Close your eyes. Wait, don’t—then you won’t be able to read this. Imagine, in a world where letters not only talk but strut down the catwalk with unmatched elegance, there lives a font: Ordinatum Medium by Måns Grebäck. This isn't just any font. Oh no. It's the Meryl Streep of typography, versatile, graceful, and universally admired. Crafted by the illustrious Måns Grebäck, a name that sounds like he might also be a secret agent or a Viking chief on weekends, this font carries a charisma that's hard to ignore.
Ordinatum Medium is that friend who’s good at everything but still humble. It's bold without being overwhelming, a perfect middle child in the weight spectrum, not too thin to fade into the background, nor too fat to seem like it's trying too hard. Its curves and edges are measured with the precision of a Michelin-star chef's ingredients. Each letter stands tall and confident, yet there's a softness in its serifs that whispers sweet nothings to your eyeballs.
Visualize a typographic soirée, where the letters are mingling in their finery. Ordinatum Medium walks in, and the room goes quiet, not out of fear but sheer awe. Its curves eloquently marrying contemporary design with a classical touch, it’s like seeing a Renaissance painting driving a Tesla. Its utility is not just confined to the glossy pages of a fashion magazine or the elegant header of a boutique website; it's versatile enough to make your garage sale flyer look like an exclusive event.
Måns Grebäck, with a stroke of his design wand, has not just created a font but bestowed upon us a visual harmony that elevates text from mere communication to an art form. So, the next time you’re about to embark on a design journey, remember, choosing Ordinatum Medium is like choosing to fly first class – everything else just doesn’t compare.
Character map
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Ordinatum Medium

Personal use only
359 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2011 by Måns Grebäck. All rights reserved.. 1.000;MANS;OrdinatumMedium. Ordinatum Medium. Version 001.000. OrdinatumMedium. Ordinatum is a trademark of Måns Grebäck.. Måns Grebäck. Personal use only! Please visit to obtain a commercial license.
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