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  1. Taurunum by Kostic, $40.00
    The initial idea for this font came when a friend of mine asked me to create a logo for a sports team that he was forming. Since it was a martial arts competitive sport, bold and striking lettering was needed to reflect that. When the logo was finished, I was really pleased whith the letters so I decided to create the entire font. Taurunum is made with intention to be used for display design (logos, posters, etc.), and combining the weights should give best results.
  2. Tall Tales by Comicraft, $39.00
    In a World where no stories are small stories... In a Land where words need to be Bold, Meaningful and maybe even Italic... Comes a font worthy of telling Marvelous Tales some thought Too Tall, Too Astonishing to be told... And when those Untold Stories, those Astounding Tall Tales, are finally told... THAT WORLD WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! From Visionary Font Director John Roshell and the Studio that brought you BlahBlahBlah, you must not miss TALL TALES! In theaters and Streaming now.
  3. Pall Mall by Red Rooster Collection, $45.00
    Based on the early ‘Pall Mall’ typefaces.
  4. Taurunum Ferrum by Kostic, $40.00
    Taurunum Ferrum is a version of Taurunum family, made to feel like it’s been cast in iron or cut out of steel plates. It is meant to be used in a bold display setting where raw and strong look is a priority. The Iron style has an medieval (blackletter) flavour, while Steel has more of a contemporary look. Taurunum Ferrum has a character set to support Western and Central European languages.
  5. Taranum by Jorsecreative, $19.00
    Taranum is a beautiful, high-quality modern-style calligraphy font, perfect for branding, web titles, Application, wedding invitation cards, and maybe for Drink Labels, etc. Taranum is made with the Glyph OpenTypo Latpro option, so there are no worries about the completeness, numbers, symbols and various punctuation marks. All lowercase letters including initial and final swash provide a realistic calligraphy style. OpenType features can be accessed using smart OpenType programs such as Adobe Photo Shop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Corel Draw and Microsoft Office. Thank you and have a nice day. Symon Adam
  6. Tallings by Grontype, $14.00
    TALLINGS is a bold modern, urban-condensed font, inspired by street urban poster that combines the classic and modern style. TALLINGS will be best suited for creating logotypes, branding, headlines, corporate identities, Invitation card, and other graphic design elements. TALLINGS Features: Bold condensed font Punctuation & Characters Ligatures and alternates Glyphs included superscript & Symbol Currencies Multilingual Thankyou for picking up this font. Happy creating! Regard, Grontype
  7. Balls to the Wall - Unknown license
  8. Tall & Lean - Personal use only
  9. Tall Films - Personal use only
  10. Tall Paul - Unknown license
  11. Boneribbon Tall - Unknown license
  12. Oaxaqueña Tall - Personal use only
  13. TALL TWIN - Unknown license
  14. Rummy Tall by Bunny Dojo, $23.00
    Rummy, the stout, scrappy font inspired by sports branding and 1940s film, has grown up and is ready to take on new responsibilities. The result: Rummy Tall. Still powerful, precise, and packed with personality, Rummy Tall's added height brings with it even more versatile charm. Track Rummy Tall tightly for a sturdy foundation, or give Rummy Tall some breathing room for an unexpected air of nobility. Reach new heights!
  15. SomaSkript Tall by ArtyType, $19.00
    Somaskript Tall shares the same concept as Somatype Skwosh, namely a desire to ignore traditional rules and re-scale along one axis only. This time the starting point was Somaskript and the end result is a condensed & uniquely elegant display face, vertically extended by the process but with legibility very much intact and its personality preserved.
  16. SomaSlab Tall by ArtyType, $19.00
    SomaSlab Tall has all the same characteristics as SomaSlab, transferred into a style which has been condensed along the horizontal axis only. Available in 2 weights, XBold & Heavy, with an extended Latin character set and several glyph alternates for maximum versatility.
  17. Samaritan Tall by Comicraft, $49.00
    Fifteen hundred years from now, a man will be selected to go back in time to prevent a catastrophic event which turned his world into a dystopia. Sent back in time, he was enveloped in empyrean fire, the strands of energy that make up time itself. Crash-landing near Astro City in late 1985, he learned how to master and channel the empyrean forces that had suffused his body -- finally learning to control his powers in time to prevent the destruction of the Space Shuttle Challenger, the event he had been sent to avert. He described himself to journalists as nothing more than "a Good Samaritan", and has continued to help his fellow man in Astro City ever since. John JG Roshell has also been struggling with the empyrean challenge of fitting all of Kurt Busiek's Astro City dialogue into balloons with the regular Samaritan font, so he created the Samaritan Tall font to help his fellow comic book letterers! It's kinda the same thing really. See the families related to Samaritan Tall: Samaritan &
  18. Talie - Unknown license
  19. Talos - Unknown license
  20. BALL - Unknown license
  21. Dalle by Stawix, $40.00
    Dalle was designed in 2012 by Stawix Ruecha, and has been continued to develop over the last two years in order to keep pace with the changing trends and to apply for different uses.  Dalle comes with a large font family and is ideally suited for body texts and also display. This typeface has OpenType features including multi-ligatures support and tabular figures. Add Dalle (Sans) in your font menu and spice up your layouts with this new flavour!
  22. Talis by Eurotypo, $25.00
  23. Talks by Eurotypo, $40.00
  24. Vallely by Fontdation, $15.00
    Vallely is a classic art-deco-ish serif that are inspired by the old typography/letterings used in packaging labels and advertisements. This font is loaded with 350+ glyphs, packed with lots of alternate characters, gives you various letter combinations to play with. If you're a fan of classic and art-decoish typography, make sure you add this font to your design toolbox.
  25. Galle by Typophobia, $25.00
    Galle is a very distinctive and specific typeface. It has 356 glyphs that are coherent in their own way. We have two versions to use: regular and italic. It is a display font with very characteristic letters, each of which has been developed separately, but in such a way as to match the rest of the typeface. The inspiration taken to design the cut is Sri Lankan typography - a lot of squiggles and sharp edges, hence the name of one of the prettiest and atmospheric cities in Sri Lanka - Galle.
  26. Walls by Piñata, $8.00
    What do you use to write a price tag at a store or to design a wall menu in a cafe? What to choose – a marker or chalk? Now it makes no more sense to be torn apart by the choice – use both techniques for your design. Walls fontfamily allows to perfectly combine an eco-friendly style with contemporary motives. Walls fontfamily supports over 70 languages and consists of 10 typefaces in 5 popular weights (Thin, Light, Regular, Bold, Black). Initially we wanted to create a font that would imitate an inscription made by a square tip marker which is usually used to write price tags at supermarkets, shops and cafes. During the working process we've decided to extend the conceptual boundaries of the Walls fontfamily and added 5 rough typefaces that imitate the style of ecologic chalk writing
  27. Talos by Scriptorium, $18.00
  28. Falling by Supersemarletter, $12.00
    Falling is an exquisite handwritten font, masterfully designed to become a true favorite. It maintains its classy calligraphic influences while feeling contemporary and fresh. Fall in love with it and bring your projects to the highest levels! Provide Ligatures and alternates with special character make the design letters looks incredible. Honestly it works perfectly for headlines, logos, posters, packaging, T-shirt and much more. Font Features : Regular Version Character set A-Z in Uppercase and Lowercase Ligatures in lowercase and special Alternate option Numerals and Punctuation Accented Characters Multiple Languange Supported Recomended to use in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop with opentype feature. If you have any questions, just send me a message and I'm glad to help. Best Regards Supersemar Letter
  29. Tale by Suomi, $25.00
    Tale is an experiment to convert the script-style calligraphy into bitmap format. The two variants have the same dimensions, but (as the naming suggests), Forty has double amount of pixels in it when compared to Twenty. Both variants have hand made bitmaps to compliment these correlating point sizes, and you can always get the appropriate bitmaps by multiplying by two.
  30. Boneribbon Tall Outline - Unknown license
  31. Boneribbon Tall Bolder - Unknown license
  32. Pneumatics Tall BRK - Unknown license
  33. Captain Tall Ship by Alphabet Agency, $20.00
    Captain Tall Ship is the clean version of Captain Tall Shipwreck. The font can be used in many project themes, from birthday party invitations to beer labels. The font could be potentially used is a number of design themes including bars, pubs, pirate, navy, seafarer, alcohol products, western/cowboy, card game/gambling, biker gang, tattoos, emblems and crests, old military & hunting to name a few.
  34. Captain Tall Shipwreck by Alphabet Agency, $20.00
    The font is inspired by popularity of the original Captain Shipwreck font. The font is great for use in pirate and other outlaw related themes. It is great for use on many projects, from birthday party invites to beer labels.
  35. Intellecta Roman Tall by Intellecta Design, $27.90
  36. Long Tall Palito by Pedro Teixeira, $15.00
    This font can make a great art element to emphasize, to provide impact, can stand out as a banner, or with a few words in headers and headlines and allow you to optimize space and keep neat and organized.
  37. Tall Order JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The condensed style and square character shapes of a vintage typeface originally known as Raleigh has been re-interpreted by Jeff Levine Fonts as Tall Order JNL. There is an alternate A, K, M, N and S on the respective lower case keys.
  38. Samaritan Tall Lower by Comicraft, $49.00
    Fifteen hundred years from now, a man will be selected to go back in time to prevent a catastrophic event which turned his world into a dystopia. Sent back in time, he was enveloped in empyrean fire, the strands of energy that make up time itself. Crash-landing near Astro City in late 1985, he learned how to master and channel the empyrean forces that had suffused his body -- finally learning to control his powers in time to prevent the destruction of the Space Shuttle Challenger, the event he had been sent to avert. He described himself to journalists as nothing more than "a Good Samaritan", and has continued to help his fellow man in Astro City ever since. John JG Roshell has also been struggling with the empyrean challenge of fitting all of Kurt Busiek's ASTRO CITY dialogue into balloons with the regular Samaritan font, so he created the Samaritan Tall font to help his fellow comic book letterers! It's kinda the same thing, really.
  39. Tall Skinny Condensed by Outside the Line, $19.00
    This is the tallest, skinniest, most condensed, non serif font I know of. I designed this because I felt a serious need for that one big, thin word to fit in a narrow space. It is great for ‘SALE!’ in a one column ad. Also is a life saver for several long words in a narrow space like Merry Christmas... If you need a full character set take a look at the new Ultra Condensed 3 font family. Ultra Condensed was based on Tall Skinny Condensed with some changes and a full character set. Ultra Condensed Lettered is a hand lettered version and Ultra Condensed Line is a lighter hand drawn version
  40. Tall Scrawl NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    This very free freehand script bounces across the page and enjoys every moment of it. Use it to liven things up! Both versions of the font include 1252 Latin, 1250 CE (with localization for Romanian and Moldovan).
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