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  1. Iwata Maru Gothic Pro by IWATA, $199.00
  2. Iwata GNew Gothic Pro by IWATA, $199.00
    教科書や参考書、問題集などの教育教材作成のために開発された新ゴシック体です。 筆やペンの入り、押さえ、ハネ、トメ、筆順などを理解しやすいようデザインしています。
  3. M Gothic Gold HK by Monotype HK, $523.99
    M Gothic Gold HK is a modulated style Traditional Chinese typeface. Modulated font designs have apparent thick-thin contrast at the strokes, and often include special design characteristics at entry, finial and transitional points of the strokes. Modulated Traditional Chinese font design category includes traditional Song, Ming or Fang Song style typefaces which are popular for continuous reading.
  4. Iwata GMaru Gothic Pro by IWATA, $199.00
    教科書や参考書、問題集などの教育教材作成のために開発された丸ゴシック体です。 筆やペンの入り、押さえ、ハネ、トメ、筆順などを理解しやすいようデザインしています。
  5. Alternate Gothic Pro Antique by Elsner+Flake, $35.00
    In 1903, the typeface family Alternate Gothic was developed for ATF (American Type Foundry) by Morris Fuller Benton. It was Benton’s intent to solve many diverse layout problems with the development of a narrow Sans with different width values. The Alternate Gothic enjoys great popularity to this day. Therefore, Elsner+Flake re-worked the typeface family, added all European fixed accents and complemented it with an Antique version.
  6. Arched Gothic Condensed SG by Spiece Graphics, $39.00
    Like a bright star shimmering on a still and quiet summer night, Arched Gothic Condensed is a glowing example of Victorian type. Thin in the middle with clumpy wedges on top and bottom, it truly bears the spirit of a bygone era. Originally known as Concave Extra Condensed, this typeface has shed its waist-high spur notches and gained new figures and lowercase letters. Developed around 1885 by the James Conners & Son Foundry (New York), Arched Gothic Condensed is a marvel of sparkle and glitter in nineteenth century typeface design. Arched Gothic Condensed is also available in the OpenType Std format. Some new characters have been added to this OpenType version. Advanced features currently work in Adobe Creative Suite InDesign, Creative Suite Illustrator, and Quark XPress 7. Check for OpenType advanced feature support in other applications as it gradually becomes available with upgrades.
  7. Iwata New Gothic Pro by IWATA, $199.00
    漢字・仮名とも天地左右を広くとり、 均整のとれたデザインのゴシック体です。 縦組み横組みどちらでもきれいにラインが揃い、 バランスがとれた美しい組版を実現します。
  8. ITC Franklin Gothic LT by ITC, $43.99
    Franklin Gothic was designed between 1903 and 1912 by Morris Fuller Benton for the American Type Founders Company. The font serves as the American Grotesk prototype. It was named after Benjamin Franklin. Even today, Franklin Gothic remains one of the most widely used sans serif typefaces. The robust character of the font gives text a modern feel. It is widely used in newspapers and advertising and is frequently seen in posters, placards and other material where space is restricted. Featured in: Best Fonts for Tattoos
  9. Iwata Gothic Old Pro by IWATA, $199.00
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  10. Iwata Gothic Old Std by IWATA, $149.00
    活字書体「岩田呉竹体」のデザインを引き継ぐ、伝統あるゴシック体です。 起筆、終筆部の活字特有のアクセントが力強さを伝えます。大見出しから本文まで幅広く対応できます。
  11. Letter Gothic 12 Pitch by ParaType, $30.00
    The Bitstream version of Letter Gothic designed by Roger Robertson in 1956-62 for IBM electric typewriter. It is a condensed, monospaced font resembling a typewriter face, suitable for tabular material. Primarily used for slide presentations and for word processing applications, Letter Gothic is very helpful for printing out software source listing, for informal office communications and for tabular charts where alignment of columns is important. Besides, being a clear and easy-to-read font, Letter Gothic is popular now for display and advertising matters. Cyrillic version was developed for ParaType in 2000 by Gayaneh Bagdasaryan.
  12. FF Golden Gate Gothic by FontFont, $41.99
    American type designer Jim Parkinson created this display and sans FontFont in 1996. The font is ideally suited for advertising and packaging, festive occasions, film and tv as well as poster and billboards. FF Golden Gate Gothic provides advanced typographical support with features such as ligatures and stylistic alternates. It comes with proportional lining figures.
  13. Iwata News Gothic Std by IWATA, $199.00
  14. Motoya Kj Gaku Gothic by Motoya, $229.00
  15. Heisei Kaku Gothic N by Adobe, $79.00
  16. Iwata Maru Gothic Std by IWATA, $149.00
  17. M Gothic Gold PRC by Monotype HK, $523.99
    M Gothic Gold PRC is a modulated style Simplified Chinese typeface. Modulated font designs have apparent thick-thin contrast at the strokes, and often include special design characteristics at entry, finial and transitional points of the strokes. Modulated Simplified Chinese font design category includes traditional Song, Ming or Fang Song style typefaces which are popular for continuous reading.
  18. Iwata G Gothic Pro by IWATA, $199.00
  19. FF Letter Gothic Slang by FontFont, $41.99
    American type designer Susanna Dulkinys created this display and sans FontFont in 1999. The family has 6 weights, ranging from Light to Bold and is ideally suited for festive occasions and music and nightlife. FF Letter Gothic Slang provides advanced typographical support with features such as ligatures, alternate characters, case-sensitive forms, and stylistic alternates. It comes with a complete range of figure set options – oldstyle and lining figures, each in tabular and proportional widths. This FontFont is a member of the FF Letter Gothic super family, which also includes FF Letter Gothic Mono and FF Letter Gothic Text.
  20. Sign Gothic Bold Condensed by BA Graphics, $45.00
    Strong Bold Condensed Gothic great for poster and display work.
  21. News Gothic SB Vietnam by Scangraphic Digital Type Collection, $26.00
    This version of News Gothic contains the Vietnamese character set. Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting (SB Scangraphic Body Types). The most obvious differentiation can be found in the spacing. That of the Body Types is adjusted for readability. That of the Headline Types is decidedly more narrow in order to do justice to the requirements of headline typesetting. The kerning tables, as well, have been individualized for each of these type varieties. In addition to the adjustment of spacing, there are also adjustments in the design. For the Body Types, fine spaces were created which prevented the smear effect on acute angles in small type sizes. For a number of Body Types, hairlines and serifs were thickened or the whole typeface was adjusted to meet the optical requirements for setting type in small sizes. For the German lower-case diacritical marks, all Headline Types complements contain alternative integrated accents which allow the compact setting of lower-case headlines.
  22. Hel Grotesk Gothiq - Personal use only
  23. Gothiks Round Compressed by Blackletra, $50.00
    Gothiks Round Compressed is the rounded version of Gothiks Compressed. It is a 6-weight display sans-serif influenced by Texturas. The rhythm and verticality of Texturas can be easily identified on the letters with diagonal strokes like A N M K k V v W w X x Y y Z z: here they are all vertical. This kind of morphology was chosen because it accepts condensation in a very natural way, giving to this sans-serif a very unique personality. It has an extensive character set—with extensive language support—and many OpenType features like fractions, small capitals and different figure sets. Default figures align with lowercase. The typeface’s name refers to the plural of the word Gothic, which in turn can refer to both sans-serifs or Blackletter, depending on geographic location. Use it BIG!
  24. Gothiks Round Condensed by Blackletra, $50.00
    Gothiks Round Condensed is the rounded version of Gothiks Condensed. It is a 6-weight display sanserif influenced by Texturas. The rhythm and verticality of Texturas can be easily identified on the letters with diagonal strokes like A N M K k V v W w X x Y y Z z: here they are all vertical. This kind of morphology was chosen because it accepts condensation in a very natural way, giving to this sans-serif a very unique personality. It has an extensive character set—with extensive language support—and many OpenType features like fractions, small capitals and different figure sets. Default figures align with lowercase. The typeface’s name refers to the plural of the word Gothic, which in turn can refer to both san-serifs or Blackletter, depending on geographic location. Use it BIG!
  25. Dr.Po GothicRu - Unknown license
  26. Gotham Nights - Unknown license
  27. SF Gothican - Unknown license
  28. Mythical Christmas by Allouse Studio, $16.00
    Mythical Christmas Script bring you the joyfull feel with bouncy calligraphy styles with Beginning and Ending swash to play around, these also come with Multi-Lingual Support. Mythical Quirky give you an a handwriting serif styles and just including Uppercase Lowercase Number and Multi-Lingual Support. Enjoy these Lovely Couple Font! We highly recommend using a program that supports OpenType features and Glyphs panels like many of Adobe apps and Corel Draw, so you can see and access all Glyph variations. Mythical Christmas is perfect for any tittle, logo, invitation, product packaging, branding project, megazine, social media, wedding, or just used to express words above the background. Enjoy the font, feel free to comment or feedback, send me PM or email. Thankyou!
  29. Mythical Prince by Sign Studio, $15.00
    Mythical Prince is a beautiful and smooth sans serif font created by a romantic and lovely look. It is perfect for greeting cards, wedding invitations, posters, logotypes, product branding, and much more.
  30. Gotica Lumina by Omine Type, $24.00
    Gotica Lumina is a an attempt to make blackletter more legible to the 21st century's eye. It is available in two styles: soft (for text) and sharp (for display). Both of them have an alternate font, which contains stylistic alternate forms for several characters, for a more “traditional” look. Opentype features: four styles of figures and currencies, ligatures (f-ligatures and c-ligatures), historical forms (long-s).
  31. PG Gothique by Paulo Goode, $30.00
    This is my addition to a long line of traditional gothic typefaces. As you can probably tell, PG Gothique is inspired by classics such as Trade Gothic, News Gothic, Franklin Gothic, Alternate Gothic, and Gothic Gothic. Well, maybe not the last one... But Paulo, we have all those already, why would we want to add PG Gothique to our collection? This typeface has many subtle design nuances that differentiates itself from its historical influences. Also, this is possibly the most comprehensive Latin gothic font family released to date. It has 99 fonts that cover pretty much every style you could ever need, and if you do require more, this family is available as a single variable font that covers all the weights and widths in between. PG Gothique is designed to handle a multitude of applications, from branding projects, to titles, body text, user interfaces, and film poster credits. This type family has a style that will suit the purpose. There are 99 fonts in this family, ranging from Thin to Ultra weights across six widths in both roman and italic*. Activate Stylistic Set 1 and you will get the alternate slab serif-style capital “I” that offers improved legibility when placed adjacent to a lowercase “l”. PG Gothique has an extensive character set that covers every Latin European language. If you would prefer PG Gothique as a single variable font, please choose PG Gothique Variable. Test drive PG Gothique today – both the Regular and Italic fonts are offered as a free download. See full details and hi-res examples at https://paulogoode.com/pg-gothique Key features: 9 Weights 6 Widths 99 Fonts Small Caps Old Style Figures European Language Support (Latin) 600+ Glyphs per font *Compressed weights do not include italics.
  32. Gotica Moderna by Intellecta Design, $25.90
    a modern blackletter
  33. Banque Gothique by Red Rooster Collection, $45.00
    Based on the earliest ATF/M.F. Benton versions of the Bank Gothic typefaces. ‘Fleshed-out’ into a full family.
  34. Helena Gothy MF by Masterfont, $59.00
  35. Dont Walk Run - Unknown license
  36. Scriptissimo Forte Swirls by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Scriptissimo-Forte-Swirls is the bold version of Scriptissimo but with lots of swirls. Sometimes a job just calls for lots of embellishments, that's what this version is good for. Yours very swirly, Gert Wiescher.
  37. Front Page Pro by Jonahfonts, $45.00
    A heavy slab face for many applications.
  38. Conte Script Plus by Ingo, $61.00
    A personal handwriting done in pencil. Conté Script is a computer font but has the extraordinary look of handwriting. The typeface is exceedingly lively, diversified and distinct thanks to more than 300 different ligatures, i.e. letter combinations. In addition to the letter combinations in Conté Script, there are also double letters and figures included (aa, ff, AA, MM, 22, 66…) as ligatures with stylistic alternates. Type set in Conté Script appears remarkably similar to a text actually handwritten with a pencil. The typical style of the pencil — crumbliness where pressure lessens and the deep darkness where the pressure of the graphite in it's fullest denseness smudges — is another earmark of Conté Script. The font appears to be written quickly, fleetingly, casually, as if not really to be taken seriously, and as if it would be written one minute and erased the next. Conté Script looks most ”authentic“ around the point size of 18 to 22.
  39. Fort Courage JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Fort Courage JNL is a bold slab serif wood type in the French Clarendon genre, taking its name as a tongue-in-cheek reference to the cavalry fort populated by a number of post-Civil War misfits in the 1960s television comedy "F Troop".
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