Certainly! The Sachiko font by Nymphont is a testament to the charm and allure that type design can offer. At its essence, Sachiko is a script font, characterized by fluid, cohesive strokes that seem to dance across the page. This font exudes elegance and a certain form of delicacy, drawing inspiration from classic calligraphy while incorporating a modern twist that makes it highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of design projects.
One of the defining features of the Sachiko font is its smooth, flowing lines that mimic the movement of a pen gliding on paper. The letters are beautifully connected, showcasing a harmony in design that adds to the overall aesthetic appeal. This connection between characters provides a seamless reading experience, making Sachiko an excellent choice for invitations, branding, and other projects where a touch of sophistication is desired.
Despite its intricate design, Sachiko maintains a level of readability that is commendable for script fonts. It strikes a balance between decorative elements and functional clarity, ensuring that the text remains accessible even when used in longer passages. The font also offers a range of weights and styles, allowing designers to experiment with different emphases and hierarchies within their work.
Nymphont's creation, Sachiko, embodies a blend of tradition and innovation. Its appeal lies not just in its visual attractiveness, but also in its ability to convey emotion and personality through typography. Whether it's used for wedding invitations, logos, or digital content, Sachiko adds a personal touch that elevates the overall design. It's a font that not only speaks to the viewer but also invites them into a world where artistry and elegance reside.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ¡ ¨ © « ® ¯ ° ´ · » ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý ÿ ı ˆ ˇ ˉ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝ ‘ ’ ‚ “ ” „ • … ‹ ›

Inspired by 16th, or maybe even 15th century "French Ronde" script, named after my friend from Japan

Nice one!

French Ronde was a bit later. It found it's origin in the 16th century Civilité.

Thanks so much. I drew this typeface as an ode of sorts to French Script.

It is not actually based on any one particular style of type, font,nor even any specific reference material... I just drew it with the intent of making an upright, connected and elaborate (for me anyways!) style of script.

Even though this font is not traditional, I think the French script influence is obvious... so I did try to reasearch this style of type, but of the originating typefaces (Civilite as you pointed out) I can find about a sentence. And that sentence is usually on myfonts.com

I would love to learn more about it, I really would. I hope to find some actual/physical literture on the subject.

Thanks so much for your help. I hope people like this font.


shweeet :) cute and girly. Again...the kerning, the pain :) Would be a real bestseller on myfonts if you add few dozens of ligatures.

by the way, the "h" looks a bit out of place.... same applies to y and b.

@Lauren: ...Even though this font is not traditional, I think the French script influence is obvious... so I did try to research this style of type, but of the originating typefaces (Civilite as you pointed out) I can find about a sentence. ... I would love to learn more about it, I really would. I hope to find some actual/physical literature on the subject. ...

Philippe may be able to help you to find literature.


Thanks so much for your comment. I agree there are some aspects to this font that seem to be of a different style than the font as a whole. There were so many things I wanted to include. Definitely a learning experience and I am overall happy with how it turned out.

BTW - Were you referring to the uppercase or lowercase, or both even? -Thanks


Alright, thanks so much.

I saw something similar as a style on this expensive French champagne Nicolas Feuillatte

Nice. There are some similar aspects about them.

Post your comment


Personal use only
178 glyphs
Sachiko © Lauren Thompson 2010, 2011. All Rights Reserved. http://www.nymfont.com. LaurenThompson: Sachiko: 2010. Sachiko. Version 1.2; 2010. Lauren Thompson. http://www.nymfont.com. Sachiko TrueType™ Font By and © Lauren Thompson "Nymphont" -------------------------------- Free for Personal Use Donation required for Commercial Use Email nymphont@yahoo.com for details Donations through PayPal.com can be made to nymphont@yahoo.com More fonts by Nymphont visit: http://www.dafont.com/lauren-thompson.d1997 Nymphont blog: http://www.nymFont.com Terms of Use/End User Lisence Agreement Upon downloading this font the user bound to abide the Free Font Terms of Use/Free Font End User License Agreement (TOU/EULA) defined below. This agreement pertains to you/the user and the liscencing rights aquired with this download. These rights are specific to free download and usage of this font, i.e. a personal use License agreement. ----------------------------------------------- Free Font Terms of Use Free Font End User License Agreement: ----------------------------------------------- 1.) This font is free for personal use* and may not be used commercially.** Read entire TOU/EULA for more information. Further comments, questions, and suggestions should be directed to Lauren Thompson, nymphont@yahoo.com. 2.) The distribution of this font for financial gain or profit is not permitted under any circumstances and is strictly prohibited. Do not add this font to a font CD or compilation and or archive that is to be sold for a profit. Basically, don't sell this font, and do not make things that are to be sold with this font... It's free for personal use only. Commercial use requires the user to obtain a Commercial Font End User License. A Commercial Font End User License is granted after a PayPal donation has been received. Email me nymphont@yahoo.com for more details. For profit scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material (s) or scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material(s) intended to be sold/resold with this font are also prohibited under this license, and require a commercial License. To obtain a Commercial Font End User License for this font email nymphont@yahoo.com. Please note, scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking use of this font is only restricted when pertaining to the making of any for profit items. Otherwise creating items to be used "personally," whether in a traditional scrapbook or digital scrapbook is entirely permitted under this free License. 3.) This font file must be kept intact as downloaded. Under no circumstances may this font file itself be edited, altered, or modified at any time or in any measure. This prohibits and indcludes but is not limited to, renaming this font file, as well as the creation of so-called "new" and/or derivitave fonts from this font file or any other possible digital representations. 4.) Redistribution of this font is permitted only if this readme is, as well as the font file itself, kept intact as is, and it is offered free of charge, no fee is implemented upon the aquistition of this font. If you do redistribute this font, please email Lauren Thompson, nymphont@yahoo.com with details. 5.) Upon downloading this font, the user accepts all liability and sole responsibility for the font file and any accompanying files therein. Lauren Thompson (Nymphont) is not responsible or liable for any damages, loss or other consequences incurred as a result of downloading this font, or otherwise relating or associated with the download. *Personal use does not constitute "public domain." **If you are interested in the commercial use of this font or using this font in any manner outside the realm of "personal use," you must obtain the rights to use this font commercially (Commercial Font End User License) prior to doing so. To obtain a Commercial Font End User License Agreement with this font, contact me Lauren Thompson, nymphont@yahoo.com. Thank you for accepting and abiding these terms. What can I say I really love to font! If you've got it, font it! Moving right along, have lots of fun with this font. Let me know what you think by dropping me a line at nymphont@yahoo.com. I'd love to see what you have created using my font and how you have put it to use. http://www.nymfont.com/ . http://www.nymfont.com/2009/07/terms-of-useend-user-license-agreement.html. Regular
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