1,300 search results (0.007 seconds)
  1. Plus De Vagues NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    The original release notes from England’s Stephenson Blake Type Foundry say it all: “a type of some waywardness in design, judged from any typographical standard…a type that seems unable to decide whether to be a roman or a script." Stephenson Blake called their release "Recherché"— sought after or in great demand, which seems quite appropriate. Both versions of the font include 1252 Latin, 1250 CE (with localization for Romanian and Moldovan).
  2. Il Tempo Gigante - Unknown license
  3. P22 Il Futurismo by P22 Type Foundry, $24.95
    Italian Futurism (1908-43) was one of the 20th century's first and most influential avant garde art movements. Futurist typography sought to disrupt traditional notions of harmony, space and composition on the printed page. The bold and jarring shapes of this set faithfully recall a tumultuous era in both Italian history and Italian graphic design.
  4. Blue Rays - Personal use only
  5. ROUND - Unknown license
  6. Romantically by Abo Daniel, $13.00
    Romantically -the lovely natural signature font- It is classy, it is naturally, it is beauty signature fonts... - Fantastic 417 Ligature I was created 417 ligatures to keep this font looks naturally, al bl cl dl el fl gl hl il jl kl ll ml nl ol pl ql rl sl tl ul vl wl xl yl zl at bt ct dt et ft nt ot pt qt rt st tt ut yt all ell att ett itt ott utt alt elt ilt olt ult atl etl itl otl utl ftl attl ettl ittl ottl uttl ab bb cb eb ib jb mb nb ob sb ub abb ebb ibb obb ubb abl abh ebh ibh obh ubh abt ebt ibt obt ubt ah bh ch eh gh hh ih jh mh nh oh ph rh yh zh ahh ehh ihh ohh uhh ak ek ik kk ok rk sk uk yk zk akk cc dd ee ff mm nn oo pp ss zz am em im om um amm emm imm omm umm amb amh an en in on un ann inn anb anh ank enh inh anl enl ant ent ar er ir or ur arb arh erh irh orh urh ark arl erl url art ert fr urt ce co com ay eel iu ppl erfl Ar Br Cr Dr Er Fr Gr Hr Ir Jr Kr .............and more as you seen on presentation pictures. I am also created it for multilingual characters. àl ál âl ãl äl ål æl œl èl él êl ël ìl íl îl ïl ñl òl ól ôl õl öl ùl úl ûl ül àt át ât ãt ät åt æt ............and more as you seen on presentation pictures. - Swashes Swashes make it completed. You only need adding underscore 2x after lowercase from a to j . For example a__ - Multilingual Support Fonts include punctuations and multilingual support. Romantically is perfect for branding, photography, invitations, quotes, watermarks, advertisements, product designs, labels, and much more! I hope you really enjoy it.. Regards, Abo Daniel
  7. Decorative Tuscanian by Intellecta Design, $16.90
    a drop caps joining a barocque frame plus tuscanian caps
  8. Gradus by Brenners Template, $19.00
    Gradus is a multi-purpose typeface designed to properly mix elegance and rhythm. The balance between modern and sophisticated touches and styles can achieve the effect of harmonizing well with any device and channel. The hardness of the rigid stem of the grotesque typeface is transformed into a soft touch that organically matches words and sentences. Langages. Basic Latin. Western European, Central European, South Eastern European, South American, Oceanian, Basic Cyrillic, Ukrainian OpenTypeFeatures. Standard Ligatures : fi, ff, ffi. Discretionary Ligatures : ai, ia, il, ill, illi, ma, md, mi, mu, na, nd, ni, nu. Fractions, ss01, ss02, and more.
  9. Faktor by MacCampus, $20.00
    A sans serif headline font with full Latin plus Cyrillic character sets
  10. Cowboy Doodles by Outside the Line, $19.00
    A childhood of Westerns, a cap gun, chaps, spurs, cowboy hat and boots plus a trip to Texas was the inspiration for Cowboy Doodles. If you need a doodle font for your next roundup, rodeo or cattle drive themed invitation check out Cowboy Doodles. 29 cowboy themed illustrations plus wild, wild west lettering.
  11. Mix Teapot by Mix Fonts, $13.00
    Mix Teapot is a handwritten sans serif, short & stout. This was written on an iPad using the Poppy procreate brush from my Procreate Lettering Brush Bundle. Mix Teapot includes the following characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (plus an alternate for each) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (plus an alternate for each) 0123456789 !@$#%^&*()`~♥• +=[]:;'”,.\|/?{}<>“”‘’-–—_…©®™«»°²³¡¿₱¢€£¥½¼¾ ÁÀÂÄÃÅĂĀĄÆĆĈČÇÐĐÉÈÊËĖĒĘĜGĤÍÌÎÏIĪĮĴKŁŃÑŇ ÓÒÔÖÕØŌŐŒŔŘŚŜŠȘŞŤȚÚÙÛÜŮŰŪŲẀẂŴÝŶŸŹŽŻ áàâäãåăāąæćĉčçðđéèêëėēęĝgĥíìîïiīįĵkłńñň óòôöõøōőœŕřśŝšșşťțúùûüůűūųẁẃŵýŷÿźžż
  12. TagStarHardcore by PizzaDude.dk, $15.00
    TagStarHardcore comes with a full character set plus extra features such as wavy arrows and stuff.
  13. Goddard by Scriptorium, $12.00
    Goddard is based on some very unsual lettering by Art Nouveau period calligrapher Samuel Welo. It offers a full normal character set, plus mutliple alternate versions of every lower case character and selected upper case characters as well, plus very fancy over-and-under kerning to produce a really unique look, like nothing we've ever done before.
  14. Rejoicingly by Get Studio, $15.00
    Rejoicingly is a sweet marker handwritten font. It comes with unique lower and uppercase plus numbers, punctuation & multilingual letters.
  15. GG Dingbats by Gerald Gallo, $20.00
    Contains an assortment of ornaments from the other Gerald Gallo ornament fonts plus additional unique ornaments totaling 182 ornaments.
  16. South Wind by Ivan Rosenberg, $16.00
    South Wind Font is a handlettered font with 107 ligatures, lot of alternate characters and multilingual support. Is ideal for blog website, instagram, branding, invitations, business cards, weddings and many more. Ligatures list: ab ae al am an ar as at ax ay bb bl cc ch cl ct dd ee ef el en ep er es et ff ft gh ia ic ie il in it iu kt ll of ok ol om on oo op ot ov rr sh sl sm ss st th ts tt Af Ap As Be Dl Em Es Et Eu Ft If Is It Kt Ml Mr Ms Mt Ph Pl Pt Se Sh Sl St Us outh all alt arr ass can cus ell esl etl ett ill obl old oll oth out sim ted South Wind font also include multilingual support for Western and Central Europe. South Wind Font is a set of 542 glyphs, Upper and Lowercase characters with 107 ligatures, numerals, lot of punctuation glyphs, 3 alternates for each lowercase character and 2 alternates for each uppercase character. For access to Stylistic Alternates is required software with glyphs panel like Photoshop, llustrator, Inkscape etc. No special software is required to use Ligatures.
  17. Northport by profonts, $41.99
    Northport is a jaunty,casual and non-connecting script that comes with six styles as light, medium, bold plus italics.
  18. Divert by Little Fonts, $15.00
    Based on the outline of each character, Divert works by re-directing each outline as a single meandering stroke that moves back and forth to create a quirky yet clean typeface. The typeface contains an uppercase character set plus two lowercase character sets (one standard and one alternate) and two sets of numerals. Plus all punctuation and basic latin European accents. See glyphs for full character set.
  19. Birthstone by TypeSETit, $80.00
    The Birthstone Family is a set of fonts that are not only diverse but perfectly compatible to interchange styles in a single block of text. There are 3 precious gems: Script, Casual, and Formal. Plus for added luster, there's Bounce (both Medium and Light weights) plus a Titling font— A truncated version that includes caps and ending swashed forms. You won't believe your eyes. All 4 styles are uniquely compatible to one another, but distinctly different. See how easily the fonts may change according to the needs of the look. The Pro version contains the three main styles: Script, Casual and Formal plus the lighter weight version of Bounce. You will also have lots of Opentype feature options.
  20. SnowFont - Unknown license
  21. Woof by Outside the Line, $19.00
    Woof! A font full of the best-loved dogs plus one mutt. Distinct lines convey the character and heart of each breed.
  22. Belynos by Typomancer, $24.00
    Belynos, a simple and elegant didone. Plus a bit of triangular! Font family contains from Light to Black and suitable italic for various designs.
  23. PIXymbols ADA Signs by Page Studio Graphics, $40.00
    Signage mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, plus additional accessibility signs, in both font and EPS format in the same package.
  24. Adget Sans by wearecolt, $14.00
    Adget Sans is a modern, strong statement typeface with clean lines and big curves. Inspired by classic geometric grotesque typefaces, this sans serif typeface is perfect for adding a striking title to your portfolio or website. This set includes ten individual weight fonts plus a variable weight font, Adget Sans consists of 328 glyphs across upper and lowercase, numerals, all European characters, linked letters and ligatures plus some bouns stylistic alternative characters.
  25. Caswallon by Scriptorium, $18.00
    The original Caswallon font was based on samples of 17th century text script, featuring a decorative upper case character set with clean, basic lower case letters plus some bonus decorative ornaments to add flair to any design. The popularity of the original script style has lead us to develop a full family of associated fonts, including the recently released Caswallon Ornament set, plus the brand new Caswallon Archaic Text font and Caswallon Alternate script style.
  26. Libertad by TipoType, $24.00
    Design can do without images, but not without typefaces. Libertad is a sans-serif typeface that mixes humanist and grotesk models. It’s most interesting feature is the combination of balanced regulars with dynamic italics, which makes it a very versatile font for different uses. This typeface follows the Luc(as) de Groot’s Interpolation Theory, that’s why it has seven specially-calculated weights plus their matching italics, from thin to extra-bold. This allows it to be useful in big headlines and also small texts. It has more than 800 characters per weight and support for more than 70 languages. WARNING: This does not work with most Office suites; you only have access to R/I/B/BI. Credits: Photos by Lu-Lee.com - Web template by EleganThemes.com
  27. Heanffe by Letterara, $12.00
    Heanffe is a one-of-a-kind handwritten font with a beautiful feel. To maintain a true, hand lettered experience, this font includes the following ligatures: Alu, at, ch, dd, ee, ff, ll, oo, pp, ss, tt, ef, es, et, eth, ily, it, ith, om, ot, on, ou, ont, th, ov, ow, sh, st, ut, zz Just use your imagination, your project will become more alive and look Elegant than ever with one of the Heanffe font. Feel free to play with all the whole alternates! Heanffe also includes full set of uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals, punctuation. The font has smooth wet ink texture, so would be perfect for all designs. You can make a greeting card or a package design, or even a brand identity, craft design, any DIY project, book title, wedding invitation, identity card, packaging, Website or any purpose to make your art / design project look pretty and trendy.
  28. TecoSans by Gaslight, $20.00
    Another techno-sans with interesting compensators, inspirit by Alexander Rodchenko works. Clean, strong, ultra here and there. Plus free symbol typeface for supporting in various situation.
  29. Darbee Legend by OGJ Type Design, $35.00
    A characteristic feature of the Darbee Legend is its boxy forms and the angled (unpainted) terminals. Regular to bold plus italic and a variable font (upright).
  30. Neue Power by Power Type, $15.00
    Neue Power is a contemporary sans serif display font family in 6 weights plus 12-degree of obliques. It supports 75+ Languages (Latin Based) followed by the Grotesk typefaces, perfect for various design needs, including Branding (Identity), Logotype, Printing to On-Screen/Digital Reading, Posters, Caption, Headline, Body Text, or Captions. Neue Power Typeface will give you a nice way of aesthetic communication for your design project. Available from Light — Ultra plus obliques in a total of 12 Fonts.
  31. PIXymbols Box 'n Lines by Page Studio Graphics, $29.00
    A font with boxes, bullets, large brace segments, etc. Plus six pt. wide line segments which will generate lines in 16 weights, in any program which supports fonts.
  32. Influenza by Kenn Munk, $26.00
    Influenza, whose name means 'the flu' in a number of languages, is a fat, single weight typeface. It's a bastard typeface, each character stands alone as an independent angular structure. Some characters have stylised blackletter features, some are quasi-bitmapped, some are blends between upper and lower case. This also inspired the name since the flu virus changes every time it comes around, it's a new disease every time you have to stay home under the covers drinking hot tea.
  33. Register by Device, $29.00
    The capitals of Register share a similar construction to Morris Fuller Benton’s 1930 Bank Gothic for American Type Founders, but iron out the broader curves and add ‘ink traps’ to emphasise the machine aesthetic. Register also provides the lower case missing from Bank Gothic. Available in two main widths, each in five weights plus reweighted italics with cursively-derived letterforms, plus a bold condensed, Register has been used for the Sochi Winter Olympics, Source magazine and releases from Transient Records.
  34. Archopada by Wildan Type, $17.00
    Archopada is a modern, humanist, strong statement typeface with clean lines. Inspired by classic geometric and fun typefaces. This font perfect for adding a title to your portfolio or website, magazine, branding, id card or you can use for body text in long paragraph. This set includes 6 weight humanist with oblique. If you need fun taste, We also prepared rounded style plus 6 weight and oblique style. Archopada consists of upper and lowercase, numerals, ligatures plus some stylistic alternative characters.
  35. Snow Now by Morganismi, $12.00
    Snow Now is a frisky, frosty, and snowy font family for active winter use. It includes two text fonts plus great pictures of snowflakes, tools, sculpture, animals and more.
  36. ICR Ever East Serif by Nocturnal Workspace, $15.00
    Ever East is a stylish font that is both classic and minimal. Ever East has a regular version plus multilingual support. Includes: Letters, numbers, punctuation, multilingual support. Regular versions
  37. Symcaps Vario X1 by Deniart Systems, $20.00
    The Symcaps Vario X1 typeface is a monospaced design created to give optically symmetrical message forms. This all-caps alphabet provides two styles of capital letters plus numbers 1-0.
  38. Picaflor Handmade by RodrigoTypo, $29.00
    Picaflor Handmade is a fun handmade version with 8 styles and weights, it contains Light Regular and Bold and its 3D versions plus dingbats, perfect for fun or informal titles!
  39. De Ruyter by Trafotype, $29.00
    De Ruyter font was inspired by old and new. Old beautiful calligraphy and blackletter fonts used across the ages and new clean, simple sans-serif style fonts which may be use in many types of modern media. This typeface include 438 glyphs which cover 98% of Latin Plus languages and 94% of Latin Plus diacritics. De Ruyter include regular and italic version which will perfect works in any branding, logos, magazines, films projects, badges and headlines. The font is distributed in TrueType format including kerning.
  40. Dabi by tafleh, $10.00
    Dabi is a bold sans serif type family of three weights plus matching italics. It is suitable for logos, titles, posters, etc. Made from a compilation of all his design projects.
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