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  1. Dutch Mediaeval Pro ST by Canada Type, $49.95
    Dutch Mediaeval Pro ST is a special version of the popular Dutch Mediaeval Pro family, engineered specifically for science writing. It is equipped with SciType, a combination of additional characters and OpenType programming included in the fonts to help in typesetting science text. For more information about SciType, please consult the SciType FAQ available in the Gallery section of this page. The Dutch Mediaeval design is the historically renown one made in 1912 by S. H. de Roos. It stands out as one of the most classic Dutch text faces. This digital version comes in two weights and their italic counterparts. Aside from the SciType additions, all the fonts contain OpenType features for small caps and caps-to-small-caps, ligatures, ordinals, automatic fractions, seven kinds of figures, and a few ornaments. For details about the functionality of Dutch Mediaeval Pro ST, please consult its Access Chart PDF available in the Gallery section of this page.
  2. P22 St G Schrift by IHOF, $39.95
    P22 ST.G Shrift is a font series based on the type designs of Stefan George with an italic version designed by Colin Kahn. Stefan George (1868-1933) was a German poet who led the revolt against realism in German literature. All of his works were privately published and the typefaces that were used reflected his neo-classic and anti-industrial (progessive) aesthetics; oftentimes consisting of his own hand lettering designs. The original font was cast in 1907 by a small foundry in Germany and was used primarily for the works of George as well as other books including a monumental edition of Dante's Divine Comedy. The ST.G Shrift Fonts contained in this set are derived from 3 known variations of the original roman typeface, St.G., found in various books published in Berlin in the early 20th century. ST.G Shrift One contains the most idiosyncratic characters, while ST.G Shrift Two uses more familiar characters as well as a redesign of characters including the t and the k to be more in keeping with modern san-serif designs. The OpenType version of the roman contains both one and two and expands on them by including central European characters, small caps, and small caps titling figures. The Small Caps titling figures are derived from the first version of the typeface. Below is a features list (accessible through the type palette in Adobe programs) and their functions: ST.G Shrift Opentype Features: Small Caps: Changes Lowercase to Small Caps Titling Figures: Changes Uppercase to Titling Caps, and Small Caps to Small Caps Titling Figures Contextual Alternates: Changes Character Set to match ST.G One and changes Small Caps to Titling Small Caps Ornaments: Changes < > and ? (greater, less and bullet) to ornaments ST.G Shrift Italic is an art nouveau version of the roman. The OpenType version includes central European characters, small caps, titling caps, titling small caps and ornaments.
  3. Miedinger by Canada Type, $24.95
    Helvetica’s 50-year anniversary celebrations in 2007 were overwhelming and contagious. We saw the movie. Twice. We bought the shirts and the buttons. We dug out the homage books and re-read the hate articles. We mourned the fading non-color of an old black shirt proudly exclaiming that “HELVETICA IS NOT AN ADOBE FONT”. We took part in long conversations discussing the merits of the Swiss classic, that most sacred of typographic dreamboats, outlasting its builder and tenants to go on alone and saturate the world with the fundamental truth of its perfect logarithm. We swooned again over its subtleties (“Ah, that mermaid of an R!”). We rehashed decades-old debates about “Hakzidenz,” “improvement in mind” and “less is more.” We dutifully cursed every single one of Helvetica’s knockoffs. We breathed deeply and closed our eyes on perfect Shakti Gawain-style visualizations of David Carson hack'n'slashing Arial — using a Swiss Army knife, no less — with all the infernal post-brutality of his creative disturbance and disturbed creativity. We then sailed without hesitation into the absurdities of analyzing Helvetica’s role in globalization and upcoming world blandness (China beware! Helvetica will invade you as silently and transparently as a sheet of rice paper!). And at the end of a perfect celebratory day, we positively affirmed à la Shakti, and solemnly whispered the energy of our affirmation unto the universal mind: “We appreciate Helvetica for getting us this far. We are now ready for release and await the arrival of the next head snatcher.” The great hype of Swisspalooza '07 prompted a look at Max Miedinger, the designer of Neue Haas Grotesk (later renamed to Helvetica). Surprisingly, what little biographical information available about Miedinger indicates that he was a typography consultant and type sales rep for the Haas foundry until 1956, after which time he was a freelance graphic designer — rather than the full-time type designer most Helvetica enthusiasts presume him to have been. It was under that freelance capacity that he was commissioned to design the regular and bold weights of Neue Haas Grotesk typeface. His role in designing Helvetica was never really trumpeted until long after the typeface attained global popularity. And, again surprisingly, Miedinger designed two more typefaces that seem to have been lost to the dust of film type history. One is called Pro Arte (1954), a very condensed Playbill-like slab serif that is similar to many of its genre. The other, made in 1964, is much more interesting. Its original name was Horizontal. Here it is, lest it becomes a Haas-been, presented to you in digital form by Canada Type under the name of its original designer, Miedinger, the Helvetica King. The original film face was a simple set of bold, panoramically wide caps and figures that give off a first impression of being an ultra wide Gothic incarnation of Microgramma. Upon a second look, they are clearly more than that. This face is a quirky, very non-Akzidental take on the vernacular, mostly an exercise in geometric modularity, but also includes some unconventional solutions to typical problems (like thinning the midline strokes across the board to minimize clogging in three-storey forms). This digital version introduces four new weights, ranging from Thin to Medium, alongside the bold original. The Miedinger package comes in all popular font formats, and supports Western, Central and Eastern European languages, as well as Esperanto, Maltese, Turkish and Celtic/Welsh. A few counter-less alternates are included in the fonts.
  4. Timesquare by Campotype, $25.00
    The initial idea of timesquare typeface inspired by Helvetica when presenting the board information on a subway escalator in Time Square, Manhattan, New York. This confirms strength the legend of Helvetica is not lost amid rampant nice fonts in the site. Therefore it should not appropriate that this timesquare fonts come to rival the greatness of Helvetica. Fonts timesquare thrive (since 2008 for self used) of the basic forms of Helvetica to timesquare born in different shapes and sizes. The greatest challenge during development timesquare is both shape similarity to Helvetica directly, as well as to other fonts inspired by Helvetica. Timesquare's main characteristics are the wide character, modern touch and individually, can work well on a wide variety of applications in books, brochures and magazines as well as applications in advertising. This typeface has been developed on the Latin character sets. Hopefully useful.
  5. Dassitzt by Linotype, $29.99
    Dassitzt is a family of two typefaces, Dassitzt LT Typos and Dassitzt LT Pictos. Dassitzt LT Typos is a heavy industrial-grunge display face, with dark, even letters that appear cut out of black paper or iron. Dassitzt LT Pictos is a whimsical collection of pictograms. The figures in this font are black silhouettes that show a minimum amount of detail, but a maximum amount of expression.
  6. Stylish Classy by Azetype, $11.00
    Have you ever used a handwritten font on your design project? Have you ever felt bored or dissatisfied with its glyphs style that looks stiff and doesn't flow even doesn't really characterize the peculiarities of a handwritten font? Or fonts that don't have alternative glyphs so they look monotonous in a word or even sentence. And in the end, it makes your projects so far from your expectations, even your clients. It's so frustrating, isn't it? Just wake up from your dissatisfaction and this is your time to make a good choice for your design project. So, we have a solution to fix it. We introduce 'Stylish Classy' just for you. This is a font that really characterizes from the handwritten style. This font is crafted carefully in every its single scratch, created to look as close to a natural handwritten script so that it can create the perfect combination on each glyph. When we make this font, we really want to create a touch that is so free-flowing that it gives a natural impression on its use later. For example, if you want letter 's' that has a flow sketch with letter 't', you can find it in 'st' ligature glyph. So if you really want a so natural and flowing touch in your project, Stylish Classy Font gives you 210 Natural Ligatures ( combining of two or more letters in a glyph ), Two Alternates, and Slant Version. Stylish Classy is a fashionable handwritten script font and obviously it's so Stylish and Classy :) Stylish Classy Font offers beautiful typographic harmony for your design projects diversity e.g. logos & branding, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product designs, quotes, watermark, photography, poster design, magazine, stationery, or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image. - Included Languages support: Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Zulu. - All Natural Ligatures (210 Glyphs): Bh Cl Cr Cs Ct Cy Hy Jh Ji Kh Kl Lo My Mrs Mr Mt Si Sl Sp Sp St St1 St2 St3 Ul1 Un1 Ut1 Ul Un Ut Wh Yo aa ab ab1 ab2 ak1 all ant app arr art ask ast at at2 at3 at4 att af ah aj ak ak1 al al1 an ap ap ar av bb1 bb cc ch ck co ct dd ever ee1 ee2 ent er1 err ett ee ek el en er es et ff1 ff2 ful ff fi gg1 gh gh2 ght gn1 gf gg gh gi gl gn hh ight ill1 ill2 it's itt1 if1 ill ion ism it1 it2 ith itt ity if ii il it jj1 jj kk ll1 ll2 la lh ll most nt oll on2 on1 op1 ops or1 orr oth ous of oh ok ol om on oo op or ot ow ox oz ph pp pt rk1 rta rk rr rt sl1 sl2 sl3 ss1 ss2 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st sh si sl sp ss st the tt1 tt2 th to tt tv ty ull ure ut1 ut2 ut3 us ut ve vs wh wt yl1 yl2 yl3 you yr yr2 yl yn yr mm1 mm2 mm3 mm ms nn1 nn -Swash on pictures are not included
  7. Neue Haas Grotesk Text by Linotype, $33.99
    The original metal Neue Haas Grotesk™ would, in the late 1950s become Helvetica®. But, over the years, Helvetica would move away from its roots. Some of the features that made Neue Haas Grotesk so good were expunged or altered owing to comprimises dictated by technological changes. Christian Schwartz says Neue Haas Grotesk was originally produced for typesetting by hand in a range of sizes from 5 to 72 points, but digital Helvetica has always been one-size-fits-all, which leads to unfortunate compromises."""" Schwartz's digital revival sets the record straight, so to speak. What was lost in Neue Haas Grotesk's transition to the digital Helvetica of today, has been resurrected in this faithful digital revival. The Regular and Bold weights of Helvetica were redesigned for the Linotype machine; those alterations remained when Helvetica was adapted for phototypesetting. During the 1980s, the family was redrawn and released as Neue Helvetica. Schwartz's revival of the original Helvetica, his new Neue Haas Grotesk, comes complete with a number of Max Miedinger's alternates, including a flat-legged R. Eight display weights, from Thin to Black, plus a further three weights drawn specifically for text make this much more than a revival - it's a versatile, well-drawn grot with all the right ingredients. The Thin weight (originally requested by Bloomberg Businessweek) is very fine, very thin indeed, and reveals the true skeleton of these iconic letterforms. Available as a family of OpenType fonts with a very large Pro character set, Neue Haas Grotesk supports most Central European and many Eastern European languages.
  8. "Helveticrap" is a unique and distinctive font created by Michael Tension, an artist and designer known for his creative endeavors and contributions to the world of typography and graphic design. The...
  9. KR St Patricks Day Dings - Unknown license
  10. Casttano by Beary, $8.00
    Casttano is modern feminine font, every single letters have been carefully crafted to make your text looks beautiful. With modern script style this font will perfect for many different project ex: photography, watermark, quotes, blog header, poster, wedding, branding, logo, fashion, apparel, letter, invitation, stationery, etc. This font including alternate glyph. You can access the alternate glyph via Font Book (Mac user) or Windows Character Map (Windows user). Ligature & alternate glyph: at att bt btt ct ctt dt dtt et ett ft ftt gt gtt ht htt it itt jt jtt kt ktt lt ltt mt mtt nt ntt ot ott pt ptt qt qtt rt rtt st stt ut utt vt vtt wt wtt xt xtt yt ytt zt ztt Foreign languages support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöùúûüýÿ Thanks for looking.
  11. Folio by Linotype, $29.99
    Folio was designed by Konrad F. Bauer and Walter Baum and appeared with the Bauer font foundry (Bauersche Gießerei) in 1957. The designers based their ideas on Helvetica but Folio did not turn out to pose the competition they had hoped. The font has the same applications as Helvetica and is an extremely legible font. Folio is particularly good for text and has an objective, neutral character.
  12. Italienne by Linotype, $29.99
    Inspired by the large American wood type of the Wild West, Richard Yeend created Italienne Std in 2002. Italienne Std is both very condensed and very decorative. It sports heavy, band like serifs, reminiscent of other italienne-style fonts, like Westside. Italienne-style fonts rose in popularity during the early 19th Century, when designers were first beginning to experiment with extreme contrast within letterforms, and across lines of text. Interestingly enough, letterforms with similar designs were just as common during the 1970s as during the 1870s, so you may use Italienne Std for applications ranging from country music concerts to disco parties. Italienne Std is part of the Take Type 5 collection from Liinotype GmbH."
  13. Jam Grotesque by JAM Type Design, $25.00
    Inspired by the beautiful typefaces like Helvetica and Neue Haas Unica, this beautiful typeface looks fantastic in print as well as online.
  14. Cardboard by deFUNKT, $35.00
    This font was actually designed by trying to teach my helper-monkey, Philip, to cut Helvetica out of a piece of cardboard.
  15. Benjamin by Wilton Foundry, $29.00
    Wilton's "Benjamin-Regular" is a delightful twist on a classic - reminiscent of Franklin Gothic, Helvetica and Frutiger with it's own contemporary twist.
  16. Ned by Linotype, $29.99
    Ned Std. is part of a series of typographic experiments from the young Swiss designer Michael Parson. Using a wide, horizontal hexagonal grid, Parson created the system of letters that make up this font. Text set in Ned Regular takes on a modular, honeycomb-like appearance. For an interesting effect, try overlapping individual letters, or use a few letters together as elements in a logo. A great companion face to Ned Std. is Linotype's Hexatype Bold. Both Ned Std. and Hexatype Bold have been included in the Take Type 5 collection, along with eight further constructions from Parson."
  17. Squarish by The Type Fetish, $10.00
    Squarish could have been the Universe or Helvetica of the 1980's, if only it was designed then. Now it is just a little quirky gridded typeface.
  18. Ticketbook by Suomi, $20.00
    Univers and Helvetica Compressed are most often used for movie posters, but they lack variants. Therefore I made a compressed family with seven weights for more versatility.
  19. Undercoat by Open Window, $19.95
    Undercoat offers a gritty twist on a classic font style (Helvetica). It was completely hand painted which makes the font an organic centerpiece to any of your grungy design applications.
  20. CG Triumvirate by Monotype, $40.99
    CG Triumvirate was designed for use on the Compugraphic phototypesetting system. The CG Triumvirate font family is very similar to Helvetica, and is an ideal font choice for text and display use.
  21. Aura by Monotype, $29.99
    Aura was designed by Jackson Burke for the Linotype foundry in 1960. Aura is a sans serif display font, very similar to Helvetica Inserat. Use the Aura font for headlines and posters.
  22. Enfonix by limitype, $12.00
    Enfonix is ​​a modern sans display font suitable for the needs of logos, magazines, posters, etc. with dynamic shapes, Enfonix is ​​equipped with 3 alternative width sizes and 2 typeface shapes (Std and Pro). Enfonix is ​​also available in a monospaced style Enfonix Std: Standard form 3 alternative width variations ( Strecth Font ) uppercase and lowercase symbols & numbers multilingual Enfonix Pro: More unique and proportional typeface 3 alternative width variations ( Strecth Font ) uppercase and lowercase symbols & numbers multilingual Enfonix Mono Std: Standard form only one width variation Monospaced uppercase and lowercase symbols & numbers multilingual Enfonix Mono Pro: More unique and proportional typeface only one width variation Monospaced uppercase and lowercase symbols & numbers multilingual
  23. CartoGothic Std, created by FontSite, is a prominent typeface that embodies a blend of modernity and functionality. At its core, CartoGothic Std is a sans-serif font, known for its clean lines and un...
  24. Neue Haas Grotesk Display by Linotype, $33.99
    The first weights of Neue Haas Grotesk were designed in 1957-1958 by Max Miedinger for the Haas’sche Schriftgiesserei in Switzerland, with art direction by the company’s principal, Eduard Hoffmann. Neue Haas Grotesk was to be the answer to the British and German grotesques that had become hugely popular thanks to the success of functionalist Swiss typography. The typeface was soon revised and released as Helvetica by Linotype AG. As Neue Haas Grotesk had to be adapted to work on Linotype’s hot metal linecasters, Linotype Helvetica was in some ways a radically transformed version of the original. For instance, the matrices for Regular and Bold had to be of equal widths, and therefore the Bold was redrawn at a considerably narrower proportion. During the transition from metal to phototypesetting, Helvetica underwent additional modifications. In the 1980s Neue Helvetica was produced as a rationalized, standardized version. For Christian Schwartz, the assignment to design a digital revival of Neue Haas Grotesk was an occasion to set history straight. “Much of the warm personality of Miedinger’s shapes was lost along the way. So rather than trying to rethink Helvetica or improve on current digital versions, this was more of a restoration project: bringing Miedinger’s original Neue Haas Grotesk back to life with as much fidelity to his original shapes and spacing as possible (albeit with the addition of kerning, an expensive luxury in handset type).” Schwartz’s revival was originally commissioned in 2004 by Mark Porter for the redesign of The Guardian, but not used. Schwartz completed the family in 2010 for Richard Turley at Bloomberg Businessweek. Its thinnest weight was designed by Berton Hasebe.
  25. Paladium Gothic by BA Graphics, $45.00
    A next generation gothic with that clean legible corporate look, very simple yet very dignified. Great for text and head lines, just about any application. If you are tired of seeing Helvetica try Paladium Gothic.
  26. Linoset by Ensor Creative, $20.00
    Linoset was created from cut and printed linoleum. The lettering is based on Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold – it has been cut, printed and re-drawn to take on a completely new life – it's rough, tough and downright nasty!
  27. AdPro by Linotype, $29.99
    Roman Sehrer, a seasoned German advertising professional, digitized his handwriting to create this family of three fonts. Sehrer recommends this family for posters, logos, and restaurant menus. It works well with traditional sans serifs such as Helvetica or Univers.
  28. Impact by Microsoft Corporation, $89.00
    Geoffrey Lee designed Impact font for the Stephenson Blake foundry in 1965. The sans serif display typeface is very heavy and condensed in the grotesque style, similar to Helvetica Inserat. Use Impact font in display situations requiring a strong statement.
  29. Impact by Monotype, $40.99
    Geoffrey Lee designed Impact font for the Stephenson Blake foundry in 1965. The sans serif display typeface is very heavy and condensed in the grotesque style, similar to Helvetica Inserat. Use Impact font in display situations requiring a strong statement.
  30. Heldustry by URW Type Foundry, $35.99
    Heldustry is a sans serif design with letterforms partway between Helvetica and Eurostile. The Heldustry font family has a large x-height and wide characters, making it ideal for situations where there is not much copy but pages must be filled.
  31. Albany by Monotype, $29.99
    Albany, from Monotype Imaging, is a typeface family whose fonts have the same metrics as Arial. However, in contrast to Arial or Helvetica, Albany's letterforms are more open, with more generous apertures and counters. Also, punctuation is not square, as in Arial, but round
  32. Accolades C and C2 share the same main ornaments but differ in finishing. Accolades C uses pearls and diamonds, C2 does not. Accolades CX is an additional fitting set of borders. All fonts are available in two variations. A clean one and a distressed, grungy version (old). The layout samples from the PDF-specimen are included in the font packages and stored in InDesign CS3 format. Mostly all of the featured fonts of the specimen are available on MyFonts, too. Have a look at Secca Art Std, Secca Saloon Std, Gracia, Battista and Prillwitz.
  33. Xero by Megami Studios, $12.50
    Xero is an intentionally loose creation of a humanist font, given a Russian flair! Played rougher than its counterparts Helvetica and Arial, Xero works well for those who want to go that route but don't want the sharply defined lines of others in the humanist family.
  34. Bitmax by ITC, $29.00
    Bitmax is the work of British designer Alan Birch, who was inspired by the look of fax transmissions. He took Helvetica medium and used controlled distortions to create this commanding, high-tech style. Bitmax is best used in large display sizes for a limited number of words.
  35. Fonce Sans Pro by Ryan Ford, $10.95
    Fonce Sans Pro is a mono-weight, Swiss-style typeface with influences from great typefaces like Din, Helvetica, Interstate, and Trade Gothic. Its form is unique and sophisticated with an unmistakable Dutch style. It’s subtle and enjoyable, and works beautifully in both display and body copy.
  36. Bestlady by Dhan Studio, $19.00
    Bestlady is a romantic textured brush font suitable perfectly for invitations, brand projects, logos, greeting cards, news, product packaging, posters blogs, everything including personal charm etc. This font is alternates all lowercase,also have equipped with 69 ligatures unique and beautiful: zz yy ww vv uu tt tl th st ss sh rr qq pp oz oy ow ov ou ot os or op oo on om ol ok oj oi og of od oc ob nt nn nl ng mm lt ll lh kk is ii id hh gg ff et el ee cl ck ch cc bl bb aw at ap an am al ah af ab aa
  37. Heltar by The Northern Block, $19.30
    A modern neo-grotesque typeface. Having grown up in Sheffield and been completely immersed in the work of The Designers Republic I became very drawn to their treatment of Helvetica, especially the close tracking of the letter space. This visual investigation led me to the study of the font Hass Unica, a so called improvement to Helvetica. In order not to replicate and become a clone of Unica I redrew all the characters from scratch improving optical appearance, developing subtle corrections and reshaping individual letterforms. The result is a remixed neo-grotesque font that has strong general optical balance with great rhythm under close tracking. Details include 10 weights, an extended European character set, true italic, manually edited kerning and Euro symbol.
  38. Satiga by Sensatype Studio, $15.00
    Helovatica is a sans serif font with modern, corporate, elegant, unique and classy-look. This font crafted specials for logo design projects, ready to use on Logo, Branding, Magazine, Social Media, and Many more that needs modern touches. Helovatica is also included full set of: uppercase and lowercase letters multilingual characters numerals punctuation Wish you enjoy our font. :)
  39. Ridinger Pro by RMU, $30.00
    Based upon Riedingerschrift, cut by Franz Riedinger for Benj. Krebs Succ. in Frankfurt am Main in 1906, here come Ridinger Std and its extended version, Ridinger Pro. An elegant cursive font which also includes various adorning swash strokes.
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