California Signature is the perfect blend of Luxury and Unique. California Signature is a set of Seven modern fonts: upper and lowercase serifs and stylized script. The subtle curves of the serifs create a feminine feel. California Signature is perfect for logos, social media posts, invitations, and many other projects. It comes with multilingual support as well. These notes include: • California Signature Script Regular / Bold • Thin and realistic signature font containing 24+ ligatures and substitutes, lowercase, uppercase, all punctuation & numbers. • California Signature Serif Regular / Italic / Outline / Bold / Heavy • California Signature supports the following languages; English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Indonesian, Malay, Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Turkish, Romanian, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovak, Slovenian. I hope you enjoy this font. If you have any questions, feel free to message me :)