The font named "Set Fire to the Rain" by Kimberly Geswein is an embodiment of expressive creativity and a palpable emotional resonance. Designed by Kimberly Geswein, a designer known for her diverse and emotive typography, this font carries the essence of its name through its design. It's not just the name that evokes a deep response; the style of the font itself seems to dance between the raindrops of creativity and the flames of passion.
"Set Fire to the Rain" features a hand-drawn appearance that adds a personal touch and warmth to its character. Each letter appears to have been meticulously crafted with a unique blend of precision and spontaneity, making the font stand out for its individuality and charm. The strokes vary in thickness, giving it a dynamic and somewhat unpredictable nature, much like a rainstorm lit by flashes of lightning. This variation adds depth to the text and makes it appear alive, filled with the emotional intensity that the name suggests.
Moreover, the font manages to strike a balance between legibility and artistry. While it certainly leans more towards artistic expressions, it remains clear and readable, making it versatile for a variety of uses. Whether it's for the title of a creative project, the design of inspirational quotes, or even for elements in personal branding, "Set Fire to the Rain" has the ability to convey deep emotions and capture attention.
In summary, "Set Fire to the Rain" by Kimberly Geswein is a poetic homage to the power of nature and emotion, encapsulated within the bounds of typography. It's a font that speaks volumes beyond the words it forms, inviting designers and viewers alike into a world where rain ignites rather than extinguishes, and where every letter is a story waiting to unfold.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~   ¡ ¢ ¥ ¨ ¯ ´ µ ¸ ¼ ½ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ Ā ā Ă ă Ą ą Ć ć Ĉ ĉ Ċ ċ Č č Ď ď Đ đ Ē ē Ĕ ĕ Ė ė Ę ę Ě ě Ĝ ĝ Ğ ğ Ġ ġ Ģ ģ Ĥ ĥ Ħ ħ Ĩ ĩ Ī ī Ĭ ĭ Į į İ ı Ĵ ĵ Ķ ķ Ĺ ĺ Ļ ļ Ľ ľ Ŀ ŀ Ł ł Ń ń Ņ ņ Ň ň ʼn Ō ō Ŏ ŏ Ő ő Œ œ Ŕ ŕ Ŗ ŗ Ř ř Ś ś Ŝ ŝ Ş ş Š š Ţ ţ Ť ť Ŧ ŧ Ũ ũ Ū ū Ŭ ŭ Ů ů Ű ű Ų ų Ŵ ŵ Ŷ ŷ Ÿ Ź ź Ż ż Ž ž ƒ Ǽ ǽ Ǿ ǿ Ș ș ˆ ˇ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝ π Ẁ ẁ Ẃ ẃ Ẅ ẅ Ỳ ỳ ‘ ’ ‚ “ ” „ … ⁄ € ⅓ ← ↑ → ↓ − ≅ ≤ ≥ ☺ ♠ ♥  
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Set Fire to the Rain

Personal use only
336 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2011 by Kimberly Geswein. All rights reserved.. K?imberlyGeswein: Set Fire to the Rain: 2011. Set Fire to the Rain. Version 1.002 2011. SetFiretotheRain. K?imberly Geswein. Kimberly Geswein. Free for personal use. For commercial use, please donate US$5 to Kimberly Geswein at via For more info, see
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