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  1. As of my last knowledge update in April 2023, the font named OXIDISASTER, crafted by Billy Argel, embodies a distinct artistic flair and unique character that sets it apart in the realm of typography...
  2. ITC Ellipse Script by Typorium, $30.00
    The Typorium presents a new optimized and enriched version of ITC Ellipse which first appeared in 1996 in the International Typeface Corporation typeface library. ITC Ellipse Script is a complementary typeface to ITC Ellipse Neo, designed a very legible handwriting style. ITC Ellipse Script is both modern and classic. Modern in the unusual shape based on the geometric ellipse form. And classic in the structure of some letters like the lower cases c, e, g, o, s. These letters alone could come from a traditional typeface, but they fit perfectly with the atypical rest of the alphabet giving it a present-day and traditional mix. Furthermore, the ellipse shape fits naturally in the italic styles, giving the font an organic and fluid feeling. ITC Ellipse Script offers OpenType features such as alternate characters for upper and lower case, and an extended accented character set to support many languages. Five weights have been created for each style to offer a wide range of graphic possibilities in a tidy digital footprint. Designer: Jean-Renaud Cuaz Publisher: Typorium MyFonts debut: Nov 1, 2020 Le Typorium présente une nouvelle version optimisée et enrichie d'ITC Ellipse qui est apparue pour la première fois en 1996 dans la bibliothèque de caractères de l'International Typeface Corporation. ITC Ellipse Script est une police complémentaire à ITC Ellipse Neo, conçue dans un style d'écriture très lisible. ITC Ellipse Script est à la fois moderne et classique. Moderne dans le dessin inhabituel basé sur la forme géométrique de l’ellipse. Et classique dans la structure de certaines lettres comme les minuscules c, e, g, o, s. Ces lettres pourraient provenir d'une police de caractères traditionnelle, mais elles s'intègrent parfaitement avec le reste de l'alphabet plus insolite en lui donnant un mélange de modernité et de tradition. De plus, la forme de l'ellipse s'intègre naturellement dans les styles italiques, donnant à la police une sensation organique et fluide. ITC Ellipse Script offre des fonctionnalités OpenType telles que des caractères alternatifs pour les capitales et les bas de casse, et un jeu de caractères accentués étendu pour prendre en charge de nombreuses langues. Cinq graisses ont été créés pour chaque style afin d'offrir un large éventail de possibilités graphiques pour une empreinte numérique rigoureuse.
  3. Hand Sketch Rough Poster by TypoGraphicDesign, $25.00
    “Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter” is a hand­made, rough and dirty sans-serif dis­play font for deco­ra­tive head­line sizes. Hand drawn. A–Z (× 2), a–z (× 2) and 0–9 (× 4) are each many dif­fe­rent forms. Con­text­ual alter­na­tes. Is inten­ded to show the hand-made cha­rac­ter and the vibrancy of the dis­play font. The dif­fe­rent forms of rough­ness crea­tes a live­li­ness in the typeface. Stan­dard liga­tures like ae, oe, AE, OE, ff, fl, fi, fj, ffl, ffi, ffj and more deco­ra­tive liga­tures like CT, LC, LE, LH, LI, LO, LU, LY, TOO, TC, TE, TH, TU, TZ and ch, cl, ck, ct, sh, sk, st, sp, addi­tio­nal logo­ty­pes like BPM, fff, ppp, sfz and many more … plus Ver­sal Eszett (Capi­tal Let­ter Dou­ble S) give the font more life and shows that des­pite their retro-looks works with modern Open­Type tech­no­logy (type the word note for the sym­bol ♫ and the word love for the ding­bat ❤ … ). Sym­bols like play, stop, eject, for­ward, back­ward, skip, pause and so on. The topic for the dis­cre­tio­nary liga­tures and the sym­bols are music. Have fun with this font – turn up the volume! How To Use – awe­some magic OpenType-Features in your lay­out application ■ In Adobe Pho­to­shop and Adobe InDe­sign, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Cha­rac­ter panel sub-menu → Open­Type → Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures … Che­cked fea­tures are applied/on. Unche­cked fea­tures are off. ■ In Adobe Illus­tra­tor, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Open­Type panel. Icons at the bot­tom of the panel are but­ton con­trols. Dar­ker ‘pres­sed’ but­tons are applied/on. ■ Addi­tio­nally in Adobe InDe­sign and Adobe Illus­tra­tor, alter­nate gly­phs can manu­ally be ins­er­ted into a text frame by using the gly­phs panel. The panel can be opened by selec­ting Win­dow from the menu bar → Type → Gly­phs. Or use sign-overview of your ope­ra­ting sys­tem. ■ For a over­view of OpenType-Feature com­pa­ti­bi­lity for com­mon app­li­ca­ti­ons, fol­low the myfonts-help http://www.myfonts.com/help/#looks-different ■ It may pro­cess a little bit slowly in some app­li­ca­ti­ons, because the font has a lot of lovely rough details (anchor points). TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ■ Font Name: Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter ■ Font Weights: Regu­lar ■ Fonts Cate­gory: Dis­play for Head­line Size ■ Desktop-Font For­mat: OTF (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + TTF (True­Type Font) ■ Web-Font For­mat: SVG + EOT + TTF + WOF ■ Font License: Desk­top license, Web license, App license, eBook license, Ser­ver license ■ Glyph cover­age: 715 ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: Afri­kaans, Alba­nian, Alsa­tian, Ara­go­nese, Ara­paho, Aro­ma­nian, Arr­ernte, Astu­rian, Aymara, Bas­que, Bela­rusian (Lac­inka), Bis­lama, Bos­nian, Bre­ton, Cata­lan, Cebuano, Cha­morro, Che­yenne, Chi­chewa (Nyanja), Cim­brian, Cor­si­can, Croa­tian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Espe­ranto, Esto­nian, Fijian, Fin­nish, French, French Creole (Saint Lucia), Fri­sian, Fri­ulian, Gali­cian, Genoese, Ger­man, Gil­ber­tese (Kiri­bati), Green­lan­dic, Hai­tian Creole, Hawaiian, Hili­gaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Hun­ga­rian, Iba­nag, Iloko (Ilo­kano), Indo­ne­sian, Inter­g­lossa (Glosa), Inter­lin­gua, Irish (Gae­lic), Istro-Romanian, Ita­lian, Jèr­riais, Kas­hubian, Kur­dish (Kur­manji), Ladin, Lat­vian, Lithua­nian, Loj­ban, Lom­bard, Low Saxon, Luxem­bour­gian, Malag­asy, Malay (Lati­ni­zed), Mal­tese, Manx, Maori, Megleno-Romanian, Mohawk, Nahuatl, Norfolk/Pitcairnese, Nort­hern Sotho (Pedi), Nor­we­gian, Occi­tan, Oromo, Pan­gasinan, Papia­mento, Pied­mon­tese, Polish, Por­tu­guese, Pota­wa­tomi, Que­chua, Rhaeto-Romance, Roma­nian, Romansh (Rumantsch), Roto­kas, Sami (Inari), Sami (Lule), Samoan, Sar­di­nian (Sardu), Scots (Gae­lic), Sey­chel­lois Creole (Seselwa), Shona, Sici­lian, Slovak, Slove­nian (Slovene), Somali, Sou­thern Nde­bele, Sou­thern Sotho (Seso­tho), Spa­nish, Swa­hili, Swati/Swazi, Swe­dish, Taga­log (Filipino/Pilipino), Tahi­tian, Tau­sug, Tetum (Tetun), Tok Pisin, Ton­gan (Faka-Tonga), Tswana, Tur­kish, Turk­men, Turk­men (Lati­ni­zed), Tuva­luan, Uyghur (Lati­ni­zed), Veps, Vola­pük, Votic (Lati­ni­zed), Wal­loon, Warl­piri, Welsh, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu ■ Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, logo­ty­pes, ding­bats & sym­bols, accents & €. OpenType-Features like Access All Alter­na­tes (aalt), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt), Glyph Composition/Decomposition (ccmp), Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures (dlig) Deno­mi­na­tors (dnom), Frac­tions (frac), Kerning (kern), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Lining Figu­res (lnum), Nume­ra­tors (numr), Old Style Figu­res (onum) Ordi­nals (ordn), Pro­por­tio­nal Figu­res (pnum), Sty­listic Alter­na­tes (salt), Sty­listic Set 01 (ss01), Sty­listic Set 02 (ss02), Sty­listic Set 03 (ss03), Sty­listic Set 04 (ss04), Super­script (sups), Tabu­lar Figu­res (tnum) ■ Design Date: 2015 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Viergutz
  4. Resist Mono by Groteskly Yours, $25.00
    Resist Mono is a highly functional monospaced type family designed for optimal performance both in print and on the web. Inspired by the distinctive features of the original Resist Sans family, it showcases deep inktraps, angled terminals, and exceptional legibility. With its bold personality and style, Resist Mono remains highly readable even at small sizes. Suitable for coding, UX, web, and graphic design, Resist Mono offers versatility and visual impact for a wide range of applications. Resist Mono comes in 16 styles (14 static fonts) and two variable fonts. Each font contains over 1300 glyphs, including letters, small capitals, numbers, punctuation, symbols, etc. Resist Mono supports more than 200 Latin-based languages and has extensive Cyrillic support for languages like Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Serbian, and many more. In addition to this, Resist Mono also includes special Powerline symbols for coding. OpenType features in Resist Mono include Small Capitals, Case Sensitive Punctuation, Stylistic Alternates, Fractions, Subscript, Superscript, Ligatures and many more. Resist Mono Type Family Features: - 1300+ characters per font - 14 static fonts - 2 variable fonts - True Italics - Small Capitals - Extensive OpenType features - Supports 200+ Languages (Latin & Cyrillic) - Special Symbols and Features - Free Trial Fonts Available Resist Mono has been meticulously developed to prioritize functionality and legibility, making it an ideal choice for coding. It offers true italics with a calligraphic influence, adding a unique touch to the font. Additionally, users can access the regular slanted letterforms through OpenType by selecting the corresponding stylistic set. With its versatility, Resist Mono can be applied beyond coding, finding relevance in various contexts like product and graphic design, web design, publishing, and more, thanks to its visually appealing features and bold stylistic choices. Explore Resist Mono Dynamic Specimen for more features, type testers, etc.
  5. Aspire Narrow SmallCaps by Grype, $18.00
    While the Aspire SmallCaps family finds its roots of inspiration in the ACURA automotive company logo, with its wider base, the Aspire Narrow SmallCaps family condenses those styles into something more suitable for larger bodies of text in a more standardized width. Aspire Narrow SmallCaps is perhaps the most true to form tribute to the original all capitals inspiration logotype. It maintains all capital forms (whether standard or smallcaps) and yet is still strikingly powerful in its presence and readability including numerals, and a comprehensive range of weights, creating a straightforward, uncompromising collection of typefaces that lend a solid foundation and a broad range of expression for designers. Here's what's included with the Aspire Narrow SmallCaps Family bundle: - 430 glyphs per style - including Capitals, Small Caps, Numerals, Punctuation and an extensive character set that covers multilingual support of latin based languages. (see the 6th graphic for a preview of the characters included) - Stylistic Alternates - alternate characters that remove the angled stencil cuts for a more standardized text look. - 3 weights in the family: Light, Regular, & Black. - 3 obliques in the family, one for each weight: Light, Regular, & Black. - Fonts are provided in TTF & OTF formats. The TTF format is the standard go to for most users, although the OTF and TTF function exactly the same. Here's why the Aspire Narrow SmallCaps Family is for you: - You're in need of automotive sans font family with a range of weights and obliques - You're love that ACURA letter styling, and want to design anything within that genre - You're looking for an alternative to Eurostile with more stylized letterforms. - You're looking for a battle-tech typeface for your futuristic war chest labelling. - You just like to collect quality fonts to add to your design arsenal
  6. Kimberley by Typodermic, $11.95
    Introducing Kimberley, the cutting-edge sans-serif typeface that will bring your message to the forefront of the modern era. Inspired by the bold and timeless corporate industrial logos of the 1970s, Kimberley’s squarish design and sleek angles will captivate and inspire your audience with its effortlessly cool, machine-made aesthetic. With seven distinct weights and accompanying italics, Kimberley is the ultimate tool in your design arsenal. Whether you’re creating a sleek corporate identity or crafting eye-catching advertising campaigns, Kimberley’s versatility ensures that your message will be delivered with clarity and distinction. So don’t settle for less, choose Kimberley and let its contemporary style and sophisticated edge elevate your design game to new heights. Upgrade your typography today with Kimberley and unleash the power of a truly modern typeface. Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Maori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  7. David Hadash Sans by Monotype, $50.99
    Monotype Imaging is pleased to present David Hadash (New" David), the full family of typefaces by Ismar David, in its intended authentic form. The Estate of Ismar David has sought to revive this jewel of Twentieth-Century design by granting an exclusive license to Monotype Imaging to implement it in industry-standard format. Never before has the typeface in its full set of sub-styles been made available to the design community. David Hadash consists of three style families, Formal, Script, and Sans. Each of these appears in three weigths: regular, medium, and bold. Originally devised as a companion to the upright Formal style, the Script style has a beauty and grace all its own that allows it to be used for full-page settings also. While it is forward-leaning and dynamic, it does not match any of the existing cursive styles of Hebrew script. Ismar David created an eminently readable hybrid style which is like no other by inclining the forms of the upright while blending in some features of Rashi style softened with gentle curves. One can say that the Script style is the first truly italic, not just oblique, typeface for Hebrew script. Although the proportions of the Sans style are very similar to those of the Formal style, its visual impression is stunningly different. If the Formal style is believably written with a broad-point pen, the Sans is chiseled in stone. Rounded angles turn angular and stark. The end result is an informal style that evokes both ancient and contemporary impressions. David Hadash (Modern) supports the writing conventions of Modern Hebrew (including fully vocalized text) in addition to Yiddish and Ladino. David Hadash Biblical is a version of the Formal style that supports all the complexities of Biblical Hebrew, including vocalization and cantillation marks. "
  8. Waba by Lewis McGuffie Type, $40.00
    Waba Pronounced ‘Vah-bah’, is a font family that I designed. The name comes from a historical variation on the Estonian word ‘vaba’ – meaning ‘free’, or 'at liberty'. Back in 2017 I visited the Estonian Print & Paper Museum in Tartu to see its great collection of type (well worth a visit!). While I was there I saw some big woodcut blocks of Reklameschrift Herold - a super Art Nouveau/Jugendstil style display font. The Print & Paper Museum's collection covers both Latin and Cyrillic faces and as a foreigner in these parts I'm kind of fascinated by the exoticism of Cyrillic. How it is different but the same to the Latin letters I take for granted (as a humble Englander – no excuses). Not to mention, Jugendstil with its imitation of natural form, reverse-weights and looping-delicious curves (like you've left the window open all summer and the garden plants are climbing in). This mix of Jugendstil, Cyrillic letters and the beautiful historical border town of Tartu inspired me to start drawing Waba. Trimming the serifs from Herold, simplifying those angles and expanding the category of weights, then taking look at the magical logic of Berthold Block and doing a few things that just seemed right at the time – Waba is a bit of love letter to Estonia, the Baltics and the visual history of Eastern Europe. Waba Monogram Waba also contains a monogram face, which allows you to create any monogramming latin and cyrillic. Simply type out your 2-3-4 characters in Waba Monogram, making sure Contextual Alternates is turned on them voila! Monograms can be customised manually using the OpenType select-pop-up in Adobe. Also included are a few Discretionary Ligatures for Mc, De, Von etc. Monograms work best when Contextual Alternates is turned on.
  9. Aspire Narrow by Grype, $18.00
    While the Aspire family finds its roots of inspiration in the ACURA automotive company logo, with its wider base, the Aspire Narrow family condenses those styles into something more suitable for larger bodies of text in a more standardized width. Aspire pays homage the techno display styling of the inspiration logotype, further evolving beyond its brand inspired origin to give birth to a font family that pulls on modern and historical styles. It adopts a sturdy yet approachable style with its uniform stroke forms and curves, and goes on to include a lowercase, numerals, and a comprehensive range of weights, creating a straightforward, uncompromising collection of typefaces that lend a solid foundation and a broad range of expression for designers. Here’s what’s included with the Aspire Narrow Family bundle: 477 glyphs per style - including Capitals, Lowercase, Numerals, Punctuation and an extensive character set that covers multilingual support of latin based languages. (see the 6th graphic for a preview of the characters included) Stylistic Alternates - alternate characters that remove the angled stencil cuts for a more standardized text look. 3 weights in the family: Light, Regular, & Black. 3 obliques in the family, one for each weight: Light, Regular, & Black. Fonts are available in TTF & OTF formats. The TTF format is the standard go to for most users, although the OTF and TTF function exactly the same. Here’s why the Aspire Narrow Family is for you: - You’re in need of a narrow automotive sans font family with a range of weights and obliques. - You’re love that ACURA letter styling, and want to design with a narrow font within that genre. - You’re looking for an alternative to Eurostile with more stylized letterforms. - You’re looking for a clean techno typeface for your starship console labelling. - You just like to collect quality fonts to add to your design arsenal.
  10. Thrusters by Typodermic, $11.95
    Welcome to the world of Thrusters—the angular, twin-line display typeface inspired by the timeless classic, Space Duel. Thrusters is the perfect way to bring the retro, arcade vibes to your designs! This bold and futuristic typeface is the ultimate tribute to the iconic arcade legacy, and it’s available in four different forms that can be used as layers to create stunning multicolor effects. Whether you’re creating a high-energy video game title screen, a promotional poster for a local arcade, or even a custom t-shirt design, Thrusters has got you covered. With its sharp angles and sleek curves, Thrusters is sure to turn heads and capture attention. It’s the perfect way to add some excitement and nostalgia to any design project. So what are you waiting for? Blast off into the world of retro gaming with Thrusters today! Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  11. Jesaya by Typodermic, $11.95
    Introducing Jesaya: the typeface that will elevate your design game. With its unique geometric design, Jesaya will bring a new level of sophistication and style to your creative projects. Its clean shapes and sharp angles give your message a distinctive voice, projecting a sense of precision and attention to detail. And with seven weights and italics, you have the flexibility to experiment with different styles and layouts, ensuring your design stands out from the crowd. But that’s not all—Jesaya is designed with your comfort in mind. Its shaved sharps prevent typographic injury, ensuring a smooth and seamless design process. So whether you’re crafting a bold logo, designing a sleek website, or creating eye-catching marketing materials, Jesaya’s contemporary style and unique geometry will help you express your vision with clarity and impact. Try it today and see the difference for yourself. Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  12. Transmute by Typodermic, $11.95
    With Transmute, you’ll be transported back to a time when science and machines were the focus of the world. Our display typeface is inspired by vintage technical lettering, with squarish letterforms and quirky angles that give your designs an unmistakable edge. Transmute’s harsh, precise letterforms are the perfect choice for anyone who wants to evoke thoughts of unusual electromechanical, scientific apparatus from a bygone era. Whether you’re designing a cutting-edge website, an eye-catching poster, or an attention-grabbing ad campaign, Transmute has everything you need to make your designs stand out from the crowd. And with three weights to choose from—light, regular, and bold—you’ll have complete control over the look and feel of your designs. So why settle for boring, traditional typefaces when you can add a touch of techno to your designs with Transmute? Try it out today and see the difference for yourself! Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  13. El Fonte Angelia by Gilar Studio, $16.00
    Hello Everyone.. Introducing a new Font " El Fonte Angelia " Beautiful Serif Type Family is inspired by the serif typefaces used in editorial media in the 70s and 80s.such as the soft and gentle shapes found in Cooper or the fluid, angled strokes in Windsor— mixed into one single design that features familiar, fresh, modern flavors. Designed to reflect nature, it creates a sense of natural softness and expressiveness. We pushed the concept into a usability focused direction, to work as a bold tool and beautiful communicator. El Fonte Angelia variable allows fluid design across 5 weights The font broadens its use by supplying weights all the way from Light to Bold. The natural curves, swells and sloping trunks, grow in character as the font gains weight. Whilst the thinner weights have lowered contrast and optical corrections to create a warm and gentle appearance. El Fonte Angelia character set incorporates additional symbols, stylistic alternates, unique ligatures and case sensitive punctuation - producing a stable workhorse family ready to tackle projects of any size.The type family melds organic curves and gentle repetition into powerful and harmonious type. At large point sizes you can appreciate the letter shapes, whilst the same restraint and focus creates an even texture for small point sizes and long reading. Its variety of weights provide a range of choices that will help you find the best typographic color for your project. Lighter weights are well-suited for body text while heavier ones are ideal for high impact headlines. The available stylistic alternates offer a number of different characters that give your logo or business card a unique look. Check my other Font here : https://gilarstudio.com/ Thank you Regards, Gilar Studio
  14. Mirantz by insigne, $32.00
    Y’all ready for this? Now starting for Insigne: the new serif Mirantz. This rookie all-star plays a precise game every game, cutting at all the right angles to leave your reader impressed and ready to see more. You can always count on Mirantz to lead with solid mechanics and a clean style, but don’t be surprised when the face keeps it real with a little individual flare and creativity. This personal touch is nothing short of elegance in every appearance. So what makes us love this rookie above the other great players in the field? Contrast, for one. Mirantz brings more contrast to the game than most serifs out there. The serifs on this face have a crisp, sharp wedge that naturally draws the reader’s eye. You can’t help but fall in love with its clean, natural style. Mirantz also features a tall x-height and regular proportions that can play a number of positions on the page and still stay strong through the last half of the copy or even the final period. Mirantz is a solid powerhouse player, containing a complete set of small capitals and nine weights from thin to bold. It can play well both down low and up top with its subscripts and superscripts and can move your reader’s eye easily across the copy with its titling capitals, condensed and extended variants, and open style figures. With its options covering more than 72 Latin-based languages, look for this newcomer to have international success in the near future. It you haven’t set your draft picks for this next round of projects, think hard before passing up Mirantz. A capable serif like this one is a guaranteed asset to any team of fonts. Production assistance from Lucas Azevedo.
  15. Gaz by Typodermic, $11.95
    Introducing Gaz, the square display typeface inspired by the gasoline station signs of the twentieth century. Sign painters used to refer to this type of lettering as “stovepipe”, due to its sharp angles and rounded corners. Gaz’s unique squareness exudes a vintage industrial charm, while still maintaining a friendly, almost organic feel. Gaz is available in seven weights and italics, giving you the flexibility to create a wide range of designs. But that’s not all. Gaz also comes in five greasy effect styles, perfect for creating that worn, grungy look. The ligatures contained in these styles are automatically substituted in most applications, projecting a more natural and authentic tone. Whether you’re creating a bold poster, an eye-catching logo, or a sleek website design, Gaz is the perfect choice for adding a touch of vintage industrial style. Try Gaz today and bring a piece of the past into your designs. Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  16. Geometry Soft Pro by CheapProFonts, $10.00
    The Geometry Pro family has been designed to be the final word in purely geometric fonts, and this rounded “Soft” sub-family is the ultimate web 2.0 style font collection. Even though it is strictly geometric (as drawn with a compass and a ruler fixed to 90 and 45 degree angles) it is not slavishly modular: letters have differing widths, and the sidebearings, spacing and kerning has been finely adjusted to create smooth text. The Soft family contains three weights each with 6 variants: A is the basic form and the starting point B has more dynamic and modern shapes C has open and swirly shapes X is the serious text version Y has a very horizontal look Z is a collection of all the remaining more funky shapes Mix and match to your heart’s desire! Please enjoy the free “Bold N” version - this “notched” variant lets you test out the quality of the outlines and the language support. ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support: They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. They also contain all glyphs in the Latin Extended-A Unicode block (which among others cover the Central European and Baltic areas) supporting: Afrikaans, Belarusian (Lacinka), Bosnian, Catalan, Chichewa, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Maori, Polish, Saami (Inari), Saami (North), Serbian (latin), Slovak(ian), Slovene, Sorbian (Lower), Sorbian (Upper), Turkish and Turkmen. And they of course contain all the usual “western” glyphs supporting: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galican, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami (Lule), Sami (South), Scots (Gaelic), Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Walloon and Yapese.
  17. Teramo by ROHH, $29.00
    Teramo™ is daring, sharp and dynamic. Its personality is derived from asymmetry and movement. It is a contemporary serif family full of modern design elements playing with proportions of works of XV and XVI century masters such as Francesco Griffo or Claude Garamond. The family features four optical sizes. Display sizes feature extreme stroke contrast and are intended for fashion, lifestyle, cosmetics, magazine, business, hi-tech and advertising use. Text styles are created for all kinds of body copy — long and short paragraphs, books and websites in any modern design context. They are crafted to be elegant and legible, featuring more generous spacing and scrupulous kerning. Display weights are designed as modern, extraordinary variations on didone style. Teramo’s letterforms are merging classical proportions and precise, contemporary details such as asymmetric serifs, sharp edges and unconventional glyph shapes. Another important factor constituating Teramo’s personality is an angled axis, unusual for didone families and giving the typeface much more organic and dynamic feel. Teramo features a lively true italics strongly related to cursive handwriting. The italic styles imply movement, energy and fluency, introducing a new color to paragraph text, as well as being a powerful and interesting standalone display type. The family introduces additional titling letter variations for headlines and display uses, such as sharp and modern lowercase “y” or uppercase alternates for better all caps typography. Teramo consists of 56 fonts in 4 optical sizes - 28 uprights and their corresponding true italics + 2 variable fonts. It has extended language support as well as broad number of OpenType features, such as case sensitive forms, standard and discretionary ligatures, titling alternates, contextual alternates, lining, oldstyle figures, slashed zero, fractions, superscript and subscript, ordinals, currencies and symbols.
  18. Madromit by Dharma Type, $14.99
    Madromit(ma-do-ro-mi) is a somewhat nostalgic display font. Do you remember computer advertisements in the 80s and 90s? Yes, it is the most excited period in the history of computer. We call the design in this period Primitive Digital Design. Madromit is, so to speak, the revival or reconstruction of the primitive digital type in the period. The structure and elements of this font are very simple and the key features are geometric shape and simple griddy design with rounded corners, oval bowls, and right‐angled joints which we used to see in the primitive period. In addition to this, Madromit has one more characteristic feature — classic engraving font —. It is called Open Style. Open style is one of the classic method to decorate and emphasize the font. Our aim is the synergy by the mixture of primitive digital design and classic engraving method. This mixture makes new impression we have never seen before. Madromit family consists of 5 styles for stacking color font. Please use Photoshop or Illustrator, or your favorite graphic design apps that can handle layers. Layers are the printing plates of wood type. You should be able to change text color for each layers. Madromit "Standard" style is the base of this font family. You can add open effect by stacking "Fill" layers over the Standard layer. Instruction 1. Type your text as you like. 2. Set font-name "Madromit" and font-style "Standard". 3. Set color of "Standard" layer. 4. Duplicate the "Standard" layer to make "Fill" layer. 5. Set font-style "Half Fill" or "Full Fill" and new color of upper layer. Madromit Standard, Half Open, and Full Open style can be used solely.
  19. Paralucent Slab by Device, $39.00
    Paralucent Slab is an addition to the ever-popular Paralucent family. Paralucent is versatile all-purpose modern sans and slab serif design. Available in seven weights, from Thin to Heavy, with corresponding italics, it avoids some of the more eccentric calligraphic quirks of Akzidenz or Helvetica or the cool precision of Univers for an elegant, functional, yet warm design. Several core ideas inform Paralucent’s design. Prime attention has given to the negative space between characters, giving a more even “colour”, especially in text. For example, the J, L and T have shorter arms than comparable sans typefaces, while the M and W are wider. The A has a lower bar, opening up the interior counter. An unusually high lower-case x-height again helps to give a more even colour and improve legibility. Care has been taken to rationalise repeated elements like the tails on lower-case letters, or the Q and the “ear” of the g. Typographic design solutions that are consistent across all these features add more stylistic cohesion. ‘Ink traps’ are exaggerated incisions used to open up a letter's narrower internal angles, which can become clogged with ink, especially in small point sizes. Now largely redundant due to the high quality of modern print, they are still sometimes used as a stylistic quirk or design feature. Now that digital fonts are often reversed or outlined, or enlarged to enormous sizes, these can also lead to unexpected or obtrusive results. Paralucent takes these inevitable digital manipulations into account, and adds optical corrections without resort to ink traps. The family has been picked up by many UK and US publishers, featuring heavily in magazines like Loaded, Heat and TV Quick, as well as high-end coffee-table photography books and gallery websites. The addition of the Slab family adds even more options for running text and headline.
  20. David Hadash Script by Monotype, $50.99
    Monotype Imaging is pleased to present David Hadash (New" David), the full family of typefaces by Ismar David, in its intended authentic form. The Estate of Ismar David has sought to revive this jewel of Twentieth-Century design by granting an exclusive license to Monotype Imaging to implement it in industry-standard format. Never before has the typeface in its full set of sub-styles been made available to the design community. David Hadash consists of three style families, Formal, Script, and Sans. Each of these appears in three weigths: regular, medium, and bold. Originally devised as a companion to the upright Formal style, the Script style has a beauty and grace all its own that allows it to be used for full-page settings also. While it is forward-leaning and dynamic, it does not match any of the existing cursive styles of Hebrew script. Ismar David created an eminently readable hybrid style which is like no other by inclining the forms of the upright while blending in some features of Rashi style softened with gentle curves. One can say that the Script style is the first truly italic, not just oblique, typeface for Hebrew script. Although the proportions of the Sans style are very similar to those of the Formal style, its visual impression is stunningly different. If the Formal style is believably written with a broad-point pen, the Sans is chiseled in stone. Rounded angles turn angular and stark. The end result is an informal style that evokes both ancient and contemporary impressions. David Hadash (Modern) supports the writing conventions of Modern Hebrew (including fully vocalized text) in addition to Yiddish and Ladino. David Hadash Biblical is a version of the Formal style that supports all the complexities of Biblical Hebrew, including vocalization and cantillation marks. "
  21. David Hadash Biblical by Monotype, $50.99
    Monotype Imaging is pleased to present David Hadash (New" David), the full family of typefaces by Ismar David, in its intended authentic form. The Estate of Ismar David has sought to revive this jewel of Twentieth-Century design by granting an exclusive license to Monotype Imaging to implement it in industry-standard format. Never before has the typeface in its full set of sub-styles been made available to the design community. David Hadash consists of three style families, Formal, Script, and Sans. Each of these appears in three weigths: regular, medium, and bold. Originally devised as a companion to the upright Formal style, the Script style has a beauty and grace all its own that allows it to be used for full-page settings also. While it is forward-leaning and dynamic, it does not match any of the existing cursive styles of Hebrew script. Ismar David created an eminently readable hybrid style which is like no other by inclining the forms of the upright while blending in some features of Rashi style softened with gentle curves. One can say that the Script style is the first truly italic, not just oblique, typeface for Hebrew script. Although the proportions of the Sans style are very similar to those of the Formal style, its visual impression is stunningly different. If the Formal style is believably written with a broad-point pen, the Sans is chiseled in stone. Rounded angles turn angular and stark. The end result is an informal style that evokes both ancient and contemporary impressions. David Hadash (Modern) supports the writing conventions of Modern Hebrew (including fully vocalized text) in addition to Yiddish and Ladino. David Hadash Biblical is a version of the Formal style that supports all the complexities of Biblical Hebrew, including vocalization and cantillation marks. "
  22. David Hadash Formal by Monotype, $50.99
    Monotype Imaging is pleased to present David Hadash (New" David), the full family of typefaces by Ismar David, in its intended authentic form. The Estate of Ismar David has sought to revive this jewel of Twentieth-Century design by granting an exclusive license to Monotype Imaging to implement it in industry-standard format. Never before has the typeface in its full set of sub-styles been made available to the design community. David Hadash consists of three style families, Formal, Script, and Sans. Each of these appears in three weigths: regular, medium, and bold. Originally devised as a companion to the upright Formal style, the Script style has a beauty and grace all its own that allows it to be used for full-page settings also. While it is forward-leaning and dynamic, it does not match any of the existing cursive styles of Hebrew script. Ismar David created an eminently readable hybrid style which is like no other by inclining the forms of the upright while blending in some features of Rashi style softened with gentle curves. One can say that the Script style is the first truly italic, not just oblique, typeface for Hebrew script. Although the proportions of the Sans style are very similar to those of the Formal style, its visual impression is stunningly different. If the Formal style is believably written with a broad-point pen, the Sans is chiseled in stone. Rounded angles turn angular and stark. The end result is an informal style that evokes both ancient and contemporary impressions. David Hadash (Modern) supports the writing conventions of Modern Hebrew (including fully vocalized text) in addition to Yiddish and Ladino. David Hadash Biblical is a version of the Formal style that supports all the complexities of Biblical Hebrew, including vocalization and cantillation marks. "
  23. Behrensschrift iF Plus by Ingo, $29.00
    Peter Behrens’ renowned art nouveau type from 1902 – with ornaments. Newly revised and neatly digitalized by Ingo Zimmermann In 1902, Peter Behrens (1869–1940), architect, designer and typographer, created a new ”German“ type which became very successful very quickly for the Rudhard’sche Gießerei (foundry which later became Gebr. Klingspor AG) in Offenbach am Main. It served, for example, as the official German type for the world expositions in 1904 and 1910. Behrens himself writes about the development of this type ”...For the actual form of my type, I took the technical principle of the Gothic script, the stroke of the quill feather. The proportions of height and width and the boldness of the strokes of the Gothic letters were also decisive for me in producing a German character. A cohesive character could be hoped for by avoiding all non-necessities and by strictly carrying out the design principle of holding the quill at an angle…“ By the way, when “long s” is activated, the typographically correct “round s” is automatically placed at the end of the word so that you need only pay attention to the correct s on syllable endings within words. When using “long s,” you must ensure the correct use of the rules for the Fraktur font: “round s” is always at the end of the word, also in compound words. For those of you who want to be even more correct, read the corresponding article in >> Wikipedia. Peter Behrens also drew matching ornaments for his typeface – we have likewise carefully revised these decorative touches and arranged them into a font. The "Behrens-Schrift" fits best on all topics that have something to do with art history or the time around 1900.
  24. Jenson Classico by Linotype, $29.99
    In 1458, Charles VII sent the Frenchman Nicolas Jenson to learn the craft of movable type in Mainz, the city where Gutenberg was working. Jenson was supposed to return to France with his newly learned skills, but instead he traveled to Italy, as did other itinerant printers of the time. From 1468 on, he was in Venice, where he flourished as a punchcutter, printer and publisher. He was probably the first non-German printer of movable type, and he produced about 150 editions. Though his punches have vanished, his books have not, and those produced from about 1470 until his death in 1480 have served as a source of inspiration for type designers over centuries. His Roman type is often called the first true Roman." Notable in almost all Jensonian Romans is the angled crossbar on the lowercase e, which is known as the "Venetian Oldstyle e." In the 1990s, Robert Slimbach designed his contemporary interpretation, Adobe Jenson™. It was first released by Adobe in 1996, and re-released in 2000 as a full-featured OpenType font with extended language support and many typographic refinements. A remarkable tour de force, Adobe Jenson provides flexibility for a complete range of text and display composition; it has huge character sets in specially designed optical sizes for captions, text, subheads, and display. The weight range includes light, regular, semibold, and bold. Jenson did not design an italic type to accompany his roman, so Slimbach used the italic types cut by Ludovico degli Arrighi in 1524-27 as his models for the italics in Adobe Jenson. Use this family for book and magazine composition, or for display work when the design calls for a sense of graciousness and dignity.
  25. Quarter Braille by Echopraxium, $20.00
    Presentation QuarterBraille (Abbreviated as "QB" thereafter) is a decorative, steganographic and lattice font. Its core design concept is that Braille dots are represented as "quarters of a square"[1]. This is illustrated by posters 1 and 2 (NB: these glyph parts will be called "QB dots" thereafter). The other glyph parts (see poster 3) are purely decorative and meaningless in terms of Braille dots encoding[2]. All glyph parts are meant to generate a wide variety of patterns from horizontal and vertical combinations of glyphs. There is also a graphic convention to differentiate uppercase from lowercase letters with the presence or absence of shape subparts (in the "endings", "quarter of a circle with a ring" and "quarter of a diamond with a small square in the middle") like shown by poster 4. This font is suitable for very short texts (e.g. logos, acronyms, quotes, ambigrams, pangrams, palindromes, etc...) but on the other hand it may be used for steganographic purpose like geocaching as well as fictive alphabets (e.g. Alien/SciFi/Fantasy/Antique civilizations). Posters 1. Font Logo: the displayed text is " Quarter " followed by " Braille". There's a rainbow layer above the text to highlight the "QB dots", this is achieved by A..Z glyphs with "only QB dots" (codes 230..255) 2. Anatomy of a Glyph (L) and "QB Dots" (quarters of a square) 3. Glyphs Parts: Square and Cross (Inverted square), Circle and Inverted Circle (with or without the small circle in the middle), Diamond (with or without the small square in the middle), Inverted Square and Circle, Shape combos, Ending 4. Uppercase vs Lowercase (tiny shape subparts are shown in red) 5. Sample 1: Bathroom sink with QB tiles on the credence 6. Sample 2: Hands knuckle tatoos: "LOVE/HATE"[4] 7. Sample 3: Poker Hand: pocket Aces. It's an Ace of Hearts (Ah) on the left and an Ace of Spades (As) on the right. Like in regular cards, the card value (e.g. Ah) is displayed twice: at the top and rotated by 180 degrees at the bottom. This poster also illustrates that QB could be used to print embossed playing cards with tactile and visual display of card values. 8. Sample 4: Pangram: "Adept quick jog over frozen blue whisky mix" 9. Sample 5: Latin Magic Square: "SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS" (NB: for compensation of the 2/3 glyph ratio, letters on each line are separated by a space: "S A T O R", ...). 10. Sample 6: Quote of Mahatma Gandhi: "Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.". This is also a demonstration of border glyphs combinations. 11. Sample 7: Steganography use case: the text is a sequence of 64 aminoacids (1 Letter notation), this protein was described in a research paper "The complete Aminoacid sequence of an amyloid fibril protein AA of unusual size (64 residues) 1975". 12. Sample 8: Border Glyphs with the provided styles and mixed styles. The words are the same than in poster 9 ("SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS"). Despite the 2/3 glyph ratio, the "TENET cross" was achieved by both inserting spaces in horizontally ("T ENE T") and by using the "thin borders glyphs". Notes a. Border glyphs[3] are meant to enhance the esthetics of text samples displayed with QB b. Special characters (e.g. *$()[].,;:&@# ...) are provided and follow the NABCC (North American Braille Computer Code) convention. c. A..Z Glyphs with only the "QB dots" are provided as demonstrated by posters 1 and 2 (A/N: this was very useful to create them). d. Glyph Map: 32..64: Special characters - 161..187: "Thin variant" of Border glyphs, 192..229: Border glyphs, 230..255: A..Z with only the "QB dots" - Codes 176 an 181 are "regular SPACE" (empty glyph). Footnotes 1. There is indeed two shapes which represent the braille dot: the "quarter of a square" and the "quarter of a cross". It's because a cross may be considered as an "inverted square" because the square corners are merged in the center. 2. That's why the SPACE glyph is only made of decorative/meaningless glyph parts (i.e. no "QB dots"). 3. For other fonts with border glyphs, please take a look at my other "decorative Braille fonts" (GoBraille, HexBraille, KernigBraille, StackBraille, MaBraille, DiamondBraille, LorraineBraille). 4. LOVE/HATE knuckle tatoos are inspired by the anthology scene from "The Night of the Hunter" movie (Charles Laughton 1955), it also appearead in "Do The Right Thing" movie (Spike Lee 1989). Disclaimer This font is not appropriate and not meant to print text documents in Braille for the blind readers audience.
  26. TT Milks by TypeType, $29.00
    TT Milks useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options About TT Milks: The collection of scripts and wonderful decorative typefaces. Initially the idea for TT Milks was to create a collection of fonts to be used for packaging and branding of dairy products. While working on the initial idea, we've tested all possible glyph variations, which resulted in a large decorative designer font family. Thanks to a variety of elements, TT Milks collection has exceeded its initial idea and now offers an unlimited application range. TT Milks type collection includes several subfamilies and consists of 26 typefaces: TT Milks Script subfamily is a satellite to the basic typefaces and features 5 weights. Every typeface of the TT Milks Script subfamily consists of 801 glyphs and supports a lot of OT features: ordn, frac, case, sups, sinf, numr, dnom, tnum, onum, pnum, liga, calt. TT Milks Casual Script consists of two script faces with a different degree of roughness. In TT Milks Casual we've collected 6 typefaces—the unique Black called 900 in three degrees of roughness, and the Bold called 700 featuring three degrees of roughness as well. TT Milks Casual Shadow is a version with broader letter setting and shadow effects. There's a clean shadowed version, three variants of rough typefaces with shadows, and a rough shadowed inline typeface—5 typefaces in total. TT Milks Casual Pie is a special set of typefaces which can be easily combined with each other using different layers. The set of the subfamily includes two basic typefaces—black and inline, and also features a typeface with a clean shadow, a shadowed inline typeface and line typeface. TT Milks Outline completes the collection. It consists of a total of 3 amusing super-display typefaces—outline, outline shadow, and a cow pelt patterned typeface. All typefaces belonging to TT Milks Casual and TT Milks Outline subfamilies contain uppercase letters only, and support tabular numbers and case sensitivity. TT Milks language support: Acehnese, Afar, Albanian, Alsatian, Aragonese, Arumanian, Asu, Aymara, Banjar, Basque, Belarusian (cyr), Bemba, Bena, Betawi, Bislama, Boholano, Bosnian (cyr), Bosnian (lat), Breton, Bulgarian (cyr), Cebuano, Chamorro, Chiga, Colognian, Cornish, Corsican, Cree, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Embu, English, Erzya, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Friulian, Gaelic, Gagauz (lat), Galician, German, Gusii, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiri Motu, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Innu-aimun, Interlingua, Irish, Italian, Javanese, Judaeo-Spanish, Judaeo-Spanish, Kalenjin, Karachay-Balkar (lat), Karaim (lat), Karakalpak (lat), Kashubian, Khasi, Khvarshi, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kongo, Kumyk, Kurdish (lat), Ladin, Latvian, Laz, Leonese, Lithuanian, Luganda, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Macedonian, Machame, Makhuwa-Meetto, Makonde, Malay, Manx, Maori, Mauritian Creole, Minangkabau, Moldavian (lat), Montenegrin (lat), Mordvin-moksha, Morisyen, Nahuatl, Nauruan, Ndebele, Nias, Nogai, Norwegian, Nyankole, Occitan, Oromo, Palauan, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rheto-Romance, Rohingya, Romanian, Romansh, Rombo, Rundi, Russian, Rusyn, Rwa, Salar, Samburu, Samoan, Sango, Sangu, Scots, Sena, Serbian (cyr), Serbian (lat), Seychellois Creole, Shambala, Shona, Slovak, Slovenian, Soga, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Swiss German, Swiss German, Tagalog, Tahitian, Taita, Tatar, Tetum, Tok Pisin, Tongan, Tsonga, Tswana, Turkish, Turkmen (lat), Ukrainian, Uyghur, Vepsian, Volapük, Võro, Vunjo, Xhosa, Zaza, Zulu.
  27. HYERBA by Billy Argel is a distinctive typeface that encapsulates a blend of modernity and classic elegance, making it a unique addition to the plethora of fonts available to designers and typographe...
  28. Bowling Script by Sudtipos, $69.00
    There is plenty of lyric and literature about looking over one's shoulder in contemplation. What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now? This is the kind of question that comes out of nowhere. When it does and whether its context is personal or professional make very little difference. It's a question that can cause emotions to rise and passions to run hot. It can trigger priority shifts and identity crises. It's never easy to answer. Three years ago, I published a font called Semilla. My aim with that was to distill the work of Bentele, a lettering artist from early 1950s Germany. Picking such an obscure figure back then was my way of pondering the meaning and efficiency of objectivity in a world where real human events and existences are inevitably filtered through decades of unavoidably subjective written, printed and oral history. And maybe to pat myself on the back for surviving surprises mild and pleasant. Having been fortunate enough to follow my professional whims for quite some time now, I took another, longer look at my idea of distilling Bentele's work again. I suppose the concepts of established history and objectivity can become quite malleable when personal experience is added to the mix. I say that because there I was, three years later, second-guessing myself and opining that Bentele's work can be distilled differently, in a manner more suited to current cultural angles. So I embarked on that mission, and Bowling Script is the result. I realize that it's difficult to reconcile this soft and happy calligraphic outcome with the introspection I've blathered about so far, but it is what is. I guess even self-created first world problems need to be resolved somehow, and the resolution can happen in mysterious ways. Bowling Script is what people who like my work would expect from me. It's yet another script loaded with all kinds of alternation, swashing and over-the-top stuff. All of that is in here. These days I think I just do all that stuff without even blinking. But there are two additional twists. The more noticeable one is ornamental: The stroke endings in the main font are of the typical sharp and curly variety found in sign painting, while the other font complements that with ball endings, sometimes with an added-on-afterwards impression rather than an extension of the actual stroke. In the philosophical terms I was mumbling earlier, this is the equivalent of alternate realities in a world of historical reduxes that by their very nature can never properly translate original fact. The second twist has to do with the disruption of angular rhythm in calligraphic alphabets. Of course, this is the kind of lettering where the very concept of rhythm can be quite flexible, but it still counts for something, and experimenting with angular white space in a project of a very dense footprint was irresistible. After playing for a bit, I decided that it would interesting to include the option of using optically back-slanted forms in the fonts. Most scripts out there, including mine, have a rhythm sonically comparable to four-to-the-floor club beats. So the weirdly angled stuff here is your chance to do the occasional drumroll. Everyone knows we need one of those sometimes. Bowling Script and Bowling Script Balls fonts comes with 1600 characters and features extended Latin-based language support. There are also a basic version of both fonts without all the alternates and extra OpenType features. Bowling family ships in cross-platform OpenType format. We also want to present “Mute”, a visual essay narated by Tomás García and Valentín Muro, about digital life created specially to introduce Bowling Script.
  29. "Shit Happens" is a unique and expressive font created by the talented designer Billy Argel. This particular font encapsulates a mix of rebellion, artistry, and the unpredictable twists life often pr...
  30. Silentina by Typodermic, $11.95
    Silent films evoke a sense of nostalgia that is as timeless as the era itself. While the stars of silent cinema may have faded into the past, their influence is still felt in modern-day art, fashion, and design. Silentina is a typeface that embodies the spirit of the silent film era, inspired by the intertitles that were used to convey crucial information to audiences during these films. Buster Keaton, Mary Pickford, Clara Bow, and Rudolph Valentino all graced the silver screen with their emotive faces during the silent film era. These icons used their expressions to convey a range of emotions that captivated audiences and made them fall in love with the magic of cinema. Intertitles, the brief messages that would appear on-screen during the film, were just as essential in conveying information to moviegoers. Silentina is a typeface that pays homage to the unsung heroes of the silent film era—the intertitles. It channels the glitz and glamour of the roaring twenties, taking us back to a time of flapper dresses, jazz music, and speakeasies. But Silentina isn’t just a typeface—it’s a portal to another era. It transports us to a time when movies were an escape from reality, and each trip to the cinema was a chance to lose ourselves in a world of adventure and romance. With Silentina, you can project your message in the same way that the stars of silent cinema projected theirs. This typeface captures the essence of a bygone era, bringing it to life in the modern world. Use it to convey plot information, set the scene, or add a touch of vintage charm to your design. Whatever your message, Silentina will help you communicate it in the same glitzy way as the intertitles of the silent film era. Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  31. "ACID LABEL___" by Billy Argel is a distinctive typeface that stands out due to its unique blend of modern flair and artistic expressiveness. Crafted by the talented designer Billy Argel, known for h...
  32. The "CADILLAC PERSONAL USE" font by Billy Argel is a distinctive typeface that embodies elegance, sophistication, and a classic allure, reminiscent of the luxury and timeless beauty associated with i...
  33. Banknote 1948 by Ingo, $39.00
    A very expanded sans serif font in capital letters inspired by the inscription on a bank note Old bank notes tend to have a very typical typography. Usually they carry decorative and elaborately designed markings. For one thing, they must be practically impossible to forge and for another, they should make a respectable and legitimate impression. And in the days of copper and steel engravings, that meant nothing less than creating ornate, shaded or otherwise complicated scripts. Designing the appropriate script was literally in the hands of the engraver. That’s why I noticed this bank note from 1948. It is the first 20 mark bill in the then newly created currency ”Deutsche Mark.“ All other bank notes of the 1948 series show daintier forms of typography with an obvious tendency toward modern face. The 1949 series which followed shortly thereafter reveals the more complicated script as well. For whatever reason, only this 20 mark bill displays this extremely expanded sans serif variation of the otherwise Roman form applied. This peculiarity led me in the year 2010 to create a complete font from the single word ”Banknote.“ Back to those days in the 40’s, the initial edition of DM bank notes was carried out by a special US-American printer who was under pressure of completing on time and whose engravers not only engraved but also designed. So that’s why the bank notes resemble dollars and don’t even look like European currency. That also explains some of the uniquely designed characters when looked at in detail. Especially the almost serif type form on the letters C, G, S and Z, but also L and T owe their look to the ”American touch.“ The ingoFont Banknote 1948 comprises all characters of the Latin typeface according to ISO 8859 for all European languages including Turkish and Baltic languages. In order to maintain the character of the original, the ”creation“ of lower case letters was waived. This factor doesn’t contribute to legibility, but this kind of type is not intended for long texts anyway; rather, it unfolds its entire attraction when used as a display font, for example on posters. Banknote 1948 is also very suitable for distortion and other alien techniques, without too much harm being done to the characteristic forms. With Banknote 1948 ingoFonts discloses a font like scripts which were used in advertising of the 1940’s and 50’s and were popular around the world. But even today the use of this kind of font can be expedient, especially considering how Banknote 1948, for its time of origin, impresses with amazingly modern detail.
  34. Joanna Nova by Monotype, $50.99
    The Joanna® Nova design, by Monotype Studio designer Ben Jones, is an extensive update to Eric Gill’s original Joanna typefaces and brings this much admired – but underused – slab serif typeface into the 21st century. Joanna Nova features 18 fonts – more than twice as many as the original Joanna – with a wide range of weights including thin and ultra black, which were not available in the original design. Every glyph has been redrawn using a variety of reference sources, including Gill’s original sketches and the copper patterns used in Joanna’s initial production. When Jones set out to design Joanna Nova, he saw that the ‘real Joanna’ was not immediately evident. “Some of Gill’s original drawings have a sloped ‘M’; there is also a ‘K’ and ‘R’ with a curled leg and a letter ‘d’ without the flat bottom,” he explained. “Is this Joanna? Or is it the version used to print Gill’s Essay on Typography? Or is it the digital version with which most people are surely more familiar than any other version? Ultimately, I think, none of these and all of these were ‘Joanna’ because, as with any typeface, it is more the idea or concept behind the typeface that makes it what it is. My approach was to create a version of Joanna that appears in your mind when you think of Joanna.” Jones noted that one of the most distinguishing aspects of Joanna is the italics; and that, for reasons unknown, many of the characters in the current versions are much more condensed than those in the hand-set fonts of metal type., The newer designs being almost unusable at small sizes. The italics in Joanna Nova have been reworked to be more legible and closer to their original widths. Joanna Nova expands the original Joanna in several ways that open up new typographic possibilities, These additions include several new weights, support for Greek and Cyrillic scripts, small caps for all scripts in both upright and italic styles, several numeral options and a host of context-sensitive ligatures. The Joanna Nova typeface family is part of the new Eric Gill Series, drawing on Monotype's heritage to remaster and expand and revitalize Eric Gill’s body of work, with more weights, more characters and more languages to meet a wide range of design requirements. The series also brings to life new elements inspired by some of Gill’s unreleased work, discovered in Monotype’s archive of original typeface drawings and materials of the last century.
  35. Outlaw by Billy Argel is a distinctive font that embodies a bold and rebellious spirit. It is a typeface that immediately captures attention due to its unique style and character. The design of Outla...
  36. "Lucy Said Ok Personal Use" by Billy Argel is a captivatingly unique and expressive font that encapsulates a wonderful blend of whimsicality and artistic flair. This font stands out due to its hand-d...
  37. Dive into the quirky world of PEIXE FRITO, a font that might as well have swum straight out of the imaginative mind of Billy Argel, ready to add a playful splash to your designs! If fonts were a seaf...
  38. ITC Ellipse Neo by Typorium, $30.00
    The Typorium presents a new optimized and enriched version of ITC Ellipse which first appeared in 1996 in the International Typeface Corporation typeface library. ITC Ellipse Neo design has been lightly modified. Three weights have been added (light, Medium, Extra Bold, including Italics) to the original Regular and Bold styles. ITC Ellipse Neo is both modern and classic. Modern in the unusual shape based on the geometric ellipse form. And classic in the structure of some letters like the lower cases c, e, g, o, s. These letters alone could come from a traditional typeface, but they fit perfectly with the atypical rest of the alphabet giving it a present-day and traditional mix. Furthermore, the ellipse shape fits naturally in the italic styles, giving the font an organic and fluid feeling. ITC Ellipse Neo offers OpenType features such as alternate characters for upper and lower case, and an extended accented character set to support many languages. Five weights have been created for each style to offer a wide range of graphic possibilities in a tidy digital footprint. Designer: Jean-Renaud Cuaz Publisher: Typorium MyFonts debut: December 15, 2020 Le Typorium présente une nouvelle version optimisée et enrichie d'ITC Ellipse qui est apparue pour la première fois en 1996 dans la bibliothèque de caractères de l'International Typeface Corporation. Le design de ITC Ellipse Neo a été légèrement modifié. Trois graisses ont été ajoutées (léger, moyen, extra gras, y compris les italiques) aux styles originaux Regular et Bold. ITC Ellipse Neo est à la fois moderne et classique. Moderne dans le dessin inhabituel basé sur la forme géométrique de l’ellipse. Et classique dans la structure de certaines lettres comme les minuscules c, e, g, o, s. Ces lettres pourraient provenir d'une police de caractères traditionnelle, mais elles s'intègrent parfaitement avec le reste de l'alphabet plus insolite en lui donnant un mélange de modernité et de tradition. De plus, la forme de l'ellipse s'intègre naturellement dans les styles italiques, donnant à la police une sensation organique et fluide. ITC Ellipse Neo offre des fonctionnalités OpenType telles que des caractères alternatifs pour les capitales et les bas de casse, et un jeu de caractères accentués étendu pour prendre en charge de nombreuses langues. Cinq graisses ont été créés pour chaque style afin d'offrir un large éventail de possibilités graphiques pour une empreinte numérique rigoureuse.
  39. TT Mussels by TypeType, $35.00
    TT Mussels useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options About TT Mussels: The TT Mussels font family is the successor of such popular fonts as Bender and TT Squares. At the same time, TT Mussels has a number of fundamental differences that make it a unique font family that stands out from other octagonal typefaces. When designing TT Mussels, we paid great attention to the possibility of imposing large arrays of text, and we can responsibly state that TT Mussels is a rare type of technological text fonts. To go along with the rest, we've created a stencil version of the typeface, in which the location of the incisions changes according to their thickness. In total, the TT Mussels font family consists of 36 faces, which include among other things stylistic alternatives, ligatures, and also implements a broad support for OpenType features: case, frac, ordn, sups, sinf, numr, dnom, onum, tnum, pnum, liga, dlig, salt, ss01. Dynamic contrast is widely implemented in TT Mussels. It is most noticeable in the Black typeface, where the ratio of the thickness of the vertical strokes to the horizontal strokes is approximately two to one. For the Thin typeface, the thickness of the vertical strokes is already consistent with the thickness of the horizontal strokes. You can also find other signs of respect for traditional text fonts in the TT Mussels design, such as the trace of pen movement which is historically typical for antiquas. For example, in the letter M from the Black face, we can first see a thin stroke, then a thick diagonal stroke followed by a thin diagonal stroke, and a finishing bold vertical stroke. As in the case of dynamic contrast, this effect gradually disappears when approaching thin faces. In thick faces, in places such as the “armpits” of the letters MN? or the junctions of the diagonals of WVvw, there are visual compensators that brighten the bold typefaces. As the thickness of typefaces moves from thick to thin, the dimensions and conceptual values of compensators change, and in thin typefaces they completely disappear. TT Mussels language support: Acehnese, Afar, Albanian, Alsatian, Aragonese, Arumanian, Asu, Aymara, Banjar, Basque, Belarusian (cyr), Bemba, Bena, Betawi, Bislama, Boholano, Bosnian (cyr), Bosnian (lat), Breton, Bulgarian (cyr), Cebuano, Chamorro, Chiga, Colognian, Cornish, Corsican, Cree, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Embu, English, Erzya, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Friulian, Gaelic, Gagauz (lat), Galician, German, Gusii, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiri Motu, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Innu-aimun, Interlingua, Irish, Italian, Javanese, Judaeo-Spanish, Judaeo-Spanish, Kalenjin, Karachay-Balkar (lat), Karaim (lat), Karakalpak (lat), Kashubian, Khasi, Khvarshi, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kongo, Kumyk, Kurdish (lat), Ladin, Latvian, Laz, Leonese, Lithuanian, Luganda, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Macedonian, Machame, Makhuwa-Meetto, Makonde, Malay, Manx, Maori, Mauritian Creole, Minangkabau, Moldavian (lat), Montenegrin (lat), Mordvin-moksha, Morisyen, Nahuatl, Nauruan, Ndebele, Nias, Nogai, Norwegian, Nyankole, Occitan, Oromo, Palauan, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rheto-Romance, Rohingya, Romanian, Romansh, Rombo, Rundi, Russian, Rusyn, Rwa, Salar, Samburu, Samoan, Sango, Sangu, Scots, Sena, Serbian (cyr), Serbian (lat), Seychellois Creole, Shambala, Shona, Slovak, Slovenian, Soga, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Swiss German, Swiss German, Tagalog, Tahitian, Taita, Tatar, Tetum, Tok Pisin, Tongan, Tsonga, Tswana, Turkish, Turkmen (lat), Ukrainian, Uyghur, Vepsian, Volapük, Võro, Vunjo, Xhosa, Zaza, Zulu.
  40. TT Rounds Neue by TypeType, $39.00
    We have updated TT Rounds Neue! TT Rounds Neue was released as a logical continuation of the TT Rounds and TT Rounds Condensed fonts, more modern and technically advanced. In the update, we have preserved the visual nature of the font, the proportions of the letters and the balance between bold and thin faces. We have made the typeface even more functional and convenient by fixing technical flaws, expanding the character set and adding a full-fledged variable font. In the new version of TT Rounds Neue, you will find additional extended Latin and Cyrillic characters, updated kerning and hinting. The font can be used for headings or for text typesetting. The typeface is optimized for web, print and packaging design. Thanks to its soft character and rounded shapes, it is suitable for decorating baby food and eco-products. TT Rounds Neue consists of 3 subfamilies: Compressed, Condensed and Normal. There are 55 faces in the font: 27 upright, 27 italic, and 1 variable font. Variability is across all three axes, thickness, slope, and width. Each style has 684 glyphs. The font has 29 OpenType features, including ligatures, a set of alternative characters, old-style figures, and many others. ?Please note that we are removing the TT Rounds and TT Rounds Condensed fonts from the marketplace, but you can still get them by contacting TypeType's commercial department directly commercial@typetype.org TT Rounds Neue OpenType features: aalt, ccmp, locl, subs, sinf, sups, numr, dnom, frac, ordn, tnum, onum, lnum, pnum, case, salt, liga, dlig, calt, ss01, ss02, ss03, ss04, ss05, ss06, ss07, ss08, ss09, ss10 TT Rounds Neue language support: English, Albanian, Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Moldavian (lat), Montenegrin (lat), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian (lat), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss German, Valencian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh (lat), Turkish, Acehnese, Banjar, Betawi, Bislama, Boholano, Cebuano, Chamorro, Fijian, Filipino, Hiri Motu, Ilocano, Indonesian, Javanese, Khasi, Malay, Marshallese, Minangkabau, Nauruan, Nias, Palauan, Rohingya, Salar, Samoan, Sasak, Sundanese, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tok Pisin, Tongan, Uyghur, Afar, Asu, Aymara, Bemba, Bena, Chiga, Embu, Gikuyu, Gusii, Kabuverdianu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kongo, Luganda, Luo, Luyia, Machame, Makhuwa-Meetto, Makonde, Malagasy, Mauritian Creole, Meru, Morisyen, Ndebele, Nyankole, Oromo, Rombo, Rundi, Rwa, Samburu, Sango, Sangu, Sena, Seychellois Creole, Shambala, Shona, Soga, Somali, Sotho, Swahili, Swazi, Taita, Tsonga, Tswana, Vunjo, Xhosa, Zulu, Maori, Alsatian, Aragonese, Arumanian, Belarusian (lat), Bosnian (lat), Breton, Colognian, Cornish, Corsican, Faroese, Frisian, Friulian, Gaelic, Gagauz (lat), Galician, Interlingua, Judaeo-Spanish, Karaim (lat), Kashubian, Ladin, Leonese, Manx, Occitan, Rheto-Romance, Romansh, Scots, Silesian, Sorbian, Vastese, Volapu?k, Vo?ro, Walloon, Walser, Karakalpak (lat), Kurdish (lat), Talysh (lat), Tsakhur (Azerbaijan), Turkmen (lat), Zaza, Aleut (lat), Cree, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Innu-aimun, Karachay-Balkar (lat), Karelian, Livvi-Karelian, Ludic, Tatar, Vepsian, Guarani, Nahuatl, Quechua,, Russian, Belarusian (cyr), Bosnian (cyr), Bulgarian (cyr), Macedonian, Serbian (cyr), Ukrainian, Gagauz (cyr), Moldavian (cyr), Kazakh (cyr), Kirghiz, Tadzhik, Turkmen (cyr), Uzbek (cyr), Lezgian, Abazin, Agul, Archi, Avar, Dargwa, Ingush, Kabardian, Kabardino-Cherkess, Karachay-Balkar (cyr), Khvarshi, Kumyk, Lak, Nogai, Ossetian, Rutul, Tabasaran, Tsakhur, Buryat, Komi-Permyak, Komi-Yazva, Komi-Zyrian, Shor, Siberian Tatar, Tofalar, Touva, Bashkir, Chechen (cyr), Chuvash, Erzya, Kryashen Tatar, Mordvin-moksha, Tatar Volgaic, Udmurt, Uighur, Rusyn, Karaim (cyr), Montenegrin (cyr), Romani (cyr), Dungan, Karakalpak (cyr), Shughni, Mongolian, Adyghe, Kalmykk
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