Blackout is a distinct and captivating font created by the talented designer Tyler Finck. It stands out for its bold and unconventional style, offering a dramatic departure from traditional typefaces. Blackout takes its inspiration from the concept of censorship and obscured information, reflected in its unique design which artfully plays with the idea of visibility and concealment.
The font is characterized by its solid, block-like structure, with letters that seem to be carved out from darkness, hence the name "Blackout." The most striking feature of this font is its missing segments, creating an intriguing visual effect that both attracts and challenges the viewer. This clever design choice mimics the look of text that has been censored or redacted, with pieces of letters seemingly "blacked out," while still maintaining legibility and coherence. This balance between form and function makes Blackout not only a statement piece but also versatile enough for a wide range of applications.
Tyler Finck’s Blackout comes in several variations, including Midnight (the darkest and most filled in), 2 AM (which has slightly more "cutouts"), and Sunrise (offering the most "open" design of the three). This range allows designers flexibility in how stark or subtle they want the blackout effect to be. Despite its bold visual style, Blackout remains surprisingly readable, making it suitable for headlines, posters, logos, and any project that demands a font with a strong personality and a touch of mystery.
In summary, Blackout by Tyler Finck is a visually compelling and ingeniously designed font that encapsulates the essence of obscured and revealed information. Its unique approach to typeface design invites viewers into an interactive experience, pushing the boundaries of traditional typography. Whether used in graphic design, digital media, or artistic installations, Blackout offers a powerful tool for conveying messages with depth and impact.
Character map
! $ % & ' * + , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; = ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
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Copyright (c) , 2008. All rights reserved.. SURSLY_TylerFinck: Blackout Midnight: 2008. Blackout Midnight. Version 0.001 2008. Blackout-Midnight. Blackout Midnight is a trademark of SURSLY .. SURSLY _ Tyler Finck. Tyler Finck. Blackout. Midnight
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