The font "Pea Stacy's Doodles," created by Fonts for Peas, is an enchanting collection of doodle-inspired characters that brings a unique and whimsical touch to any project. This font stands out for its playful and hand-drawn aesthetic, making it perfect for projects that require a personal, homemade feel. Each glyph in the "Pea Stacy's Doodles" font is more than just a letter or number; it's a miniature piece of art, meticulously designed to look like it has been sketched directly onto the page with a fine pen or pencil.
Unlike traditional fonts that focus on uniformity and precision, "Pea Stacy's Doodles" embraces the irregularities and variations that come with hand-drawn art. This font features a variety of doodle characters, including smiling faces, hearts, stars, and a range of other whimsical motifs that complement the alphabetic and numeric characters. The inclusion of these playful doodles allows designers to add a touch of creativity and personality to invitations, greeting cards, posters, and any other project that could benefit from a light-hearted and friendly vibe.
"Pea Stacy's Doodles" is not just about adding text to a design; it's about infusing your projects with charm and character. The font's casual and inviting style makes it particularly suitable for educational materials, children's books, and craft projects, where its ability to capture the imagination and convey joy is most valuable. Each character and symbol in the font has been crafted with care, ensuring that they not only communicate effectively but also contribute to the overall aesthetic and emotional appeal of the design. Overall, "Pea Stacy's Doodles" by Fonts for Peas is a delightful font that offers designers and creators a unique way to bring warmth and whimsy to their work.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { }
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Pea Stacy's Doodles

Unknown license
85 glyphs
Typeface © (Fonts For Peas). 2006. All Rights Reserved Free for personal use, contact for commercial use: Pea Stacy's Doodles:Version 1.00. Pea Stacy's Doodles. Version 1.00 May 14, 2006, initial release. PeaStacy'sDoodles. This font was created using Font Creator 5.0 from
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