546 search results (0.023 seconds)
  1. Milk Child by HafisHidayat, $20.00
    Milk Child is an organic, energetic, dynamic and modern handwriting script that can be used for various purposes, such as with titles, correspondence, wedding invitations, letterheads, signage, labels, signature newsletters, logos, posters, badges, and more.
  2. Baked Milk by Struvictory.art, $15.00
    Baked Milk is a display font family with nostalgic motives. The font is created in a groovy retro style. Baked Milk includes Regular and Symbol Styles. The font is suitable for retro summer posters, menu and social media design, branding, event design etc. Baked Milk has extensive language support, it includes English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Turkish. Baked Milk font contains ligatures: aa, dd, ff, ft, hh, jj, kk, ll, mm, nn, oo, pp, rf, rr, rt, ss, tt, uu, Ti.
  3. Got Milk by Just My Type, $20.00
    Working on a parody of the “got milk?” ads and loved the challenge of creating a whole font (family) from 8 glyphs. Quite condensed, clean, jaunty san serif Usage recommendations Advertising, announcements, logos
  4. Milk Water by Yumna Type, $12.00
    Be a the ultimate you with gorgeous style font. The awesome Milk Water. It is a beautiful font duo that reflects youth, power, yet cuteness. The weight of the display font brings strength to any title or header you apply to it. On the other hand, the curve of the script font also convey a sense of cuteness. Features: Stylistic Sets Ligatures Multilingual Supports Numerals and Punctuations Thank you for purchasing premium fonts from our studio. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Happy Designing.
  5. Milk Drops by Duck Soup Design, $12.00
    Milk Drops is a semi-casual-feeling cross between a didone and slab serif display font. Elegant, flourishy, whimsical and bold, as much as one font can be any or all of those things! It has highly contrasting weights, but not so much to take itself too seriously or risk legibility. Playfully, it entertains the teardrop motif wherever it can – in expected areas like the descender of a "y" and the ascender of an "f", but also in some whimsical flourishes. Many of the uses of the teardrop motif are implemented on the terminals and ears where many old prints may have suffered from bleed of ink – answering a "what if" question like "what if those accidental bleeds were designed on purpose?" or "what if a font were designed as though it was already seen through blurry eyes?" Milk Drops also features stencil-like open counters and lots of ligatures (32). Note also, it has some super-nerdy additions like symbols for Bitcoin, Pilcrow, Interrobang and Irony Mark. Language Support Milk Drops is highly versatile – with an impressive count of 470 glyphs, it can accommodate up to 78 latin-based languages.
  6. Milk Script by Sudtipos, $59.00
    The hand-lettered signage of 1920s and 1930s America produced many typographic jewels that digital type has yet to manifest. This face is but one of them. Unearthed by Alfredo Graziani and Alejandro Paul from a 1923 Speedball lettering manual, Milk Script is a distinctive upright script that offers well-nourished majuscules and sweet-flowing minuscules. A non-connecting variation of this versatile display script is also offered for additional aesthetic control.
  7. Orange Milk by Almarkha Type, $25.00
    Orange Milk is a quirky and fun script full of charm With 2 version Regular and Line . It will take any DIY-project to the next level! Orange Milk is perfect for Craft , product packaging, product designs, label, branding projects, logo, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, watermark, invitation, stationery and any projects Simple installationsAccessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word. PUA Encoded Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software. Fonts include multilingual support Image used : All photographs/pictures/vector used in the preview are not included, they are intended for illustration purpose only. Thank You
  8. Banana Milk by wearecolt, $19.00
    Inspired by coffee shop chalkboards, Banana Milk is a bubbly font with a hand-drawn feel. A fun display font for logos, headings, books, posters and other cool stuff.
  9. milky - Unknown license
  10. Milko by Jesse Tilley, $12.00
    670 Characters in this tiny font. It's small, it's clean and there are no gimmicks. This is as simple as a bitmap font gets.
  11. Wilke by Linotype, $29.99
    This font is a late work of the famous Berlin font artist Martin Wilke. Presented by Linotype AG in 1988, Wilke is a lively font with eccentric, playful forms. Wilke was influenced in part by the letters of the Irish handwriting in the Book of Kells, written in the late 8th century, while the pronounced contrast in strokes goes back to the styles of the 18th century. the font’s uniqueness is particularly emphasized when used in larger point sizes.
  12. WILK by Edyta Demurat, $20.00
    Do you need a hand-drawn, heavy, creative typeface? If so, WILK is perfect for you! This font was created specially for fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and it was inspired by the fairy-tale's character of wolf . The typography is tight- knit and fat but also free and funny. It consists only of uppercases, but it has two up to five alternative gifs for each letter. This great choice of gifs makes WILK perfect for long texts but not only! It's also great in a large magnification.
  13. Filk by Up Up Creative, $16.00
    Filk is a super bold, all-lowercase script font with gorgeous curves and thick downstrokes. Filk is perfect for branding and editorial projects and dreams of being used on billboards, in magazines, and in movie titles. Filk includes approximately 540 glyphs, including 39 standard and discretionary ligatures. OpenType features include a a stylistic set, a bunch of character variants, initial and final forms for letters that need them, and multilingual support (including multiple currency symbols). The OpenType features can be very easily accessed by using OpenType-savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign.
  14. Mieke by Olivetype, $18.00
    Mieke is a dry brush handwritten script font. Very cool if use for posters, logos, headlines, branding, etc. So what’s included : Basic Latin A-Z & a-z Numbers, symbols, and punctuations Ligatures and swashes Accented Characters : ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØŒŠÙÚÛÜŸÝŽàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøœšùúûüýÿžß Thank you
  15. Rilke by Pelavin Fonts, $20.00
    Rilke, is the lettering used by Gustav Klimt on the 1st Vienna Secession poster in 1898 and is named for Klimt’s contemporary the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. The Vienna Secession was a group of artists whose motto was "to every age its art and to art its freedom." Their goal was to create a new style not based upon any historical influence. Its subtle curving strokes and the idiosyncratic set of the various characters create an elegant lightness which lends itself well to poetry, inscription
  16. Mink by T-26, $19.00
  17. Milky by Fenotype, $35.00
    Milky is a brisk Brush Script with smooth and bold characters. Milky is both legible and characteristic. It's strong and friendly, perfect for logotypes, packaging and other branding use. In addition to Milky Brush Milky family contains Milky Casuals which is an all caps sign painting style casuals drawn with the same proportions as Milky Brush. On top of that there's Milky Ornaments which contains ending swashes designed to be used with the Brush, and a selection of bold brush strokes with the Milky signature style to complete your designs. Milky Brush is equipped with Contextual Alternates that add variation to the text and help to maintain the smooth flow. Contextual Alternates are automatically on. For extra flair try Stylistic, Titling or Swash Alternates or seek for even more alternates from the glyph palette. Milky Brush is PUA encoded so you can access the alternates in any graphic design software.
  18. Mick by Oleg Stepanov, $12.00
    Mick is a hand-drawn typeface inspired by graffiti works of old style. The family contains Regular and Light styles. Cyrillic and extented latin character sets.
  19. Sonic Mega Font - Unknown license
  20. Supa Mega Fantastic by Nicky Laatz, $28.00
    Say hello to Supa Mega Fantastic! A casual font duo consisting of a hand-lettered inky script and a casual inked all caps font. The Script comes with a multitude of additional characters as Opentype Alternates, to add a fancy flair to your words as you require. All uppercase characters have a fancy alternate, and all lowercase letters have a selection of alternates for you to select from to suit your wording best. You can have it plain, or fancy shmancy :) The Script comes in two variants - Regular and slightly thinner. The slightly thinner version is best suited to lighter type on darker backgrounds, and the slightly thicker version is better suited to darker type on lighter backgrounds. Perfect for typography based branding, quotes, packaging design, greeting cards, recipe books, cosmetic brands, retro vintage badge design, creative headers and so much more.
  21. MEGA SLANT LINE by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
    CONCEPT/CHARACTERISTICS This strikin­gly bold, black and exten­ded 3D font remi­nis­cent of sci-fi films and expe­ri­men­tal type­face design. The font acts as a chain of liga­tures and thus recei­ves a uni­que aes­the­tic. The uni­que let­ter forms are in sharp con­trast to other fonts and thus stand out as a uni­que sel­ling point. APPLICATION AREA Pos­ters, music cover, book cover, logos, as a head­line font for maga­zi­nes or websites … TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sci-Fi Font »Mega Slant Line« Open­Type Font with 303 gly­phs – alter­na­tive let­ters and liga­tures (with accents & €) & 2 styles (regu­lar & 3d) KONZEPT/BESONDERHEITEN Diese auf­fäl­lig pla­ka­tive, fette und breit­lau­fende 3D Schrift erin­nert an Sci-Fi Filme und ist expe­ri­men­telle Schrift­ge­stal­tung. Die Schrift wirkt wie eine Kette aus Liga­tu­ren (Buch­sta­ben­ver­bin­dun­gen) und erhält somit eine ganz eigene Ästhe­tik. Die sehr eige­nen Buch­sta­ben­for­men wer­den sich deut­lich von ande­ren Schrif­ten abhe­ben und somit als Allein­stel­lungs­merk­mal her­aus­ste­chen. Der Fluss ergiebt sich aus den EINSATZGEBIETE Pla­kate aller Art, Musik Cover, Buch­co­ver, für Logos und Wort­mar­ken, als Dis­play­schrift für Zeit­schrif­ten oder Websites… TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sci-Fi Font »Mega Slant Line« Open­Type Font with 303 gly­phs – alter­na­tive let­ters and liga­tures (with accents & €) & 2 styles (regu­lar & 3d)
  22. Vegas Desert - Personal use only
  23. Omega Sentry - Unknown license
  24. Meta Language - Unknown license
  25. XXII Menga by Doubletwo Studios, $-
  26. RMU Omega by RMU, $30.00
    Friedrich Kleukens font design, influenced by the then prevailing Art Deco style, and released by Stempel in 1926, has been revived for modern use. To get access to all ligatures, it is recommended to activate both OT features standard and discretionary ligatures.
  27. Meta Link by Logofonts, $10.00
    Meta Link is Sans Serif inspired by future techno and sport great for product logo, poster, headline, card logo, web, magazine, packaging, stationery and much more. Easily creates your own logo types with font. Meta Link have 4 weight fonts with italic style also has an Open Type feature to access a large selection of unique alternative letters and many ligatures to make it easier for you to create. Meta Link can be accessed perfectly on design applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Affinity Designer but does not rule out the possibility that it can also be accessed using web-based applications such as kittl, canva, artboard studio and others.
  28. Space Omega by Genesislab, $17.00
    Omega is a luxurious yet elegant display Sans font. characters that suit today's styles will be very interesting for you to create any design work with a classy model that still maintains a calm and classy style to look at. You definitely already have inspiration with 400 Glyphs to combine with your creativity! Multilingual Support.
  29. Vegas x by XdCreative, $25.00
    Vegas-X is a futuristic squared display font. This font is inspired by films, books, science and space technology, composed of a squared shape with smooth curves that gives a modern and futuristic impression. Vegas-X It is perfect for display, logo, icon and it will look stunning on any poster flyer or print. Use this font for your designs and explore its endless possibilities. Thank you _xd
  30. La Mesa by FontMesa, $15.00
    La Mesa is a bold font suitable for logos, letterheads & headlines. It also resembles the lettering used by the Miller Brewing Co.
  31. Megah Diterima by Allouse Studio, $16.00
    Proudly Presenting, Megah Diterima A Bold Handwritten Font Megah Diterima is perfect for any titles, logo, product packaging, branding project, megazine, social media, wedding, or just used to express words above the background. Megah Diterima also come with Multi-Lingual Support. Enjoy the font, feel free to comment or feedback, send me PM or email. Thank You!
  32. Zega Text by Isaco Type, $24.00
    Zega Text is a top-heavy sans family, inspired in the imprecisions of letterpress printing. Zega has 14 versions that give to your text (printed or on screen) a delicious sense of old printing. Give an exclusive touch to your text with normal versions, without losing reading clarity. Try the heavier versions and add a nice impact to your titles! The family consists of 14 styles, 7 weights plus their respective italic versions. The fonts are available in OpenType PS and have extended character set to support CE, Baltic, Turkish as well as Western European languages. You can test Zega Text downloading the free trial font in Semibold version (TT only). This trial file supports only Western languages.
  33. Vega SB by Scangraphic Digital Type Collection, $26.00
    Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting (SB Scangraphic Bodytypes). The most obvious differentiation can be found in the spacing. That of the Bodytypes is adjusted for readability. That of the Headline Types is decidedly more narrow in order to do justice to the requirements of headline typesetting. The kerning tables, as well, have been individualized for each of these type varieties. In addition to the adjustment of spacing, there are also adjustments in the design. For the Bodytypes, fine spaces were created which prevented the smear effect on acute angles in small typesizes. For a number of Bodytypes, hairlines and serifs were thickened or the whole typeface was adjusted to meet the optical requirements for setting type in small sizes. For the German lower-case diacritical marks, all Headline Types complements contain alternative integrated accents which allow the compact setting of lower-case headlines.
  34. Las Vegas by URW Type Foundry, $35.00
  35. Vegas Nova by Designova, $9.00
    Vegas Nova is a unique & modern Sans-Serif typeface specially designed for headlines, big text, branding, logotypes & display usage. The typeface could be perfect choice for logo / logotype design, branding, marketing graphics, banners, posters, signage, corporate identities as well as for editorial design that can bring freshness and professionalism. Please see the examples shown above to get an idea about the capability of this typeface. Handcrafted and designed with powerful OpenType features in mind, each weight includes extended language support including Western European & Central European sets. Vegas Nova comes with 5 weights (Thin, Light, Regular, Bold and Black) and Italic versions of each weights. CREDITS: Font designed by Jean & Lis at Fontastica, distributed by Designova.
  36. Algerian Mesa by FontMesa, $25.00
    Inspired by the old Stephenson Blake Caps only font Algerian from 1908, this version, named Algerian Mesa, has been freshened up with a new matching lowercase. The original Algerian, on page 142 of the 1908 Stephenson Blake specimen book, was a small caps to a more decorative lining caps and the plain black version, without the shadow line, was named Gloria. Also on page 142 of the 1908 Stephenson Blake specimen book is a shaded Latin font that gave me the idea for the Alt version of Algerian Mesa. The Alt version works well at smaller point sizes combined with the regular Algerian Mesa font on the same page. New for 2016 were Opentype features including original alternates, oldstyle numerals and case sensitive forms, also new is a fully usable Alt version. New for 2022 are the higher x-height, 90% small caps, 80% small caps and all new italic versions. Also new for 2022 are straight sided accent marks replacing the flared or curved accents. While Algerian Mesa includes some alternates our related Tavern font will still remain the version with more alternates and more weights.
  37. FF Meta by FontFont, $108.99
    German type designer Erik Spiekermann, created this sans FontFont between 1991 and 2010. The family has 28 weights, ranging from Hairline to Black in Condensed and Normal (including italics) and is ideally suited for advertising and packaging, book text, editorial and publishing, logo, branding and creative industries, small text as well as web and screen design. FF Meta provides advanced typographical support with features such as ligatures, small capitals, alternate characters, case-sensitive forms, fractions, and super- and subscript characters. It comes with a complete range of figure set options—oldstyle and lining figures, each in tabular and proportional widths. As well as Latin-based languages, the typeface family also supports the Cyrillic, Greek, and Hebrew writing systems. FF Meta Variable are font files which are featuring two axis and have a preset instance from Hairline to Black and Condensed to Roman In 2011, FF Meta was added to the MoMA Architecture and Design Collection in New York. This FontFont is a member of the FF Meta super family, which also includes FF Meta Correspondence , FF Meta Headline , and FF Meta Serif . FF Meta® font field guide including best practices, font pairings and alternatives. Featured in: Best Fonts for Resumes
  38. Mangana Sega by Differentialtype, $12.00
    Mangana Sega is a bold display serif font with a retro design. Mangana Sega is equipped with alternate and ligature, which will add an elegant and luxurious impression to every project you make. Mangana Sega is PUA encode, which mean you can easily access all required alternates and swashes.
  39. Megan Qinthia by RGB Studio, $12.00
    Introducing Megan Qinthia - Stylish Signature Font Megan Qinthia is a stunning signature font with a cool twist. Get inspired by its modern simplicity! This font is suitable for use on business cards, weddings, t-shirt designs, logos, magazines, quotes, fashion, watermarks, invitations, signatures. Files Include : Basic Latin A-Z and a-z Numbers Symbols PUA Encode Multilanguage Support Thanks and have a wonderful day, If you have any questions, please get in touch with us Don't forget to check out our other products.
  40. Alta Mesa by FontMesa, $25.00
    Alta Mesa is a revival of an old type design from the 1800's that was sold by most of the type foundries in the US and Europe of that time period so it is difficult to know the foundry of origin. New with this version are the fill fonts and plain styles, the fill fonts may be used as stand alone fonts, however the letter spacing is much wider, the plain versions are recommended if you desire a solid black weight. The regular Fill font is in registration with the Regular and Open versions while the Fill L font is in registration with the L and Open L versions. This was a very charming font in its time which was heavily used on old billheads and letterheads. We're pleased to bring this type design, which hasn't been used for over 100 years, into the digital world today.
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