2,323 search results (0.033 seconds)
  1. Stonecross by Scriptorium, $18.00
    People are always asking us for chiseled-stone style fonts, so we thought we'd give them what they want, but with a slightly different spin. Stonecross has the look of classic Celtic uncial lettering as it would look if it was cut in stone, with some fanciful variant character forms and the nicks and chips which give it the look of stone.
  2. Aloha Obelic GT by Gartype Studio, $10.00
    Inspired by a bold, script, chill, and handwritten style character, we present to you Aloha Obelic, a Display font with bold and Script characters that was comes with alternates and multilingual glyphs to help people around world with that unique accent. Aloha Obelic is very suitable for T-Shirt Designs, Birthday invitation, Product packaging, YouTube Thumbnail, Posters, Advertising Projects, Logos and more.
  3. P22 Chai Tea by IHOF, $24.95
    P22 Chai Tea is unique among brush lettering scripts. Its sweeping strokes and luxurious use of horizontal space lend personality and warmth to any project. Its sturdy letterforms make it ideal for logos, stationery, titling and packaging. The Pro version is stacked with alternative characters and ligatures programmed to substitute contextually in programs that support OpenType features. In addition, Chai Tea Pro contains Central European Language support that also includes many ligatures with accented characters.
  4. Bitumen by Hanoded, $12.00
    Bitumen is a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid form of petroleum. When I created this font, it reminded me a bit of asphalt, hence the name. Bitumen is a handmade font based on Schmallfette Grotesk by Walter Haettenschweiler and Haettenschweiler font. The font was made with a Japanese brush pen, hence the bold lines. Bitumen comes in two styles: the regular, fat display font and a lighter version - both with italics.
  5. Mavblis by Aga Silva, $34.99
    Mavblis fonts have playful and fancy look, which may recall that seen in fifties ads. The look, which is quite bold may well allow for using this font in titles, packaging, or catchphrases. There are also some ligatures and alternates encoded, so you are not stuck with one look in case you require to add some variety to your text. There are over 900 characters in each font, and many languages are served.
  6. Yuletide Doodles by Outside the Line, $19.00
    Yuletide Doodles is the perfect font for that quickie Christmas party flyer, menu, or invitation. Or make your own gift tags. The uses are endless. This font includes gifts, ornaments, snow globe, snow man, holly, olive branch, lots of trees and stars, a light bulb, deer, moose, wreaths, pine boughs, skate, stocking and crown. This font works well with Christmas Doodles and Christmas Doodles Too . Mix and match to your heart's desire.
  7. Doohickey Lower by Comicraft, $29.00
    So your widget’s stuck between the framistat and the whatchamacallit, there’s a spanner in the works and your avengers just won't assemble? Hey, if you want to get any more work done, you know you're gonna have to hook the hoojamajigger up to the Doohickey! And if those instructions aren't already confusing enough, DoohickeyLower is also available in a variety of languages for our international customers. See the families related to Doohickey Lower: Doohickey.
  8. Deux Chasses NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    American Type Founders released the pattern for this typeface under the name "Thermotype". In the days of cast-metal foundry type, copyfitting headlines could prove problemmatic at times; this typeface, with a wide uppercase and narrower lowercase of exactly the same “color”, allowed stacked lines of type to be composed with uniform width. Clean, crisp and practical. Both versions of the font include 1252 Latin, 1250 CE (with localization for Romanian and Moldovan).
  9. Bermuda LP by LetterPerfect, $39.00
    The Bermuda Family was designed by Garrett Boge and Paul Shaw, in the vein of freely-drawn showcard lettering — jaunty, fun and friendly. In fact the drawings were made with a Speedball™ B-series pen nib, the stock tool of the showcard letterer. Bermuda Open is a stroked outline version and its character shapes are repeated in the other three styles, each with a separate fill variant — Solid, Dots and Squiggles.
  10. Fabuleuse Slab by Nuno Dias, $18.00
    Fabuleuse Slab is a one-style font that features a thin, condensed and high cap height and x-height. This gives the font a distinct retro look & bohemian feeling that is great for logos & branding, packaging, titles, magazines, posters, signs, shirts, scrap-booking, … This display font comes in Capital letters as well as Lowercase. It also comes equipped with Ligatures, Numbers, Punctuation Marks, Diacritic Marks and a well stocked supply of special characters.
  11. Soapy by PintassilgoPrints, $20.00
    Soapy is a decorative font family, naturally scented and dermatologically tested. With extended language coverage, Soapy fonts are all-caps with 2 design options for each letter. There are also stylistic alternates with bouncy baselines – simply turn on the feature to instantly put your words to float. Or to dance, depending on your point of view. Stack styles for easily add colors to your compositions. Put a smile in your headline! Get Soapy!
  12. Sweet Steeffie - Personal use only
  13. VLNL Kouseband by VetteLetters, $30.00
    The starting point for VLNL Kouseband was spotted by Donald DBXL Beekman on the Christian Reformed Church in the Dutch town of Naarden. The iron wire lettering contained a number of unusual characters and details, which eventually led to this five weight family. The Kouseband fonts mix elements of geometric sans serifs and upright unconnected scripts, with a hint of Dutch school writing. VLNL Kouseband is monolinear and has an very large cap height compared to the (lowercase) x-height, giving the capital letters an elongated condensed appearance. Kouseband is the Dutch word for ‘garter (belt)’ and also gave the name to a long tropical bean known as Yardlong bean. Kouseband beans are a common ingredient in Roti and other Surinamese dishes. As the Dutch Christian church is sometimes referred to as ‘Zwarte kousenkerk’ (Black stocking church), and stockings are held up by garter belts, we have come full circle and VLNL Kouseband has a name. VLNL Kouseband contains a set of oldstyle numbers matching the lowercase letters, and a couple of wider alternate capitals (HMNOQ) to enhance the liveliness of your designs.
  14. Poipoi by Dharma Type, $14.99
    Extraordinary impact and visual conspicuousness. Poipoi is a super 3D sans family for posters, logos and all display. The basic idea is not a brand new. The Stacking type system has been used since before wood type age. As you imagined, colored wood type(woodcut), many other engravings and contemporary printer machine print many colors separately with different printing plates for each color. Poipoi uses the same system for 3d effect. Please use Photoshop or Illustrator, or your favorite graphic design apps that can handle layers. Layers are the printing plates of wood type. You should be able to change text color for each layer. Poipoi "Standard" style is the base of this font family. You can add effects by stacking Highlight and shadow layers. Stacked layers in different color make the text in 3D. Instruction 1. Type your text as you like. 2. Set font-name "Poipoi" and font-style "Standard" 3. Set color of "Standard" layer. 4. Duplicate the "Standard" layer twice (One for Highlight, one for Shadow). 4'. The layer order should be Highlight, Standard, and Shadow from top to bottom. 5. Set font-style and color of "Highlight" and "Shadow" layers. 6. Adjust tracking if you need. (Please use same tracking value for all 3 layers.) For further detail, https://www.dropbox.com/s/xymis7dh5hwxn9q/Poipoi.pdf Poipoi Standard, Highlighted, and shadowed style can be used solely. Rounded terminals add soft, cute, and casual impressions to your design. Spec: Over 400 glyphs! Basic Latin ✓ Western Europe ✓ Central Europe ✓ South Eastern Europe ✓ Mac Roman ✓ Windows 1252 ✓ Adobe Latin 1 ✓ Adobe Latin 2 ✓ Adobe Latin 3 ✓ Almost all Latins are covered.
  15. Kandidat by Fontroll, $30.00
    Imagine being printer in the early nineteenth century, your stock isn’t the finest, your lead characters are worn out: Voilá Kandidat Rough. But wait, Kandidat isn’t the usual scan-an-old-book,-put-the-glyphs-in-a-font-and-you’re-done-font. Kandidat Rough has a variety of whopping 14 alternates for most characters. Our algorithm changes the letters automatically. All you have to do is turn on Contextual Alternates in your layout app. The algorithm is the best we’ve seen so far, and it’s so good that even same words appear in different forms. And should by coincidence words have the same glyphs, just assign a different Style Set to the first letter, and all other letters in the word will change as well (well, it depends a bit on your software). The mechanism isn’t perfect and maybe we stretched OpenType capabilities a bit over the top, but we yet haven’t seen any better routine for switching letters on the fly. Is it worth to mention that Kandidat Rough not only speaks English, but also German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Croatian, Turkish and most likely some other languages? Maybe. To be sure whether your language is supported, this is the typeset of all letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝĆČĐĞ݌ފŸŽ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿćčđğıœşšž Apart from that we also included the following punctuation and currency symbols: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;?@[\]_{|}¡©«®°±¶·»¿×–—‘’‚“”„†•…‹›⁄≠☞ €¢$£¥ This sums up to nearly 3000 glyphs per font, and we have three of them: Regular, Italic and Bold. All neatly kerned. All in all a great repertoire for even the most demanding book or advert jobs with a look of old times. And now imagine you are sick of the rugged print experience Kandidat Rough delivers: go for Kandidat. This is our Scotch-ish ancestor the Rough version was made from. A sturdy, friendly, round, warm friend from the beginning of the nineteenth century. A bit dark, maybe. You will like it. Kandidat has the aforementioned type set plus complete Baltics, Eastern Europe and Cyrillic. Plus a couple of gimmicks like fleurons, stars, circled numbers, arrows, and, and, and… Kandidat Regular additionally has small caps for Latin based scripts (not Cyrillic). The spick and span Kandidat font set also consists of Regular, Italic and Bold cuts. The bold cut is on the very bold side and can nicely be used for headings, whereas Italic is a great companion for Regular. It took us some time and trouble to finish this project, but after all we are very proud of our little feat and hope you will enjoy Kandidat as much as we do. Enjoy!
  16. Hand Print Stamp Rough by TypoGraphicDesign, $29.00
    The typeface Hand Print Stamp Rough is designed in 2018 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz. The rough hand-printed typeface based on old wood letters, rubber-stamps and plastic stamps. 7 font styles (Reg + Mix, Circle, Diamond, Square Star + Icons) each with 1350+ glyphs incl. 200+ decorative extras like icons, arrows, dingbats, emojis, symbols, geometric shapes, catchwords, decorative ligatures (type the word LOVE for ♥ or SMILE for ☻ as OpenType-Feature dlig) and stylistic alternates (9+ stylistic sets). For use in logos, magazines, posters, advertisement and packaging plus as webfont for decorative headlines. The font works best for display size. Character Set: Latin Extended (Adobe Latin 3). 1350+ glyphs with 200+ extra icons like arrows, dingbats, symbols, geomatric shapes, catchwords and many alternative letters. (9× A–Z, 9× a–z, 9× 0–9) For use in magazines, posters, headlines and advertisement, plus as webfont for decorative headlines. Have fun with this font & try-before-buy the DEMO-FONT (with reduced glyph-set) FOR FREE! ■ Font Name: Hand Print Stamp Rough ■ Font Weights: Regular + Mix, Circle, Diamond, Square, Star + Icons + DEMO (with redu­ced glyph-set) ■ Font Cate­gory: Sans Serif + Slab Serif Dis­play for Head­line Size ■ Font-For­mat: .otf (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + .ttf (True­Type Font) ■ Glyph Set: 1350 glyphs ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: 27+ for Latin Exten­ded (Adobe Latin 3). Afri­kaans, Alba­nian, Cata­lan, Croa­tian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esto­nian, Fin­nish, French, Ger­man, Hun­ga­rian, Ice­lan­dic, Ita­lian, Lat­vian, Lithua­nian, Nor­we­gian, Polish, Por­tu­gese, Roma­nian, Slovak, Slove­nian, Spa­nisch, Swe­dish, Tur­kish, Zulu ■ Spe­cials: 200+ deco­ra­tive extras like icons for arrows, ding­bats, emo­jis, sym­bols, geo­me­tric shapes, catch­words + Ger­man Capi­tal Eszett. Open Type Fea­tures: Kerning (kern), Sty­listic Set 1 (ss01) … Sty­listic Set 16 (ss16), Loca­li­zed Forms (locl), Super­script (sups), Ordi­nals (ordn), Slashed Zero (zero), Frac­tions (frac), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt) e. g. Sty­listic Set-Loop and Deco­ra­tive Liga­tures (dlig) e. g. type the word “LOVE” for ❤ or “SMILE” for ☺ ■ Design Date: 2018 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Vier­gutz
  17. Mastolleh by Alit Design, $17.00
    Presenting 🕌Mastolleh Ramadan Typeface🕌 by alitdesign. “Mastolleh” is an Arabic font with a blackletter style and beautiful swashes. It is a highly versatile font that can be used for a variety of design projects. This font is designed specifically for users who require a font that can handle various writing systems and special characters. It comes with support for multiple languages. Mastolleh font includes PUA (Private Use Area) Unicode, making it compatible with various software and applications that support OpenType features. It also features 847 glyphs, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, and punctuation marks. Additionally, there is a special version of Mastolleh font called “Mastolleh Dingbats,” which includes 304 bonus dingbat characters related to Ramadan and Islamic themes. These bonus characters include crescent moons, lanterns, and mosque silhouettes. Overall, Mastolleh and Mastolleh Dingbats are highly versatile fonts that can be used in a wide range of projects. Their unique style, multilingual support, PUA Unicode, extensive glyph set, and beautiful swashes make them a great choice for designers and users who need a font that is both beautiful and functional. Language Support : Latin, Basic, Western European, Central European, South European,Vietnamese. In order to use the beautiful swashes, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Indesign and Corel Draw. but if your software doesn’t have Glyphs panel, you can install additional swashes font files.
  18. Moon And Stars by Ana's Fonts, $15.00
    Moon and Stars is a handwritten script font and illustrations collection, perfect to create cute handmade designs, such as logos, packaging, prints and postcards, patterns, and social media posts. Moon and Stars includes: A handwritten script font with tons of ligatures for a smoother text. A dingbat font with 52 handmade line drawings, including food, fruits, vintage objects and plants, with a bonus blackout version.
  19. Bubbly Hills by Okaycat, $24.50
    Bubbly Hills is the classic style bubble letter font! Combine the 3-D & flat letter styles, or use these styles separately..... many different looks can be created! There is a sprinkling of dingbats scattered around the alternates, just there to make this font extra fun and useful . Check it out! Bubbly Hills is extended, containing West European diacritics & ligatures, making it suitable for multilingual environments & publications.
  20. Honey and Smoke by Ana's Fonts, $16.00
    Honey and Smoke is a handwritten script font and illustration collection, perfect to create cute handmade designs, such as logos, packaging, prints and postcards, patterns, and social media posts. Honey and Smoke includes: A handwritten script font with tons of ligatures and a bonus slant version A dingbat font with 62 handmade line drawings, including fruits, vegetables and plants, with a bonus blackout version.
  21. Crunold by Trustha, $17.00
    Crunold is a bold hand-drawn with dingbats as his mate. Inspired by today's popular designs, abstract shapes as an important element in both digital and print designs. Crunold is perfect for your creative projects. Because, a combination of typography, and the abstract shape of art. Makes your design perfect, also easier in the process. Crunold is perfect for branding, headlines, packaging, and many more.
  22. Sacred Geo by John Moore Type Foundry, $29.90
    Sacred Geo is a Dingbat font, containing the basic principles of geometry, perpendiculars, bisections, partitions of angles, curves joints aligned and asymmetric, thus the construction of the main spirals, construction of polygons as a square, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, octagon and how to combine them into ornamental shapes. Discover the magical world of sacred geometry. Winner in the TL2012 International Biennial of LatinAmerican Typography, Tipos Latinos.
  23. Box Office by Device, $29.00
    Designed originally for the BBC's listings magazine "Radio Times", this dingbat font has been extended to include the US rating as well as the UK ones and a selection of symbols for use on DVD film packaging and satellite listings. The font used is Paralucent, and an ideal accompaniment. Note: the icon for sexual content comes in two versions, one with genitalia and one without.
  24. 3D Techno by Okaycat, $24.50
    3D Techno is a font made entirely of little cubes! Combine 3-D and flat styles, or use these styles separately..... many different looks can be created! There is a sprinkling of dingbats scattered around the alternates, just there to make this font extra fun and useful . Check it out! 3D Techno contains West European diacritics and ligatures, suitable for multilingual environments and publications.
  25. The Mordent by Ironbird Creative, $15.00
    The Mordent is a hand drawn display typeface with organic and vintage feel. Comes with regular, stamp and dingbats styles. Suitable for any graphic designs such as branding materials, t-shirt, print, logo, poster, t-shirt, quotes .etc We hope you enjoy the font, please feel free to comment if you have any thoughts or feedback. Thanks for purchasing and have fun! Regards, Ironbird Creative
  26. Quote Note by PizzaDude.dk, $16.00
    With Quote Note I did my best to make a simple and unsophisticated font. I wanted the letters to come out as if they were made with a fat marker on a note. Well, I'll let you be the judge on how I succeeded. I've added 4 different versions of each lowercase letter and even did a simple complimentary dingbat. And of course there is multilingual support!
  27. Chalk Hand Marker by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
    The typeface Chalk Hand Marker is designed from 2019 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz. The rough sans-serif display typeface with 4 font styles (Reg, Bold, Caps, Invert) is inspired by handwriting. 634 glyphs included plus 150+ decorative extras like icons, arrows, dingbats, emojis, symbols, geometric shapes, catchwords, decorative ligatures (type the word #LOVE for ❤️or #SMILE for
  28. The Perfect Match by Nicky Laatz, $20.00
    Say hello to "The Perfect Match" Font set! 4 lovingly hand-drawn fonts made to complement each other perfectly in your type designs. Perfect for quote designs, quaint logos, clever packaging, sign boards, greeting cards, merchandise designs and so much more! Also included is 2 extra 'Dingbat' fonts - packed full of cute little hand doodle extras - to really make your designs come together beautifully!
  29. Infantry SRF by Stella Roberts Fonts, $25.00
    Infantry SRF was originally a freeware dingbat font from Jeff Levine from 1999 featuring twenty-six cute baby expressions. Jeff has cleaned up the images, improved the font file and has now made it part of the Stella Roberts Fonts collection. The net profits from my font sales help defer medical expenses for my siblings, who both suffer with Cystic Fibrosis and diabetes. Thank you.
  30. Emoji Emotions by Pixel Colours, $16.00
    Emoji Emotions Font is a hand drawn dingbats font inspired in human emotions and feelings. Includes the complete emojis and the individual faces. Create beautiful quotes, social media posts, posters, cards, ads, packaging or any design with character! Includes 9 original emojis that you will love :) Includes: Emoji Emotions: includes the complete emojis Emoji Emotions Faces: includes just the faces so you can make color emojis
  31. M Lady PRC by Monotype HK, $523.99
    M Lady is a design inspired by Agfa Waddy’s rather elegant design comes with narrow proportion. M Lady is a rare condensed design in world of Chinese typefaces. Entry and finial points of strokes are squarish, with a sharp but small symmetric serif. It has a medium contrast to improve character recognition. Its thin stems (豎) make it suitable for fine print with minimal conglutination. Dots (點) are straight, reversely curved or round. Downstrokes (撇、捺), ticks (剔) and hooks (勾) are highly regular and consistent. Dots (點), downstrokes (撇、捺) and ticks (剔) are long, smooth, monolinear and curved with small symmetric serif and sometimes angled entry and finial points of strokes to create subtle sharpness in the midst of its softness and elegance, which is better for larger text print. Its features and construction create subtle sharpness in the midst of softness and slim elegance. It is best suited for casual subheading or display, set upright (non-slanted), non-condensed (naturally condensed).
  32. M Lady HK by Monotype HK, $523.99
    M Lady is a design inspired by Agfa Waddy’s rather elegant design comes with narrow proportion. M Lady is a rare condensed design in world of Chinese typefaces. Entry and finial points of strokes are squarish, with a sharp but small symmetric serif. It has a medium contrast to improve character recognition. Its thin stems (豎) make it suitable for fine print with minimal conglutination. Dots (點) are straight, reversely curved or round. Downstrokes (撇、捺), ticks (剔) and hooks (勾) are highly regular and consistent. Dots (點), downstrokes (撇、捺) and ticks (剔) are long, smooth, monolinear and curved with small symmetric serif and sometimes angled entry and finial points of strokes to create subtle sharpness in the midst of its softness and elegance, which is better for larger text print. Its features and construction create subtle sharpness in the midst of softness and slim elegance. It is best suited for casual subheading or display, set upright (non-slanted), non-condensed (naturally condensed).
  33. Comic Sans by Microsoft Corporation, $49.00
    The Comic Sans® typeface, one of Microsoft's most popular designs, has received a makeover courtesy of Monotype Imaging. The company has introduced the four-font Comic Sans Pro family of typefaces. Featuring elements such as speech bubbles and cartoon dingbats, Comic Sans Pro extends the versatility of the original Comic Sans, designed by Vincent Connare for Microsoft in 1994. Hats off to Monotype Imaging for enlivening Comic Sans and getting it back to its roots as a comic book lettering face. Now everyone can write with more panache - and look even more like a pro using swashes, small caps and other typographic embellishments," said Connare. "Every day, millions of people rely on Comic Sans for countless applications ranging from scrapbooking to school projects," said Allan Haley, director of words and letters at Monotype Imaging. "Comic Sans is also a favorite in professional environments, used in medical information, instructions, ambulance signage, college exams, corporate mission statements and executive reprimands - even public letters from sports team owners to their fans. Breaking up with your spouse? Why not write a letter in Comic Sans Pro, embellished with a typographic whack!, pow! or bam! Comic Sans is everywhere, and now it's even better." The Comic Sans Pro family includes regular and bold fonts, in addition to two new italic and bold italic fonts drawn by Monotype Imaging's Terrance Weinzierl. "Our aim is to put the 'fun' back in 'functional.' We can't wait to see Comic Sans Pro used in everything from second wedding announcements to warning labels," said Weinzierl. "Long live Comic Sans!" Comic Sans Pro contains a versatile range of typographic features including swashes, small caps, ornaments, old style figures and stylistic alternates - all supported by the OpenType® font format. OpenType-savvy applications, such as Adobe® Creative Suite®, QuarkXPress® or Mellel™ software are required to access these features. Comic Sans Pro can also be used in new versions of Microsoft® Office including Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Publisher 2010. In addition, Comic Sans Pro includes a set of ornaments and symbols, including speech bubbles, onomatopoeia and dingbats, pre-sized to work well as bullets."
  34. Flower Ornaments - Unknown license
  35. Hibiscus - Unknown license
  36. KG Flavor and Frames - Personal use only
  37. LT Sweet Nothings - Personal use only
  38. DJ Autocar - Personal use only
  39. SKULL TS 2 - Personal use only
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