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  1. Angel LemonaDemo - Personal use only
  2. VTC FuzzyPunkySlippers - Unknown license
  3. Alt Wet by ALT, $20.00
    Wet is a experimental typeface -- I drew all the glyphs by hand. I came up with this font idea after all the positive comments I received from my Type Treatments project I publish recently on Behance.
  4. Starge by Mans Greback, $59.00
    Starge is a professional hand-drawn typeface. It works perfectly for a crafty project where a functional font is required. The font supports all Latin-based European languages, contains numbers and all symbols you'll ever need.
  5. Laxory by PizzaDude.dk, $20.00
    My handwriting with a speedmarker turned into a font - well, not really, to be honest! Personally I did do all the writing of letters, but in order for the letters to fit perfectly together, I manipulated them - just a tad! But the result is a hasty set of letters! When I say I wrote all the letters, I mean it literally!!! All letters are unique, meaning all the accented characters are unique! On top of that, Laxory comes with ligatures for both double lowercase letters and numbers! You will need to use OpenType supporting applications to use the autoligatures.
  6. Hand Sketch Rough Poster by TypoGraphicDesign, $25.00
    “Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter” is a hand­made, rough and dirty sans-serif dis­play font for deco­ra­tive head­line sizes. Hand drawn. A–Z (× 2), a–z (× 2) and 0–9 (× 4) are each many dif­fe­rent forms. Con­text­ual alter­na­tes. Is inten­ded to show the hand-made cha­rac­ter and the vibrancy of the dis­play font. The dif­fe­rent forms of rough­ness crea­tes a live­li­ness in the typeface. Stan­dard liga­tures like ae, oe, AE, OE, ff, fl, fi, fj, ffl, ffi, ffj and more deco­ra­tive liga­tures like CT, LC, LE, LH, LI, LO, LU, LY, TOO, TC, TE, TH, TU, TZ and ch, cl, ck, ct, sh, sk, st, sp, addi­tio­nal logo­ty­pes like BPM, fff, ppp, sfz and many more … plus Ver­sal Eszett (Capi­tal Let­ter Dou­ble S) give the font more life and shows that des­pite their retro-looks works with modern Open­Type tech­no­logy (type the word note for the sym­bol ♫ and the word love for the ding­bat ❤ … ). Sym­bols like play, stop, eject, for­ward, back­ward, skip, pause and so on. The topic for the dis­cre­tio­nary liga­tures and the sym­bols are music. Have fun with this font – turn up the volume! How To Use – awe­some magic OpenType-Features in your lay­out application ■ In Adobe Pho­to­shop and Adobe InDe­sign, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Cha­rac­ter panel sub-menu → Open­Type → Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures … Che­cked fea­tures are applied/on. Unche­cked fea­tures are off. ■ In Adobe Illus­tra­tor, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Open­Type panel. Icons at the bot­tom of the panel are but­ton con­trols. Dar­ker ‘pres­sed’ but­tons are applied/on. ■ Addi­tio­nally in Adobe InDe­sign and Adobe Illus­tra­tor, alter­nate gly­phs can manu­ally be ins­er­ted into a text frame by using the gly­phs panel. The panel can be opened by selec­ting Win­dow from the menu bar → Type → Gly­phs. Or use sign-overview of your ope­ra­ting sys­tem. ■ For a over­view of OpenType-Feature com­pa­ti­bi­lity for com­mon app­li­ca­ti­ons, fol­low the myfonts-help http://www.myfonts.com/help/#looks-different ■ It may pro­cess a little bit slowly in some app­li­ca­ti­ons, because the font has a lot of lovely rough details (anchor points). TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ■ Font Name: Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter ■ Font Weights: Regu­lar ■ Fonts Cate­gory: Dis­play for Head­line Size ■ Desktop-Font For­mat: OTF (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + TTF (True­Type Font) ■ Web-Font For­mat: SVG + EOT + TTF + WOF ■ Font License: Desk­top license, Web license, App license, eBook license, Ser­ver license ■ Glyph cover­age: 715 ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: Afri­kaans, Alba­nian, Alsa­tian, Ara­go­nese, Ara­paho, Aro­ma­nian, Arr­ernte, Astu­rian, Aymara, Bas­que, Bela­rusian (Lac­inka), Bis­lama, Bos­nian, Bre­ton, Cata­lan, Cebuano, Cha­morro, Che­yenne, Chi­chewa (Nyanja), Cim­brian, Cor­si­can, Croa­tian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Espe­ranto, Esto­nian, Fijian, Fin­nish, French, French Creole (Saint Lucia), Fri­sian, Fri­ulian, Gali­cian, Genoese, Ger­man, Gil­ber­tese (Kiri­bati), Green­lan­dic, Hai­tian Creole, Hawaiian, Hili­gaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Hun­ga­rian, Iba­nag, Iloko (Ilo­kano), Indo­ne­sian, Inter­g­lossa (Glosa), Inter­lin­gua, Irish (Gae­lic), Istro-Romanian, Ita­lian, Jèr­riais, Kas­hubian, Kur­dish (Kur­manji), Ladin, Lat­vian, Lithua­nian, Loj­ban, Lom­bard, Low Saxon, Luxem­bour­gian, Malag­asy, Malay (Lati­ni­zed), Mal­tese, Manx, Maori, Megleno-Romanian, Mohawk, Nahuatl, Norfolk/Pitcairnese, Nort­hern Sotho (Pedi), Nor­we­gian, Occi­tan, Oromo, Pan­gasinan, Papia­mento, Pied­mon­tese, Polish, Por­tu­guese, Pota­wa­tomi, Que­chua, Rhaeto-Romance, Roma­nian, Romansh (Rumantsch), Roto­kas, Sami (Inari), Sami (Lule), Samoan, Sar­di­nian (Sardu), Scots (Gae­lic), Sey­chel­lois Creole (Seselwa), Shona, Sici­lian, Slovak, Slove­nian (Slovene), Somali, Sou­thern Nde­bele, Sou­thern Sotho (Seso­tho), Spa­nish, Swa­hili, Swati/Swazi, Swe­dish, Taga­log (Filipino/Pilipino), Tahi­tian, Tau­sug, Tetum (Tetun), Tok Pisin, Ton­gan (Faka-Tonga), Tswana, Tur­kish, Turk­men, Turk­men (Lati­ni­zed), Tuva­luan, Uyghur (Lati­ni­zed), Veps, Vola­pük, Votic (Lati­ni­zed), Wal­loon, Warl­piri, Welsh, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu ■ Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, logo­ty­pes, ding­bats & sym­bols, accents & €. OpenType-Features like Access All Alter­na­tes (aalt), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt), Glyph Composition/Decomposition (ccmp), Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures (dlig) Deno­mi­na­tors (dnom), Frac­tions (frac), Kerning (kern), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Lining Figu­res (lnum), Nume­ra­tors (numr), Old Style Figu­res (onum) Ordi­nals (ordn), Pro­por­tio­nal Figu­res (pnum), Sty­listic Alter­na­tes (salt), Sty­listic Set 01 (ss01), Sty­listic Set 02 (ss02), Sty­listic Set 03 (ss03), Sty­listic Set 04 (ss04), Super­script (sups), Tabu­lar Figu­res (tnum) ■ Design Date: 2015 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Viergutz
  7. cart o grapher - Unknown license
  8. Gjallarhorn - Unknown license
  9. 14 minutes - Unknown license
  10. Sheenaz by Khurasan, $9.00
    Sheenaz script is a beautiful handwritten font with a joyful feel. Fall in love with its elegant, yet adorable charm.
  11. Slim James JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Tall, condensed and square in shape... Slim James JNL balances well against bolder Deco-style sans or novelty type faces.
  12. Late Frost by Gleb Guralnyk, $13.00
    This calligraphic script font is called Late Frost. It's an elegant decorative font with lots of ligatures and multilingual support.
  13. BillieKid by JOEBOB graphics, $-
    BillieKid is a so called stencil font. Created by firmly pushing a small marker into the holes of the stencil.
  14. Cross Stitch Noble by Gerald Gallo, $20.00
    Cross Stitch Noble is based on upper case characters 43 stitches tall and contains the characters A-Z and period.
  15. Harelia by Nissa Nana, $21.00
    Harelia is an equally classy and authentic handwritten font with a unique feel. Fall in love with its organic swashes!
  16. Vogue by E-phemera, $12.00
    Vogue is extrapolated from some words in a 1930s brochure from Western Union called The Vogue of the Social Telegram.
  17. Cross Stitch Splendid by Gerald Gallo, $20.00
    Cross Stitch Splendid is based on upper case characters 23 stitches tall and contains the upper case characters A-Z.
  18. Mozart by Solotype, $19.95
    This font was originally called Mozaik. The lowercase postion has a few alternate characters in place of the basic ones.
  19. Terfens Contrast by insigne, $35.00
    Terfens draws influence from chancery scripts, updating it for the twenty-first century. Terfens Contrast is derived from Terfens' DNA and retains its humanist tone. It’s tall x-height gives it a friendly but not informal feel. With Terfen Contrast, calligraphy-inspired letterforms are rendered with a high contrast nib, lending raw vitality and expressivity. This juxtaposition gives the letters a sense of firmness and energy, but also of heavenly, delicate beauty. Terfens is a full-service branding and packaging solution, containing a lot of personality, combining the passion of a broad nib pen with the beauty of a brush. Terfens is a "workhorse typeface" comprising 48 typefaces in three widths and eight weights. There are ligatures and swashes in all weights, as well as support for more than 72 languages. Another powerful typeface to add to your collection of eye-catching fonts. Terfens draws influence from chancery scripts, updating it for the twenty-first century. Terfens Contrast is derived from Terfens' DNA and retains its humanist tone. It’s tall x-height gives it a friendly but not informal feel. With Terfen Contrast, calligraphy-inspired letterforms are rendered with a high contrast nib, lending raw vitality and expressivity. This juxtaposition gives the letters a sense of firmness and energy, but also of heavenly, delicate beauty. Terfens is a full-service branding and packaging solution, containing a lot of personality, combining the passion of a broad nib pen with the beauty of a brush. Terfens is a "workhorse typeface" comprising 48 typefaces in three widths and eight weights. There are ligatures and swashes in all weights, as well as support for more than 72 languages. Another powerful typeface to add to your collection of eye-catching fonts. • Recommended uses: modern branding and logo design, powerful editorial design, exciting packaging, and a wide range of additional jobs. • 54 font styles, including eight weights, eight italics, and three widths. • Each weight has 500+ glyphs. Useful Opentype features include: Access All Alternates, Discretionary Ligatures, Denominators, Fractions, Kerning, Standard Ligatures, Lining Figures, Numerators, Oldstyle Figures, Ordinals, Scientific Inferiors, Subscript and Superscript.
  20. 99 Names of ALLAH Spiral by Islamic Calligraphy75, $12.00
    We have transformed the “99 names of ALLAH” into a font. That means each key on your keyboard represents 1 of the 99 names of ALLAH Aaza Wajal. The fonts work with both the English and Arabic Keyboards. We call this Calligraphy "Spiral" because of the spiral like design. The first "Alef" has a "hamzit wasel", this indicates that you can pronounce the names both ways, "AR-RAHMAAN" or "R-RAHMAN". (in the zip file you will find a pdf file explaining the differences in the "harakat", pronunciation and spelling according to the Holy Quran). The "Ye" doesn't have 2 dots at the end of a name, instead we chose to include a small "ye" on the letter "ye". Also, we used the traditional "soukoun" instead of the Quranic "soukoun". Decorative letters used in this calligraphy: "Mim, Aain, Sin, HHe, He, Kaf, Alef & Ye". Purpose & use: - Writers: Highlight the names in your texts in beautiful Islamic calligraphy. - Editors: Use with kinetic typography templates (AE) & editing software. - Designers: The very small details in the names does not affect the quality. Rest assured it is flawless. The MOST IMPORTANT THING about this list is that all the names are 100% ERROR FREE, and you can USE THEM WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. All the “Tachkilat” are 100% ERROR FREE, all the "Spelling" is 100% ERROR FREE, and they all have been written in accordance with the Holy Quran. No names are missing and no names are duplicated. The list is complete "99 names +1". The +1 is the name “ALLAH” 'Aza wajal. Another important thing is how we use the decorative letters. In every font you will see small decorative letters, these letters are used only in accordance with their respective letters to indicate pronunciation & we don't include them randomly. That means "mim" on top or below the letter "mim", "sin" on top or below the letter "sin", and so on and so forth. Included: Pdf file telling you which key is associated with which name. In that same file we have included the transliteration and explication of all 99 names. Pdf file explaining the differences in the harakat and pronunciation according to the Holy Quran. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a link to all the extra files you will need: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xj2Q8hhmfKD7stY6RILhKPiPfePpI9U4?usp=sharing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. 99 Names of ALLAH Clear by Islamic Calligraphy75, $12.00
    We have transformed the “99 names of ALLAH” into a font. That means each key on your keyboard represents 1 of the 99 names of ALLAH Aaza Wajal. The fonts work with both the English and Arabic Keyboards. We call this Calligraphy "Clear" because of how clear and easy to read the design is. The first "Alef" has a "hamzit wasel", this indicates that you can pronounce it as both "AR-RAHMAAN" or "R-RAHMAAN" (in the zip file you will find a pdf file explaining the differences in the "harakat", pronunciation and spelling according to the Holy Quran). The "Ye" in this calligraphy doesn't have the two dots, nor does it have a decorative "Ye", just like the Holy Quran. Also, we went for the traditional "soukoun" instead of the Quranic "soukoun" & decorative symbols are at a minimum. Decorative letters used in this calligraphy: "Mim, Aain, Sin, HHe, He, Kaf, Tah & Saad". Purpose & use: - Writers: Highlight the names in your texts in beautiful Islamic calligraphy. - Editors: Use with kinetic typography templates (AE) & editing software. - Designers: The very small details in the names does not affect the quality. Rest assured it is flawless. The MOST IMPORTANT THING about this list is that all the names are 100% ERROR FREE, and you can USED THEM WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. All the “Tachkilat” are 100% ERROR FREE, all the "Spelling" is 100% ERROR, and they all have been written in accordance with the Holy Quran. No names are missing and no names are duplicated. The list is complete "99 names +1". The +1 is the name “ALLAH” 'Aza wajal. Another important thing is how we use the decorative letters. In every font you will see small decorative letters, these letters are used only in accordance with their respective letters to indicate pronunciation & we don't include them randomly. That means "mim" on top or below the letter "mim", "sin" on top or below the letter "sin", and so on and so forth. Included: Pdf file telling you which key is associated with which name. In that same file we have included the transliteration and explication of all 99 names. Pdf file explaining the differences in the harakat and pronunciation according to the Holy Quran. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a link to all the extra files you will need: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xj2Q8hhmfKD7stY6RILhKPiPfePpI9U4?usp=sharing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. 99 Names of ALLAH Attached by Islamic Calligraphy75, $12.00
    We have transformed the “99 names of ALLAH” into a font. That means each key on your keyboard represents 1 of the 99 names of ALLAH Aaza Wajal. The fonts work with both the English and Arabic Keyboards. We call this Calligraphy "Attached" because the "alef" and "lam" are attached together. The first "Alef" has a "fatha", this indicates to pronounce the first letter. So instead of saying "R-RAHMAAN" you say "AR-RAHMAAN" (in the zip file you will find a pdf file explaining the differences in the "harakat", pronunciation & spelling according to the Holy Quran). You will also notice that the decorative letters in this font are bigger than usual, we also used the traditional "soukoun" instead of the "Quranic soukoun" & we were a little bit more generous than usual with the decorative symbols. Decorative letters used in this calligraphy: "Mim, Aain, Sin, HHe, He, Kaf, Alef, Tah & Saad". Purpose & use: - Writers: Highlight the names in your texts in beautiful Islamic calligraphy. - Editors: Use with kinetic typography templates (AE) & editing software. - Designers: The very small details in the names does not affect the quality. Rest assured it is flawless. The MOST IMPORTANT THING about this list is that all the names are 100% Error Free, and you can use them with your eyes closed. All the “Tachkilat” are 100% Error Free, all the "Spelling" is 100% Error Free, and they all have been written in accordance with the Holy Quran. No names are missing and no names are duplicated. The list is complete "99 names +1". The +1 is the name “ALLAH” 'Aza wajal. Another important thing is how we use the decorative letters. In every font you will see small decorative letters, these letters are used only in accordance with their respective letters to indicate pronunciation & we don't include them randomly. That means "mim" on top or below the letter "mim", "sin" on top or below the letter "sin", and so on and so forth. Included: Pdf file telling you which key is associated with which name. In that same file we have included the transliteration and explication of all 99 names. Pdf file explaining the differences in the harakat and pronunciation according to the Holy Quran. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a link to all the extra files you will need: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xj2Q8hhmfKD7stY6RILhKPiPfePpI9U4?usp=sharing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Bank Gothic by GroupType, $29.00
    If there was an American Typeface Hall of Fame, Bank Gothic, designed by the great Morris Fuller Benton would hold a place of special distinction considering this design has survived so many trends in typographic fashion since being introduced in 1930. Its just as desirable today as it was over eighty years ago; arguably more. Today, Bank Gothic is a very popular choice as a titling face for science fiction books, posters and countless television and movie titles. It is also a popular typeface for use in computer games and digital graphics. GroupType’s 2010 revival of this American classic is true to the design, the period, and Benton’s aesthetic. GroupType worked with some of the most talented and experienced type designers that were historically grounded and sensitive to this design project. Fortunately, Mr. Benton has left us a large selection of other great typefaces for insight and guidance. GroupType’s new revival includes the original three weights in regular and condensed style plus two new distressed fonts. All have a new small cap and lowercase in each font necessary for 21st century typography.
  24. DINk - 100% free
  25. Propaganda - Unknown license
  26. Rojallie by Olexstudio, $16.00
    Rojallie - Script Font will look gorgeous on all your designs, invitation, poster design, book design, branding materials, logo's, and all project design other. Rojallie - Script Font contains standard characters, Lowercase, Uppercase, numbers, punctuation, ligatures and international glyphs.
  27. Anacostia NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    The 1923 Barnhart Brothers & Spindler specimen book called this typeface "Cardstyle", and suggested its use at small sizes for business cards. It also work quite well in large sizes when a warm, casual antique feeling is called for. Named for a river that flows through Washington, DC. Both versions of the font include the 1252 Latin and 1250 CE character sets (with localization for Romanian and Moldovan).
  28. Bergurau by Zealab Fonts Division, $14.00
    BERGURAU is a versatile and unique serif typeface, a result of half side curved serif and half side straight serif experiment. BERGURAU has a unique style with stylistic, alternates, ligatures and supports multilingual languages. Create unique & beautiful logotype, use it as an elegant solution for your next magazine layout, or choose BERGURAU for any graphics that require a sleek look with a elegant flair.
  29. Slugfest NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    A Japanese design firm called Maniackers put together a typeface design in 2001, which they called Snail. This typeface is based on that design, with a few tasty modifications and some industrial-strength kerning, so that the letters literally slither across the page. This font contains the complete Latin language character set (Unicode 1252) plus support for Central European (Unicode 1250) languages as well.
  30. Inked Balterm by Adam Ladd, $25.00
    Inked Balterm is a hand-inked typeface with a humanist touch. It provides visual interest through the contrasting elements of the thin strokes mixed with the solid ball terminals. The placement of each ball terminal is varied and placed at the most defining point of interest and distinction in each letterform; creating an appealing visual rhythm. Great for display and works in smaller text settings.
  31. AndrijScript by AndrijType, $36.00
    All you need is love, you know ;)
  32. Decrypt H1 by Type Innovations, $39.00
    Say hello to Decrypt H1—a geometric typeface that features highly stylized capitals with sharp corners, circular forms and generous proportions. Specifically created for visual impact—use Decrypt H1 when you want your words to stand out from the rest of the crowd. The concept is modern, futuristic and non-traditional. Perfect for display text, logos and headings. The development of Decrypt H1 started in 1997, inspired by Alex Kaczun’s best selling grotesque font family called Contax Pro. Decrypt H1 is specifically introduced here as a bold weight, but Alex plans to expand the design to include many weights, styles and alternative design treatments. Stay tuned! If you like Decrypt H1—check out it’s alternate twins Decrypt 01, Decrypt 02 and all of Type Innovations fonts at: http://www.myfonts.com/person/Alex_Kaczun/
  33. Nazare by Ndiscover, $39.00
    It all started with a Portuguese soap packaging from the first half of the 20th Century. The 5 uppercase letters that spell NAZARÉ were sufficient to drive the creation of this design. Nazaré fits in a semi-serif category and it has a large contrast. It works outstandingly in display use specially in the bolder weights that have even more contrast. The regular weights have a more moderate contrast and an overall less extravagant design, fitting best in the typographical conventions. this provides a better render in text use. You can use this font in large headlines, logos, posters, book covers, and general display use as well as short strings of text. Nazaré is the name of a small Portuguese fishing village known for its giant waves and peculiar people.
  34. Mrs Onion by Hipopotam Studio, $26.00
    Mrs Onion is an all uppercase, multilayer typeface with lots of possibilities. It consists of 38 fonts that can be divided into two groups – Regulars for a day-to-day use and Monsters if you want to walk on the wild side. You can combine up to 6 styles to achieve complex and colorful effects. We created a dedicated, simple website at mrs-onion.love, where you can learn how the layering of styles works and test your own words and phrases on some predefined samples. You can also download a manual from here and enjoy it offline. Feel free to use Mrs Onion not only for posters, invitations, book covers, apps, games, and any kind of headlines but also for mugs, t-shirts, logotypes, walls, cars, and hot balloons.
  35. Acolyte by Altered Ego, $45.00
    An elegantly refined typeface with a subtle wedge serif, the character shapes of Acolyte STF set a rhythm of light and dark like windows in a cathedral. Standing tall (as in condensed!) and respectful, Acolyte STF is aptly named as a companion to any design, packaging and advertising. Acolyte will illuminate your designs with a display typeface reminiscent of European 20th century letterforms. Its distinctive letterforms are slightly chiseled and angular with curves in just the right places. Wrapped in an aura of mystery, Acolyte's origins are from condensed typefaces, with an understated gothic feel. Available for Macintosh and Windows, Acolyte will set an edgy tone for all of your design needs. Complete with an Adobe-standard character set, this font also includes the Euro and is cross-platform compatible.
  36. Nimbus Sans L by URW Type Foundry, $89.99
    The first versions of Nimbus Sans have been designed and digitized in the 1980s for the URW SIGNUS sign-making system. Highest precision of all characters (1/100 mm accuracy) as well as spacing and kerning were required because the fonts should be cut in any size in vinyl or other material used for sign-making. During this period three size ranges were created for text (T), the display (D) and poster (P) for small, medium and very large font sizes. In addition, we produced a so-called L-version that was compatible to Adobe’s PostScript version of Helvetica. Nimbus was also the product name of a URW-proprietary renderer for high quality and fast rasterization of outline fonts, a software provided to the developers of PostScript clone RIPs (Hyphen, Harlequin, etc.) back then.
  37. Bodoni Classic Ad by Wiescher Design, $55.00
    I became interested in designing Bodoni Classic because of a lazy graphic designer at Jacques Damase publishing house. He had to change a single letter on a bookcover about J. B. BODONI. The French call him Jean Baptiste instead of Giambattista! And that unknown graphic designer just took any old “J” from some newly cut Bodoni. All the new Bodoni cuts have square serifs, whereas the originals had rounded serifs and slightly concave feet. The single letter “J” with the squared off serif was for me like a road sign to start redesigning the entire Bodoni family. That’s exactly what I started in 1993 and a dozen years later I am finished. Okay, I am still adding new Bodoni Classics, but those are my personal additions. Yours very retro, Gert Wiescher
  38. Bodoni Classic Initials by Wiescher Design, $55.00
    I became interested in designing Bodoni Classic because of a lazy graphic designer at Jacques Damase publishing house. He had to change a single letter on a bookcover about J. B. BODONI. The French call him Jean Baptiste instead of Giambattista! And that unknown graphic designer just took any old “J” from some newly cut Bodoni. All the new Bodoni cuts have square serifs, whereas the originals had rounded serifs and slightly concave feet. The single letter “J” with the squared off serif was for me like a road sign to start redesigning the entire Bodoni family. That’s exactly what I started in 1993 and a dozen years later I am finished. Okay, I am still adding new Bodoni Classics, but those are my personal additions. Yours very retro, Gert Wiescher
  39. Brocades by Edignwn Type, $16.00
    The font collection is called "Brocades", it is a crafted display with vintage themes. These collections contain monoline script, sans serif stencil and serif stencil. Every font comes with 4 style typefaces (regular, rounded, rough and stamp). Brocades give more extras 2 pack illustrations (animals and motorcycle). This script font includes 3 sets alternates and swashes. The Brocades matches apply in some designs such as the logotype, poster, label, badge, packaging, apparel, branding, and more custom design. Brocades features : 4 style typefaces (regular, rounded, rough and stamp) Uppercase, lowercase, numeral, symbol, punctuation, alternate and swash in monoline script All-caps, numeral, symbol and punctuation in sans serif and serif font Multilingual PUA Encoded Brocades includes : 14 fonts (script, sans serif, serif and dingbat) 52 illustrations in dingbat Thank you for your support and choosing us.
  40. Aracne Ultra Condensed by Antipixel, $15.00
    The all-caps Aracne collection features tall, slightly scrawled letterforms, and is available in regular, condensed and ultra condensed styles for maximun functionality. With a spiritted quality and casual character, it will add a personal style to your work. Aracne Ultra Condensed was created as an extended version of the font Aracne, a regular full of energy handwritten font, with light and regular styles, including italics. It provides a wide range of possibilities, including the Aracne Soft and Stamp, which offer softer and cleaner edges. Its glyph coverage supports languages such as English, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Czech, among many others. It’s recommended usage is for display titles, and small ammount of text, because of its good legibility and quality of glyphs. Check out her sisters Aracne and Aracne Condensed!
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