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  1. Poor Richard by Red Rooster Collection, $45.00
    Based on the Keystone Type Foundry design, circa 1919. The l/c ‘g’ appears as an alternate character in our font.
  2. Doggone It JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The hand lettering for the movie posters and collateral items for the 1962 film "Mondo Cane" inspired Doggone It JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions. "Mondo Cane" loosely translates into "A Dog's World", and the subject of the travelogue documentary consisted mainly of unusual cultural practices around the world that many would find perverse, depraved or shocking.
  3. Print Shop Sorts JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Another collection of various stock cuts, cartoons, embellishments, sales helpers, decorations and borders comprise Print Shop Sorts JNL, with all of the images re-drawn from vintage sources.
  4. Letterpress Nostalgics JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Classic print shop stock cuts, cartoons, embellishments and other assorted imagery are collected within Letterpress Nostalgics JNL to add "a bit of yesterday" to your print or online projects.
  5. Print Shop Treasures JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Print Shop Treasures JNL is another fun collection of nostalgic cartoons, stock cuts, corner pieces, embellishments, sales helpers and miscellany; all carefully re-drawn from examples of vintage letterpress pieces.
  6. Rigor Mortis by Comicraft, $19.00
    Here's a Collector's Item Classic for all our fiends! Sit up in your Caskets and we'll help you spin a Shocking, Suspense-filled Tale of Terror with a font Bad Bad Leroy "JG" Brown found in the Vault! Give us your grimy little dimes and come down into the Crypt with us. We call this rotten little font... RIGORMORTIS! AHAHAHHAHHHAHHHHAHA-HAH-haa... Features: Four weights (Regular, Italic, Bold & Bold Italic) with alternate uppercase characters. Includes Western and Central European international characters.
  7. Irish Penny by K-Type, $20.00
    Irish Penny is based on the lettering from Percy Metcalfe's beautiful and influential pre-decimal coinage of Ireland, the Barnyard Collection. The font is more monoline than is conventional for Irish insular styles, almost giving the feel of a modern soft sans, and perfect for small and large scale display purposes. Irish Penny contains a full complement of Latin Extended-A accented characters, Irish lenited consonants with the dot accent, and the tironian et which is commonly used in Ireland instead of an ampersand. Lowercase characters are provided small caps style, slightly reduced in size and subtly thickened in weight. The licensed font comes with a faux italic, and although obliques are not common among insular typefaces, Irish Penny Italic is a useful smart and sporty extra. Although the insular G/g is usually understood, Irish Penny also includes a more latinised option as an alternate G/g. The supplemental 'Irish Penny Alternate G' font places the latinised G and g characters at the normal G/g keystrokes, and makes the original insular glyphs the alternates. An alternate E/e with an angled crossbar is also included. The font contains a selection of discretionary ligatures, these include the ligatures that were used for pre-decimal coins: AC/ac, AE/ae, AL/al, AO/ao, AU/au, AT/at (halfpenny, half crown), AX/ax, AY/ay CA/ca, CC/cc, CE/ce, CO/co (half crown), CU/cu, CY/cy EA/ea (halfpenny, half crown), EC/ec, EE/ee, ET/et, EU/eu (sixpence), EY/ey FE/fe (farthing), FF/ff, FL/fl (florin) GI/gi (penny), GU/gu KA/ka, KE/ke, KI/ki, KO/ko, KT/kt, KU/ku LA/la, LE/le (halfpenny, half crown), LL/ll (shilling), LO/lo, LT/lt, LU/lu, LY/ly RA/ra, RC/rc, RE/re (three/sixpence), RH/rh, RI/ri (florin), RK/rk, RN/rn, RM/rm, RO/ro (half crown), RR/rr, RT/rt, RU/ru, RY/ry TA/ta, TE/te, TO/to, TU/tu NOTE - Irish Penny contains some characters that are not accessible directly from your keyboard, but which may be copied from a font viewer such as Character Map, Font Book or FontExplorer, and pasted into documents. They can also be accessed from the Glyphs browsers within OpenType-aware applications like Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, and Affinity Photo and Publisher.
  8. Hello Molarine by Zeenesia Studio, $16.00
    Hello Molarine is a calligraphic script font that comes with a lovely alternative character. mix of copper calligraphy in a handlettering style. Designed to convey an elegant style. Shocking Script is attractive because it is smooth, clean, feminine, sensual, glamorous, simple and very legible. Its classic style is very suitable to be applied to all types of formal items such as invitations, labels, menus, logos, fashion, make up, stationery, letterpresses, romantic novels, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, labels.
  9. Shining Holiday by Zeenesia Studio, $15.00
    Shining Holiday is a calligraphic script font that comes with a lovely alternative character. mix of copper calligraphy in a handlettering style. Designed to convey an elegant style. Shocking Script is attractive because it is smooth, clean, feminine, sensual, glamorous, simple and very legible. Its classic style is very suitable to be applied to all types of formal items such as invitations, labels, menus, logos, fashion, make up, stationery, letterpresses, romantic novels, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, labels.
  10. Print Partners JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The vast variety of vintage letterpress illustrations representing many different eras and art styles allows for yet another volume of cartoons, embellishments, ornaments and stock cuts contained within Print Partners JNL.
  11. Letterpress Assortment JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Border pieces, catch words, head and tail pieces and a generous amount of cartoons comprise Letterpress Assortment JNL. All of the printers' stock cuts were re-drawn from vintage source material.
  12. Letterpress Embellishments JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Letterpress Embellishments JNL is another typographic collection of assorted stock advertising cuts, ornaments, cartoons and other miscellany found within the type drawers of letterpress printers and based on vintage source material.
  13. FourJuly by Ingrimayne Type, $7.95
    FourJuly contains three patriotic fonts that might be fun to use in July. They are also very hard to read, but perhaps not as hard as the somewhat similar letters in the fonts of FlagDay. FourJuly A has square, blocky letters with star interiors. FourJuly G and FourJuly H add diagonal stripes. FourJuly G and FourJuly H can be layered on top of FourJuly A to create bicolored letters. See the example here.
  14. Graviola by Harbor Type, $30.00
    🏆 Selected for Tipos Latinos 7 with a Certificate of Excellence. With semi-rounded terminals, Graviola is soft and friendly. The family consists of 16 fonts, from Thin to Black and matching italics. While the intermediate ones are suited for body text, the extreme weights look specially beautiful at display sizes. Each font contains 530+ glyphs, supporting more than 90 languages. Stylistic sets provide alternates in two groupings (a, v, w, y and G, g, &).
  15. Alphasnail - Unknown license
  16. Type Warmers JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The name Type Warmers JNL traces its lineage to small catalog booklets issued by Indianapolis' Cobb Shinn for his line of letterpress cuts; of which a few can be found included within this typeface. Presumably type could "warm up to" these stock illustrations and work hand-in-hand to deliver the message, hence the "Type Warmers" sobriquet. Originally known for illustrating many attractive and comical postcards of the early 1900s, Shinn moved into the field of purchasing stock art and redistributing them as electrotypes or "cuts", the predecessor to today's digital clip art. A number of the cartoons he sold can be found in the Shinn Kickers JNL font.
  17. Nouveau Elegance JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The gently spurred serif hand lettering found on an advertisement for Berkshire Stockings (circa the 1920s) was the inspiration for Nouveau Elegance JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  18. Print Promoters JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Print Promoters JNL is another batch of classic dingbats re-drawn from vintage source material. This collection features stock words and phrases with a few decorative embellishments thrown in for good measure.
  19. Claridge by Monotype, $29.99
    Claridge was designed by Adrian Williams and released in 1979. The lowercase g of the Claridge font has a distinctive central join to the loop.
  20. Serious Sans by Ogentroost, $29.00
    Friendly by shape, serious by structure. Serious Sans is a font for many occasions and it includes an alternate 'a' and 'g' for primary school use.
  21. Giraffe by Fenotype, $19.00
    Giraffe is a wide and bold rounded serif in two styles. Giraffe occupies a large space and is best used as display type to convey a confident look. Giraffe comes with a set of Stylistic Alternates for letters C,G,J,R,S, a, c, f, g, r, s and $.
  22. Livia - Unknown license
  23. QuaText by LucasFonts, $39.00
    This special newstext version of TheAntiqua was developed in close collaboration with the Berlin newspaper Die Tages­zeitung (taz). Its sturdy forms were optimized for newspaper stock. This font family is currently being reworked and will be further developed with variable weights that can be adjusted to clients’ specifications.
  24. Raptor Kill - Unknown license
  25. Station 232 - Unknown license
  26. Grand Guignol by Comicraft, $19.00
    A gruesome operatic drama is about to unfold, a tragic performance of the macabre! We offer for your entertainment a series of unfortunate events full of shocks and lugubrious revelations which will chill you to the bone! We also offer you this font, which may have similar effects, including nausea, migraine, heart palpitations and stomach upset. Pretty, though, isn't it? Art Deco & Art Nouveau posters, this font pair defined the look of John's MARVEL'S FINEST book designs in the early 2000s, and Richard's comic ASK FOR MERCY in the 2020s!
  27. Peanut Gallery NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    Every type library needs a generic, comicbook-style “POW!” font, and this one is ours. Breezy, bouncy and bold, it’s the perfect choice for rock-em, sock-em headlines. Both versions of the font include 1252 Latin, 1250 CE (with localization for Romanian and Moldovan).
  28. Dummies - Unknown license
  29. KG Grace For Today by Kimberly Geswein, $5.00
    A neat, feminine handwriting with a few unique notes- the lowercase e and g, for example. This is both legible but has enough flavor to be a believable handwriting font.
  30. LudwigHohlwein - 100% free
  31. Printing Sorts JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Over 75 images from the past and present comprise Printing Sorts JNL, another dingbat font from Jeff Levine paying tribute to the days of metal type and stock cuts. A PDF file is included with the font, showcasing the special feature that allows you to create arrows in varying lengths with just a few simple keystrokes.
  32. Christmas Doodles Too by Outside the Line, $19.00
    Christmas Doodles Too is the follow up font to Christmas Doodles. More Christmas icons including a tree, fun new ornaments, a dove, gifts, pine trees, a church, drinks, sleigh, tree lights, drum, horn, Santa hat, holly, snowflakes, stockings, candy, and mistletoe. This font works well with Holiday Doodles and Holiday Doodles Too which also have Christmas icons in them.
  33. Antique Wells Expanded by Wooden Type Fonts, $15.00
    A revival of one of the popular wooden type fonts of the 19th century, suitable for text, expanded, unusual Antique, with unique features in lower case design, g, k, y, a.
  34. Sthlm graffiti - Unknown license
  35. Typesetter Treasures JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Cartoon cuts, sales builders, catchwords, mortised cuts, decorative embellishments and stock art are what comprise the images found within Typesetter Treasures JNL. Redrawn from vintage sources, these nostalgic illustrations add warmth and charm to any print or web project.
  36. Calps by Typesketchbook, $55.00
    Calps is a condensed sans serif font. An unfussy design, the font is designed to be consistent across such letters as a, b, d, q, p, g and C, G, O, Q, creating a uniformity for the set. Each corner of the line is carved to decrease its sharpness, adding a touch of friendliness. If the standard font is not sufficiently condensed, there is a slim variation offering narrower proportions. In addition to the slim variation, the font also comes in roman and italic versions in 9 weights, offering a total of 36 variations for the font.
  37. Picz JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Picz JNL is a rockin' font made up of guitar picks and is perfect for any projects representing good times. Use it moderately in short phrases or as initial caps, or combine it with Sock Hop JNL for a matching look. Limited character set.
  38. Katrina - 100% free
  39. Yzerfontein by Vic Fieger, $11.99
    Yzerfontein is an angular variation on the classic German blackletter that started with a sketch of a lowercase 'g'.
  40. Catch Words JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    In the days of wood type, suppliers offered words such as 'and', 'at', 'for', 'each' and numerous others as stock cuts called "catch words". This collection of twenty-six were re-drawn using a vintage type catalog page as a model.
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