Carnivalee Freakshow, designed by Chris Hansen, is a distinctive and charming font that harkens back to the early 20th century and the ambiance of old carnival and circus posters. This font captures the whimsical and slightly eerie appeal of vintage circus aesthetics, making it a perfect choice for projects aiming to evoke nostalgia, mystery, and a touch of the theatrical. Its design incorporates elements that are both bold and intricate, creating a visual spectacle that demands attention.
The font showcases a combination of tall, skinny letters alongside exaggerated serifs and ornate embellishments. Each character in the Carnivalee Freakshow family seems to tell its own story, imbued with personality and flair. The slightly uneven baseline and variation in size among the characters lend the font an authentic hand-crafted feel, amplifying its vintage charm. This intentional irregularity gives texts a dynamic rhythm, as if the letters are dancing across the page, mirroring the lively and unpredictable performances of a bygone circus era.
Carnivalee Freakshow is not just a font; it's an experience. Its usage immediately transports the audience to a world filled with wonder, excitement, and a hint of nostalgia for a time when traveling shows and their accompanying visual advertisements captivated the imagination of the public. Ideal for posters, event announcements, theme party invitations, or any creative project looking to imbue a sense of enchantment and old-world excitement, Carnivalee Freakshow by Chris Hansen stands out as a testament to the power of type in shaping visual narratives and moods.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ¡ § © ¼ ½ ¿ Ä Å ä å † • ‰ ™

Hi Chris,

I would love to use your Carnivalee Freakshow font commercially. Please contact me at:



Hi Chris,

I would like to use the Carnivalee Freakshow font in a logo. Can you please contact me at bksepulv at so we can discuss?



Hi Chris,

I'd like to use Carnivalee Freakshow font in a product I'm developing. Can you please contact me at alyssagundred at



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Carnivalee Freakshow

Personal use only
108 glyphs
Chris Hansen© . 2004. All Rights Reserved. Carnivalee Freakshow:Version 3.00. Carnivalee Freakshow. Version 3.00 December 29, 2004, initial release. CarnivaleeFreakshow. This font was created using the Font Creator Program 4.5 from
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