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  1. Yacimiento - Personal use only
  2. Luteous - Unknown license
  3. Parque by Celtibérica, $24.00
    What was the inspiration for designing the font? Parks and nature. What are its main characteristics and features? Wooden, Children, kids. Usage recommendations: in advertisement for parks, for animation films, Cartoons, as you like.
  4. Luteous Aublikus - Unknown license
  5. Some's Style - Unknown license
  6. Luteous Industrious - Unknown license
  7. Luteous Maximus - Unknown license
  8. Luteous Viscous - Unknown license
  9. Luteous Exodus - Unknown license
  10. Communiqué by Studio K, $45.00
    Communiqué is a variation on my Export Drive font family. It is a bold condensed stencil font of the kind traditionally used to mark tea chests, packing cases etc. Nowadays its applications are universal, although it is particularly well suited to branding or publishing projects which strive for a sense of freshness, urgency and immediacy, or a rugged, rough-and-ready feel.
  11. Vtg Stencil Marsh by astype, $36.00
    The Vtg Stencil fonts from astype are based on real world stencils from several countries. The Vtg Stencil Marsh design was derived from 1 inch stencils, cut by a Marsh R machine. Marsh produced stencil machines since 1922 and was one of the most important manufacturers for such marking machines. The design is part of the American industrial heritage. PDF Specimen
  12. elektrogothik - Unknown license
  13. Dead World - Unknown license
  14. Tipo Movin CDMX by Ixipcalli, $-
    La versión propuesta por la SEMOVI (Secretaria de Movilidad) es un estilo más angosto y ortográfico, creadó con la finalidad de aligerar las aplicaciones tipográficas del sistema. Se emplea oficialmente en todas las aplicaciones del sistema de Movilidad Integrada de la Ciudad de México. El creador de la tipografía es Lance Wyman. En esta edición, los tipos minúsculas son una adaptación “no oficial” para el Tipo Movin CDMX, enriqueciendo la tipografía a un estilo visual de altas y bajas, por lo que se prescinde del diseño base como trabajo propio para enfatizar los tipos minúsculas exclusivamente, además de que se han añadido algunos caracteres de acentuación extendiendo su uso a otros lenguajes. Los tipos son una nueva propuesta por Ixipcalli en el presente año 2023. The version proposed by SEMOVI (Secretary of Mobility) is a narrower and more orthographic style, created with the purpose of lightening the typographic applications of the system. It is officially used in all the applications of the Integrated Mobility system of Mexico City. The creator of the typeface is Lance Wyman. In this edition, the lowercase types are an “unofficial” adaptation for the Tipo Movin CDMX, enriching the typography to a visual style of highs and lows, so the base design is dispensed with as my own work to emphasize the lowercase types exclusively, In addition, some accentuation characters have been added, extending their use to other languages. The types are a new proposal by Ixipcalli in the current year 2023.
  15. Some's Style - Unknown license
  16. Hellshock by Comicraft, $19.00
    Check into your local lunatic asylum with this font, etched on the walls of his padded cell by Comicraft's left-handed right-hand man, Dave Lanphear, for Jae Lee's Image comic 'Hellshock'. Artwork from Elephantmen: War Toys by Starkings & Moritat
  17. Italian Typewriter by Flanker, $20.00
    Italian Typewriter was designed by Leonardo Di Lena studying some Italian typewriters of the thirties and forties. Italian Typewriter is a monospaced font that can be used for any work that requires an old-fashioned look or an old-tech look.
  18. Naive Deco Sans by S&C Type, $8.00
    Naïve Deco Sans is a layered sans serif handwritten font designed by Fanny Coulez and Julien Saurin in Paris. Our goal was to draw a font with finely irregular lines that give a human and whimsical feeling. It is available in two versions: double or triple lines. The font is also decomposed in three different parts that you can use to improve your designs with multiple colors, giving to the font a deco touch. To do so, you can simply superimpose the parts with a compatible software like Photoshop and choose a color for each. This font is part of our Naïve superfamily that contains lot of variations: Line, Inline, Serif, Sans Serif... Just click on our foundry name to see them all! We hope you will enjoy our work. Merci beaucoup!
  19. Linotype Cerny by Linotype, $29.99
    Linotype Cerny is part of the Take Type Library, selected from the contestants of Linotype’s International Digital Type Design Contests of 1994 and 1997. Dutch artist Mark van Wageningen designed an alphabet consisting exclusively of capital letters. The font’s most distinguishing characteristic is its irregular outer contour, almost as though they were ripped out of paper. Linotype Cerny is intended exclusively for headlines in larger point sizes.
  20. Brassens by Typorium, $53.00
    Le Typorium présente une nouvelle famille de caractères calligraphiques basés sur une écriture étudiée à travers les manuscrits et autographes de Georges Brassens, poète et musicien (1921-1981). Son tracé, rigoureux et appliqué, souvent minutieux, est à l’image d’une œuvre unique et singulière, immédiatement reconnaissable. Le script Brassens offre des fonctionnalités OpenType telles que des caractères alternatifs pour les majuscules et les minuscules afin de renforcer la fluidité d’une écriture manuelle, des chiffres alternatifs, des fractions et un jeu de caractères accentués étendu pour prendre en charge de nombreuses langues étrangères. Trois graisses ont été créées afin d’offrir une large palette de possibilités graphiques. 60 images d’un poète qui a cassé sa pipe à l’âge de 60 ans., classées en trois séries de vignettes (pictogrammes, symboles, portraits), elles illustrent l’univers imagé et la richesse symbolique de la poésie de Georges Brassens où les représentations mythologiques et allégoriques y tiennent une part importante. Georges Brassens est un poète, auteur-compositeur-interprète né à Sète le 22 octobre 1921, mort à Saint-Gély-du-Fesc le 29 octobre 1981 et enterré au cimetière Le Py de Sète. Auteur de plus de deux cents chansons populaires, il met en musique et interprète ses poèmes en s’accompagnant à la guitare. Outre ses propres textes, il met également en musique des poèmes de François Villon, Victor Hugo, Paul Verlaine, Paul Fort, Antoine Pol, ou encore Louis Aragon. Il reçoit le Grand Prix de Poésie de l’Académie Française e 1967. Un grand nombre d’écoles, salles de spectacle, voies, parcs et jardins portent également son nom, dont à Paris le parc Georges-Brassens, tout proche de l’impasse Florimont où il vécut ses premières années parisiennes, de sa maison de la rue Santos-Dumont et du café Les Sportifs Réunis – Chez Walczak – rue Brancion qui lui inspira « Le Bistrot ». À Sète, l’Espace Georges Brassens ainsi que de nombreux festivals et associations redonnent vie au poète et à son œuvre. The Typorium presents a new calligraphic typeface family based on a writing studied through the manuscripts and autographs of Georges Brassens, poet and musician (1921-1981). Its layout, rigorous and applied, often meticulous, is in the image of a unique and singular work, immediately recognizable. Brassens script offers OpenType features such as alternate characters for upper and lower case to enhance the fluency of handwriting, alternate numbers, fractions and an extended accented character set to support many foreign languages. Three weights have been created to offer a wide range of graphic possibilities. 60 images of a poet who broke his pipe (French expression for passing away) at the age of 60, classified into three series of vignettes (pictograms, symbols, portraits), they illustrate the imagery world and the symbolic richness of Georges Brassens poetry where mythological and allegorical representations hold an important part. Georges Brassens is a poet, singer-songwriter born in Sète on October 22, 1921, died in Saint-Gély-du-Fesc on October 29, 1981 and buried in Le Py cemetery of Sète. Author of more than two hundred popular songs, he sets to music and performs his poems, accompanying himself on the guitar. In addition to his own texts, he also sets to music poems by François Villon, Victor Hugo, Paul Verlaine, Paul Fort, Antoine Pol, or Louis Aragon. He received the Grand Prix of Poetry from the Académie Française in 1967. A large number of schools, theaters, streets, parks and gardens also bear his name, including in Paris the Georges-Brassens park, very close to the impasse Florimont where he lived his first years in Paris, his house in the rue Santos-Dumont and the café Les Sportifs Réunis - Chez Walczak - rue Brancion which inspired "Le Bistrot". In Sète, the Espace Georges Brassens as well as numerous festivals and associations bring the poet and his work back to life.
  21. Modusa by Aqeela Studio, $20.00
    Modusa is a very fancy display font. Expertly designed to be a true favorite, this font has the potential to take your every creative idea to the highest level! Based on the Lunda typeface first created by Karl Erik Forsberg, in 1941. thank you
  22. The Black Box - Personal use only
  23. Florida Project Phase One - Unknown license
  24. Loading Dock NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    This typeface is patterned after the lettering produced by the Marsh Stencil Making Machine, which was an indispensable part of industrial shipping departments in the mid-twentieth century. The font is unicase, but includes a “this side up” pointing hand at the section mark position, and a recycle symbol at the German double-s position. Both versions of the font include 1252 Latin, 1250 CE (with localization for Romanian and Moldovan).
  25. Linotype Dot by Linotype, $29.99
    Linotype Dot is part of the Take Type Library, featuring the winners of Linotype’s International Digital Type Design Contest. Designed by Lucy Davies, the figures are composed of a combination of white and black dots and the contrast makes the font look like points of light and darkness. The general impression of Dot lies somewhere between ornamental and technical. It combines well with sans serif and calligraphy fonts.
  26. Painting Stencil JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Painting Stencil JNL was modeled in part from a vintage set of 8 inch Gothic stencils. Alphabets of this size were generally referred to as painting stencils because each letter could be painted individually in marking signs, streets or buildings, where the classic 'lettering guide' type of stencils were used for smaller projects and had alignment holes for accurate letter spacing as well as multiples letters per page.
  27. Scream - Unknown license
  28. Vampetica - Personal use only
  29. Dark11 - Unknown license
  30. Evil Cow - Unknown license
  31. TRUEblood - Personal use only
  32. Hyundai - Personal use only
  33. Typex by Device, $39.00
    Based on the lettering used on Alan Turing’s famous code-breaking machine at Bletchley Park, the “Bombe”, and the subsequent British answer to the German Enigma machine, the Typex. Research done at Bletchley Park on their restored and antique machines provided the inspiration. The unusual shapes for the capitals have all been retained - the square O, the monospaced characters and other eccentricities that make it unique. This reference material was then extended to the numerals (which did not exist in the original) and a full international character complement. The initial design of the bombe was produced in 1939 at the UK Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park by Alan Turing, with an important refinement devised in 1940 by Gordon Welchman. It was based on a device that had been designed in 1938 in Poland at the Biuro Szyfrów (Cipher Bureau) by cryptologist Marian Rejewski, and known as the "cryptologic bomb" (Polish: bomba kryptologiczna). The Bombe was used to break the German Enigma code on a daily basis, and was a vital part of the Allied war effort. The British “Typex" (alternatively, Type X or TypeX) machines were an adaptation of the commercial German Enigma with a number of enhancements that greatly increased its security. It was used from 1937 until the mid-1950s, when other more modern military encryption systems came into use.
  34. Urbanregent by Kenn Munk, $26.00
    The font is largely undesigned, but is bound together by a thick connected band which forms the word-blocks. At the same time, parts of Urbanregent are very designed, glyphs have been re-designed to reflect changes in the way we speak and write. The exclamation mark is louder and more manic, because people tend to write two or three exclamation marks after each other anyway. The full stop is more stopping and the hyphen kicks you on to the next word. Kenn Munk's fonts are generally hard to use - Urbanregent is no exception, but a tip would be to start each word with a capital letter. Because Every Word Is Important.
  35. Spindletop NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    One in the series of fonts called Whiz-Bang Wood Type, intended to be set large and tight. Spindletop’s ultra-condensed letterforms allow a lot of information to be packed into little horizontal space. Named for a famous East Texas oil field that made a lot of people rich in the early part of the twentieth century. Both versions of this font include the complete Unicode 1252 Latin and Unicode 1250 Central European character sets.
  36. Kette Pro by Tilde, $39.75
    The design of Kette evolved from searching new ways to make cool and semi-formal type. Study of aspects of legibility was part of the process when designing Kette. It suits posters, slogans. Condensed, Regular and Extended styles of Kette allow fitting variable long text in headlines retaining the style and feel of the original design. This Pro font is packed with all European and Cyrillic alphabets, small caps, variable figure sets and features.
  37. Res Publica by Linotype, $29.99
    Res Publica is a workhorse. It is quite anonymous as typeface, without any distinctive marks. But it gives a harmonious text body, well suited for large amounts of text, such as official public reports, magazines based mainly on text, school books, and so on. The public" concept is part of the name. Res Publica is Latin for "public matters". The word republic has the same origin. Res Publica was released in 1992.
  38. FranciscoLucas Briosa - Unknown license
  39. FranciscoLucas Llana - Unknown license
  40. Cafe Francoise by Sharkshock, $125.00
    This charming, all caps display font was inspired by outdoor chalk board signage in front of outdoor cafes. These are common on the streets of places like London, Paris, Montreal, and Belgium. The letters are casual by design with just enough texture for convincing chalk marks. Use Cafe Francoise for a bakery logo, cafe menu, or poster. Basic Latin, extended Latin, diacritics, punctuation, kerning, and graphics are included. Please check the glyph map for all supported characters and images.
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