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  1. STAMP MARK Stencil by WAP Type, $19.00
    This font is suitable for military or urban theme headlines with the Gruge stencil style. Features: Uppercase, Lowercase Punctuation & Number, Support in Mac and Windows OS Multilingual Support ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝ
  2. Marching Band JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The cover of "Intermediate Steps to the Band" (an instructional book for marching band originally published by Mills Music in 1947) featured the title in a hand lettered multi-line sans serif with Art Deco influence. Re-drawn as a digital typeface named Marching Band JNL, it is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  3. URW Maru Gothic by URW Type Foundry, $139.99
  4. Forward March JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    An ad for the film "Marine Raiders" in the June 16, 1944 issue of Motion Picture Daily features the movie's title hand lettered in a bold, slab serif stencil design. This is now available as Forward March JNL in both regular and oblique versions.
  5. Printers in Marks by Proportional Lime, $19.99
    In the early days of printing it was soon recognized that there was a need to identify the printer and publisher behind the printed work. So these industrious people created marks to identify themselves to clients. This font contains over 160 marks dating back to the early years of printing with the likes of Fust, Ratdolt, Manutius, Caxton, and a whole host of others represented. Some of these printers were very influential and altered the course of history, some merely enabled the broader public to access the classics. Some were imprisoned and others helped foment revolutions. But all were riding the new current of this technology of moveable type that helped transform our world through the enabling of easily exchanging information.
  6. Hachi Maru Pop by Norio Kanisawa, $40.00
    It is a cute font that imaged a circle that was popular among young Japanese girls in the 1970s and 1980s, plus elements of the current round character as well. The momentum of the circle fads of the 70s and 80s back then seemed to have been great, and it seems that there were schools that prohibited the use of the round letters as students were all writing, too. In addition, a circular letter contest was held, and it seems that the work selected from many entries was released as a phototype. I tried to round up to the limit while incorporating the elements of that circle and the elements of the round letters that the current Japanese girls would write. It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). I think that it is an eye-catching design although it lacks a little on readability, so it is also recommended to use it point-wise. The name "Hachimaru" is a thing that touched "80" in the 1980s. The 80s is one of my favorite times. I think that the power to young girls 'Kawaii' such as circle letters, fancy goods and idols was a very strong era. I hope I can express even a little "Kawaii" culture of that unique and unique 80's Japan. <「はちまるポップ」紹介文> 1970年〜80年代に、日本の若い女の子の間で流行した丸文字をイメージし、現在の丸文字の要素もプラスしたかわいいフォントです。 70〜80年代当時の丸文字の流行の勢いは凄かったらしく、学生さんもみな書いていたそうで、丸文字の使用を禁止する学校もあったそうです。 また、丸文字のコンテストが行われ、多数の応募から選ばれた作品が写植書体としてリリースされたこともあるそうです。 その丸文字の要素と、現在の日本の女の子が書くような丸文字の要素も取り込みながら、極限まで丸っこくしてみました。 ひらがな・カタカナ・アルファベット・数字・記号類・漢字に対応しており、縦書きもできます。 漢字はJIS第一水準・第二水準・IBM拡張漢字に対応(約6700文字)しているので、使い勝手も良いかと思います。 可読性には少々欠けますが目を引くデザインだと思うので、ポイント的に使うのもオススメです。 名称の「はちまる」は80年代の「80」をもじったものです。 80年代は私の好きな時代の1つです。丸文字をはじめ、ファンシーグッズやアイドルなど、若い女の子の「かわいい」へのパワーがとても強い時代だったんだなぁと思います。 その個性的で独特な80年代日本の「かわいい」カルチャーを少しでも表現できてればいいなぁと思います。 <スタイルカテゴリー> 手書き風、丸ゴシック
  7. Mary Helen JF by Jukebox Collection, $32.99
    Mary Helen from Jukebox is a warm and feminine script font that is bright and happy. Named after the designer’s paternal grandmother, the typeface lends a sense of fun and joy to any design. Perfect for a variety of functions, Mary Helen will provide that touch of feminine grace, like a handwritten note from a friend or loved one. The font contains several alternate letters and a couple of ending flourishes as well, for variety. Jukebox fonts are available in OpenType format and downloadable packages contain both .otf and .ttf versions of the font. They are compatible on both Mac and Windows. All fonts contain basic OpenType features as well as support for Latin-based and most Eastern European languages.
  8. Soest St Mary by New Renaissance Fonts, $10.00
    Unusual decorative capitals from embroidery work in a German church. Upper case has a diamond-shaped frame around each letter; lower case is just the letters without the diamond frame; and the ampersand gives just the diamond frame so you can use a different colour from the letter.
  9. Heisei Maru Gothic by Adobe, $39.00
  10. Dom Loves Mary by Correspondence Ink, $39.99
    Dom Loves Mary has a baby brother! Check out Fratello Nick here: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/correspondence-ink/fratello-nick/ The DomLovesMary font family has all you need to create unique, custom stationery products. THE INSPIRATION BEHIND THE DOMLOVESMARY FONT FAMILY: DomLovesMary is named in memory of Dominic and Mary Sementelli, Debi’s in-laws. Dom and Mary were opposites who were truly “made for each other”. A snazzy dresser, Mary was feisty, loved to dance, sing, and be the life of the party. Dom was cool, calm and collected and was happy to shine the spotlight on the love of his life. They balanced each other out in a really great way. Going through some of her in-laws old photos, Debi found their wedding album. She was struck by the beautiful look on their faces as they got ready to start their life together. She saw the excitement, joy and anticipation of them envisioning “Una Bella Vita!” (A beautiful life!) She decided to create a hand-lettered font with them in mind represented by two totally different lettering styles that were, like Dom and Mary, “made for each other”. It’s her way of honoring them and sharing their beautiful life with all of the couples just starting theirs together. They truly had “Una Bella Vita” and we hope you do too. WHAT'S UNIQUE ABOUT THE DOMLOVESMARY FONT FAMILY: The SCRIPT & TEXT FONTS are lettering styles that were made to compliment each other. With a vintage, classic feel, they will add elegance to your design, while the TEXT serves to offer support with easy to read simplicity. In addition to the standard character set, each of the uniquely styled script fonts includes a collection of flourished ornaments. Use them to create corners, headers or other embellishments to complete the look. And if you really want to fancy things up, we offer two sets of 72 additional flourishes that were specifically made to add to upper and lower case letters for easy customization. Dress them up with one, two or more. It’s like choosing simple pearls or piling on the glitz! Or combine several to create unique flourished ornaments of your own. To add even more panache, we're pleased to present our ready made set of most frequently used ADD-ON WORDS. Created with the wedding client in mind, this set of 66 includes envelope friendly titles: Mr and Mrs, Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Doctor, the Doctors, as well as words to fill out your invitation suite: RSVP, Respond, Save the Date, Accommodations, Directions and more! Easily create Bride and Groom signs or Thank You cards or tags with the click of a key. Or use angled words like “and, at, to, on, for, from and of” to add a special touch to your large groups of copy. PACKAGES: We are pleased to have a variety of customers. From professional invitation designers to DIY brides, publishing companies and website / blog designers among others. So we've created packages to help fit their diverse needs. Purchase just one of our beautiful DomLovesMary SCRIPT fonts, each with its collection of included flourishes or the PRO VERSION complete with ALL THREE script fonts and a combined total of over 100 flourished ornaments. Add our TEXT font, a set of FLOURISHES or ADD-ON WORDS. Love the idea of customizing your letters with all the possible combinations? We offer a special price when you purchase both sets of flourishes. Or choose our Accoutrements Package containing both sets of FLOURISHES for letter customization as well as our ADD-ON WORDS. Want to have it all? The “DomLovesMary Total Design” package is for you. Each of these packages are offered at a 25% savings. WHAT PROGRAM WILL YOU USE?: All of the font options come in both Pro and Standard format fonts. For those with programs that can take advantage of OpenType features (click on the link to see if the program your using is one of them) the Pro fonts are for you. http://www.typotheque.com/fonts/opentype_feature_support/ For others without the ability to use Open Type features, we provide all of the script fonts that comprise the Pro Version as separate versions (Regular, Contextual and Stylistic). If you are using a program like Microsoft Word, and want all three script fonts, you can still purchase the Pro Version (a $50.00 savings), and install the individual fonts bundled in the Standard Fonts folder. We have set it up so they will appear separately as DomLovesMary, DomLovesMary Contextual and DomLovesMary Stylistic in your fonts list. Exciting news! In an effort to help our customers access all the goodies that are normally only available in Open Type Capable programs (like the flourished ornaments that come with our script fonts), we have found a simple application that allows you to do just that. For this reason, we've made sure to unicode all of our characters and glyphs so that they will work in this type of program. There may be others, but we checked this one out and found that it works. Check out PopChar
  11. Print Marks JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Print Marks JNL assembles more old print shop cuts into a varied assortment of embellishments, border elements, designs and printer's marks. Newly re-drawn from vintage source material, they will brighten text with their nostalgic and charming look.
  12. Nud Motoya Maru by Motoya, $229.00
  13. Marking Device JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Similar to date and numbering stamps, there once was manufactured rotary band stamps with different letter and number configurations that were used for various identification purposes. From a set of vintage bands acquired from a now-closed rubber stamp shop, Marking Device JNL replicates the serif typeface used on these devices.
  14. Jakob - 100% free
  15. Jacoba - Unknown license
  16. Jacbos by Twinletter, $14.00
    Jacbos is a playful font with an abstract shape like paper folds, which is unique but elegant and attractive in its use All Capital sans is charming and brave, a font with a bold style and strong character makes your design look bold to convey a message to the audience in every design. This font is perfect for a variety of school design projects, essays, vintage, retro, and various outdoor events, storytelling, branding, banners, posters, movie titles, food and beverages, clothing, and more.
  17. Jacoby by Monotype, $29.99
  18. Jakob by ParaType, $30.00
    Designed at ParaType in 1994 by Alexander Tarbeev. Based on informal handwriting. For use in advertising and display typography.
  19. Jacob Graffiti by Quatype, $15.00
    Jacob Graffiti is a font inspired by graffiti. In order to reflect the feeling of spray paint, the beginning or the end of the characters show a sense of stroke. When designing this font, to add some fun, a pictorial ligature was specially designed: jacob. And it's on the smile face Unicode block too.
  20. LD Jacob by Illustration Ink, $3.00
    Jacob, you love him or you hate him... either way, his handwriting rocks! LD Jacob is great for journaling, adorning scrapbook pages, or adding that final touch to your project.
  21. Jacob Riley by Magpie Paper Works, $32.00
    Jacob Riley is based on antique 18th century printers’ specimens and has been hand-illustrated with calligraphy nibs dipped in walnut ink. A goodly fellow, Jacob delights in uses varied and sundry including personal correspondence, rustic decor, graphic display and even amongst the pages of children’s books.
  22. JAMON del MAR - Unknown license
  23. Mac and Sidney - Unknown license
  24. Dogs on Mars? - Unknown license
  25. Raketta From Mars - Unknown license
  26. Dogs on Mars by SynFonts, $39.00
  27. Message from Mars by PizzaDude.dk, $18.00
    This is a live recording from Mars: Your planetary system is about to be invaded by the inhabitants of Mars. We come in peace, we come with party! Heh-heh. Say hello to my interplanetary font, Message from Mars. Handmade, yet super digital. Play around with the weird shaped letters, and make your own galactic text - use upper- and lowercase as well as the alternate version
  28. On Your Mark JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Images of ‘lost’ or forgotten signs from the past are on a number of sites all over the web. One in particular partially revealed a vintage sign for “J. Yormark Shoes" behind a barbershop sign at 15 – 8th Avenue in New York City. The sign remained until 2014. The stencil effect made by the formation of the stained glass letters inspired On Your Mark JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions. The font’s name is a play on the shoe vendor’s name… “Yormark”.
  29. Ame Chan Pop Maru by Norio Kanisawa, $40.00
    I make this font imaging rounded candy, this theme is cute and round but you can use scenes less often. Because the circle is interrupted in places such as voiced points and parts of kanji(chinese characters), it may be fun to look for it. It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). This font is bold, recommended to use it for headlines and prominent places. It might be good for shop pop etc. Because it is soft, pop and cheerful impression, I recommend it for contents for children. About the name, I like Osaka, and I thought "This font's name that is loved by everyone", and since the sound is also cute, I attached the word "Amechan". I heard they called candy as "Amechan" in Osaka, and some madam in Osaka always have candy, and give it to people. I think this font gives happy feeling to you and people look it, like madam in Osaka gives "Amechan". <「あめちゃんポップ まる」紹介文> ころころ丸っこい飴玉をイメージして、「丸くてかわいいけどシーンをあまり選ばずに使えるフォント」をテーマに作りました。 濁点や漢字の一部など、所々に丸がまぎれてますので、探してみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 ひらがな・カタカナ・アルファベット・数字・記号類・漢字に対応。縦書きもできます。 漢字はJIS第一水準・第二水準・IBM拡張漢字(約6700文字)に対応しているので、使いやすいかと思います。 太めのフォントなので、見出しや目立つ場所に使うのがオススメです。お店のポップなどにもいいかもしれません。 柔らかくポップで元気な印象なので、子供向けのコンテンツにもオススメします。 名称については、大阪が好きなのと「皆に愛されるような名前を」と思って、響きも可愛いので「あめちゃん」という単語を名前につけました。 大阪では飴のことを「あめちゃん」と言うらしく、大阪のおばちゃんの中にはいつも飴を持っている方もいるそうで、色んな人にその飴をあげるそうです。 大阪のおばちゃんが「あめちゃん」をくれる時みたいに、使ったり見てくださる方の心があったかくなるようなフォントになればいいなぁ、と思います。 <スタイルカテゴリー> ファンシー、装飾
  30. Iwata Maru Gothic Pro by IWATA, $199.00
  31. Iwata Maru Gothic Std by IWATA, $149.00
  32. Stephanie Marie JF Pro by Jukebox Collection, $36.99
  33. NIMX Jacoby by Image Club, $29.99
  34. Jacoby Modular by Jacoby Type Co, $12.00
    Jacoby Modular is a geometric sans serif display typeface with six styles. Jacoby Modular is a dynamic, bold typeface with a sculptural feel.
  35. dT Jakob by dooType, $30.00
    dT Jakob started as a revival by Gustavo Soares for Paul van der Laan’s class at the Type and Media Masters, in The Hague, NL – back in 2007. There are quite a few excellent geometric sans typefaces available, but we did want to make our contribution and have a fine geometric face to offer. dT Jakob was born out of Erbar, by Jakob Erbar, one of the very first geometric sans, released in metal around 1926. Our goal was to make a versatile typeface, that handles display and text typography beautifully. To achieve that we designed a complete range of weights, matching italics and lots of OpenType Features. Hope you enjoy it :D
  36. Johnny Mac Scrawl BRK - Unknown license
  37. Old Mac Donald NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    Two typefaces from Farmer & Little's 1867 specimen book, entitled Antique No. 2 and Antique Light Extended, provided the inspiration for this happy family of antique charmers. Both versions of this font include the complete Latin 1252, Central European 1250 and Turkish 1254 character sets.
  38. Mac Key Caps Pi by Linotype, $29.00
  39. By Starlight - Unknown license
  40. By Note by Afkari Studio, $15.00
    By Note - Handwritten Marker Note Font By Note is a handwritten marker note font that's created with a natural and unique style. A Note Handwritten note font is suitable for various design graphics projects and can be used in any size. This Note font is also great for digital notes, quotes design, book cover, logotype, poster, food menu, t-shirt, scrapbooking, comic illustration, magazine titles, kids project and much more! Features; - Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, and Punctuation - Special alternates and ligatures - Works on PC & Mac - Simple installations - Accessible in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word - Fully accessible without additional design software. - Mültîlíñgúãl Sùppört for; ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß ¿ ¡ Hope you enjoy our font and this font is the useful font for your projects!
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