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  1. AF LED7Seg 1 by Fortune Fonts Ltd., $15.00
    * For when you need the most realistic looking electronic display. * See User Manuals Main advantages: - Spacing between characters does not change when entering a decimal point or colon between them. - Custom characters can be produced by selecting any combination of segments to be displayed. Low cost electronic displays have a fixed number of segments that can be turned on or off to represent different symbols. A digital watch would be the most common example. Fonts typically available for depicting electronic displays are often in the artistic style of these common LED or LCD displays. They provide the look-and-feel, but fall short when technical accuracy is required. Failure to represent an accurate and consistent representation of the real thing can be a cringe-worthy experience for the product design and marketing team, or even the hobbyist for that matter. To solve this problem, Fortune Fonts has released a range of fonts that accurately depict the displays typically found on low cost electronic devices: watches, answering machines, car stereos, alarm clocks, microwaves and toys. These fonts come with numbers, letters and symbols predefined. However, they also allow you to create your own segment combinations for the custom symbols you need. When producing manuals, marketing material and user interfaces, accuracy is an all-or-nothing concept. Instructions in the user manual describe how to turn these fonts into realistic displays according to your own design, in the manner of the images above. If you cannot see a license option for your specific application, such a license may be purchased from here. By purchasing and/or using and/or distributing the font, the buyer, user and distributor (including Monotype Imaging Inc. & Monotype Imaging Hong Kong) agrees to (1) indemnify and hold harmless the font foundry and neither the font foundry nor distributor is responsible to the buyer or user or any other party for any consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages of any kind resulting from the use of the deliverables including, but not limited to, loss of revenues, profits, goodwill, savings or expected savings, due to; including, but not limited to, failure of the deliverables to perform it’s described function, or the deliverable’s infringement of patents, copyrights, trademarks, design rights, contract claims, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of the foundry, distributor, buyer or other parties, (2) not use the fonts to assist in design of, or be incorporated into, non-software displays.
  2. The font named Jessica, designed by Altsys Metamorphosis, is a captivating typeface that combines elegance with functional design, making it a perfect choice for a range of applications. Its creation...
  3. Pegyptienne by Cybapee Creations is a font that intriguingly combines the distinctive touches of ancient Egyptian aesthetic with the sleek, modern lines of the Peignot font, which is itself a notable...
  4. The VTCKomixationSCBold font is a vibrant and expressive typeface designed by Vigilante Typeface Corporation, known for their eclectic and occasionally offbeat font choices that cater to a wide range...
  5. The Premier League with Lion Number font, as conceptualized by Toto, is a dynamic and bold typeface that encapsulates the spirit and vigor of one of the world's most renowned football leagues. This u...
  6. Oh, if fonts could talk, Growing Script by Nuryanto Dwi would be the charming, smooth-talking poet at the party, captivating everyone with its elegant flourishes and oh-so-expressive curves. Released...
  7. The "Electrofied" font, crafted by dustBUSt Fonts, stands as a compelling design piece that embodies the essence of electronic vigor and modern flair. Its creation reflects a keen eye for synthesizin...
  8. Gr-Memories, is a font that is designed to evoke a sense of nostalgia and personal connection. Its creation is inspired by the handwritten letters and notes we once received or wrote, capturing the w...
  9. "Young Techs" is a captivating typeface created by the prolific font foundry, Iconian Fonts, known for their wide array of distinctive and thematic typefaces. This particular font is a homage to the ...
  10. David Rakowski's Nixon is a distinctive font that effortlessly captures a blend of modern flair with subtle retrospective nods. At first glance, Nixon exudes a strong personality with its clean lines...
  11. Saiyan Sans is a distinctive and bold typeface designed by Ben Palmer, inspired by the iconic and energetic style seen in the Dragon Ball Z universe. The font captures the essence of the dynamic, pow...
  12. Jugendstil Initials by HiH, $16.00
    Jugendstil Initials were designed by Heinrich Vogeler around 1905, based on the German blackletter tradition. A similar set of initials by Vogeler, but based on roman letters was released by Rudhardsche Geisserei of Offenbach at about this time. I believe the originals were woodcuts. The backgrounds to the letterforms may be seen as examples of Heimatkunst, an art movement within Germany that drew deliberate inspiration from the rural countryside. Like the Arts and Crafts Movement in England a little earlier, Heimatkunst may be seen, in part, as a romantic rejection of urban industrialization, while at the same time representing a back-to-roots nationalism. Like any river, it was fed by many streams. Jugendstil Initials is an experiment with which I am most pleased. It is far and away the most complex font HiH has produced and I was uncertain whether or not it could be done successfully. To oversimplify, a font is produced by creating outlines of each character, using points along the outline to define the contour. A simple sans-serif letter A with crossbar can be created using as few as 10 points. We decided to make a comparison of the number of points we used to define the uppercase A in various fonts. Cori, Gaiety Girl and Page No 508 all use 12 points. Patent Reclame uses 39 and Publicity Headline uses 43. All the rest of the A’s, except the decorative initials, fall somewhere in between. The initial letters run from 48 points for Schnorr Initials to 255 for Morris Initials Two, with 150 being about average. Then there is a jump to 418 points for Morris Initials One and, finally, to 1626 points for Jugendstil Initials. And this was only after we selectively simplified the designs so our font creation software (Fontographer) could render them. The average was 1678, not including X and Y. There was no X and Y in the original design and we have provided simple stand-ins to fill out the alphabet, without trying to imitate the style of the orginal design. We did a lot of looking to find a compatible lower case. We decided that Morris Gothic from the same period was the best match in color, design and historical context. We felt so strongly about the choice that we decided to produce our Morris Gothic font for the purpose of providing a lower case for Jugendstil Initials. The long s, as well as the ligatures ch and ck are provided. at 181, 123 (leftbrace) and 125 (rightbrace) respectively. This font was a lot of work, but I think it was worth it. I hope you agree.
  13. Winter Glows by Fargun Studio, $14.00
    Thanks for checking out Winter Glows! A fabulously fun yet elegant script font with tons of energy, allowing you to create beautiful hand-made typography in an instant. With extra bouncy curves & loops, Winter Glows is guaranteed to make your text stand out - perfect for logos, printed quotes, invitations, cards, product packaging, headers and whatever your imagination holds. What's really awesome is that Winter Glows comes with a complete set of lowercase alternates, which allows you to create even more authentic custom-feel text. Another great feature is the bonus ornaments font, which allows you to add some really unique and elegant finishing touches to your script text. Winter Glows Family includes 5 font files; Winter Glows • A handwritten script font containing upper & lowercase characters, numerals and a large range of punctuation. Winter Glows Alt 1 • This is a second version Winter Glows, with a completely new set of both lower and uppercase characters. this versions do not contain as many glyphs as the Regular style. If you wanted to avoid letters looking the same each time to recreate a custom-made style, or try a different word shape, simply switch to this font for an additional layout option. Winter Glows Alt 2 • This is a second version Winter Glows, with a completely new set of both lower and uppercase characters. this versions do not contain as many glyphs as the Regular style. If you wanted to avoid letters looking the same each time to recreate a custom-made style, or try a different word shape, simply switch to this font for an additional layout option. Winter Glows Alt 3 • This is a second version Winter Glows, with a completely new set of both lower and uppercase characters. this versions do not contain as many glyphs as the Regular style. If you wanted to avoid letters looking the same each time to recreate a custom-made style, or try a different word shape, simply switch to this font for an additional layout option. Winter Glows Extras • A set of hand-drawn swashes & doodles, the perfect finishing touch to underline your Winter Glows text & doodles for perfect lettering logos. Simply install this as a separate font, select it from your font menu and type any A-Z, a-z & 0-9 character to create a swash & Doodles. Standard Ligatures • Are also available for several lowercase characters (double-letters which flow more naturally). Ligatures will automatically replace the standard letter pairs whenever available, when using any OpenType capable software.
  14. Typewriter 1950 Tech Mono by TypoGraphicDesign, $29.00
    The typeface Typewriter 1950 Tech Mono is designed for the Typo Graphic Design font foundry in 2017 by Manuel Viergutz. A display slab serif type for headlines. Based on an old typewriter machine from 1950. Plus state-of-the-art OpenType-features like contextual alternates (calt), decorative ligatures e. g. type the word “LOVE” for ❤ and the word “SMILE” for ☺ and Versal Eszett (German Capital Sharp S). For use in magazines, posters, headlines and advertisement, plus as webfont for decorative headlines. Character Set: Latin Extended (Adobe Latin 3). 1490 glyphs with 5× A–Z, 5× a–z, 5× 0–9 and 290+ extra icons like arrows, dingbats, symbols, geomatric shapes, catchwords and many alternative letters. Have fun with this font & use the DEMO-FONT (with reduced glyph-set) FOR FREE! How To Use – OpenType-Features ■ In Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign, font feature controls are within the Character panel sub-menu → OpenType → Discretionary Ligatures … Checked features are applied/on. Unchecked features are off. ■ In Adobe Illustrator, font feature controls are within the OpenType panel. Icons at the bottom of the panel are button controls. Darker ‘pressed’ buttons are applied/on. ■ Additionally in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, alternate glyphs can manually be inserted into a text frame by using the glyphs panel. The panel can be opened by selecting Window from the menu bar → Type → Glyphs. Or use sign-overview of your operating system. ■ For a overview of OpenType-Feature compatibility for common applications, follow the myfonts-help http://www.myfonts.com/help/#looks-different ■ Font Name: Typewriter 1950 Tech Mono ■ Font Weights: Regu­lar + Negative + Black + Mono + Icons + DEMO (with redu­ced glyph-set) ■ Font Cate­gory: Slab Serif Dis­play for Head­line Size ■ Font For­mat:.otf (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + .ttf (True­Type Font) ■ Glyph Set: 1490 glyphs ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: 28+ for Latin Exten­ded (Adobe Latin 3). Afri­kaans, Alba­nian, Cata­lan, Croa­tian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esto­nian, Fin­nish, French, Ger­man, Hun­ga­rian, Ice­lan­dic, Ita­lian, Lat­vian, Lithua­nian, Mal­tese, Nor­we­gian, Polish, Por­tu­gese, Roma­nian, Slovak, Slove­nian, Spa­nisch, Swe­dish, Tur­kish, Zulu ■ Spe­cials: 290+ deco­ra­tive extras like icons for arrows, ding­bats, emo­jis, sym­bols, geo­me­tric shapes, catch­words + Ger­man Capi­tal Eszett. ■ Open Type Fea­tures: Kerning (kern), Sty­listic Set 1 (ss01) … Sty­listic Set 6 (ss06), Ornaments (ornm), Titling (titl), Loca­li­zed Forms (locl), Sub­script (subs) Super­script (sups), Ordi­nals (ordn), Old­style Figu­res (onum), Lining Figu­res (lnum), Frac­tions (frac), Deno­mi­na­tors (dnom), Nume­ra­tors (numr), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt) e. g. Sty­listic Set-Loop and Deco­ra­tive Liga­tures (dlig) e. g. type the word “LOVE” for ❤ or “SMILE” for ☺ ■ Design Date: 2017–2018 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Vier­gutz
  15. Shout by HiH, $12.00
    Shout is a “Hey, Look at ME” font. It is an attention-getting font for posters, flyers and ads. Its lineage includes the Haas Type Foundry’s 19th century advertising font, Kompakte Grotesk, which Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) dryly described as “extended sans serif” and which graphic designer Roland Holst (1868-1938) would have disapprovingly referred to as a “shout,” as opposed to the quiet presentation of information that he believed was the proper function of advertising. In 1963 Letraset released what appears to be an updated variation in multiple weights designed by Frederick Lambert called Compacta. Shout draws heavily on Compacta, as well as other similar fonts of the 50s and 60s like Eurostile Bold Condensed and Permanent Headline. In weight, it falls about halfway between Compacta Bold and Compacta Black, but with a relatively heavier lower case that is not so easily pushed around by the upper case. After all, one can shout while sitting down. Shout is the first font released with our new encoding, as noted in the All_customer_readme.txt. The Euro symbol has been moved to position 128 and the Zcaron/zcaron have been added at positions 142/158 respectively. Otherwise, Shout has our usual idiosyncratic glyph selection, with the German ch/ck instead of braces, a long s instead of the Greek mu and our usual Hand-in-Hand symbol. There are also left and right glyphs of a big mouth ]ing (135/137) and left and right glyphs of an angry man shouting (172/177). Please use Shout with discretion. Folks get tired of being yelled out. After awhile, they stop listening. Shout ML represents a major extension of the original release, with the following changes: 1. Added glyphs for the 1250 Central Europe, the 1252 Turkish and the 1257 Baltic Code Pages. Add glyphs to complete standard 1252 Western Europe Code Page. Special glyphs relocated and assigned Unicode codepoints, some in Private Use area. Total of 355 glyphs. 2. Added OpenType GSUB layout features: pnum, ornm, liga, hist & salt. 3. Added 266 kerning pairs. 4. Revised vertical metrics for improved cross-platform line spacing. 5. Revised hyphen, dashes & math operators. 6. Minor refinements to various glyph outlines. 7. Inclusion of both tabular & proportional numbers. Please note that some older applications may only be able to access the Western Europe character set (approximately 221 glyphs). The zip package includes two versions of the font at no extra charge. There is an OTF version which is in Open PS (Post Script Type 1) format and a TTF version which is in Open TT (True Type)format. Use whichever works best for your applications.
  16. Ainslie by insigne, $-
    Get your Aussie on! The new typeface, Ainslie, with its mix of influences from Oz, makes its mark as the first semi-serif from insigne Design. Ainslie, named for Mt. Ainslie and Canberra’s inner suburb of the same name, was originally developed for the Canberra Australia Centennial Typeface Competition. Canberra is Australia’s capital, and it’s a planned city designed by American Walter Burley Griffin, a contemporary and one-time associate of Frank Lloyd Wright. Griffin’s plan involved a distinctly geometric design with several focal points--one of which was Mt. Ainslie. This same purely geometric scheme is now the basis for insigne’s new release. Similar to the Chatype project in its scope, its challenge, and the way its concept was developed, Ainslie incorporates influences from Canberra and surrounding areas to form a font that is uniquely Australian. In comparison, Chatype was developed for the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee by insigne in conjunction with designer Robbie de Villiers. Chatype took elements from Chattanooga’s industrial character and Cherokee past and merged them with the area’s technological influences. Likewise, Ainslie takes Canberra’s distinct, geometric design and blends it with the organic, flowing effect of aboriginal art. Add in touches from the smooth, aerodynamic design of the boomerang and Ainslie gives you a look uniquely Australian yet usable in a wide range of applications. The fashionable typeface includes a multitude of alternates that can be accessed in any OpenType-enabled application. These stylish alternates along with a number of swashes as well as meticulously refined details with ball terminals and alternate titling caps keep the font well accessorized. Also included are capital swash alternates, old style figures, and small caps. Peruse the PDF brochure to see these features in action. OpenType enabled applications such as the Adobe suite or Quark can take full advantage of the automatic replacing ligatures and alternates. This family also offers the glyphs to support a wide range of languages. While Ainslie wasn't selected as the final font in the Canberra competition, the outcome allowed for additional adjustments to the typeface. Several approaches were attempted for the final product including a technological hexagonal concept, which may still be developed to another form later. Some of the organic forms were removed and substituted with more abrupt endings, leaving the face looking pretty spiffy and a fair bit more legible. In the end, Ainslie was pulled back to the basic forms from which it was started. Give it a go for your next project. It’s guaranteed to be anything but a barbeque stopper.
  17. Solantra by Stephen Rapp, $44.00
    Solantra is a solidly crafted handwritten script. I’ve long felt that beautiful writing is more pleasing to the eye than the more attention grabbing swashes and flourishes. That being said, both have their role in design and Solantra has a large slice of each. Solantra combines vintage style handwriting with all its quirks and English Roundhand of that same era. The result is a solid setting script filled with charm and personality. With default Adobe Illustrator settings for Ligatures and Contextual Alternates active, the vintage charm is in full display. Want to add more flair? There are loads of more embellished letters inside the full version. Solantro takes into account how scripts are actually written so that connections from letter to letter are more fluid and rhythmic than the average script font. In natural script/handwriting most letters end at the bottom right and move up to connect with the next. Some letters like o, v, and w, however; end at the top right. Rather than force these letters to dip down and go back up they should ideally connect from that upper right point. This is accomplished through a series of alternate letters and ligatures with extensive contextual feature programming. So, for example, you might get one version of a ligature in the middle of a word and a different one at the beginning or end of that word. Solantra also takes into account another often overlooked feature of natural handwriting. When you write you inevitably pick your pen up from the paper at times. This is often just to reposition the hand, but in the days of writing with dip pens this was also needed to attain a fresh supply of ink. Having these occasional breaks in connections makes the writing less static and more rhythmic. While the Basic versions are limited to a standard character set and several ligatures and alternates for better settings of text, the full pro versions contains 1292 glyphs and an abundance of features. Even with numbers there are options like Oldstyle numbers, fractions, and ordinals. Central European language support is included as well as some select ligatures that use accents. To see more on the technical aspects and instructions on using Solantra, please check out the user’s guide in the Gallery section. **Note: The Pro versions of Solantra which do not have the word “Basic” attached to the title, have everything in them. So if you license a Pro version there is no need to get the Basic versions.
  18. Ornatique by VP Creative Shop, $19.00
    Introducing Ornatique: Where Elegance Meets Grace Discover the beauty of Ornatique, a stunning and feminine calligraphy typeface designed to add a touch of sophistication to any project. With its clean lines and delicate curves, Ornatique captures the essence of graceful handwriting. This versatile typeface offers four scripts to choose from: the classic Regular script for a timeless look, the Italic script for added flair and elegance, and the Alternate versions that provide even more variety and creative possibilities. But that's not all! Ornatique is truly a global communicator, supporting a staggering 87 languages. Whether you're designing for English, Spanish, French, or countless others, this typeface has got you covered. Embrace the power of seamless multilingual design. What sets Ornatique apart is its collection of 58 swash endings, crafted as ligatures. These intricate and decorative elements bring an extra layer of beauty and charm to your designs. From elegant flourishes to delicate swirls, each swash ending adds a touch of enchantment, making your typography truly remarkable. Whether you're creating wedding invitations, branding materials, or simply adding a touch of elegance to your personal projects, Ornatique is the perfect choice. It combines clean lines with feminine grace, ensuring that your designs will captivate and inspire. Let your creativity soar with Ornatique and discover the magic of calligraphy that transcends language and culture. Elevate your designs and leave a lasting impression with this exquisite typeface. Embrace the beauty of Ornatique today and let your imagination flow! Language Support : Afrikaans, Albanian, Asu, Basque, Bemba, Bena, Breton, Chiga, Colognian, Cornish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Embu, English, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, French, Friulian, Galician, Ganda, German, Gusi,i Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jola-Fonyi, Kabuverdianu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Latvian, Lithuanian, Lower Sorbian, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Machame, Makhuwa-Meetto, Makonde, Malagasy, Maltese, Manx, Meru, Morisyen, North Ndebele, Norwegian, Bokmål, Norwegian, Nynorsk, Nyankole, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Rombo, Rundi, Rwa, Samburu, Sango, Sangu, Scottish, Gaelic, Sena, Shambala, Shona, Slovak, Soga, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Swiss, German, Taita, Teso, Turkish, Upper, Sorbian, Uzbek (Latin), Volapük, Vunjo, Walser, Welsh, Western Frisian, Zulu How to access flourish ending? Just type from ""aa01"" to ""aa58"" at the end of your word :) How to access alternate glyphs? To access alternate glyphs in Adobe InDesign or Illustrator, choose Window Type & Tables Glyphs In Photoshop, choose Window Glyphs. In the panel that opens, click the Show menu and choose Alternates for Selection. Double-click an alternate's thumbnail to swap them out. Mock ups and backgrounds used are not included. Thank you! Enjoy!
  19. JFRockSolid, crafted by Jester Font Studio, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity embedded in the world of typography. This font embodies a robust and unwavering character, reflecting...
  20. The Ecolier font is a charming and visually appealing typeface that invokes a sense of nostalgia and warmth, reminiscent of handwriting taught in primary schools across France. Its name, "Ecolier," t...
  21. The Khan font is a contemporary typeface that captures the essence of modernity while paying homage to the rich history of calligraphy and typography. Drawing inspiration from traditional Mongolian s...
  22. Imagine a font that feels like what would happen if Björk, the eclectic Icelandic singer-songwriter, transformed into typographical form. That's the essence of BjorkFont. It’s not simply a font; it’s...
  23. "Dead World" is a font that instantly whisks one away into a realm that's both haunting and artistically captivating, echoing the eerie silence and forbidden whispers of a land forgotten by time. Vis...
  24. Scrypticali Normal is a font that weaves an enchanting spell on any canvas it graces. Evoking a blend of ancient mystique and modern elegance, this typeface seems to dance between the realms of magic...
  25. Earth's Mightiest Bold Expanded, crafted by the notable typeface creator Iconian Fonts, stands as a testament to the power and influence of superhero themes within the realm of typography. The font e...
  26. Schnee, created by Marine Drouan, is a distinctive typeface that strikes an elegant balance between artistic innovation and functional typographic design. Its name, meaning "snow" in German, reflects...
  27. Yahoo!© font created by GautFonts is a unique and lively typeface that vividly captures the essence of the iconic Yahoo! brand. This font is both a nod to the nostalgia of the internet's early days a...
  28. The PopticsOneExtras font, as its name intriguingly suggests, is not your average typeface. It belongs to a special category of fonts known as "dingbat" or "extras" fonts. These types of fonts are kn...
  29. Yoghurt, a captivating font crafted by the talented Måns Grebäck, embodies the perfect blend of artistic flair and legibility, making it a popular choice among designers who seek to inject a sense of...
  30. The "Shaun the Sheep" font by SpideRaY is an imaginative and whimsical typeface, inspired by the animated children's TV series featuring the eponymous character, Shaun the Sheep. This series, known f...
  31. TypeWritersSubstitute-Black, crafted by the prolific and versatile typeface creator Manfred Klein, is a tribute to the classic, mechanical aura of typewritten documents, infused with a contemporary a...
  32. Zorque, designed by the prolific typeface designer Ray Larabie, is a font that packs quite the visual punch. It blends futuristic sensibilities with a dash of whimsy, making it stand out in a sea of ...
  33. TNG Monitors is a highly specialized typeface designed primarily with a nod to the aesthetics of the computer displays and interfaces seen in the Star Trek universe, specifically within "The Next Gen...
  34. The font Tresdias, crafted by the talented Asclê de Oliveira, is a fascinating blend of artistic freedom and structural sophistication. This unique font speaks volumes of Oliveira's dedication and ke...
  35. Alrighty! Picture this: The XXII ARMY font is like the strong, silent type that walks into a room and instantly commands attention without trying too hard. It's got this rugged vibe to it, kind of li...
  36. The D3 Circuitism Oblique font, created by the entity or individual known by the designation D3, presents a unique and visually striking typeface that’s designed to capture the essence of electronic ...
  37. The X360 font, crafted by the creative mind of Redge, is an example of typographic design that encapsulates the essence of modernity and technological advancement. Redge, known for their innovative a...
  38. Cardo is a classic yet sophisticated serif typeface that was designed with a clear purpose in mind: to create a font that is highly suitable for academic and professional contexts, particularly those...
  39. Certainly! Gondola SD is a charming and distinctive font designed by Steve Deffeyes that seems to transport you to another time and place, reminiscent of narrow Venice streets and serenading gondolie...
  40. The Fireye GF 3 font is a distinctive and dynamically styled typeface designed to bring an energetic and modern feel to various digital and print projects. Its creation is attributed to focusing on p...
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