Character map
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Inspired by German blackletters, and offered as a contemporary alternative to the Latin designs, "!The Black Bloc" is at once decorative and legible.

Have fun with the font, and if you do anytihng interesting, send me a line! Thanks for your time.

Alex, we need a new category.

Beautiful -- what would have happened if blackletter continued to evolve and be used.

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!The Black Bloc

Unknown license
230 glyphs, 447 kerning pairs
Typeface © !Exclamachine Type Foundry, 2006. All Rights Reserved.. !ExclamachineTypeFoundry: !The Black Bloc: 2006. !The Black Bloc. Version 1.000 2006 initial release. !TheBlackBloc. !Exclamachine Type Foundry. Choz Cunningham. A contemporary blackletter face.. !EXCLAMACHINE TYPE FOUNDRY FREEWARE FONTS LICENSE Use -- of the output of these fonts for any purpose, any time is welcome. In fact, if you do something interesting with it, let me know, or send me a sample or some of your shwag! Please do not distribute any !Exclamachine Type Foundry font files commercially, or in physical mass media without contacting me first. Otherwise, you may only make these fonts available from a web site if it is freely accessible to everyone. These font files may not be modified without prior consent of !Exclamachine Type Foundry. Fine Print -- All fonts are copyright of, and their names are Trademarks of !Exclamachine Type Foundry. Do not take internally. If ingested, immediately induce vomiting. Please don't link directly to the fonts; link to the home page. Sub-URL's are subject to change. Do Not taunt !Exclamachine fonts. Thank you, enjoy. -Choz. Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den S&ylter Deich. 0123456789
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