10 search results (0.013 seconds)
  1. LTC Kennerley by Lanston Type Co., $24.95
    Kennerley Old Style was designed by Goudy for publisher Mitchell Kennerley in 1911. Goudy described it as a "book letter with strong serifs, firm hairlines, and makes a solid, compact page." One of Goudy's best text faces, Kennerley is considered an original American classic as it is not based on historical type designs.
  2. Kingsley by Red Rooster Collection, $45.00
    Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. This beautiful recreation by Les of the Frederick Goudy typeface, Kennerley Old Style, circa 1911-24, may be superior to any other.
  3. LTC Forum Title by Lanston Type Co., $24.95
    Forum Title was originally designed by Frederic Goudy in 1911. It was intended to be the heading font used for a book set in Kennerley. Based on inscriptional Roman stone cut capitals, this face is true to the early Roman forms which did not have a lower case. Forum exemplifies the classic Roman letterform at its finest. If a lower case were desired, Forum Title can be paired with Goudy Oldstyle for a harmonious hybrid font.
  4. Chelsea by Red Rooster Collection, $45.00
    Designed by Les Usherwood. Chelsea is a ‘modern’ Old Style serif font family designed by Les Usherwood (Typsettra) in the early 1980’s. Steve Jackaman (ITF) digitally engineered the family exclusively for ITF’s Red Rooster Collection in 1993. Usherwood drew influence from Frederic Goudy’s 1911 creation ‘Kennerley Old Style’ when designing Chelsea; Chelsea, however, tends to be wider with a taller x-height. Chelsea has the clean and upscale feel that is present in all Usherwood creations, and its legible design lends itself to projects of any size.
  5. Alisal by Monotype, $29.99
    Matthew Carter has been refining his design for Alisal for so long, he says, that when he was asked to complete the design for the Monotype Library, it was almost as if he were doing a historical revival of his own typeface. The illusion even extended to changes in his work process: although he now does all his preliminary and final drawing on screen, the first trial renderings of Alisal were done as pencil renderings. Alisal is best classified as an Italian old style design. Originally created between the late 15th and mid-16th centuries in northern Italy, the true Italian old styles were some of the first roman types. They tend to be the most calligraphic of serifed faces, with the axis of their curved strokes inclined to the left, as if drawn with a flat-tipped pen or brush. These designs offer sturdy, free-flowing and heavily bracketed serifs, short descenders, and a modest contrast in stroke weight. Alisal has nearly all the classic Italian old style character traits, plus a few quirks of its own. It is calligraphic in nature, with more of a pen-drawn quality than faces like Palatino or Goudy Old Style. It is more rough-hewn than either Goudy's Kennerley or Benton's Cloister, and is generally heavier in weight than most of the other Italian old style designs. One place where Alisal makes a clean break with traditional old style designs is in the serifs. While sturdy and clearly reflecting pen-drawn strokes, Alisal's serifs have no bracketing and appear to be straight strokes crossing the main vertical. Like Caslon or Trajanus, Alisal is a handsome design when viewed as a block of copy. Ascenders are tall and elegant, and serve as a counterpoint to the robust strength of the rest of the design. Alisal is available as a small family of roman and bold with a complementary italic for the basic roman weight, providing all that is needed for the majority of text typography. Alisal is not as well-known as some of Carter's other typefaces, but this lovely and long-incubated design was certainly worth the wait.
  6. Waschkueche - 100% free
  7. Berlin Email - 100% free
  8. cbe - 100% free
  9. XAyax - 100% free
  10. Yiggivoo - Unknown license
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