Character map
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A not so nice irregular handwriting font fit for cartoons and such things

KKat - weren't CAC fonts commercial?

I swore that this was American Greeting Company's property - and they sold it as a package with their program to make homemade cards... no?

And 'sold' is the correct word. That software (create-a-card) has been discontinued for quite a while. CAC fonts can now be found everywhere.

didn't know that - thank you.

did notice that the sites that say FREE CAC fonts - have removed them all...

like this one; is down since a long time. But you can find CAC fonts all over the place. With ease. Just this one, Krazy legs, is a bit of a rarity. That is, hard to find. That, and because an ID for it was asked for, is why I posted it. If Alex doesn't feel comfortable with it after all this he will remove it. Sure thing. And not much of a loss because it is nothing special. Plenty of this sort of handwriting around.

That software package was kid-stuff rubbish anyway. No wonder it was killed. And now the ghosts are swirling around us.

I was always partial to Shinshoni Script :-)

CAC Krazy Legs

Unknown license
184 glyphs, 6461 kerning pairs
Copyright © 1996. American Greetings Corporation. Altsys Fontographer 4.1 CAC Krazy Legs. CAC Krazy Legs. v1.2 8/28/96. CACKrazyLegs
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