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Trem da Alegria (Happiness Train) was a children musical band (in the RCA label) in Brazil. It was created in 1984, lasted until 1992, and throughout their career, they released eight albums that sold altogether six million copies.[citation needed]

The band started in 1984 with Luciano Nassyn and Patricia Marx, recording the album Clube da Criança with Xuxa and Carequinha. The duo's boom came with the album Carossel da Esperança and the hit single "É de Chocolate".

In 1985, Juninho Bill joined the band, and Trem da Alegria recorded its first album with special participation including Lucinha Lins ("Dona Felicidade") and The Fevers ("Uni, Duni, Te"). In 1986, Vanessa Delduque joined the band. In 1988, Luciano, Vanessa, Juninho Bill and Amanda for Brazil Sucess of children musical band. Luciano and Vanessa to Say Good Bye for Happiness Train. In 1989, Amanda Acosta and Rubinho Cabrera joined the band, In 1991, Rick Bueno joined the band. In 1992, Happiness Train is Final Presentations in Brazilians Radios and Televisions Broadcasting.

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67 glyphs, 86 kerning pairs
DeLarge by Pintassilgoprints . DeLarge Bold:Version 1.30. DeLarge Bold. Version 1.00 April 26, 2009, initial release. DeLarge-Bold. PintassilgoPrints.
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