Mindful that Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic) would be used in conjunction with Hiragino Serif (Mincho), SCREEN developed a font that anticipated today’s world where most people do their reading on displays and yet still has an orthodox letterform that does not blur when printed on paper. In short, our goal with this font was to create a new concept that responds to the demands of today’s times. This font offers weight variations from W0 to W9 and is extremely versatile. This makes it well-suited to all visual expression media including paper, metallic textures, resins, cloth, television, movies, broadcasting, websites, and electronic displays. One of the design’s strongpoints is that it elides serif on the right side of each stroke, thus delivering more spacious counters and a comfortable appearance. Thanks to this, the typeface not only delivers a contemporary, lively impression same as Latin sans serif typefaces, but also heightens the natural continuity and readability of text whether it is set vertically or horizontally. As a result, it makes it possible to bring a strong appealing power to text. Without a doubt, this is typeface that above else embodies the role of Sans Serif.