The Typist SlabSerif is part of a big family, the Typist Family. The family consists of a monospaced, a SlabSerif and a SansSerif version. The idea behind this family originated from the research into the design of typewriter typestyles, which is also the reason why the monospaced version was released first. Since it was decided from the start to make a SlabSerif and a SansSerif version of these monospaced fonts, it was also a logical consequence that the proportional variants also became available in these versions. The monospaced SansSerif fonts have been given the name 'Code' since they are designed to be used while writing code for a software program, for example. The proportional variants with each 6 weights of the Typist Slab Serif and Code (SansSerif) are now available. Although the name may seem a bit strange, it is a logical consequence from the monospaced variant. The SlabSerif variant therefore has Typist Slab Prop, written in full the Typist SlabSerif Proportional. After all, who wants to be bothered with long font names in their font menu. The entire Typist family is designed as a font for use in editorial and publishing publications. A lot of attention has been paid to the spacing and kerning of the fonts. Due to the many variants and weights, this font is versatile. Typist Font Family was designed by Nicolien van der Keur and published by vanderKeur design. Typist Slab Prop and Typist Code Prop contains each 6 styles (Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold and Bold, each weight also designed as a true italic) and has family package options. The links to the monospaced version of The Typist are here: