840 search results (0.103 seconds)
  1. Prisma is a distinctive and stylistically unique typeface that doesn't strike a conventional note in the typographic world, making it an intriguing subject of discussion. While not part of the mainst...
  2. "Exquisite Corpse" by Chad Savage is an evocative font that stands out due to its unique inspiration and design, encapsulating a sense of artistic collaboration and creativity tied to its namesake. T...
  3. As of my last update, "Among Us" as a term is best recognized for its association with the popular multiplayer game known for its unique blend of social deduction, teamwork, and betrayal mechanics. H...
  4. Alas, my dear friend, it appears we've dipped our toes into the vibrant and imaginary sea of typographic creatures, only to fish out the elusive "StingRay" – a font so mysteriously absent from the ma...
  5. As of my last update, there isn't a widely recognized or standard font named "Karyna Feet." However, the wonderful world of typography often embraces new creations and names, so let's explore the art...
  6. As of my last update in April 2023, I don't have specific data on a font named "Yum" created by Yum Productions, suggesting that it might not be widely recognized or it might be a newer, niche creati...
  7. Tabaiba wild ffp, crafted by the talented Spanish type designer deFharo, is a distinctive display font that encapsulates the spirit of adventure and the wildness of nature. With its unique design, th...
  8. Ah, Berlin Email by Peter Wiegel, a font that dons its typographic trench coat and stylishly strides through the digital streets of Berlin, casting an air of retro-yet-futuristic sophistication. Craf...
  9. As of my last update in April 2023, "Kick The Font" might not refer to a widely recognized or standard font available in common design or typography circles. Nevertheless, based on the playful and en...
  10. Legendum, designed by Rogier van Dalen, is a unique and vibrant font that captures the attention of its viewers through its distinctive characteristics and versatile usability. The font embodies a mo...
  11. Cheap Fire is a typeface that embodies a raw, energetic essence, as if it’s been forged in the heart of a rebellious spirit. This font doesn't just sit quietly on the page; it demands attention, crac...
  12. Hand Sketch Rough Poster by TypoGraphicDesign, $25.00
    “Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter” is a hand­made, rough and dirty sans-serif dis­play font for deco­ra­tive head­line sizes. Hand drawn. A–Z (× 2), a–z (× 2) and 0–9 (× 4) are each many dif­fe­rent forms. Con­text­ual alter­na­tes. Is inten­ded to show the hand-made cha­rac­ter and the vibrancy of the dis­play font. The dif­fe­rent forms of rough­ness crea­tes a live­li­ness in the typeface. Stan­dard liga­tures like ae, oe, AE, OE, ff, fl, fi, fj, ffl, ffi, ffj and more deco­ra­tive liga­tures like CT, LC, LE, LH, LI, LO, LU, LY, TOO, TC, TE, TH, TU, TZ and ch, cl, ck, ct, sh, sk, st, sp, addi­tio­nal logo­ty­pes like BPM, fff, ppp, sfz and many more … plus Ver­sal Eszett (Capi­tal Let­ter Dou­ble S) give the font more life and shows that des­pite their retro-looks works with modern Open­Type tech­no­logy (type the word note for the sym­bol ♫ and the word love for the ding­bat ❤ … ). Sym­bols like play, stop, eject, for­ward, back­ward, skip, pause and so on. The topic for the dis­cre­tio­nary liga­tures and the sym­bols are music. Have fun with this font – turn up the volume! How To Use – awe­some magic OpenType-Features in your lay­out application ■ In Adobe Pho­to­shop and Adobe InDe­sign, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Cha­rac­ter panel sub-menu → Open­Type → Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures … Che­cked fea­tures are applied/on. Unche­cked fea­tures are off. ■ In Adobe Illus­tra­tor, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Open­Type panel. Icons at the bot­tom of the panel are but­ton con­trols. Dar­ker ‘pres­sed’ but­tons are applied/on. ■ Addi­tio­nally in Adobe InDe­sign and Adobe Illus­tra­tor, alter­nate gly­phs can manu­ally be ins­er­ted into a text frame by using the gly­phs panel. The panel can be opened by selec­ting Win­dow from the menu bar → Type → Gly­phs. Or use sign-overview of your ope­ra­ting sys­tem. ■ For a over­view of OpenType-Feature com­pa­ti­bi­lity for com­mon app­li­ca­ti­ons, fol­low the myfonts-help http://www.myfonts.com/help/#looks-different ■ It may pro­cess a little bit slowly in some app­li­ca­ti­ons, because the font has a lot of lovely rough details (anchor points). TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ■ Font Name: Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter ■ Font Weights: Regu­lar ■ Fonts Cate­gory: Dis­play for Head­line Size ■ Desktop-Font For­mat: OTF (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + TTF (True­Type Font) ■ Web-Font For­mat: SVG + EOT + TTF + WOF ■ Font License: Desk­top license, Web license, App license, eBook license, Ser­ver license ■ Glyph cover­age: 715 ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: Afri­kaans, Alba­nian, Alsa­tian, Ara­go­nese, Ara­paho, Aro­ma­nian, Arr­ernte, Astu­rian, Aymara, Bas­que, Bela­rusian (Lac­inka), Bis­lama, Bos­nian, Bre­ton, Cata­lan, Cebuano, Cha­morro, Che­yenne, Chi­chewa (Nyanja), Cim­brian, Cor­si­can, Croa­tian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Espe­ranto, Esto­nian, Fijian, Fin­nish, French, French Creole (Saint Lucia), Fri­sian, Fri­ulian, Gali­cian, Genoese, Ger­man, Gil­ber­tese (Kiri­bati), Green­lan­dic, Hai­tian Creole, Hawaiian, Hili­gaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Hun­ga­rian, Iba­nag, Iloko (Ilo­kano), Indo­ne­sian, Inter­g­lossa (Glosa), Inter­lin­gua, Irish (Gae­lic), Istro-Romanian, Ita­lian, Jèr­riais, Kas­hubian, Kur­dish (Kur­manji), Ladin, Lat­vian, Lithua­nian, Loj­ban, Lom­bard, Low Saxon, Luxem­bour­gian, Malag­asy, Malay (Lati­ni­zed), Mal­tese, Manx, Maori, Megleno-Romanian, Mohawk, Nahuatl, Norfolk/Pitcairnese, Nort­hern Sotho (Pedi), Nor­we­gian, Occi­tan, Oromo, Pan­gasinan, Papia­mento, Pied­mon­tese, Polish, Por­tu­guese, Pota­wa­tomi, Que­chua, Rhaeto-Romance, Roma­nian, Romansh (Rumantsch), Roto­kas, Sami (Inari), Sami (Lule), Samoan, Sar­di­nian (Sardu), Scots (Gae­lic), Sey­chel­lois Creole (Seselwa), Shona, Sici­lian, Slovak, Slove­nian (Slovene), Somali, Sou­thern Nde­bele, Sou­thern Sotho (Seso­tho), Spa­nish, Swa­hili, Swati/Swazi, Swe­dish, Taga­log (Filipino/Pilipino), Tahi­tian, Tau­sug, Tetum (Tetun), Tok Pisin, Ton­gan (Faka-Tonga), Tswana, Tur­kish, Turk­men, Turk­men (Lati­ni­zed), Tuva­luan, Uyghur (Lati­ni­zed), Veps, Vola­pük, Votic (Lati­ni­zed), Wal­loon, Warl­piri, Welsh, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu ■ Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, logo­ty­pes, ding­bats & sym­bols, accents & €. OpenType-Features like Access All Alter­na­tes (aalt), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt), Glyph Composition/Decomposition (ccmp), Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures (dlig) Deno­mi­na­tors (dnom), Frac­tions (frac), Kerning (kern), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Lining Figu­res (lnum), Nume­ra­tors (numr), Old Style Figu­res (onum) Ordi­nals (ordn), Pro­por­tio­nal Figu­res (pnum), Sty­listic Alter­na­tes (salt), Sty­listic Set 01 (ss01), Sty­listic Set 02 (ss02), Sty­listic Set 03 (ss03), Sty­listic Set 04 (ss04), Super­script (sups), Tabu­lar Figu­res (tnum) ■ Design Date: 2015 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Viergutz
  13. Hand Stamp Play Rough Serif by TypoGraphicDesign, $25.00
    “Hand Stamp Play Rough Serif” is a rough and dirty serif Font with authentic & real stamp look. Original Hand Stamped. A–Z, a–z, and 0–9 are each 3× different forms (every letter/glyph has two additional alternate characters) and is intended to show the hand-made nature and the vibrancy of the display font. The different pressure (velocity) of the stamp on paper creates a liveliness in the typeface. Ligatures like ae, oe, AE, OE, ff, fl, fi, fj, ffl, ffj, ffi, and additional logotypes like and, the, by, tel fax, web, www … and a Versal Eszett (Capital Letter Double S) give the Font more life and shows that despite their retro-looks works with modern OpenType technology (from ❤ love is, from luck will ✤ … ). Replacing the glyphs “E” instead of “3” to convey that typeface invites you to play. It is the desire to experiment and promote uninhibited experimentation. A variety of alternative letters and a few glyphs follow her own head @, &, ₤, £, “,”, * … The typeface has its quirks and downright human characteristics to “just love.” Have fun with this font – Just Stamp It. Application Area The serif font works best for head­line size. Logo, Poster, Edi­to­rial Design (Maga­zine or Fan­zine) or Web­de­sign (Head­line Web­font for your web­site), Web­ban­ner, party flyer, movie pos­ter, music pos­ter, music covers … How To Use – awesome magic OpenType-Features in your layout application ■ In Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign, font feature controls are within the Character panel sub-menu → OpenType → Discretionary Ligatures … Checked features are applied/on. Unchecked features are off. ■ In Adobe Illustrator, font feature controls are within the OpenType panel. Icons at the bottom of the panel are button controls. Darker ‘pressed’ buttons are applied/on. ■ Additionally in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, alternate glyphs can manually be inserted into a text frame by using the glyphs panel. The panel can be opened by selecting Window from the menu bar → Type → Glyphs. Or use sign-overview of your operating system. ■ For a overview of OpenType-Feature compatibility for common applications, follow the myfonts-help http://www.myfonts.com/help/#looks-different ■ It may process a little bit slowly in some applications, because the font has a lot of lovely rough details (anchor points). Technical Specifications ■ Font Name: Hand Stamp Play Rough Serif ■ Font Weights: Regular, Bold ■ Fonts Category: Display for Headline Size ■ Desktop-Font: OTF (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + TTF (True­Type Font) ■ Web-Font: SVG + EOT + TTF + WOF ■ Font License: Desk­top license, Web license, App license, eBook license, Ser­ver license ■ Glyph coverage: 617 ■ Language Support: Albanian, Alsatian, Aragonese, Arapaho, Aromanian, Arrernte, Asturian, Aymara, Basque, Bislama, Bosnian, Breton, Cebuano, Chamorro, Cheyenne, Chichewa (Nyanja), Cimbrian, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Finnish, French, French Creole (Saint Lucia), Frisian, Friulian, Galician, Genoese, German, Gilbertese (Kiribati), Greenlandic, Guarani, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Hungarian, Ibanag, Iloko (Ilokano), Indonesian, Interglossa (Glosa), Interlingua, Irish (Gaelic), Islandic, Istro-Romanian, Italian, Jèrriais, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Ladin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Lojban, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Maltese, Manx, Maori, Megleno-Romanian, Mohawk, Nahuatl, Norfolk/Pitcairnese, Northern Sotho (Pedi), Norwegian, Occitan, Oromo, Pangasinan, Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Potawatomi, Rhaeto-Romance, Romanian, Romansh (Rumantsch), Rotokas, Sami (Inari), Sami (Lule), Samoan, Sardinian (Sardu), Scots (Gaelic), Seychellois Creole (Seselwa), Shona, Sicilian, Slovak, Slovenian (Slovene), Somali, Southern Ndebele, Southern Sotho (Sesotho), Spanish, Swahili, Swati/Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog (Filipino/Pilipino), Tahitian, Tausug, Tetum (Tetun), Tok Pisin, Tongan (Faka-Tonga), Tswana, Turkish, Turkmen, Turkmen (Latinized), Tuvaluan, Uyghur (Latinized), Veps, Volapük, Votic (Latinized), Walloon, Warlpiri, Welsh, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu ■ Specials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, Ver­sal Eszett (Ger­man Capi­tal Sharp S), symbols, dingbats, digits, accents & €, incl. OpenType-Features like Access All Alter­na­tes (aalt), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt), Glyph Composition/Decomposition (ccmp), Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures (dlig) Deno­mi­na­tors (dnom), Frac­tions (frac), Kerning (kern), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Nume­ra­tors (numr), Ordi­nals (ordn), Sty­listic Alter­na­tes (salt), Sty­listic Set 01 (ss01), Sty­listic Set 02 (ss02), Sty­listic Set 03 (ss03), Super­script (sups), Slashed Zero (zero) ■ Design Date: 2014 ■ Type Designer: Manuel Viergutz
  14. "Med Splode" sounds like a font that escaped from a comic book artist's fever dream, where letters aren't just typeset; they detonate with style. Picture this: each character crafted not with the mer...
  15. Easter Parade is a distinctive typeface designed by Harold Lohner that captures the whimsical essence and joy of the Easter season. This font stands out with its playful curvature and decorative elem...
  16. As of my last update in April 2023, "Winob" does not appear to be a widely recognized font within the traditional or digital typography communities, so my depiction will lean into imaginative interpr...
  17. As of my last update in April 2023, "Fresh" by La Toya Grey may not be specifically known in mainstream font directories or among widely recognized graphic design communities. However, let's create a...
  18. As of the last update in my training data, there wasn't a widely recognized font specifically named "Rhino Dino" in the mainstream typographic resources or font libraries. However, the imaginative po...
  19. As of my last update in early 2023, the specific font named "Cartoo Nature" by Tokokoo may not be widely recognized or might be an emerging or niche font in the vast landscape of typography. However,...
  20. As of my last update in early 2023, there is no widely recognized or mainstream font specifically known as "Veruca." It is possible that Veruca could be a custom or less widely distributed typeface, ...
  21. ComixHeavy is a font that truly captures the essence of fun, vibrancy, and dynamism, making it an exceptional choice for projects that demand a touch of playfulness and originality. Its design is rem...
  22. Shorelines Script Bold by The Branded Quotes evokes a sense of freedom and creativity, designed for those who wish to imbue their work with a touch of personal flair. This font, with its bold and flo...
  23. As of my last update in early 2023, "PlasterCaster" is not a widely recognized typeface in mainstream typographic resources or font collections, which makes it a bit challenging to describe accuratel...
  24. ICONO BMX, crafted by the talented Rodrigo German, is an engaging and dynamic font that captures the essence and vibrancy of BMX culture. This font stands out for its authentic and expressive design,...
  25. The font named Skratch, crafted by the talented typographer David Kerkhoff, is a true embodiment of creativity and unleashed artistic expression. It dives into the realm of casual and spontaneous des...
  26. The font named "Greek House Fathouse," created by Greek House of Fonts, stands out as a distinctive typeface steeped in the aesthetic sensibilities of Greek letter organizations, particularly those f...
  27. The font MAWNS' Graffiti Filled, created by the talented typographer Måns Grebäck, is a striking and audacious display font that captures the spirit and vibrancy of street art and urban creativity. T...
  28. As of my last update in early 2023, there is no widely recognized or established font known as "Chlorix." However, let's create an imaginative description based on the name itself. The font Chlorix...
  29. The Overspray font, developed by Michael Tension, is a vivid embodiment of artistic freedom and dynamic expression. It stands out for its ability to capture the spontaneous, rebellious spirit of stre...
  30. Alba Super, designed by the foundry Fontalicious, is a distinctive and lively display font that exudes a sense of playful energy and uniqueness. It’s a part of the larger Alba family, which is known ...
  31. BoomBox, created by the talented Jonathan Paterson, is a captivating display font that embodies a lively and energetic spirit, perfect for designs that aim to stand out and make a bold statement. The...
  32. The "ICONOS SKATE" font, created by Rodrigo German, is a unique typeface that epitomizes the vivid and dynamic culture of skateboarding. This font captures the essence of street and skate culture, re...
  33. The Planet TriColore font is a captivating display typeface created by the design group known as The Planet. Characterized by its unique blend of vibrancy and creativity, this font takes inspiration ...
  34. Space Rave, crafted by the imaginative Darrell Flood, is a font that doesn't just communicate; it invites you into a universe where typography meets the frontier of imagination. Its design principles...
  35. The Ginga> font, created by the talented Billy Argel, is an embodiment of creativity and flair that effortlessly captures attention. Designed with a unique blend of street art influence and elegant c...
  36. Amazónica, a distinctive font created by the talented designer Juan Casco, stands out as a unique addition to the typography world. Juan Casco, known for creating fonts with a personal touch and crea...
  37. Sure thing! "ACED IT" is a font that instantly communicates a sense of achievement and playfulness, thanks to its stylish design by Grimgrin. This font embodies a unique blend of casual and dynamic e...
  38. Imagine a font that not only captures the essence of spontaneity and energy but does so with a flair that is both captivating and effervescent. Zapped is that font, a design that seems to leap off th...
  39. "Express" by dibujado, operating under the pseudonym dabnotu, is a distinctive and versatile font that stands out for its unique character and flair. At a glance, the font encapsulates a sense of mov...
  40. ROBO - Personal use only
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