.35 kB
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SIL OFL Font License New Rocker.txt4.63 kB
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