3,260 search results (0.056 seconds)
  1. Bell Martellus by Chank, $99.00
    Full of texture and regal personality, Bell Martellus was derived from a book published in 1475 by Henricus Martellus entitled “Liber Insularum.” The writing style is based on the Carolingian Script created by the Emperor Charlemagne and his scribe, Alquin of York, in the 9th century A.D. This old world lettering comes with new world OpenType capabilities, including swash caps and small caps. The James Ford Bell Library at the University of Minnesota commissioned Bill Moran to develop this font as a means of introducing their amazing collection of rare books, maps and manuscripts to a wider audience. Once the historic script was fontified by Bill, it was forwarded to Chank Co, where we added some snazzy baubles for the discriminating typographer. Everybody can enjoy the antique genuine nature of Bell Martellus, but advanced OpenType users also get extra features in Adobe CS applications.
  2. Business Helpers JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Duluth, Minnesota's Horace P. Brouillet Syndicate (later known as Syndicuts, Inc.) was one of a number of stock cuts providers to the letterpress trade in the decades preceding paper, then electronic clip art. Brouillet's "Typeps" catalogs offered a wide range of images covering numerous subjects, as well as cartoons, catch words and automotive logos. Many of these images have been reproduced in a number of royalty-free clip art publications over the years. Twenty-Six of these newly-redrawn catch words are found within Business Helpers JNL in two styles. On the capital keys are the original white-on-black designs, modeled from the vintage source material. The lower case keys have the phrases separated from the decorative ovals and are in black type.
  3. Carta Marina by insigne, $21.99
    Carta Marina is based on the titling found on the famous map drawn by Olaus Magnus in 1539. The map of northern Europe took 12 years to complete, and the total size is a huge 1.7 meters tall by 1.25 meters wide. More information about the map, as well as the high resolution reference document used to create the typeface and illustration set can be found at the James Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota. The titling is slightly aged, very sturdy and elegant. Carta Marina includes a full set of OpenType alternates for every character in the English alphabet, oldstyle figures, historical forms, small caps and 64 discretionary ligatures. These ligatures are used to alter the appearance of the type so that the printing appears realistic and without any duplicate letters to detract from the antique appearance. The Carta Marina family also includes some of the unique illustrations that gave the map its character. It includes depictions of fanciful sea creatures, land animals and some of the inhabitants of the lands pictured.
  4. Konstructa Humana Stencil by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
    CONCEPT/ CHARACTERISTICS »Kon­strukta Humana Sten­cil« aka »Hot Cold« is a modern desi­gned sans serif type­face with huma­nist influ­en­ces and Sten­cil cha­rac­ter. The par­ti­ally strong line thick­ness dif­fe­rence (line con­trast) gives the font a touch of ele­gance and crea­tes ten­sion as fats. The font comes in 3 font styles. From ele­gant warm ten­der­ness »Thin« to the solid, bold, and robust­ness cold »Regular«. APPLICATION AREA The »Thin« font weight would pro­bably dig on fes­tive invi­ta­ti­ons and »Regu­lar« as con­cise pos­ter font. From head­lines in maga­zi­nes or web­sites about pos­ter design and fly­ers to t-shirt design. Just type it. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sans Serif Sten­cil Font »Kon­structa Humana Sten­cil« Open­Type Font (Mac + Win) with 375 gly­phs & 3 styles (regu­lar, light, thin). With alter­na­tive let­ters, liga­tures, accents & €.
  5. Axia by Kontour Type, $50.00
    Axia is a robust sans serif of concise letter forms. It comes in ten weights from Light to Black with extended language support, a host of OpenType features including Small Caps, multiple figure styles, and more. Each, the roman and italic weights harmonize perfectly in line width. Text set in Light or Black results in the same fit. Stencil display weights with a unique aesthetic and perfect for captivating type sizes add further distinctive options to the typographic palette. The stencil display weights consist of abstract floating parts that seduce the eye and form nicely proportioned type when united. Originally designed for the Rice University School of Architecture in 2011, this contemporary sans found some inspiration in the TwinCities™ typeface family created by Sibylle Hagmann for the University of Minnesota in 2003. Orchestrated from scratch, the inner arched strokes off the stem on the lowercases 'n' or 'd', for example, progressively open the letter forms and express conceptual clarity throughout the system. A feature doing double duty that contributes to great legibility in the heavier weights and attributes to the versatility of individual weights.
  6. Coffee and Danish JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    In the collection of vintage and historic images available online from the Library of Congress is one of the exterior of the Town Talk Diner in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Regrettably, on May 28, 2020, the Town Talk Diner was damaged by vandalism, and subsequently destroyed by a fire that engulfed the building early on the morning of May 29th due to civil unrest following the death of George Floyd. The restaurant first opened in 1946, closed in 2011 and subsequently re-opened under new ownership in 2014 with French cuisine, then from 2016 until its demise as an American bistro. While this was not known at the time of selecting the image for a typographic model, subsequent research on the diner turned up these facts. The large vintage sign above the entrance was in big, bold Art Deco letters with rows and rows of bulbs for illuminating the name at night. Coffee and Danish JNL, modeled from the image of that sign, is available in both regular and oblique versions. Perhaps, in a way, the type design will serve as a bit of historic recognition for a popular eating spot.
  7. Pinstripe Limo - Personal use only
  8. Distant Galaxy Outline - Unknown license
  9. onakite - Unknown license
  10. Garbageschrift - Unknown license
  11. regularJoe by JOEBOB graphics, $49.00
    A handwritten but very clean and organized font that's a little bold and a little slanted. Soon to be followed by its evil twin: irregularJoe.
  12. Quirina by Autographis, $39.50
    Quirina is a very elegant joining Script that has – because of its high and open lowercase letters – excellent readability. It has a fat twin called Quiana.
  13. Quiana by Autographis, $39.50
    Quiana is a very elegant joining Script that has – because of its high and open lowercase letters – excellent readability. It has a slim twin called Quirina.
  14. Digital - Unknown license
  15. Fil Sans - Unknown license
  16. Kanagif Personal Use - Personal use only
  17. Tacora by Volcano Type, $19.00
    Bounded on its western flanks by the Peru-Chile frontier, Tacora is the northernmost volcano in Chile and is the youngest and most southerly of a twin system with Co. Chupiquina.
  18. VTC Krinkle-Kut - Unknown license
  19. Chinacat - Unknown license
  20. Cachex - Unknown license
  21. blob - Unknown license
  22. Spiderfingers - 100% free
  23. Lekton04 - Personal use only
  24. Tabasco by SoftMaker, $7.99
    SoftMaker revives John Schaedler’s popular Tabasco typeface with this release. SoftMaker’s Tabasco comes in regular and bold styles, and the famous bi-line variant (sometimes called “Paprika”) is also available again under the name Tabasco Twin.
  25. KG Call Me Maybe by Kimberly Geswein, $5.00
    Thin, neat handwritten letters.
  26. Trooper Roman Black by Wooden Type Fonts, $15.00
    Serif wide thin lines
  27. Kerninator by Kern Club, $10.00
    Futuristic display font inspired by our favorite childhood film. Includes thick and thin version Thick Uppercase Character Set A-Z Thin Lowercase Character Set A-Z Numerals & Simple Punctuation OTF file format
  28. Obstacle by Bogstav, $17.00
    Handmade font with thin brush.
  29. Tudor New by Bogusky 2, $20.00
    Thick and thin gothic font
  30. Modern Curves by Matthias Luh, $5.00
    A rounded font; quite thin.
  31. Clic by Jonahfonts, $35.00
    Clic is an upgrade with new alternates and improved kerning with an added styles ’Thin and Thin Italic’. Applications include Headlines, logos, ads, captions, packaging, bulletins, posters, and greeting cards as well as short texts.
  32. Skinny Walrus by m u r, $15.00
    A tall, thin, hand written style font.
  33. Brownstone Slab by Sudtipos, $59.00
    Alejandro Paul’s Brownstone Slab is based on his own popular, award-winning, Brownstone Sans typeface.  Like the original Sans, Brownstone Slab is a 21st-century design, influenced by the Victorian decorative motifs of the ironwork and carved decorations of New York City row houses. Brownstone Slab’s sturdy serifs make it slightly more masculine and solid than its predecessor. As with Brownstone Sans, Brownstone Slab includes character sets for Latin-based languages, including Western and Eastern European, Baltic, Turkish, Maltese, Celtic and Welsh. It includes over 1500 glyphs, including small capitals, swash characters, alternates, and ligatures, in both Light and Thin weights. Ornamental frames are provided in all weights.
  34. Meche Pro by RodrigoTypo, $29.00
    Meche Pro it is a geometric typeface family with a semi-formal touch, it contains 12 variants, from the Thin to Black and Stencil Thin to Black versions, plus Cyrillic alphabet with alternatives and different ligatures was added, especially for titles
  35. Bonewire by astroluxtype, $20.00
    Thin, Ultra Condensed, Burned. Bonewire is distressed, shaky, rough, hand drawn. Title with it. Create graphics with it. Create patterns with it. Backgrounds. Frontgrounds. Double page spreadgrounds with it. Design with it. Headline with it. Text copy with it… no. Let it disappear like a signal at small sizes with Bonewire Burned (some call that Thin, or Ultra Condensed?) Bonewire Regular is the heavy version and Burned is the vampire thin version.
  36. Plates Napery by Mans Greback, $59.00
    Thin and elegant typeface design, with several alternate glyphs.
  37. Title Gothic Light by BA Graphics, $45.00
    A very thin light line gothic, great headline face.
  38. Evening Dress JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Thin, elegant and thoroughly Art Deco is the thick-and-thin (slightly flared) alphabet found on page 31 of Samuel Welo’s 1930 instructional book “Lettering Practical and Foreign”. Redrawn digitally as Evening Dress JNL, it is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  39. Lino by Kmaz, $10.00
    Lino is a unique typeface with elegant modern edge, designed by Khalid Al-Mazrouei and published by Kmaz. Lino packs a complete set of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation, it comes in 5 weights: Regular, Thin, Extra Thin, Bold and Solid.
  40. Prenton RP by BluHead Studio, $39.00
    BluHead Studio LLC is pleased to announce the complete Prenton typeface family! Born of an award winning pedigree, Prenton is an elegant and meticulously drawn sans serif typeface by Roy Preston of Great Britain. Perfect for intricate text settings, it is an extensive family of typefaces containing twenty-one weights in all. The ten OpenType Pro fonts are typographically rich collections of small caps, inferiors/superiors, numerous figure sets and fraction styles, and ligatures. There are Condensed and Ultra Condensed versions of the roman weights and a single Thin Display weight. This wide-ranging variety provides a solid foundation for lengthy and complex typographic layouts. All fonts are OpenType CFF and support an extended Central Europe character set.
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