This font was inspired from the so called "Insular Style" Latin script used in Celtic monasteries (Ireland, Scotland—with the well known Book of Kells—and England) from the late 6th to 9th, before the Carolingian "Caroline" (look at our 825 Karolus). It was a regular script, rounded, written slowly, used mainly for specially meticulous books, with a very few ligatures. The rarely-used capitals consisted of enlarged lowercases, but, on the other hand, there was numerous historical initials. The Titling style in this familly allows to two-color decorated letters to be created, using OTF Titling feature or copy and paste technique. We have created the font as to be adapted for contemporary users, differentiating between U and V, I and J, which has not any relevance for ancient Latin scribes, and naturally with Thorn, Oslash, Lslash, K,W... The specific Celtic "y" is added as an historical alternate.