The Anja Eliane font is a delightful embodiment of elegance and grace, intertwining classic charm with contemporary flair. This typeface has a distinctive character, resonating with the personality of modern calligraphy while maintaining legibility and ease of reading. It finds its roots in the tradition of handwritten scripts, yet it has been adapted to meet the demands of today's diverse range of digital and print mediums.
Anja Eliane is characterized by its fluid, cursive strokes, which create a sense of cohesion and fluidity throughout the text. Each letter appears meticulously crafted, featuring varying line weights that lend depth and dimension to the text. This contrast, especially noticeable in the transition from thin upstrokes to thick downstrokes, imbues the font with a dynamic rhythm, making it both captivating and functional for a variety of applications.
The typeface shines in contexts that call for a personal, intimate touch, such as wedding invitations, greeting cards, and boutique branding. Its letterforms are adorned with delicate embellishments, and its swooping ascenders and descenders add a touch of whimsy and sophistication. Anja Eliane also offers a set of stylistic alternates and ligatures, allowing designers to customize their creations further, ensuring that each application is unique and personalized.
In essence, Anja Eliane stands out for its versatility, beauty, and charm. It bridges the gap between traditional calligraphy and the needs of modern design, making it a cherished choice for those looking to convey warmth, elegance, and a personal touch in their projects.
Character map
! " $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { } ¢ £ – — ‘ ’ “ ” •

Wow! This font practically saved my life, it's perfect! Thank you for taking your time and creating it, much appreciated! :) My search is done.

Well, if this font is called "anja eliane, nornal", then what Volkswagen TS-Heavy is doing here?

If a picture says more than a thousand words then what do four pictures tell us?

RF, I would not worry about the Volkswagen TS too much. After all that is a clone too.

It all started with the VAG (Volkswagen Aktiengeselschaft) Rounded. Cloned and copied by about everyone. QBF with their dark history renamed it Volkswagen, which started it's life as Softmakers Volkswagen Serial Black, SSI copied it and named it Adera Display, CDExpertSoftware made a (bad) copy and named it Adira Display but forgot to change the naming so it still refers to SSI. The Anja Eliane is the Adira Display renamed. Edson & Eliane took the trouble to change the copyright and naming in the Microsoft Unicode section but never took the trouble to bother with the Macintosh section, which is exactly the same as the Adira Display. As is the deformed lower case a. I have not bothered to look at any other glyph. It is clear from the naming ...

Thanks for this detailed reply, kk, though I know the font has been extensively cloned. I just wanted to point out that the new name appeared on horizon :O )

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Anja Eliane

Unknown license
92 glyphs, 211 kerning pairs
Edson & Eliane - 2005 Juntos para sempre!. Typograf. Anja Eliane. 01.1. Anja Eliane Nornal. eliane.san
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