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  1. Jugendstil Initials by HiH, $16.00
    Jugendstil Initials were designed by Heinrich Vogeler around 1905, based on the German blackletter tradition. A similar set of initials by Vogeler, but based on roman letters was released by Rudhardsche Geisserei of Offenbach at about this time. I believe the originals were woodcuts. The backgrounds to the letterforms may be seen as examples of Heimatkunst, an art movement within Germany that drew deliberate inspiration from the rural countryside. Like the Arts and Crafts Movement in England a little earlier, Heimatkunst may be seen, in part, as a romantic rejection of urban industrialization, while at the same time representing a back-to-roots nationalism. Like any river, it was fed by many streams. Jugendstil Initials is an experiment with which I am most pleased. It is far and away the most complex font HiH has produced and I was uncertain whether or not it could be done successfully. To oversimplify, a font is produced by creating outlines of each character, using points along the outline to define the contour. A simple sans-serif letter A with crossbar can be created using as few as 10 points. We decided to make a comparison of the number of points we used to define the uppercase A in various fonts. Cori, Gaiety Girl and Page No 508 all use 12 points. Patent Reclame uses 39 and Publicity Headline uses 43. All the rest of the A’s, except the decorative initials, fall somewhere in between. The initial letters run from 48 points for Schnorr Initials to 255 for Morris Initials Two, with 150 being about average. Then there is a jump to 418 points for Morris Initials One and, finally, to 1626 points for Jugendstil Initials. And this was only after we selectively simplified the designs so our font creation software (Fontographer) could render them. The average was 1678, not including X and Y. There was no X and Y in the original design and we have provided simple stand-ins to fill out the alphabet, without trying to imitate the style of the orginal design. We did a lot of looking to find a compatible lower case. We decided that Morris Gothic from the same period was the best match in color, design and historical context. We felt so strongly about the choice that we decided to produce our Morris Gothic font for the purpose of providing a lower case for Jugendstil Initials. The long s, as well as the ligatures ch and ck are provided. at 181, 123 (leftbrace) and 125 (rightbrace) respectively. This font was a lot of work, but I think it was worth it. I hope you agree.
  2. Steak by Sudtipos, $59.00
    Here I am, once again digging up 60-year sign lettering and trying to reconcile it with the typography of my own time. The truth is I've had this particular Alf Becker alphabet in my sights for a few years now. But in the typical way chaos shuffles the days, Buffet Script and Whomp won the battle for my attentions way back when, then Storefront beat the odds by a nose a couple of years ago. Nevertheless, revisiting Alf Becker’s work is always a breath of fresh air for me, not to mention the ego boost I get from confirming that I can still hack my way through the challenges, which is something I think people ask themselves about more often as they get older. You can never tell what may influence your work, or in this case remind you to dig it out of dust drawers and finally mould it into one of your own experiences. On my recent visits to the States and Canada, I noticed that quite a few high-end steak houses try their best to recreate an urban American 1930s atmosphere. This is quite evident in their menus, wall art, lighting, music, and so on. The ambience says your money is well spent here, because your food was originally choice-cut by a butcher who wears a suit, cooked by a chef who may be your neighbour 20 minutes from downtown, and delivered by a waitress who can do the Charleston when the lights dim and who just wouldn't mind laughing with you over drinks at the bar later. So Steak is just that, a face for menus and wall art in those places that see themselves in the kind of jazzy, noirish world where one-liners rule and exclamation points are part of a foreign language. As is usual with my lettering-inspired faces, there is very little left of the original Alf Becker alphabet. Of course, the challenges present in bringing typographic functionality to what is essentially pure hand lettering gives the spirit of the original art a hell of a rollercoaster ride. But I think that spirit survived the adventure, and may in fact be even somewhat magnified here. This font is over 850 glyphs. It’s loaded with ligatures, swashes, ending forms, alternates, ascender and descender variations, and extended Latin language support. Steak comes in 3 versions. According to your taste you can choose Barbecue, Braised or Smoked. It’s up to you!
  3. Rotola TH Pro by Elsner+Flake, $40.00
    Karl-Heinz Lange presented his first drafts of Rotola during a Typoart® type design competition in 1985 under the name "Boutique". A year later, Norbert du Vinage, former manager of the type design department, integrated "Boutique" in his production plan. Due the Fall of the Wall, it took about 18 years until Lange finished this font family in cooperation with Elsner+Flake. Karl-Heinz Lange was born on July 29, 1929 in Wiesenkirch in West Prussia. He was enrolled in the Humanistic Gymnasium at Elbing from 1939 to 1945 and changed to the Wernigerode High School after his family had to flee to central Germany. From 1949 to 1951, Karl-Heinz Lange studied at the Werkkunstschule Halle, where one of his teachers was Professor Post. After 1951, he continued his studies at the Hochschule for Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig with an emphasis on book design. He received his diploma in 1955 with distinction based on his design of a hot metal typeface. From 1956 to 1961, Karl-Heinz Lange worked as a lecturer for Type and Commercial Graphics at the Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Magdeburg. From 1961 to 1963, he taught at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, and finally as a freelance commercial designer in Magdeburg. He worked on a variety of assignments, one of which was the design of trick films. From 1969 to 1976 he took the position of Artistic Director of the Henschelverlag, Berlin; from 1976 to 1994 he was Professor of Type and Typography at the Fachschule für Werbung und Gestaltung in Berlin; and, until 2004, he taught at various institutes for advanced professional education. From 2005 to 2007 he taught at the Fachhochschule Magdeburg/Stendal. Karl-Heinz Lange was awarded the second prize at the "International Type Design Contest 1971" for a headline typeface, and, in 1984, at the XI. Biannual of Graphic Design in Brno, he won a Silver Medal for the design of his typeface family Publica. He created the telephone book typeface Minima and re-designed the Typoart Super Grotesk® (Arno Drescher, 1930) as well as the Newspaper typeface Magna® by Herbert Thannhaeuser for the use on digital typesetting systems. To the day of his death on June 29, 2010, Karl-Heinz Lange lived and worked as a type designer. Among others, he closely followed the designs of the typefaces which were developed under his guidance for Typoart®: "Publica®", "Typoart Super Grotesk®" and "Minima®" which he launched as "Publicala", "Minimala" and "Superla" in 2009. In cooperation with Elsner+Flake, he developed the Typeface family "Rotola" between 2006 and 2009 as well as the script families of the "Viabella®" series. To the end, he followed the development of his first typeface, the "Diplom Antiqua", which he also wanted to bring to market together with Elsner+Flake.
  4. A10 STAR Black by Mogtahid, $90.00
    As a former typographer / lino and calligrapher, Abdallah NASRI had recourse to the nature of the idea of ​​an "INTERCHANGEABLE" collection for types who in reality offer a police collar parallel to the complex typeface of the variable. Our fashion is outlined by a simple calculation defined by superimposed geometric circles where we used only its ¼ to fill the need for the angles of each of our letters. Always with the idea of ​​having in the same allocated space, the same letter nested as many times as fat example from Hairline to Ultrabold. It was in this way that I was able to obtain a large number of styles, with a very interesting kerning which prompted me to extend the font to other languages ​​with +1000 characters and +600 glyphs. I have always been treasured by the all in "1". I assure you that I sought to obtain the maximum of Visibility for a use S / Titling TV, WEB Pages and Typography Typo; once the difficult thing was done, I was rewarded by a font that has countless typographic openings for the world of graphics with 10 styles of weights in hand, and again I am happy to have personalized the charm of each letter by new details; I do not regret the time spent on thinking about it so that it is useful and at the same time pleasant as a working tool, finally profitable in all sectors and more multilingual, without forgetting that it is a family of inter change c ' is to say: All the types occupy the same height of the body and it is their fats which differs in the same space width of each of the letters, therefore no interference in spacing. Here, an additional alternative, a participation of a septuagenarian in the service of the love of modern digital typography. • TEST: At 50% screen in a body of 12 pixels, the A10 STAR Alphabet subjected to a test, has a clear Readability / Visibility. • P.S: A10 STAR integrates Diacriticism in all its forms. Texte d'origine : Abdallah NASRI a eu recours en étant ancien typographe/lino et calligraphe à la nature de l'idée d'une collection "INTERCHANGEABLE" pour les types qui en réalité offre un collier de police parallèle à la fonte complexe du variable. Notre mode est esquissé par un calcul simple défini par des ronds géométrique superposés où on a utilisé seulement son ¼ pour garnir le besoin des angles de chacune de nos lettres. Toujours dans l’idée à avoir dans le même espacement alloué, la même lettre imbriquée autant de fois de graisse exemple du Hairline à Ultrabold. C’est de cette manière que j’ai pu obtenir un grand nombre de styles, avec un crénage très intéressant ce qui m’a incité à étendre la police à d’autres langues avec +1000 caractères et +600 glyphes. J’ai toujours été prisé par le tout en « 1 ». Je vous assure que j’ai cherché à obtenir le maximum de Visibilité pour une utilisation S/Titrage TV, Pages WEB et Maquette typo ; une fois le difficile fait, j’ai été récompensé par une police qui possède d’innombrable ouverture typographique pour le monde du Graphisme avec comme atout en main 10 styles de graisses, et encore je suis content pour avoir personnalisé le charme de chaque lettre par des détails nouveaux ; je ne regrette pas le temps passé dessus à réfléchir pour qu’il soit utile et à la fois agréable comme outil de travail, enfin profitable tous secteurs confondus et en plus multilingue, sans oublié que c’est une famille d’inter change c’est-à-dire : Tous les types occupent la même hauteur du corps et c'est leurs graisses qui diffère dans un même espace largeur de chacune des lettres, donc aucune interférence dans l’espacement. Voilà, une alternative supplémentaire, une participation d’un septuagénaire au service de l’amour de la typographie numérique moderne. • TEST : A 50% d'écran dans un corps de 12 pixels, l'Alphabet A10 STAR soumise a un test, présente une nette Lisibilité / Visibilité. • P.S : A10 STAR intégre la Diacritique dans toutes ses formes.
  5. Aerovias Brasil NF - 100% free
  6. Sesquipedalian NF - Unknown license
  7. Gearing by Heyfonts, $15.00
    Gearing is a typeface that is widely associated with the extreme music genre of death metal. It is characterized by its dark and aggressive appearance, evoking a sense of brutality and chaos. The font is typically designed with sharp edges, bold and angular letterforms, and intricate or distorted shapes. The death metal font typically features strong upper and lowercase letter variations, often with sharp, exaggerated serifs or thorn-like spikes. These embellishments contribute to its menacing and threatening aesthetic. The letters may also have broken or damaged elements, giving them a weathered or decayed look. Though death metal fonts come in various styles and variations, they often prioritize legibility and impact over ease of reading. This means that certain parts of the letters may be missing or disconnected, making them appear jagged or incomplete. Ligatures, which are unique letter combinations, are sometimes included in the font to add a sense of continuity or artwork to the overall design. In terms of color, death metal fonts are commonly depicted in monochromatic shades such as black, grey, or dark red to maintain their sinister appearance. The color contrast often enhances the sharpness and intensity of the font, making it more visually striking. Due to its association with the underground music scene, the death metal font has become an essential element in album covers, band logos, posters, and merchandise. It effectively conveys the aggressive and rebellious spirit of the genre, becoming instantly recognizable to fans and enthusiasts.
  8. Plathorn by insigne, $24.00
    Vast and untamed, the American West once stretched as free and wild as imagination itself. Still beautiful, the Wild West of long ago and the new West of today is now to be found in insigne’s new face, Plathorn. That’s right, folks. When the West called, Jeremy Dooley reached up like Pecos Bill, grabbed it by the reins and pulled it in, then using its wide, roaming elements to design this functional font that still has an unbroken spirit burning deep inside. This down right, no-nonsense, orthodox face leaves off any of that extra fancy stuff that doesn't belong on a ride. Plathorn comes with a family of cowhands as wide as the Rockies, bringing specifically tailored condensed and extended sub-families along with it too. By design, it’s not very obtrusive like its unorthodox reversed tension brethren. Leave those for the next font rodeo. This mount features barely a hint of a serif that hearkens back a hundred years or so to sign painters and package lettering artists of early twentieth century. They're sure to put the sharpness, gumption and grit you need into your copy. So grab a tall glass of Plathorn and drink in the deep taste of America’s big country. Put it in your next magazine. Put it in your brand. This typeface’s offbeat appeal is bound to bring a bit of wild U.S. to your free-spirited work.
  9. The Cartel by Say Studio, $12.00
    About the Product The Cartel is a elegant serif font . This typeface has been made carefully to make sure its premium quality and luxury feel. The ligatures makes this typeface unique and stands out rather than the regular serif font. Very suitable for logo, headline, tittle, and the other various formal forms such as invitations, labels, logos, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, fashion, make up, stationery, novels, labels or any type of advertising purpose. Features : numbers and punctuation multilingual ligatures alternates PUA encoded FAQ's : Where are the TTF's? They are included in a download link( in a text file) in your main download file. 1 user 2 computers installation (Desktop License) You may NOT use for broadcast or Cinema/Motion Picture. You may NOT resell this font in any platform without further permission from designer. Do NOT embed font files in app/game/e-pub (for desktop license) You may NOT use the fonts in templates for sale/free. ( web/print/app ) For other license use please contact us. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS : Fonts and alternate : No special software required they may be used in any basic program /website apps that allows standard fonts That's it folks! You can go ahead and get cracking :) Follow My Shop For Upcoming Updates Including Additional Glyphs And Language Support. And Please Message Me If You Want Your Language Included or If There Are Any Features or Glyph Requests, Feel Free to Send me A Message. Have a Good Day !
  10. Amherst by Linotype, $29.99
    Amherst is a family of blackletter-inspired typefaces. This family, created by British designer Richard Yeend in 2002, is unique in that it mains the feel of blackletter/medieval type without relying directly on historical forms. Amherst is split into two different sub-families, Amherst and Amherst Gothic. Amherst is very geometric interpretation of Fraktur. Fraktur was a style of German type very popular in central Europe from 1517 until the early 20th Century. Its letters appear "broken" at certain angles and joints. Still, we recommend using it primarily for display purposes. Amherst is available in three weights: Regular, Bold, and Heavy. Amherst Gothic is very loosely inspired by late medieval letterforms, often called Texturas or Gothics. However, the letterforms of Amherst Gothic seem just as inspired by the Art Deco movements of the 1920s and by contemporary sans serif type design as anything else. Nevertheless, certain letters in this typeface do appear more "gothic" than others, especially A, D, M, Y, d, r, and x. Amherst Gothic is made up of three fonts, Amherst Gothic Split, Amherst Gothic Split Alternate, and Amherst Gothic Italic. Amherst Gothic Split has in-lined characters, and appears very ornamented. The alternate characters in Amherst Gothic Split Alternate are quite medieval in their appearance. Amherst Gothic Italic is the least medieval-looking of the set; its characters are very round, and more geometric. All six styles of the Amherst Family are OpenType format fonts, and include old style figures.
  11. Super Puff MX by Xuveki, $12.00
    Super Puff MX is a Y2K inspired variable display typeface that takes from early 2000's futurism, pop, and cartoon aesthetics. Due to its heavy weight and alternates it offers, it's perfect for a variety of logos, 3D, and motion graphics. SPMX was designed specifically for those use cases, and its wide range of styles and alternates gives you lots of freedom for creating unique graphics that still capture the same fun, futuristic, and playful early 2000's aesthetic. Features & What's Included: Variable font file that allows you to choose any slant degree from Regular to Full Tilt. OTF font files in 4 styles or slants, from Regular to Full Tilt. This is included because many young, talented designers around the world don't have access to programs that can take advantage of a variable font. I want them to have the option of using properly slanted and kerned oblique instances of Super Puff. Robust OpenType features including a vast pool of alternates and stylistic sets giving you lots of choices when choosing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Two stylistic sets for letters and numbers One stylistic set for punctuation and symbols One stylistic set that replaces punctuation with Y2K style icons Extensive Latin language support covering almost all of Europe and South America. All multilingual glyphs have access to alternates as well. Super Puff MX was designed and developed by Abe Zeinali/Xuveki.
  12. Stoilen by Mercurial, $22.00
    Stoilen is font duo family serif typeface made with the desire for a quality, elegant, classy font that can still be used for all design needs. Wrapped with a modern yet unique character with a style. with so many alternate variations that are so unique but still elegant, it will add to the impression that this font is so luxurious for your design. Stoilen is ideal for design, logo design, blog graphics, style quotes, wedding stationery, art prints, additional design, packaging, social media, magazines, fashion, creative branding, editorial design and web designing. Features a Latin character set of more than 500 glyphs covering various languages, and includes advanced open type features such as standard and discretionary ligatures, positional numbers, style alternatives, and so on. The Open Type features can be accessed by using Open Type savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw X version, and Microsoft Word. And this has given PUA Unicode Fonts (specially coded fonts). so that all the alternate characters can easily be accessed in full by a craftsman or designer. Features : Lowercase and Uppercase Stylistic Alternates & Discretionary Ligatures Numerals & Punctuations Accented characters Multilingual support Don't forget to check out other cool fonts in our store and wait for new fonts. Follow our shop for upcoming updates including additional glyphs and language support. feel free to send me a message, comment, like and share. Thanks
  13. Wild Star by Set Sail Studios, $18.00
    🔥 NEW UPDATE - Uppercase characters are now included for the Wild Star blackletter font. Along with 11 new 'flourished' lowercase characters, and 8 new fun icons - that's 45 new glyphs in total! Wild Star is a font duo not to be tamed – this pairing of modern blackletter font & unrestrained script font aren’t afraid to make your message heard loud & clear. It’s a bold choice for merchandise, album artwork, logo designs, quotes & more. This family contains; Wild Star • A modern blackletter font containing upper and lowercase characters, plus numerals and a full range of punctuation. There are 17 alternate stylistic versions for letters g, l, y, p, k, f, h, n, t, m, b, r, h, j which contain a bottom or top flourish. To access these, simply turn on 'Stylistic Alternates', or access them via a Glyphs panel. Type the following characters to generate one of 8 fun icons { } [ ] ( ) . (The standard versions of these characters can be found in the Glyphs panel). Wild Star Outline • A second version of the Wild Star font with an outline effect added. Wild Star Script • A rough, hand-scratched font containing 2 sets of uppercase characters, numerals and a full set of punctuation. Simply turn your caps lock on & off to switch between the 2 sets of characters. Language Support • All Wild Star fonts support the following languages; English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Indonesian, Malay, Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Turkish, Romanian, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovak, Slovenian
  14. Mightiest Autograph by Din Studio, $29.00
    Digital designs seldom show personal touches to make them stand out and to give unique displays. Generic fonts are no longer enough to do so. You need something special to make great impacts on your work. Therefore, a handwritten font can be the perfect solution to such a necessity. This is the Mightiest Autograph. Mightiest Autograph is a handwritten font in a signature looking style to add elegant, personal nuances on your designs. The curves and wipes in the swinging ends of the letters are the main characters. Like the other cursive fonts, each letter is connected to one another to make the font legible. The letters’ proportions are made different for a more artistic looking style applicable for such romantic texts. You can apply this font for any text sizes due to its great legibility. Additionally, you can enjoy the available features here. Features: Alternates Ligatures Multilingual Supports PUA Encoded Numerals and Punctuations Mightiest Autograph fits best for various design projects, such as brandings, posters, banners, invitations, greeting cards, magazine covers, quotes, printed products, merchandise, logos, social media, etc. Find out more ways to use this font by taking a look at the font preview. Thanks for purchasing our fonts. Hopefully, you have a great time using our font. Feel free to contact us anytime for further information or when you have trouble with the font. Thanks a lot and happy designing.
  15. Breathe Neue by Lián Types, $37.00
    Breathe Neue is not just an update of my renowned Breathe of 2010, this is something else... Many times I find myself looking for inspiration in my previous creations. The original Breathe has something on its essence: Something that almost 10 years later still caught my attention. Like its name suggests, letters seem to be breathing, moving, alive. Many years passed so I asked myself if there was still something I could do for it, something to get the most of that beautiful essence... Suddenly, I was already working on its curves: Many new loops, more polished, more refined. Also the proportion and spacing were altered to embellish the font. Breathe Neue’s swashes are addictive. I couldn't find another word. Irresistible? Maybe. Once you see some of its loops you want to see more. I believe this might be due to its very geometrical feel, which match well with the bodonian curves of the font. See also how well it works with Breathe Caps. And what if you combine them with Breathe Special? wow. I'm still young (yeah, sure) and I believe there're still many years ahead to enjoy this great profession, and to make many new (and astonishing, I hope) fonts. But I also think, it’s time to pamper my first creations. They deserve the best treatment, after all, they were once a success! This is what I did with my lovely Breathe. I hope you like it.
  16. Ongunkan Lycian by Runic World Tamgacı, $50.00
    Lycia (Lycian: 𐊗𐊕𐊐𐊎𐊆𐊖 Trm̃mis; Greek: Λυκία, Lykia; Turkish: Likya) was a geopolitical region in Anatolia in what are now the provinces of Antalya and Muğla on the southern coast of Turkey, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and Burdur Province inland. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group. Written records began to be inscribed in stone in the Lycian language (a later form of Luwian) after Lycia's involuntary incorporation into the Achaemenid Empire in the Iron Age. At that time (546 BC) the Luwian speakers were decimated, and Lycia received an influx of Persian speakers. Ancient sources seem to indicate that an older name of the region was Alope (Ancient Greek: Ἀλόπη, Alópē). Lycia fought for the Persians in the Persian Wars, but on the defeat of the Achaemenid Empire by the Greeks, it became intermittently a free agent. After a brief membership in the Athenian Empire, it seceded and became independent (its treaty with Athens had omitted the usual non-secession clause), was under the Persians again, revolted again, was conquered by Mausolus of Caria, returned to the Persians, and finally fell under Macedonian hegemony upon the defeat of the Persians by Alexander the Great. Due to the influx of Greek speakers and the sparsity of the remaining Lycian speakers, Lycia was rapidly Hellenized under the Macedonians, and the Lycian language disappeared from inscriptions and coinage.
  17. Rigel by Supremat, $15.99
    Rigel was inspired by one poster by American artist and illustrator Katherine Milhous. It was a poster promoting the Ephrata Cloister in 1936. The letters from the Ephrata title on this poster are very concise and expressive, reminiscent of blackletter, but have a simplified look, which looks quite fresh even today. It was very inspiring to bring this font to life. In the process of redrawing and redesigning, the font has been slightly modified, but retained the character of those six letters from the reference poster. This is a header font consisting only of uppercase letters. It contains 6 styles from Light to ExtraBold. Despite the fact that the font has the character of blackletter, due to simplified forms, increased contrast and sharp lines, the font looks like a modern rethinking of Gothic script and it has found a new life. The name Rigel is taken for a reason. Rigel is a star, an blue supergiant in the constellation of Orion, and the Ancient Egyptians associated Rigel with the Sah - king of stars and patron of the dead. The human body after mummification was also seen as the embodiment of the soul. Of course, there is no direct connection between the font and Egyptian mythology, but indirectly in this way I wanted to emphasize even more the idea of incarnation, rebirth. Rigel is good for posters, large headlines, logos and any other large font compositions.
  18. Happy Twigs by Yumna Type, $25.00
    Fonts are sometimes so limited and boring that it is hard to stand out your designs. What is worse is that you want unique, visually interesting designs, but you still have to use common fonts people have already used. Therefore, Happy Twigs can be your interesting alternatives. Happy Twigs is a twig branch-inspiring display font of which letters are made in a lot of lines forming complex, attractive displays. Its unique character is due to the complex, detailed displays with which you can apply for any artistic, creative designs. Such a display font is applicable for any nature related products. Its complex, attractive letters will help you emphasize the messages you deliver and express different nuances depending on the design and color choices. In addition, it shows crowded and detailed, yet artistic and attractive nuances. Happy Twigs provides a clipart in accordance with the font theme as a bonus and features you can enjoy. Features: Multilingual Supports PUA Encoded Numerals and Punctuations Happy Twigs fits best for various design projects, such as brandings, headings, magazine covers, quotes, printed products, merchandise, social media, etc. Find out more ways to use this font by taking a look at the font preview. Thanks for purchasing our fonts. Hopefully, you have a great time using our font. Feel free to contact us anytime for further information or when you have trouble with the font. Thanks a lot and happy designing.
  19. Salma Alfasans by Alifinart Studio, $10.00
    Salma Alfasans is a modern sans serif font, created on February 25, 2021. The main inspiration for this font is its modern geometry and bold design, but looks elegant and smooth. This font is well-crafted and has almost no contrast at all. The advantage of the Salma Alfasans font is that it is very appropriate when used as a heading, but also looks good when used as body text. With many weight options, you can freely adjust the design scenario based on your needs. Salma Alfasans is very good for logos, branding, books (headings, sub headings, and body text), invitations, business cards and others. SALMA ALFASANS UPDATE VERSION 2.0 Update Details: - New designs and mayor changes - Tabular and proportional lining figures - Tabular and proportional oldstyle figures - Stylistic set for a, l, y, and G - Numerator, denominator, and fractions - New ligatures for ff, fi, fj, ft, fk, ffk, and more - Case sensitive, and - Arrows Language Support: Afrikaans, Albanian, Asu, Basque, Bemba, Bena, Breton, Catalan, Chiga, Cornish, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Friulian, Galician, German, Gusii, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Kabuverdianu, Kalenjin, Kinyarwanda, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Machame, Makhuwa-Meetto, , Makonde, Malagasy, Manx, Morisyen, North Ndebele, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Nyankole, Oromo, Portuguese, Quechua, Romansh, Rombo, Rundi, Rwa, Samburu, Sango, Sangu, Scottish Gaelic, Sena, Shambala, Shona, Soga, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Swiss German, Taita, Teso, Uzbek (Latin), Volapük, Vunjo, Zulu. Thank you. Alifinart Studio alifinart@gmail.com Instagram | Behance
  20. Simple Serenity by Set Sail Studios, $26.00
    Discover an exquisitely elegant modern typography pairing with the Simple Serenity Font Duo. This beautiful set combines a contemporary take on a classic serif with a clean & modern fine calligraphy script—creating the perfect pair for stunning logos, wedding designs, quotes, display text and more. This font family includes; Simple Serenity Script • A clean, elegant hand-drawn script font containing upper & lowercase characters, all punctuation and numerals. Contains 50 ligatures to help the text flow naturally and add a custom-made feel. Includes 9 alternate characters for d,k,f,g,h,i,j,t,y which have extra flourishes. Also includes beginning and end swashes for every lowercase letter. Simple Serenity Serif • A modern take on a classic serif font. Contains uppercase-only characters, all punctuation & numerals. Includes 14 ligatures for extra flair and uniqueness, as well as 10 alternate characters for Q,A,M,E,R,K,U,F,H,W. Using Ligatures and Alternates; Both fonts contain a number of 'Standard Ligatures' (unique double-letter pairings) and 'Stylistic Alternates' (alternative letter designs) to provide you with more customisation options. Make sure these functions are switched on in your software in order to access these characters. You can also access these characters via a Glyphs panel. This is available on most Adobe software & Affinity Designer. Language Support; Both fonts support English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Indonesian, Malay, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish, Icelandic, Slovenian
  21. TT Espina by TypeType, $19.00
    Addition to the collection of TypeType display fonts! TT Espina useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options TT Espina is a display antiqua with expressive serifs. Inspired by the historical shape of the letter O, which took on a diamond shape due to print quality, the designers created a modern typeface with high contrast between horizontals and verticals. TT Espina is yet another proof that antiquas can be stylish and expressive display fonts suitable for modern projects. TT Espina will look harmoniously in headlines of posters or billboards, in gallery and exhibitions design, in large-format printed materials or on websites. The font is easily distinguishable among other antiquas by its high contrast, expressive and large serifs, closed aperture and diamond-shaped circles. TT Espina’s characters are quite narrow, which adds to the materials designed using the font a special aesthetic. It makes you to look closely into each letter, so the headlines set in TT Espina will definitely be read. A full set of different icons is a nice addition for designers who will work with a new typeface. TT Espina consists of 7 typefaces: 6 romans and 1 variable. Each typeface has 648 glyphs. The font family has 21 OpenType features, including changing the shape of some characters (Q, g, j), the possibility to replace characters with high-set diacritics with characters with low-set diacritics, which is convenient for poster design.
  22. PT Serif Pro by ParaType, $50.00
    PT Serif Pro is an universal type family designed for use together with PT Sans Pro family released earlier. PT Serif Pro coordinates with PT Sans Pro on metrics, proportions, weights and design. It consists of 38 styles: 6 weights (from light to black) with corresponding italics of normal proportions; 6 weights (from light to black) with corresponding italics of narrow proportions; 6 weights (from light to black) with corresponding italics of extended proportions; and 2 caption styles (regular and italic) are for texts of small point sizes. The letterforms are distinguished by large x-height, modest stroke contrast, robust wedge-like serifs, and triangular terminals. Due to these features the face can be qualified as matched to modern trends of type design and of enhanced legibility. Mentioned characteristics beside conventional use in business applications and printed stuff made the fonts quite useable for advertising and display typography. Each font next to standard Latin and Cyrillic character sets contain alphabet glyphs of title languages of the national republics of Russian Federation and support the most of the languages of neighboring countries. The fonts were developed and released by ParaType in 2011 with financial support from Federal Agency of Print and Mass Communications of Russian Federation. PT Serif family together with PT Sans won the bronze in Original Typeface category of ED-Awards 2011. Design – Alexandra Korolkova with assistance of Olga Umpeleva and supervision of Vladimir Yefimov
  23. Thaun by Scholtz Fonts, $19.00
    I can best describe the Thaun family as a general purpose display family, inspired by Scholtz Fonts' " "Delikat". I wanted to produce a display font that was more robust than Delikat, without losing the delicacy of the original. In order to do this I thinned solid, curved strokes toward the baseline, and let them dwindle to gently rounded points. As a graphic designer I became aware that designs that used a number of styles from the same family seemed to work well. This was easily done using a standard sans serif font such as Arial or Helvetica. However, when a different look is needed, display fonts do not always have a the variety of different styles that are necessary to produce a coherent design. Thus with Thaun, the challenge was to create a coherent family based on a display font. The archetype of this family is Thaun Regular with six different widths forming closely related styles. There are also two variants of the archetype i.e. Thaun Black & Thaun Rough to add variety to the primary style. An additional sub-family, Thaun Accord, appears in two widths. Thaun Jazz is a wide three dimensional variation. Thaun has all the features usually included in a fully professional font. Language support includes all European character sets, Greek symbols and all punctuation. Opentype features include automatic replacement of some characters and discretionary replacement of stylistic alternatives.
  24. Planetype by CozyFonts, $20.00
    The Planetype Font Family is Modern. It has 6 Font Styles: X-Light, Light, Medium, Inline, Bold, & X-Bold. Each style has a consistent weight with a square serif of equal weight to its vertical and horizontal strokes. Planetype™ for short or Planet-Type font styles all have extremely clean edges and are sharply defined. There is a standard kerning applied, however evenly letter-spacing these family members give a distinct personality and continues to command the negative space just as in tight kerned examples. The compatible relationship of these font family members, weight to weight, and X-Light to X-Bold is seamless and the overall design coloring of words and sentences is well balanced and extremely legible. The Planetype Family fonts are matching members glyph to glyph. This family works in modern, contemporary and vintage settings. The Planetype Medium matches the outer weight of Planetype Inline. Their are several unique Glyphs that set the character of this family, such as: Caps B, M, Q, R, X and Lower Case a, e, k, r, z to begin with. The numerals and dingbats also have several unique glyphs that flow with the family Style in every matching weight. These characteristics lend well in designing logos, brands, and even monograms. Starting with Planetype X-Light the designer has a command of the clean lines yet expressing Modernism and a touch of Architectural structure. Planetype Medium & Planetype Inline are a dynamic duo giving a positive/negative readability.
  25. Pinel Pro by URW Type Foundry, $39.99
    The characteristic ‘French face’ was originally made in 1899 under the supervision of Joseph Pinel. Thus, what was originally French 10 pt. Nº 2, got its present name. The Frenchman Joseph Pinel called himself a "typographical engineer", but was at the time employed as a type draughtsman at the Linotype Works in Altrincham. It appears that this and some other faces that he supervised, were, except for use on the Linotype, also meant for manufacturing matrices for the Dyotype. This composing machine was an invention of Pinel. The Dyotype was a rather complicated machine and consisted, like the Monotype, of two separate contraptions, a keyboard which produced a perforated paper ribbon and a casting machine which produced justified lines of movable type. Unlike the Monotype which has a square matrix carrier, the Dyotype had the matrices on a drum (in fact two drums, hence the name of the machine). A Pinel Diotype company was founded in Paris and a machine was built with the help of the printing press manufacturer Jules Derriey. As is often the case, a lack of sufficient capital prevented the commercializing of this ingenious composing machine. Coen Hofmann digitized the font from a batch of very incomplete, damaged and musty drawings, which he dug up in Altrincham. He redrew all characters, bringing up the hairstrokes somewhat in the process. The result is a roman and italic, while the roman font also includes Small Caps
  26. Yafferbuddle by Aah Yes, $7.00
    Yafferbuddle comes in the category of 'a funky fun font' with a pleasing rounded shape, but it still has the extensive range of features you'd expect in a modern OpenType font. It's especially useful for posters, headlines and comics. There's 5 weights and a Shadow version in Regular and Italic, making 12 fonts in all. To let you know what's in the font that you might otherwise not suspect . . . With Discretionary Ligatures on, you get special characters if you type Mc St. Rd. Bd. Ave. c/o No. (p) (P) - include the full-stop/period where given. With Stylistic Alternates switched on, you get plenty of extra characters - including a WiFi symbol (type Wifi or WiFi) / bullet numbers instead of ordinary numbers / that different U-dieresis / special characters for c/o No. Mc / an upside down ~ / a huge bullet, and different forms for cent, dollar, percent, per-thousand. As you'd expect, there's all the accented characters for all Western European scripts using Latin letters, and standard ligatures, plus other Open Type features including Class Kerning, Slashed-Zero, Historical Forms, Sub- and Superscript numbers, fractions for halves, thirds and quarters, Ornamental forms giving bullet numbers, etc. There's even some of the more obscure stuff like the main mathematical operators, symbols like card-suits and male/female signs and so on, schwa, U-horn O-horn, and there's more if you can Access All Alternates. Much will depend on what features your software recognises.
  27. FF Meta Serif by FontFont, $108.99
    Type designers Erik Spiekermann (D), Christian Schwartz (US), and Kris Sowersby (NZ) created this serif FontFont in 2007. Extensions were made by Ralph du Carrois (D) and Botio Nikoltchev (BG). The family has 12 weights, ranging from Light to Black (including italics) and is ideally suited for advertising and packaging, book text, editorial and publishing, logo, branding and creative industries, small text as well as web and screen design. FF Meta Serif provides advanced typographical support with features such as ligatures, small capitals, alternate characters, case-sensitive forms, fractions, and super- and subscript characters. It comes with a complete range of figure set options – oldstyle and lining figures, each in tabular and proportional widths. As well as Latin-based languages, the typeface family also supports the Greek and Cyrillic writing systems. This FontFont is a member of the FF Meta super family, which also includes FF Meta, FF Meta Correspondence, and FF Meta Headline.
  28. 1589 Humane Bordeaux by GLC, $38.00
    This family was created inspired from the Garamond patern set of fonts used by S. Millanges "imprimeur ordinaire du Roy", in Bordeaux, circa 1580-1590. Especially for reprint L'instruction des curés (Instructions to parish priests), from Jean Gerson. The set contains two styles, Normal and Italic, the second one with a lot of caps and ligatures variants. The initials, except a few decorated letters (six in total) where only large caps, covering no more than three lines. Added are a few fleurons. It can be used as variously as web-site titles, posters and flyers design, publishing texts looking like ancient ones, or greeting cards, all various sorts of presentations, as a very elegant and legible font... This font supports strong enlargements as easily as small size (legible from 6 points when printed) remaining very smart and fine. Its original cap height is about five millimeters. Decorated letters like 1512 Initials, 1550 Arabesques, 1565 Venetian, can be used with this family without anachronism.
  29. Richy by Sensatype Studio, $15.00
    Richy unique chic font with any beauty shape and fancy ligature suitable for brand and logo design. Crafted by graphic designer who works for a lot of companies, we often are requested to design a logo in a unique style but with a classy shape. So, we try to brainstorming and create this font to make the idea is going out. This is perfect for BRANDING and LOGO DESIGN. You will get classy, chic, and certainly unique logos with this font. To make it look more unique, here we prepared some ligatures: ab ah cb ch eb eh ak am ck cm ek em an ap cn cp en ep ar cr er ca ea ss ob oh ub uh ib ih ok om uk um ik im on op un up in ip or ur ir ka at ga Richy-font is also included full set of: uppercase and lowercase letters multilingual support numerals punctuation Wish you enjoy our font. :)
  30. Ceciliany by Brenners Template, $19.00
    Ceciliany is a classy font family that adds calligraphic touches to the basic structure of the display serif. Italic styles share a language set and OpenType Features compared to static styles, but have a completely different metrics In addition, an elaborate and detailed kerning system is also operated separately. 9 weights and 18 unique styles offer designers the amazing creativity of the serif font family. It offers a variety of options for editorial design as well as typography work for various channels. Features 9weights, 18styles Optimized Kernings Stylistic Set Fractions Oldstyle Figures Discretionary Ligatures : AM, AR, BA, BR, CA, CH, CR, DE, EA, El, FR, GA, GH, HR, IL, IM, JA, KA, KR, Ki, LA, LE, LO, MA, Ma, Me, NA, NE, NT, Nu, PS, RA, RE, RO, Ro, SA, ST, TH, UB, Ze, Zo, ft, li. Standard Ligatures : ff, fi, fl. * In particular, ligatures displayed in preview images can be easily applied to Adobe apps. Check out the ligature features of the software you are using.
  31. As of my last update in April 2023, "Rub This!" is not listed among the widely recognized or standard fonts in typographic directories or collections. However, the name suggests a playful and possibl...
  32. Alas, I can't access up-to-date databases or specific document collections to provide current or exclusive information on particular fonts including "GoodCityModern Plain" by Altsys Metamorphosis. Bu...
  33. Oh, embark on a whimsical adventure into the realm of typography and meet Ruthless Drippin TWO by Måns Grebäck, where letters don't just sit quietly on the page – they throw a full-fledged, ink-sling...
  34. Ah, Berlin Email by Peter Wiegel, a font that dons its typographic trench coat and stylishly strides through the digital streets of Berlin, casting an air of retro-yet-futuristic sophistication. Craf...
  35. Grunge Serifia is not a canonical font widely recognized under this name as of my last update in early 2023. However, the conceptual idea of a "Grunge Serifia" font paints a vivid image that blends t...
  36. As of my last update in April 2023, I can't find specific details on a font named "Rubbed" by Samuel Park, which means it might be a niche or newly released font not widely cataloged in mainstream fo...
  37. !Disc Inferno® BASIC - Unknown license
  38. Goodbye Crewel World NF - Unknown license
  39. TT Severs by TypeType, $29.00
    TT Severs useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options TT Severs is a geometric grotesque with emphasized elements of internal brackets. A distinctive feature of TT Severs is the unusual form of internal ovals, which refers us to the style of traditional Arabic writing. TT Severs has a strong character and is great for use in high tech (IT), the web, in robotics, computer games, and sports. TT Severs is a 2-in-1 font family. In a large body size, it works great as a display font, creating a distinctive character for logos and headings. At the same time, when TT Severs is used in a small body size or in large text arrays, the font’s peculiarities of bracket construction fade, and it perfectly functions as a text font, thanks to both the low contrast between vertical and horizontal strokes and the detailed logic of interaction of black and white letter elements. The font family TT Severs includes 18 fonts, each of which consists of 558 glyphs. The family has standard and discrete ligatures, which include experimental ligatures for the Cyrillic alphabet. In addition, TT Severs can be made a little more humanist—it is enough to turn on stylistic alternates, and due to them the font takes the form of a humanist grotesque, which refers us to traditional broad nib writing. As part of the font family, you will also find old-style figures and a large number of OT features such as case, ordn, sups, sinf, dnom, numr, onum, tnum, pnum, liga, dlig, salt (ss01), frac.
  40. Aillek by Twinletter, $18.00
    Introducing Aillek, a retro-condensed font with multilingual support and a distinctive look that will enhance any project. Aillek lends a touch of retro charm to any design with its lofty letterforms and alternate characters. Your design becomes more dynamic and interesting thanks to its ligatures options. Aillek is ideal for producing vintage flyers, logos in retro style, nostalgic social media graphics, and more. It is perfect for branding initiatives, packaging design, book covers, and more due to its condensed letterforms. It is adaptable for any project that needs to reach a large audience thanks to its multilingual support. Aillek is a must-have for any designer, marketer, or anyone looking to add a dash of nostalgia to their work because of its distinctive design and features. It’s ideal for those who want to add a touch of nostalgia to their designs as well as for those who want to create designs that evoke nostalgia and vintage aesthetics. Make Aillek your go-to font for all your retro-condensed design needs by taking advantage of this opportunity. Don’t wait, get this special font right away, and start making designs that will be remembered. What’s Included : - File font - All glyphs Iso Latin 1 - Alternate, Ligature - Simple installations - We highly recommend using a program that supports OpenType features and Glyphs panels like many Adobe apps and Corel Draw so that you can see and access all Glyph variations. - PUA Encoded Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software. - Fonts include Multilingual support
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