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  1. Poison Berries - Unknown license
  2. Shine Pro by Thinkdust, $10.00
    Shine Pro is the quintessential sans serif gentleman you’ve been looking for all your life. It doesn’t confuse, confound, or complicate - it politely offers up what it has as though your fontal satisfaction is the most important thing in the world; and to Shine Pro, it is. The Regular weight is subtle, gentle - his softer side; while the Bold weight has impact and creates an imposing, important air.. In order to please everyone, Shine Pro has an impressive 10,000 kerning pairs and extensive language support, including cyrillic. Designed with traditional influences but with a contemporary coup-de-grace, the clean, smartly turned out, and oh-so-reliable Shine Pro is ready to become your new go-to font for all matters.
  3. Lemonite by Typotheticals, $3.00
    Lemonite (Regular and Expanded) is a self examination in whether, after five years without attempting to design any new fonts, I was still capable of creation. Lemonite is the result, and even though its plain, it showed me I could still work. I have made two of the face free to anyone who wishes to have a look, so please feel free, no obligations, to take them and use them if you have a use. Why so long ? Well, we do age, and with age comes the usual benefits, like Glaucoma and a touch of Arthritis in the old digits, and that's made computer work a little… interesting for me over the past couple of years. Anyway, if you don't find my humble offering of any use, please search the fontbase on Myfonts, and you will sure to find a suitable font from one of the fantastic designers there.
  4. Longhorn by Belldorado, $20.00
    I saw a cool UT-Ligature on an old (maybe 70's or 80's) Texas Longhorns fan-shirt - it was in 3D and I wanted something like that with my own initials A and B to print it on a baseball hat. I started drawing it and when I was finished, I thought it might be nice to do the same for my officemates. I needed another G, T and K. After finishing that I thought it might be cool to do this for other people as well. Since the source of all the 3D glyphs is found in the regular ones which get moved by a 45 degree angle and then connected with lines , I first draw all the uppercase regular glyphs. The thing that followed was kind of an addiction: after finishing the uppercase letters, I wanted to add lowercase letters, after finishing the 3D letters, I thought it would be nice to have a fill version to layer with the 3D letters. Having a rough, woodcut version of the regular style would be cool, too. And the font is also pretty much suited to make a stencil version. When all this was done, I was interested on how the font would look like without the serifs and curves instead of the 45 degree angles, so I did the Longhorn Sans. Good to use for all sports-related designs, especially retro-style soccer/football shirts. Uppercase characters can be combined to form ligatures or logotypes.
  5. FS Pele by Fontsmith, $50.00
    Iconic Conjuring memories of chunky typefaces from the late-60s and early-70s, and named after the world’s greatest footballer of that and probably any other era, FS Pele is one of a set of Fontsmith fonts designed specifically for headlines and other prominent applications. “We wanted to create fonts that could be integral to the design of posters, album covers and magazines,” says Jason Smith. Welcome to FS Pele, iconic, like its namesake (though, perhaps, a little less nimble). Big Pele, little Pele There was only one Pele. But there are two sizes of FS Pele. FS Pele One, with the finer counters and details, adds considerable weight and style at large sizes, especially in big block headlines on posters. FS Pele Two’s thicker “slots” make it a better choice for smaller-sized text. A load of blocks FS Pele began as an exercise by Phil Garnham in turning squares into legible letters, via the least means necessary. The idea extended his ideas about logo-making, and the search for a stamp-like brand mark that lends authority, stability and instant identification. “The thought that the type was a 2D/3D jigsaw of slotted, architectural pieces was almost an after-thought. I wanted to create a strong, stacking, block aesthetic for the most contemporary poster design. “At the time there were a lot of designers creating their own versions of the same thing but I wanted to take the blocker forms to the next step, and infer a more legible text without sacrificing the idea.”
  6. FS Pele Variable by Fontsmith, $199.99
    Iconic Conjuring memories of chunky typefaces from the late-60s and early-70s, and named after the world’s greatest footballer of that and probably any other era, FS Pele is one of a set of Fontsmith fonts designed specifically for headlines and other prominent applications. “We wanted to create fonts that could be integral to the design of posters, album covers and magazines,” says Jason Smith. Welcome to FS Pele, iconic, like its namesake (though, perhaps, a little less nimble). Big Pele, little Pele There was only one Pele. But there are two sizes of FS Pele. FS Pele One, with the finer counters and details, adds considerable weight and style at large sizes, especially in big block headlines on posters. FS Pele Two’s thicker “slots” make it a better choice for smaller-sized text. A load of blocks FS Pele began as an exercise by Phil Garnham in turning squares into legible letters, via the least means necessary. The idea extended his ideas about logo-making, and the search for a stamp-like brand mark that lends authority, stability and instant identification. “The thought that the type was a 2D/3D jigsaw of slotted, architectural pieces was almost an after-thought. I wanted to create a strong, stacking, block aesthetic for the most contemporary poster design. “At the time there were a lot of designers creating their own versions of the same thing but I wanted to take the blocker forms to the next step, and infer a more legible text without sacrificing the idea.”
  7. 101 Puppies SW - Unknown license
  8. GOLFABET - Personal use only
  9. Hooked on Booze - Unknown license
  10. FD Deer Deer - Personal use only
  11. Dwellers - Unknown license
  12. Accent Watermelon - Unknown license
  13. Eclipse - Unknown license
  14. Hoshi Font - Unknown license
  15. KR Hunnybee - Unknown license
  16. Foobar Pro by CheapProFonts is a versatile and elegantly designed font that finds its origins in a creative pursuit towards balancing functionality with style. This font family embodies a modern aest...
  17. TELETYPE 1945-1985 - Unknown license
  18. Rush by Canada Type, $24.95
    Follow us to the future. It is in your face. It is fashionable. It is friendly. It is fly, far-out, funkadelic, fun. But first of all, the future is fast and full. Named after the most famous Canadian rock group of all, Rush is a typeface that wants your full attention. It is square like a bodybuilder's jaw, round like a football player's muscles, and tight like an abdomen after a thousand sit-ups. It gives you plenty of attitude. It commands your respect and lets you know that if you've been thinking of giving up on macho in this brave new world, think again. It tells you that everything has an underlying engine, that every engine hums clockwise, that adrenaline is the name of the game, and if you don't like it, get your sensitive self back to your silly scripts. Rush comes in two fully interchangeable variations: Rush One and Rush Two. While Rush Two is the somewhat predictable, determined pedal-to-the-metal contemporary brute, Rush One is sharper, smarter and more sophisticated in the way it affects a design. While Rush Two's message is a straight-forward one of strength and speed belonging in an overall design, Rush One calls attention to itself first then turns on the wonder about everything surrounding it. Expertly mixing shapes from both fonts in the same word or line can achieve just that perfect form a design needs for its message. Such flexibility and distinction in character design and degree of message relay makes Rush the perfect font package for any design that has anything to do with speed, strength, and proud pursuit of adrenaline.
  19. Luis Serra by Homelessfonts, $49.00
    Homelessfonts is an initiative by the Arrels foundation to support, raise awareness and bring some dignity to the life of homeless people in Barcelona Spain. Each of the fonts was carefully digitized from the handwriting of different homeless people who agreed to participate in this initiative. Please Note: these fonts include only the latin alphabet; no accented characters, no numbers or punctuation. MyFonts is pleased to donate all revenue from the sales of Homelessfonts to the Arrels foundation in support of their mission to provide the homeless people in Barcelona with a path to independence with accommodations, food, social and health care. Luis Serra was born in Alicante. There he grew up and even started a family His life was there. But at the age of 35 he split up with his wife and decided to go to Barcelona in search of a new life. And it wasn’t easy for him. He had to turn his hand to all kinds of jobs and didn’t manage to find the stability he needed. Luis is a shy, retiring person who takes great pleasure in the little things in life such as walking in the mountains or celebrating the victories of his football team, Barça. After four years living in Barcelona, Luis found himself in a position he’d never imagined. “The street’s much worse now, there’s more trouble, there’s more tension,” says Luís. In the street he had to learn, as he always had, to move fast, to find a place to sleep and something to eat. Luís is one of those people who don’t let circumstances mould him, but adapts to them and always tries to do his best.
  20. KING ARTHUR - Personal use only
  21. KADinoSob - Unknown license
  22. Arrobatherapy - Unknown license
  23. COM (sRB) - Unknown license
  24. KR YoYo - Unknown license
  25. KASnake - Unknown license
  26. Snowflake Letters - 100% free
  27. Impending Distaster by Hanoded, $15.00
    There's nothing really disastrous (impending or not) going on in my life right now, but I have always liked the expression. I thought about it when I watched a news item about the recent storm we had in Europe. The news showed footage of a person narrowly escaping a huge falling tree. Impending Disaster font is certainly no disaster. I created it using my fantastic Chinese ink and a broken tapas skewer (I seemed to have run out of my regular satay skewers). The result is a slightly rough, comic book kinda font. It comes with two sets of alternates for the lower case letters (which cycle as you type), one set of stylistic alternates for the 'O' glyph (and all accented O's), an alternate ampersand, asterisk, question mark and exclamation mark and a set of alternate numerals. Impending Disaster comes with extensive language support, including Vietnamese, Greek and Sami - so don't come running and say you didn't have any options! ;-)
  28. Navaja by Andinistas, $39.95
    Very few letter types with the context of grunge style fonts offer hierarchies to differentiate words in sentences or paragraphs. With Navaja I developed a font family that meets this need. This family is useful to organize the information into a hierarchy with an eroded look. Its central idea mixes grotesque, geometric and humanistic letter conventions. This way, Navaja is a grunge-sans with dense proportions to make graphic design with eroded character. Its main purpose appeared when one of my customers asked me for a t-shirt design for a fan club of an important football player. For this reason its starting point were stained and muddy letters characterizing the toughness and coldness of the sport. Over time their glyphs began to imitate the robustness of "wood type & Tuscan Type" widely used in posters in the late nineteenth century. Its purpose was strengthened in a family with 6 members that when mixed they produce mind catching contrast levels ideal for designing T-shirts, stickers, flyers, brochures, posters, billboards, cinema or TV. Therefore its variants are short up and down height X combined with different widths that by working together produce information that radiates outstanding apparently destroyed controlled violence. Navaja Dingbats consists of 52 illustrations useful for frames and textures. In that vein, the origin of each member comes from skeletons of Roman and Italic calligraphy. The low amount of contrast between thick and thin lines matching the contours apparently gnawed but strictly regulated by optical adjustments equating the sum between full and empty areas. Factors such as finishes, shapes and counter internal and external forms are meticulously planned although its scruffy look which strategic arrangements are offset to provide color typographical homogeneous. And in conclusion, I have plans to continue expanding the family with more complete versions in the future.
  29. Juan Carlos by Homelessfonts, $49.00
    Homelessfonts is an initiative by the Arrels foundation to support, raise awareness and bring some dignity to the life of homeless people in Barcelona Spain. Each of the fonts was carefully digitized from the handwriting of different homeless people who agreed to participate in this initiative. A biography/story of each homeless person captures their story, to help raise awareness and bring some dignity to the life of homeless people. Monotype is pleased to donate all revenue from the sales of Homelessfonts to the Arrels foundation in support of their mission to provide the homeless people in Barcelona with a path to independence with accommodations, food, social and health care. Juan Carlos was born in Barcelona, Spain 46 years ago. Since the age of 17 – and during eleven years – he worked double shifts of eight hours every day in a factory. Excessive work and family problems debilitated his health and he lost his job. He then faced a dilemma: to spend unemployment benefits to pay for rent or for food. For a few years, he worked helping in the kitchens of different restaurants while he lived on a pension, until he was definitively left without work and ended up living in the street for 10 years. “In the street I tried to find rest in the ATMs of banks. I preferred to be alone, and if I ran into conflictive people, I looked for somewhere else” he explains. Living in the street he was the victim of an aggression. Since then, with the help of Arrels he moved into a pension. Today, Juan Carlos is a volunteer in the shower service of Arrels, the same showers he used during years. He also collaborates with the maintenance team, helps prepare hygienic and cleaning material, and participates in activities such as the theatre group and the football team.
  30. cup Font - Unknown license
  31. Shower Flower - Unknown license
  32. JptBubbles - Personal use only
  33. nekoFont - Unknown license
  34. Baby Font - Unknown license
  35. Troll Bait - Unknown license
  36. American Dream - Unknown license
  37. The NFL Falcons font is a distinctive typeface often associated with the brand identity of the Atlanta Falcons, a professional American football team based in Atlanta, Georgia. While not available fo...
  38. BLUSH BEAR - Personal use only
  39. PUDSEY BEAR - Personal use only
  40. indezonefont - creative - Unknown license
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