Let me introduce my first ever product on my shop. Cinnamon Peach - Layered Font After 2 years of learning how to create a fonts, learn about the anatomy of typography, features of the OpenType fonts, and all of the experience on my collaborations with many friends, Finally I just launched my first personal product with the name Cinnamon Peach. Cinnamon Peach is beauty combinations of layered font. It has a Serif and Script style inside. Both of them are layered font, which is you can express the style on both of it. You can add shadow, inline or hatch on Serif style. Changing the color of the other layer as just easy as change standard color of the fonts but it’s more deep in detail. On the Script style, I give you more freedom of choosing which style do you want, if you want a deep style of layer, you can choose regular and inside with different color. but if you want the outline style, it also available as a single fonts. Looks like on the display that I Created, You can see the most of combinations font in there are perfectly matched even on script version doesn’t include the Uppercase character. Because of the strong characteristic of this fonts you can see the combinations are great with or without layer, monochrome or multi color, pastel or watercolour. It’s great for posters, display, logos, header website, magazine, animation text, etc. Thank You very much, hope you enjoy this fonts !