It’s true -- having your own font IS The Secret Of Happiness! At times suave and sophisticated, at other times rough and ready for anything, superstar comics artist Dan Panosian has worked on the likes of CAPTAIN AMERICA, SPAWN, THE FLASH,, SPIDER-MAN, X-THE X-MEN and GREEN LANTERN, as well as the movie, HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE and games like DUKE NUKEM. He hasn't been seen in comics for some time, but he’s back, baby, working on a series of JOHN TIFFANY bandes desinée, and he’s brought his own font with him, courtesy of that awfully nice John JG Roshell at Comicraft. John Tiffany is one of the best bounty hunters in the world and he has no illusions about the world that employs him. Tiffany relies exclusively on four people: the Reverend Lovejoy, who taught him to love his money; Wan Chao, of the geek underworld who serves as an interface with the outside world; Dorothy, his partner, and Magdalena, the ‘call girl in his life.’ But in Mexico, the hunter has become prey, his head has a price. And if his rivals know his location, it means that John Tiffany was betrayed by one of four people he thought he could trust...and now he can rely on only ONE thing, his secret weapon. His FONT. See the families related to Dan Panosian: Urban Barbarian.