Imagine a font that decided to wake up one morning, pull on its intergalactic superhero suit, and dive headfirst into an epic adventure across multiple dimensions. Ladies and gentlemen, meet *Battleforce 5* by SpideRaY, a font that doesn't just sit on your document or poster; it blasts through it with the energy of a plasma cannon.
Crafted by the presumably cape-wearing, secret-identity-holding designer SpideRaY, *Battleforce 5* embodies the spirit of Saturday morning cartoons, where every character had muscles upon muscles and the villains always laughed maniacally but in style. The font is bold, assertive, and unapologetically enthusiastic, as if each letter is ready to transform into a robot and save the universe before breakfast.
The characters in *Battleforce 5* are not content with standing still. Oh no, they seem to vibrate with kinetic energy, eager to jump off the page. It's the type of font you'd expect to see emblazoned across the hull of a starship, on the chest of a galaxy-hopping hero, or on the poster of the latest blockbuster where the fate of the cosmos is, once again, in the balance. So if you've got a message that needs to be delivered with the force of a thousand exploding stars, *Battleforce 5* has got your back—just make sure you're ready for the adventure.
Character map
! " ' * , - . 0 1 2 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ¢ £ ¤ ¥ § ¨ © ® ˜ – — ‘ ’ “ ” • … ™
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Battleforce 5

Personal use only
81 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2011 by SpideRaY @ All rights reserved.. Battleforce 5: 2011. Battleforce 5. Version 1.006. Battleforce5. Battleforce 5 is a trademark of SpideRaY @ SpideRaY @ SpideRaY. Copyright (c) 2011 by SpideRaY @ All rights reserved.. Another FREE fan-based font for personal use only, please contact for further details
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