The famous Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudí, used to say “there are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature…” However, with Between The Lines that’s exactly what you’ll find: straight lines, parallel and perpendicular, all in a glorious display of Art Deco style. Here the verticals and horizontals dominate while the diagonals “sit this one out”. Curvilinear lines also run free here: they serve as refreshing counterpoints to prominent straights. These forms suggest a somewhat expressive script-like characteristic, (especially in lowercase) wherever the font’s many initials, terminals and contextual alternates are employed. Between The Lines offers many options for alternate letterforms (ligatures, stylistic alternates, contextual alternates, etc.). When these OpenType features are used judiciously and selectively, your typography will be greatly heightened. You’ll find BTL right at home in a number of environments: music album covers, snack food packaging, magazine headlines, cosmetics, signage and more. PLEASE NOTE: due to its very tall ascenders, Between The Lines benefits from generous leading (line spacing). Multilingual support included.